Eligmodontia bolsonensis, Mares et al., 2008

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 519

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Eligmodontia bolsonensis


716. View Plate 30: Cricetidae

Bolson Gerbil Mouse

Eligmodontia bolsonensis View in CoL

French: Eligmodonte des bolsones / German: Bolson-Hochlandwiistenmaus / Spanish: Raton colilargo de bolsén

Other common names: Bolson Laucha

Taxonomy. Eligmodontia bolsonensis Mares et al., 2008 View in CoL , Establecimiento Rio Blanco, Catamarca, Argentina .

Taxonomy of E. bolsonensis 1s uncertain; it is weakly separable from parapatric E. typus . Monotypic.

Distribution. Salta and Catamarca provinces (N & W of Sierra de Ambato and Sierra de Manchao), NW Argentina , but limits still unresolved. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 73-94 mm, tail 74-105 mm, ear 15-19 mm, hindfoot 21-26 mm; weight 17-5 g (holotype). See general characters of the genus under the Hairy-footed Gerbil Mouse ( E. hirtipes ) account. The Bolson Gerbil Mouse is small and very similar to the Lowland Gerbil Mouse ( E. typus ), with tail longer than head-body length. Pelage is long and lax, very pale yellowish brown above with light ocherous buff hairs distally but grayish proximally, and dark guard hairs providing slightly darker overall appearance; underparts are immaculate white, with hairs white to bases; transition from dorsum to venter is well-defined; nose and mouth areas are surrounded by white. Whitish patches occur behind eyes, and ears have moderately developed pale postauricular patches. Forefeet and hindfeet are covered with whitish hair; soles are only slightly covered with hair. Tail is unicolored, pale white above and below, and without terminal pencil of hairs.

Habitat. Mostly arid and semiarid habitats at elevations above 1800 m. The Bolson Gerbil Mouse prefers soft, sandy soils with scarce brush vegetation.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. Reproductively active Bolson Gerbil Mice are recorded in spring (October— November), with inactive individuals sampled in March and September. Pregnant females have 4-7 embryos.

Activity patterns. No information.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Not assessed on The [UCN Red List.

Bibliography. Da Silva (2011), Lanzone et al. (2015), Mares et al. (2008).

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696. Calaca’s White-tailed Mouse (Calassomys apicalis), 697. Peruvian Vesper Mouse (Calomys sorella), 698. Short-tailed Vesper Mouse (Calomys miurus), 699. Coastal Vesper Mouse (Calomys chinchilico), 700. Arequipa Vesper Mouse (Calomys achaku), 701. Long-tailed Vesper Mouse (Calomys frida), 702. Andean Vesper Mouse (Calomys lepidus), 703. Drylands Vesper Mouse (Calomys musculinus), 704. Hummelinck’s Vesper Mouse (Calomys hummelincki), 705. Delicate Vesper Mouse (Calomys tener), 706. Small Vesper Mouse (Calomys laucha), 707. Rejected Vesper Mouse (Calomys expulsus), 708. Tocantins Vesper Mouse (Calomys tocantinsi), 709. Large Vesper Mouse (Calomys callosus), 710. Crafty Vesper Mouse (Calomys callidus), 711. Bolivian Vesper Mouse (Calomys boliviae), 712. Cordoba Vesper Mouse (Calomys venustus), 713. Cerqueira’s Vesper Mouse (Calomys cerqueirai), 714. Hairy-footed Gerbil Mouse (Eligmodontia hirtipes), 715. Andean Gerbil Mouse (Eligmodontia puerulus), 716. Bolson Gerbil Mouse (Eligmodontia bolsonensis), 717. Lowland Gerbil Mouse (Eligmodontia typus), 718. Dune Gerbil Mouse (Eligmodontia dunaris), 719. Monte Gerbil Mouse (Eligmodontia moreni), 720. Morgan’s Gerbil Mouse (Eligmodontia morgani), 721. Pale Pericote (Graomys domorum), 722. Chaco Pericote (Graomys chacoensis), 723. Otro Cerro Pericote (Graomys edithae), 724. Common Pericote (Graomys griseoflavus)

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Distribution. Salta and Catamarca provinces (N & W of Sierra de Ambato and Sierra de Manchao), NW Argentina , but limits still unresolved.

















