Ariasa maryannae, Sanborn, 2016

Sanborn, Allen F., 2016, Five new species, a new genus and a new record of cicadas from French Guiana with four new combinations and three new synonymies (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadoidea, Cicadidae), Zoosystema 38 (2), pp. 177-199 : 180-183

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Felipe (2021-08-03 02:24:38, last updated 2024-11-26 22:14:37)

scientific name

Ariasa maryannae

sp. nov.

Ariasa maryannae View in CoL n. sp.

( Fig. 3 View FIG )

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. “ FRENCH GUIANA / Piste d’Apatou pk 25 , Commune de / Saint-Laurent, 06-VIII-2013 / Automatic Luminating trap / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane leg.” ♂ MNHN- EH-23002 . Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 7 ♂ and ♀ (coll. AFSC); “ FRENCH GUIANA / Piste d’Apatou pk 25 , Commune de / Saint- Laurent, 11-VIII-2013 / Automatic Luminating trap / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane leg.” ♂ (coll. AFSC); “ Fr. Guyana ” ♀ (coll. AFSC); “ FRENCH GUIANA / STM Mont Saint Marcel de la / Haute- Camopi , (inselberg), / N 2°23’03.00” O 53°00’37.00”, altitude / 635m, Commune de Camopi, 23-IX-2014 / Automatic Luminating trap / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane leg.” ♀ (coll. AFSC); GoogleMaps “ FRENCH GUIANA / STM Mont Saint Marcel de la / Haute-Camopi , (inselberg), / N 2°23’03.00” O 53°00’37.00”, altitude / 635m, Commune de Camopi, 25-IX-2014 / Automatic Luminating trap / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane leg.” ♀ (coll. AFSC). GoogleMaps

ETYMOLOGY. — The species is named in honor of my mother Mary Ann Sanborn for unending support, assistance in the field and logistical support for my work on cicadas that resulted in several publications.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — “ FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne des Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / 15-X-2012 / Soc. Ent. Antilles- Guyane coll.” ♀ (coll. AFSC). This specimen is teneral so it was not included in the type series.

MEASUREMENTS (MM). — N = 9 ♂ or 4 ♀, mean (range). Length of body: ♂ 31.36 (29.5-34.8), ♀ 30.95 (29.9-30.2); length of fore wing: ♂ 41.82 (39.8-43.9), ♀ 44.28 (43.1-44.8); width of fore wing: ♂ 12.12 (11.6-12.5), ♀ 12.43 (12.0-12.7); length of head: ♂ 5.18 (4.8-5.4), ♀ 5.23 (5.1-5.4); width of head including eyes: ♂ 12.62 (12.3-13.0), ♀ 12.73 (12.3-13.1); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: ♂ 12.22 (11.6-12.7), ♀ 12.20 (11.6-12.3); width of mesonotum: ♂ 10.37 (10.0-11.0), ♀ 10.55 (10.1-10.8).

DIAGNOSIS. — The lateral red abdomen promptly distinguishes A. nigrorufa ( Walker, 1850) from the new species. The green and brown body and the white pubescent spots lateral to the genitalia simply distinguish A. alboapicata ( Distant, 1905) from the new species. Although A. diupsilon ( Walker, 1850) has a general appearance similar to the new species, it is significantly smaller (19 mm for the female type vs 28-33 mm body length for females of the new species) and lacks the black in the basal cell of the fore wing. The smaller body size (19 mm) and lack of marking in the fore wing basal cell promptly distinguish A. urens ( Walker, 1852) . The lateral ochraceous areas of the abdomen, ochraceous pronotal collar and costal margin distinguish A. arechavaletae (Berg, 1884) from the new species. The white basal area of the hind wings and unicolorous dorsal abdominal segments are unique to A. albiplica (Walker, 1858) . The black basal areas of the fore wing and hind wing, black mesothorax, and black arch across the dorsal abdomen distinguish A. nigrovittata Distant, 1905 from the new species. The more narrow body, green marked with tawny coloration, and the primarily tawny abdominal tergites promptly distinguish A. marginata ( Olivier, 1790) from the new species.

