Rhidomys venustus, Thomas, 1990

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 487

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Rhidomys venustus


604. View Plate 27: Cricetidae

Charming Climbing Rat

Rhidomys venustus

French: Rhipidomys charmant / German: Schone Neuweltklettermaus / Spanish: Rata trepadora encantadora

Other common names: Charming Climbing Mouse, Merida Rhipidomys

Taxonomy. Rhipidomys venustus Thomas, 1900 , “ Merida [Mérida]. ‘Las Vegas del Chama,’ alt. 1400 m,” Venezuela .

This species is monotypic.

Distribution. W & N Venezuela (Andes and disjunct in mountain ranges in the states of Falcon and Yaracuy and in the Cordillera de la Costa). View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 121-150 mm, tail 123-165 mm, ear 18-20 mm, hindfoot 26-30 mm; weight 41-75 g. Medium-sized rat with pelage soft and dense, bright chestnut brown on dorsum and white tipped over dark slate hair bases below. Tail is sometimes reddish rather than dark, terminating in pencil of hairs 10-15 mm long. Ears are large, well-haired, and dark. Hindfeet have welldefined dark patches over metatarsals; sides of metatarsal part and toes yellowish are white.

Habitat. Cloud forests, primary and secondary evergreen forests, and coffee plantations at elevations mostly above 2000 m. Charming Climbing Rats have been caught among forest orchids, in trees and vines, under bushes, and on rock ledges.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. Little is knwon, but one female Charming Climbing Rat had two embryos in the wet season (May-October).

Activity patterns. The Charming Climbing Rat is terrestrial and arboreal and is active at night.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List.

Bibliography. Aagaard (1982), Cassola (20169), Linares (1998), Tribe (1996, 2015).

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592. Merida Montane Mouse (Aepeomys lugens), 593. Reig’s Montane Mouse (Aepeomys reig), 594. Smoky Forest Mouse (Chilomys fumeus), 595. Colombian Forest Mouse (Chilomys instans), 596. Long-tongued Arboreal Mouse (Rhagomys longilingua), 597. Brazilian Arboreal Mouse (Rhagomys rufescens), 598. Broad-footed Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys latimanus), 599. Lesser Colombian Climbing Rat (Rhaprdomys caucensis), 600. Greater Colombian Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys similis), 601. Tawny-bellied Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys fulviventer), 602. Venezuelan Climbing Rat (Rhpidomys venezuelae), 603. Coues’s Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys couesi), 604. Charming Climbing Rat (Rhpidomys venustus), 605. Turimiquire Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys tenuicauda), 606. Wetzel’s Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys wetzeli), 607. White-footed Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys leucodactylus), 608. Albuja’s Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys albujar), 609. Splendid Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys nitela), 610. McConnell’s Tepui Climbing Rat (Rhupndomys macconnells), 611. Snethlage’s Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys emiliae), 612. Cariri Climbing Rat (Rhipudomys cariri), 613. Ipuca Climbing Rat (RhAipidomys ipukensis), 614. Lesser Peruvian Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys modicus), 615. Gardner’s Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys gardneri), 616. Yellow-bellied Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys ochrogaster), 617. Cerrado Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys macrurus), 618. Long-tailed Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys mastacalis), 619. Tribe’s Climbing Rat (RhAipidomys tribei), 620. Sky Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys itoan), 621. Southern Climbing Rat (Rhipidomys austrinus)

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Distribution. W & N Venezuela (Andes and disjunct in mountain ranges in the states of Falcon and Yaracuy and in the Cordillera de la Costa).















