Ichthyomys pittieri, Handley & Mondolfi, 1963

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 407

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Ichthyomys pittieri


345. View Plate 19: Cricetidae

Pittier’s Crab-eating Rat

Ichthyomys pittieri View in CoL

French: Ichthyomys de Pittier / German: PittierKrabbenratte / Spanish: Rata cangrejera de Pittier

Other common names: Pittier’s Ichthyomyine

Taxonomy. Ichthyomys pittieri Handley & Mondolfi, 1963 View in CoL , near the head of the Rio Limon, Parque Nacional de Rancho Grande, Aragua, Venezuela.

This species is monotypic.

Distribution. Scattered localities in the Cordillera Central, N Venezuela. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head—body 95-175 mm, tail 80-145 mm, ear 6-12 mm, hindfoot 23-30 mm; weight 38-147 g. Dorsum of Pittier’s Crab-eating Rat is dense, short, and glossy brownish gray. Venter has silver base hairs, gray middle, and white distal part. Mystical vibrissae are long and thick. There are small membranes in the second, third, and fourth digits of hindlegs, with short hairs on dorsal and lateral parts. Tail is unicolored, dark brown, thick, and hairy; distal part and hairs are white.

Habitat. Along small streams or drainage canals in montane cloud forest at elevations of 700-1750 m.

Food and Feeding. Pittier’s Crab-eating Rat eats crabs and aquatic insects.

Breeding. An old Pittier’s Crab-eating Rat had four embryos at the end ofJuly.

Activity patterns. Pittier’s Crab-eating Rat is nocturnal and semi-aquatic.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Vulnerable on The IUCN Red List. Pittier’s Crabeating Rat has restricted distribution of ¢.5500 km? in an area threatened by deforestation, cattle grazing, and agriculture. Quality and extent of habitat outside protected areas continues to decline. Due to continuing development in its distribution, the species will soon be exposed to water contamination and pollution.

Bibliography. Aguilera & Ochoa (2008), Garcia, Machado et al. (2012) , Handley & Mondolfi (1963), Voss (1988, 2015b).

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321. Groove-toothed Cotton Rat (Sigmodon alstoni), 322. Ecuadorean Cotton Rat (Sigmodon inopinatus), 323. Peruvian Cotton Rat (Sigmodon peruanus), 324. White-eared Cotton Rat (Sigmodon leucotis), 325. Tawny-bellied Cotton Rat (Sigmodon fulviventer), 326. Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat (Sigmodon ochrognathus), 327. Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus), 328. West Mexican Cotton Rat (Sigmodon mascotensis), 329. Arizona Cotton Rat (Sigmodon arizonae), 330. Toltec Cotton Rat (Sigmodon toltecus), 331. Allen’s Cotton Rat (Sigmodon alleni), 332. Burmeister’s Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hirsutus), 333. Montane Cotton Rat (Sigmodon zanjonensis), 334. Miahuatlan Cotton Rat (Sigmodon planifrons), 335. Musso’s Fish-eating Rat (Neusticomys mussoi), 336. Montane Fish-eating Rat (Neusticomys monticolus), 337. Voss’s Fish-eating Rat (Neusticomys vossi), 338. Venezuelan Fish-eating Rat (Neusticomys venezuelae), 339. Guianan Fish-eating Rat (Neusticomys oyapocki), 340. Ferreira’s Fish-eating Rat (Neusticomys ferreirai), 341. Peruvian Fish-eating Rat (Neusticomys peruviensis), 342. Northern Andean Water Mouse (Chibchanomys trichotis), 343. Orces’s Andean Water Mouse (Chibchanomys orcesi), 344. Earless Water Mouse (Anotomys leander), 345. Pittier’s Crab-eating Rat (Ichthyomys pittieri), 346. Common Crab-eating Rat (Ichthyomys hydrobates), 347. Tweedy’s Crab-eating Rat (Ichthyomys tweedii), 348. Stolzmann’s Crab-eating Rat (Ichthyomys stolzmanni), 349. Goldman's Water Mouse (Rheomys raptor), 350. Thomas's Water Mouse (Rheomys thomasi), 351. Underwood’s Water Mouse (Rheomys underwoodi), 352. Mexican Water Mouse (Rheomys mexicanus)

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Distribution. Scattered localities in the Cordillera Central, N Venezuela.















