Neacomys vargasllosai, Hurtado & Pacheco, 2017

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 439

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Neacomys vargasllosai


455. View Plate 22: Cricetidae

Vargas Llosa’s Bristly Mouse

Neacomys vargasllosai

French: Néacomys de Vargas Llosa / German: Vargas-Llosa-Stachelreisratte / Spanish: Raton erizado de Vargas Llosa

Taxonomy. Neacomys vargasllosa: Hurtado & Pacheco, 2017 , Yanahuaya, Sandia, Puno, Peru.

This species is monotypic.

Distribution. S Peru (Puno Department) to C Bolivia (W Santa Cruz Department). View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 76-98 mm, tail 79-118 mm, ear 12-16 mm, hindfoot 21-25 mm; weight 16-5-31 g. Dorsum of Vargas Llosa’s Bristly Mouse is dark brown; soft hairs are dark brown, with pale orange tips; and flanks are yellowish orange. Venter hairs are dull white, with gray bases. Genal vibrissae do not extend beyond posterior margin of pinnae when bent. Mystacial and superciliary vibrissae extend beyond posterior margin of pinnae when bent; interramal are inserted on basal protuberances. Ungual manus tufts extend slightly beyond claws. Small metacarpal patch is between second and third digits. Hindfeet are almost twice forefeet length. Ungual pedal tufts overlap claws. Metatarsal patch is absent. Plantar squamation is restricted to pad region. Tail is ¢.40% longer than head-body length, bicolored with black hairs above and cover by 1-2-5 scales and whitish hairs below and cover by 1-5-3 scales.

Habitat. Montane forests, with some large and straight trees 15 m high and c.0-5 m in diameter, lianas covered with epiphytes and mosses, and abundant herbaceous ground cover, abundant humus, and stony areas,at elevations up to 1985 m.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. Adult male Vargas Llosa’s Bristly Mice with scrotal testes were found in May; females had perforated and non-perforated vagina, but none were pregnant or lactating.

Activity patterns. Vargas Llosa’s Bristly Mouse is terrestrial.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Not assessed on The [UCN Red Lust.

Bibliography. Hurtado & Pacheco (2017), Pacheco et al. (2011), Patton et al. (2000), Thomas (1901a).

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420. Western Amazonian Rice Rat (Hylaeamys perenensis), 421. Yungas Rice Rat (Hylaeamys yunganus), 422. Azara’s Rice Rat (Hylaeamys megacephalus), 423. Tate’s Rice Rat (Hylaeamys tatei), 424. Sowbug Rice Rat (Hylaeamys oniscus), 425. Bolivian Rice Rat (Hylaeamys acritus), 426. Atlantic Forest Rice Rat (Hylaeamys laticeps), 427. Fulvous Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys fulvescens), 428. Costa Rican Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys costaricensis), 429. Sprightly Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys vegetus), 430. Delicate Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys delicatus), 431. Grayish Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys griseolus), 432. Hairy Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys messorius), 433. Tschudi’s Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys destructor), 434. Sandy Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys arenalis), 435. Andean Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys andinus), 436. Small-eared Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys macrotis), 437. Utiariti Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys utiaritensis), 438. Straw-colored Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys stramineus), 439. Mato Grosso Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys mattogrossae), 440. Moojen’s Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys moojeni), 441. Highlands Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys rupestris), 442. Black-footed Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys nigripes), 443. San Javier's Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys brendae), 444. Chacoan Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys chacoensts), 445. Fornes’s Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys fornest), 446. Yellow Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys flavescens), 447. Long-tailed Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys longicaudatus), 448. Painted Bristly Mouse (Neacomys pictus), 449. Narrow-footed Bristly Mouse (Neacomys tenuipes), 450. Guianan Bristly Mouse (Neacomys guianae), 451. Paracou Bristly Mouse (Neacomys paracou), 452. Dubost’s Bristly Mouse (Neacomys dubosti), 453. Large Bristly Mouse (Neacomys spinosus), 454. Pleasant Bristly Mouse (Neacomys amoenus), 455. Vargas Llosa’s Bristly Mouse (Neacomys vargasllosai), 456. Minute Bristly Mouse (Neacomys minutus), 457. Musser’s Bristly Mouse (Neacomys musseri)

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Distribution. S Peru (Puno Department) to C Bolivia (W Santa Cruz Department).