The new species is most similar in general appearance to A. bilaqueata ( Uhler, 1903) , A. colombiae ( Distant, 1892) , A. egregia ( Uhler, 1903) n. comb., and A. russelli n. sp. Both A. colombiae and A. russelli n. sp. have black abdominal segments with a tawny posterior margin rather than the more elaborate, variegated abdominal coloration with pile that gives the appearance of an arch across the abdominal tergites in the new species. The most similar species in general appearance are A. bilaqueata ( Uhler, 1903) and A. egregia ( Uhler, 1903) n. comb. as both species have similar variegated dorsal abdominal markings. The basal membrane of the fore wing is, respectively, heavily marked with black or white marked with brown in A. bilaqueata and A. egregia and the plaga of the hind wing is marked with brown in these species while the fore wing basal membrane is light blue marked with brown and the hind wing plaga is white in the new species. The new species is marked with black on the posterior of the lateral angle of the pronotal collar and the abdominal sternite markings cross the midline both of which are missing in A. bilaqueata and A. egregia . Finally, the uncus of A. bilaqueata is sinuate on the ventral surface and the uncus of A. egregia is smoothly arched on the ventral side with a slight concavity forming a more globate posterior terminus and the basal lobes of the pygofer are rounded on their terminus in both of these species while the uncus has an extension at the angle on the ventral side (the lighter area in Fig. 3F View FIG ) and the terminus of the basal lobes of the pygofer is straight in the new species.

DISTRIBUTION. — The species is known only from the type series collected in French Guiana.


General coloration

Ground color of head and thorax castaneous marked with black, abdomen black marked with tawny.


Head wider than mesonotum with arching black transverse mark from anterior vertex posterior to supra-antennal plate surrounding ocelli extending anteriorly on either side of midline to frontoclypeal suture and posterolaterally into anterior and posterior cranial depressions. Supra-antennal plate tawny with black spot on anteromedial margin with postclypeus, ovoid tawny mark on anterior vertex. Eye surrounded by black and small black spot along posterior margin between posterior cranial depression and eye. Covered with short golden pile dorsally, longer silvery pile posterior to eye. Ocelli golden, eyes darker. Ventral head ground color, black mark surrounding eye extending medially to supra-antennal plate. Lorum black, gena black anteriorly, tawny between postclypeus, anterior lorum and black mark surrounding eye, black replacing most tawny area in some paratypes. Long white pile on lorum and gena. Postclypeus centrally sulcate, with eleven transverse grooves, castaneous dorsal surface, black extending into transverse groove and along postrior sulcus, tawny ovoid spot on ventral midline near apex extending onto dorsal side in some paratypes, black on lateral margins with anteclypeus. Short white pile in transverse grooves, more dense on lateral postclypeus. Anteclypeus black with tawny mark on anterior midline covered with short golden and white pile. Mentum tawny, labium castaneous with piceous tip reaching to anterior abdominal sternite II. Antennae black except tawny annulus on distal scape.


Dorsal thorax ground color. Pronotum with black mark on either side of midline expanding anteriorly and posteriorly, black within fissures, mark in paramedian fissure extending posteriorly onto disc from middle of fissure and tawny midline and anterior margin. Pronotal collar tawny mottled with green, black marks on margin of lateral angle and dorsolateral posterior margin, with dense silvery pile laterally and short black setae radiating from lateral margin. Mesonotum castaneous, lighter surrounding sigillae, cruciform elevation tawny, wing groove tawny laterally and posteriorly, black on anterior and anteromedial lateral sigilla, submedian sigilla, disc between parapsidal sutures and scutal depressions, scutal depression, mark across anterior portion of anterior arm of cruciform elevation, and posterior mesonotum. Posterior black mark extending onto disc along median lateral sigilla or along lateral margin in some paratypes. Metanotum tawny with black transverse mark. White pubescent spot on anterolateral margin. Long, dense silvery pile on mesonotum, more dense on lateral and posterior mesonotum, in wing groove, between arms of cruciform elevation, and on posterior metanotum. Ventral thoracic segments dusted with white pubescence, ground color except black basisternum 2, episternum 2, basisternum 3, medial trochantin 3, and meron 2 and tawny anepisternum 2, medial katepisternum 2 and trochantin 2. Black reduced or absent and tawny more expansive in some paratypes. Ventral segments with long white pile.


Fore wings and hind wings hyaline with eight and six apical cells respectively. Venation tawny proximally, castaneous in some paratypes, becoming black distally. Basal cell, elongate spot on proximal costal margin, spot on proximal cubitus posterior + anal vein 1, and posterior to anal vein 2 + 3 black, basal cell not completely black in some paratypes. Pterostigma to proximal apical cell 1, infuscation on posteroproximal cubital cell and proximal clavus. Basal membrane of fore wing greenish, black distally.Venation of hind wing similary colored except green median veins, cubitus posterior, and anal vein 1. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, proximal anal cell 1, and proximal cubital cell 2 grayish-green.


