Handleyomys” alfaroi (J. A. Allen, 1891)

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 427

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Handleyomys” alfaroi


417. View Plate 20: Cricetidae

Alfaro’s Rice Rat

Handleyomys” alfaroi View in CoL

French: Oryzomys dAlfaro / German: Alfaro-Reisratte / Spanish: Rata arrocera de Alfaro

Other common names: Alfaro’s Oryzomys

Taxonomy. Hesperomys (Oryzomys) alfaroi J. A. Allen, 1891 , San Carlos, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica.

Several forms have been subsumed under alfaror including gracilis , palatinus, incertus, palmirae, dariensis, intagensis, gloriaensis, and agrestis . Most of them were proposed originally as subspecies of alfaroi , but comprehensive taxonomic revision is needed to clarify a rationale trinomial classification. Monotypic.

Distribution. E & S Mexico through Middle America to NW Colombia and SW Ecuador. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 90-106 mm, tail 89-101 mm, ear 14-17 mm, hindfoot 25-28 mm; weight 20-32 g. Alfaro’s Rice Rat is a small-sized species of “ Handleyomys ,” characterized by dull yellow-brown to dark reddish brown dorsum;sides are ocherous to orangish; and venteris grayish white. Furis short (less than 5 mm); ears are usually thinly lined with blackish or orangish hair, sometimes appearing almost hairless. Tail is uniformly dark or weakly bicolored over proximal one-half and then dark to tip. Chromosomal complement is 2n = 60, FN = 104.

Habitat. Evergreen forests from near sea level to elevations of ¢.2500 m. In Costa Rica, Alfaro’s Rice Rat is found on heavily forested mountain slopes in the humid lower tropical zone. Nicaraguan captures came from diverse habitats, including grasslands, woodlands, and along rivers.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. Two pregnant Alfaro’s Rice Rats had three and five embryos; one of them was recorded in March.

Activity patterns. Alfaro’s Rice Rat is nocturnal and terrestrial.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List.

Bibliography. Goldman (1918a), Haiduk et al. (1979), Hall & Kelson (1959), Jones & Engstrom (1986), Musser & Carleton (2005), Timm, Matson et al. (2016), Weksler (2015a).

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353. Bogota Grass Mouse (Neomicroxus bogotensts), 354. Ecuadorean Grass Mouse (Neomucroxus latebricola), 355. Altiplano Chinchilla Mouse (Chinchillula sahamae), 356. Small Red-nosed Tree Mouse (Juliomys pictipes), 357. Delicate Red-nosed Tree Mouse (Juliomys ossitenuis), 358. Montane Red-rumped Tree Mouse (Juliomys rimofrons), 359. Araucaria Forest Tree Mouse (Juliomys ximenezi), 360. Ruschi’s Spiny Mouse (Abrawayaomys ruschii), 361. Chebez’s Spiny Mouse (Abrawayaomys chebezi), 362. Montane Atlantic Forest Rat (Delomys altimontanus), 363. Pallid Atlantic Forest Rat (Delomys sublineatus), 364. Striped Atlantic Forest Rat (Delomys dorsalis), 365. North-western Conyrat (Reithrodon caurinus), 366. Naked-soled Conyrat (Reithrodon typicus), 367. Hairy-soled Conyrat (Reithrodon awritus), 368. Short-tailed Cane Mouse (Zygodontomys brevicauda), 369. Colombian Cane Mouse (Zygodontomys brunneus), 370. Ucayali South American Spiny Mouse (Scolomys ucayalensts), 371. Gray South American Spiny Mouse (Scolomys melanops), 372. Boquete Rice Rat (Nephelomys devius), 373. Santa Marta Rice Rat (Nephelomys maculiventer), 374. Mount Pirre Rice Rat (Nephelomys pirrensis), 375. Western Colombian Rice Rat (Nephelomys pectoralis), 376. Coastal Cordilleran Rice Rat (Nephelomys caracolus), 377. Merida Rice Rat (Nephelomys meridensis), 378. Child’s Rice Rat (Nephelomys childi), 379. White-throated Rice Rat (Nephelomys albigularis), 380. Greater Golden-bellied Rice Rat (Nephelomys aurirventer), 381. Gray-bellied Rice Rat (Nephelomys moerex), 382. Lesser Golden-bellied Rice Rat (Nephelomys nimbosus), 383. Keays’s Rice Rat (Nephelomys keaysi), 384. Nimble-footed Rice Rat (Nephelomys levipes), 385. Hammond's Rice Rat (Mindomys hammondi), 386. White-bellied Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys bicolor), 387. Yellow Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys flavicans), 388. Savanna Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys speciosus), 389. Long-furred Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys trinitatis), 390. Robert's Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys robert), 391. Unicolored Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys concolor), 392. Guianan Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys awyantepui), 393. King Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys rex), 394. Red Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys rutilus), 395. Brazilian Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys paricola), 396. Foothill Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys superans), 397. Dusky Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys phaeotis), 398. Mamore Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys mamorae), 399. Anderson’s Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys sydandersoni), 400. Franciscos’ Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys franciscorum), 401. Atlantic Forest Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys catherinae), 402. Cleber’s Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys cleber), 403. McConnell’s Rice Rat (Euryoryzomys macconnelli), 404. Emmons’s Rice Rat (Euryoryzomys emmonsae), 405. Big-headed Rice Rat (Euryoryzomys legatus), 406. Russet Rice Rat (Euryoryzomys russatus), 407. Bufty-sided Rice Rat (Euryoryzomys lamia), 408. Elegant Rice Rat (Euryoryzomys nitidus), 409. Long-whiskered Rice Rat (Transandinomys bolivaris), 410. Talamancan Rice Rat (Transandinomys talamancae), 411. Long-nosed Rice Rat “ Handleyomys (™ rostratus), 412. Chapman’s Rice Rat “ Handleyomys (” chapman), 413. Black-eared Rice Rat “ Handleyomys (™ melanotis), 414. Guerrero Rice Rat “ Handleyomys (™ guerrerensis), 415. Cloud Forest Rice Rat “ Handleyomys (” saturatior), 416. Highland Rice Rat “ Handleyomys (” rhabdops), 417. Alfaro’s Rice Rat “ Handleyomys (” alfaroi), 418. Colombian Western Andes Cloud Forest Mouse (Handleyomys fuscatus), 419. Colombian Central Andes Cloud Forest Mouse (Handleyomys intectus)

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Distribution. E & S Mexico through Middle America to NW Colombia and SW Ecuador.













