Andalgalomys olrogi, Williams & Mares, 1978

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 531

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Andalgalomys olrogi


750. View Plate 31: Cricetidae

Olrog’s Chaco Mouse

Andalgalomys olrogi View in CoL

French: Phyllotis d'Olrog / German: Olrog-Chacomaus / Spanish: Raton del Chaco de Olrog

Other common names: Olrog’s Pericote

Taxonomy. Andalgalomys olrogi Williams & Mares, 1978 View in CoL , west bank of Rio Amanao, 15 km (on route 62) W Andalgala, Catamarca, Argentina .

Andalgalomys olrogi is the type species of the genus. Andalgalomys roigi is subsumed under A. olrogi , based on karyologycal, molecular, and morphological grounds. Two subspecies recognized.

Subspecies and Distribution.


A. o. roigi Mares & Braun, 1996 — NW & WC Argentina (E Catamarca, La Rioja, W Santiago del Estero, and San Luis provinces); records from Mendoza Province need confirmation based on voucher material. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 75-113 mm, tail 85-135 mm, ear 17-23 mm, hindfoot 21-25 mm; weight 25-27 g. Dorsum of Olrog’s Chaco Mouse is yellowish brown to light brownish olive, with small whitish subauricular and post-auricular patches; venter and upper surfaces of forefeet and hindfeet are white. Tail terminates in moderate tuft, with hairs extending c¢.5 mm beyond tip. Females have three pairs of mammae, based on one female. Chromosomal complement is 2n = 60, FN = 116.

Habitat. Arid and semiarid habitats associated to Chaco and Monte biomes. Olrog’s Chaco Mouseis found in low thornscrub bordering salt flats and in disturbed Chacoan thornscrub. Type series was trapped in or near stands of creosote bush ( Larrea tridentata, Zygophyllaceae ) on fine-textured soils on the floor of the Bolson de Pipanaco, Catamarca.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. Male Olrog’s Chaco Mice with scrotal testes and one pregnant female that gave birth to five young were recorded in May.

Activity patterns. Olrog’s Chaco Mouse is nocturnal and terrestrial.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List.

Bibliography. Braun (2015), Garcia (2003) , Mares & Braun (1996), Ojeda et al. (2001), Pardifias (2016), Williams & Mares (1978).

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725. Haggard’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis haggardi), 726. Andean Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis andium), 727. Peruvian Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis gerbillus), 728. Friendly Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis amicus), 729. Narrow-nasal Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis stenops), 730. Pearson’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis pearson), 731. Western Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis occidens), 732. Ancash Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis definitus), 733. Lima Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis limatus), 734. Master Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis magister), 735. Yellow-rumped Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis xanthopygus), 736. Osgood’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis osgoodi), 737. Bunch Grass Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis osilae), 738. Capricorn Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis caprinus), 739. Tucuman Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis tucumanus), 740. Walnut Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis nogalaris), 741. Darwin’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis darwinii), 742. Los Alisos Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis alisosiensis), 743. Anita’s Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis anitae), 744. Bonarian Leaf-eared Mouse (Phyllotis bonariensis), 745. Wolffsohn’s Leaf-eared Mouse 1 (apecomys wolffsohni), 746. Tapecua Leaf-eared Mouse (Tapecomys primus), 747. Southern Big-eared Mouse (Loxodontomys micropus), 748. Delicate Salt Flat Mouse (Salinomys delicatus), 749. Pearson’s Chaco Mouse (Andalgalomys pearsoni), 750. Olrog’s Chaco Mouse (Andalgalomys olrogi), 751. Garlepp’s Mouse (Galenomys garleppii), 752. Painted Big-eared Mouse (Auliscomys pictus), 753. Bolivian Big-eared Mouse (Auliscomys boliviensis), 754. Andean Big-eared Mouse (Auliscomys sublimis), 755. Sumichrast’s Vesper Rat (Nyctomys sumichrasti), 756. Yucatan Vesper Rat (Otonyctomys hatti), 757. Big-eared Climbing Rat (Ototylomys phyllotis), 758. La Pera Climbing Rat (Ototylomys chiapensis), 759. Peters’s Climbing Rat (Tylomys nudicaudus), 760. Chiapan Climbing Rat (Tylomys bullaris), 761. Tumbala Climbing Rat 1 (ylomys tumbalensis), 762. Watson’s Climbing Rat (Tylomys watsoni), 763. Fulvous-bellied Climbing Rat (Tylomys fulviventer), 764. Panama Climbing Rat (Tylomys panamensis), 765. Mira Climbing Rat (Tylomys mirae)

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Subspecies and Distribution. A.o.olrogiWilliams&Mares,1978—NWArgentina(WCCatamarcaProvince). A. o. roigi Mares & Braun, 1996 — NW & WC Argentina (E Catamarca, La Rioja, W Santiago del Estero, and San Luis provinces); records from Mendoza Province need confirmation based on voucher material.

















