Phyllotis occidens, Rengifo & Pacheco, 2015

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 525

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Phyllotis occidens


731. View Plate 31: Cricetidae

Western Leaf-eared Mouse

Phyllotis occidens

French: Phyllotis occidental / German: \Westliche Blattohrmaus / Spanish: Ratén orejudo occidental

Taxonomy. Phyllotis occidens Rengifo & Pacheco, 2015 , Huarochiri, Lima, Peru.

This species is monotypic.

Distribution. Ancash to Lima depart ments, C Peru. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 106 mm, tail 115-125 mm, ear 21-24 mm, hindfoot 24-28 mm; weight 28-3-38 g. Hairs of the Western Leaf-eared Mouse are dense and long (average 13 mm over rump). Dorsal hairs are rich brown, with neutral gray bases. Venter is whitish, with short gray basal band, followed by white band; pectoral streak is present but barely conspicuous. Ears are comparatively short, with inconspicuous auricular patch. Orbicular ring is absent. Mystacial vibrissae reach posterior borders of ears when bent backward. Dorsal surface of manus is covered by fine white hair, and ungual tuft is not very dense. Metacarpal patch is absent. Pesis slender and elongates, with white hair on dorsal surface, ungualtuft is scarce, and heelis furred. Hypothenar is smaller than thenar, but both are separated by a gap. Metatarsal patch is absent. Tail is barely longer than head-body length (c.120 mm), furred, and dimly bicolored, dark above and pale neutral gray below.

Habitat. Shrubby habitats, dry scrubland, Andean scrubland, and lomas at elevations of 200-3800 m.

Food and Feeding. The Western Leaf-eared Mouse eats plant parts, insects, and seeds.

Breeding. Populations of Western Leaf-eared Mice probably can irrupt, closely tied to rainfall and showing marked seasonal reproductive activity in July-September. Pregnant females were recorded in July-October. In captivity, litters had 1-4 young, and gestation averaged 24 days.

Activity patterns. The Western Leaf-eared Mouse is terrestrial and nocturnal.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. Densities of Western Leaf-eared Mice at Lomas de Lachay National Reserve (Lima) were 0-3 ind/ha.

Status and Conservation. Not assessed on The IUCN Red List dueto its recent recognition as a species.

Bibliography. Arana et al. (2002), Cerro (2005), Musser & Carleton (2005), Pearson (1958, 1972), Pizzimenti & de Salle (1980), Ramirez & Arana (2005), Rengifo & Pacheco (2015), Steppan & Ramirez (2015), Steppan et al. (2007).

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725. Haggard’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis haggardi), 726. Andean Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis andium), 727. Peruvian Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis gerbillus), 728. Friendly Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis amicus), 729. Narrow-nasal Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis stenops), 730. Pearson’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis pearson), 731. Western Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis occidens), 732. Ancash Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis definitus), 733. Lima Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis limatus), 734. Master Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis magister), 735. Yellow-rumped Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis xanthopygus), 736. Osgood’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis osgoodi), 737. Bunch Grass Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis osilae), 738. Capricorn Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis caprinus), 739. Tucuman Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis tucumanus), 740. Walnut Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis nogalaris), 741. Darwin’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis darwinii), 742. Los Alisos Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis alisosiensis), 743. Anita’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis anitae), 744. Bonarian Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis bonariensis), 745. Wolffsohn’s Leaf-eared Mouse 1 (apecomys wolffsohni), 746. Tapecua Leaf-eared Mouse (Tapecomys primus), 747. Southern Big-eared Mouse (Loxodontomys micropus), 748. Delicate Salt Flat Mouse (Salinomys delicatus), 749. Pearson’s Chaco Mouse (Andalgalomys pearsoni), 750. Olrog’s Chaco Mouse (Andalgalomys olrogi), 751. Garlepp’s Mouse (Galenomys garleppii), 752. Painted Big-eared Mouse (Auliscomys pictus), 753. Bolivian Big-eared Mouse (Auliscomys boliviensis), 754. Andean Big-eared Mouse (Auliscomys sublimis), 755. Sumichrast’s Vesper Rat (Nyctomys sumichrasti), 756. Yucatan Vesper Rat (Otonyctomys hatti), 757. Big-eared Climbing Rat (Ototylomys phyllotis), 758. La Pera Climbing Rat (Ototylomys chiapensis), 759. Peters’s Climbing Rat (Tylomys nudicaudus), 760. Chiapan Climbing Rat (Tylomys bullaris), 761. Tumbala Climbing Rat 1 (ylomys tumbalensis), 762. Watson’s Climbing Rat (Tylomys watsoni), 763. Fulvous-bellied Climbing Rat (Tylomys fulviventer), 764. Panama Climbing Rat (Tylomys panamensis), 765. Mira Climbing Rat (Tylomys mirae)

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Distribution. Ancash to Lima depart ments, C Peru.

















