Tillicera tonkinensis Gerstmeier & Bernhard, 2010

Gerstmeier, Roland & Bernhard, Nadine, 2010, Revision of the genus Tillicera Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Clerinae), Zootaxa 2359 (1), pp. 1-34 : 32-33

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scientific name

Tillicera tonkinensis Gerstmeier & Bernhard

sp. nov.

Tillicera tonkinensis Gerstmeier & Bernhard n. sp.

( Figs. 17 View FIGURES 13–17 , 43–44 View FIGURE 43 )

Specimens examined: Holotype: ♂. N-Vietnam, Tonkin, Cuc-Phuong NP 2.- 12.5.1991, leg. E. Jendek, coll. R. Gerstmeier ( RGCM).

Paratypes: Tonkin,(Coll. Ph Francois), Coll. L. Bedel 1922 (1 ex., MNHN) ; Vietnam, Tam dao, 27.5.– 2.6.1986, Vinh phu prov., lgt. J. Rybnícek (1 ex., RGCM) .

Length: 10mm (3 specimens).

Collecting period: May.

Head: Black, anterior part of clypeus, labrum and palpi brown, posterior part of clypeus brown to black; distributed with fine and diffuse punctation; cranium vested with short, erect, golden setae; head including eyes slightly broader than anterior width of pronotum.

Antennae: Dark brown to black, A1 to A2 or A3 paler, predominantly vested with brown, depressed setae; antennomeres triangularly dilated from A4 onwards, A10 broader than long or as long as wide.

Pronotum: Unicoloured red-brown to brown or black anterior to transverse depression; surface finely and diffusely punctate, coarser behind transverse depression; vested with anteriorly directed, short, erect, golden and dark setae; length:width ratio 1.07:1 (broadest at middle).

Scutellum: Brown, finely punctate, vested with golden setae.

Elytra: Black, base red-brown to brown, basal third with a yellowish pigmented transverse fascia, vested with dense, depressed, golden setae, apical third with a pale pigmented transverse fascia, vested with dense, depressed, golden setae, not reaching the lateral margin; basal half regularly and deeply punctate, punctation extending towards posterior transverse fascia, punctations bearing tubercles, diameter of punctures larger than interstices, apex densely and finely punctate; basal red-brown part with erect, golden and dark setae and shorter, depressed, golden setae, middle part with posteriorly directed and semi-decumbent, dark setae, apex longer golden and dark setae; length:width ratio 2.04:1.

Legs: Brown, femora paler, but sometimes with a dark stripe, with erect, golden setae; tibiae with longitudinal carina.

Ventral surface: Abdomen black to brown, thorax brown, with pale, depressed setae.

Aedeagus: Very long and narrow, without tooth-like structures distinct (even when viewed at 500x magnification).

Distribution: Vietnam.

Etymology: Named after its region of occurrence; Tonkin is the former term for North Vietnam.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle













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