Legs ground color, lighter anteriorly, with greenish tawny distal coxa, trochanters, femora and proximal tibiae, middle trochanters black, middle femur greenish on proximal third, hind tibia greenish with castaneous distal end. Greenish areas tawny or bluish-green in some paratypes. Fore femora with proximal spine oblique, secondary spine largest and upright and small tertiary spine, all within a black fascia. Distal femora and tibiae marked with darker green.Tarsi black with castaneous distal end, hind tarsi green in middle, pretarsal claws castaneous with piceous tips.Tibial spurs and comb castaneous.


Male operculum triangular with smoothly rounded posterolateral margin, reaching to anterior of sternite II, tawny, greenish in some paratypes, with a black base. Medial margin extending to median meracanthus. Meracanthus pointed, tawny with a black base. Female operculum with rounded posterolateral margin, terminating medially at meracanthus reaching to anterior of sternite II, tawny with a black base. Female meracanthus almost twice as long as operculum, tawny with a black base. Opercula covered with white pubescence and long silvery pile radiating from edge.


Abdomen ground color covered with long silvery pile.Tergites black with tawny on posterior tergite 2 posterior to timbal and timbal cover, entire posterior of tergite 3, posterior of tergite 4 except black extension to posterior margin on dorsolateral surface, middle half of posterior tergite 5, posterior tergite 6, lateral posterior tergite 7, and medial tergite 8, the tawny marks forming a black arch on the dorsal tergites.Female abdominal segment 9 tawny with black dorsolateral surfaces with dense, long, golden pile. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 sinuate, dense dark testaceous spines on either side of ovipositor on posterior ventral margin. Sternite I black, sternite II black with tawny area on posterolateral margin, sternites III-VI castaneous with tawny posterior margin, sternite VII castaneous with posterilateral tawny spots, and sternite VIII tawny with castaneous extended pyramidal anteromedial mark and lateral spots. Female sternite VII with sinuate posterior margin and medial notch, black extending to posterior margin enclosing notch. Sternites and epipleurites dusted with white pubescence, more dense laterally, and long silvery pile. Timbal cover incomplete exposing timbal dorsally, anterior margin of tergite 2 curled posteriorly with long silvery pile, curved at dorsal base, ventral margin straight.


Male. Pygofer black medially, castaneous laterally, and tawny between pygofer basal lobes, with rounded distal shoulder dorsal beak not reaching to anal styles, with long silvery pile distally. Pygofer basal lobe elongate, flattened laterally, apex turned, terminus straight, short golden pile radiating medially. Anal styles castaneous, anal tube tawny. Median uncus lobe expanding distally, black, flattened laterally with a dorsal extension at the terminus, ventral side with tawny extension where it joins with lateral uncus lobes, golden pile radiating dorsally. Lateral uncus lobes black, curving under median uncus lobes, bulbous extension laterally with radiating golden pile. Aedeagus tawny at base becoming ochraceous distally.

Female. Gonapophyses VIII and IX tawny. Gonocoxites IX and X black extending beyond dorsal beak with radiating golden pile. Anal styles castaneous or black.

DISTANT W. L. 1892. - On some undescribed Cicadidae, with synonymical notes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 10: 54 - 67.

DISTANT W. L. 1905. - Rhynchotal notes XXX. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 15: 304 - 319.

OLIVIER G. A. 1790. - Cigale, Cicada. Encyclopedie methodique, Histoire naturelle, Insectes 5: 735 - 760.

UHLER P. R. 1903. - Enumeration of the Cicadidae of Brazil in the collection of Mr. Herbert H. Smith. Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Sciences 2: 1 - 17.

WALKER F. 1850. - List of the Specimens of Homopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum Trustees, London, 260 p.

WALKER F. 1852. - Supplement. List of the Specimens of Homopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum 4: 1119 - 1188.

Gallery Image

FIG. 3. — Ariasa maryannae n. sp.: A, holotype ♂ and paratype ♀ habitus; B, holotype ♂ dorsum; C, holotype ♂ timbal cover; D, paratype ♂ operculum. E, paratype ♀ operculum; F, holotype ♂ lateral view of genitalia; G, holotype ♂ posterior view of genitalia; H, paratype ♀ lateral view of genitalia; I, paratype ♀ ventral view of genitalia. Scale bars: A, 2 cm; B, 5 mm; C-E, 2 mm; F-I, 1 mm.





















