Chalcovietnamicus marusiki Yu, Maddison & Zhang, 2023

Yu, Kun, Hoang, Quang Duy, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2023, Review of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991, with description of four new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5336 (4), pp. 451-480 : 461-466

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Chalcovietnamicus marusiki Yu, Maddison & Zhang

sp. nov.

Chalcovietnamicus marusiki Yu, Maddison & Zhang , sp. nov. (ḚDZffiḋff)

Figs 41–59 View FIGURES 41–46 View FIGURES 47–55 View FIGURES 56–59 , 66–69 View FIGURES 60–69 , 143 View FIGURES 141–146

Type material. Holotype: ♁ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL410 ), MALAYSIA: Sarawak, Mulu National Park, Summit Trail near Camp 1, 4.0478– 4.0480°N, 114.8615– 114.8616°E, 170–200 m elev., 22 March 2012, leg. E.K. Piascik, A. Ang, & L. Andyson, WPM#12-074. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 1♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL412 ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; MALAYSIA: 1♁ 2♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL409 ), Sarawak, Mulu National Park, Summit Trail near Camp 1, 4.0489– 4.0491°N, 114.8601– 114.8606°E, 270 m elev., 21 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-070; GoogleMaps 1♁ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL407 ), Same locality, Nightwalk Trail , 4.0455– 4.0458°N, 114.8157– 114.8158°E, 50 m elev., 24 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-092; GoogleMaps 1♁ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL451 ), Same locality, Clearwater Cave Trail, 4.0584– 4.0589°N, 114.8288– 114.8289°E, 60 m elev., 14 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12- 029. GoogleMaps

Other material examined. MALAYSIA: 1♁ 1♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL470 , KYU-SAL471 ) , Sarawak, Bako National Park, Ulu Assam Trail , 1.712– 1.713°N, 110.445– 110.448°E, 30–80 m elev., 8 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik, A. Ang & C. Lee, WPM#12-005; GoogleMaps 1♁ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL408 ), GoogleMaps 1♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL472 ), Sarawak, Lambir Hills National Park, Inoue Trail , 4.2012– 4.2014°N, 114.0320– 114.0317°E, 210 m elev., 4 April 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-133 GoogleMaps ; 2♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL473 , 486 ), Same locality, Pantu Trail , 4.2021– 4.4025°N, 114.0413– 114.0411°E, 140 m elev., 31 March 2013, W. Maddison & E.K. Piascik, WPM#12-108~109 GoogleMaps ; 3♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL474 , 478 ), Same locality, Inoue Trail, 4.1991– 4.1995°N, 114.0367– 114.0365°E, 150 m elev., 1 April 2012, W. Maddison & E.K. Piascik, WPM#12-114~115; GoogleMaps Sarawak, Mulu National Park , Kenyalang Trail , 4.0230– 4.0231°N, 114.8120– 114.8125°E, 55 m elev., 17 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-045; GoogleMaps 1♁ 2♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL450 ), Same locality, Nightwalk Trail, 4.0432– 4.0440°N, 114.8154°E, 50 m elev., 24 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-088 GoogleMaps ; 2♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL456 , 465 ), Same locality, headquarters area, 4.042°N, 114.814°E, 50 m elev., 25–27 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-094~095 GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL459 ), Same locality, Clearwater Cave Trail , 4.0582– 4.0584°N, 114.8285– 114.8288°E, 60 m elev., 14 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-030 GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ( UBCZ; KYU-SAL463 ), Same locality, Botanical Trail, 4.0387– 4.0389°N, 114.8144– 114.8148°E, 50 m elev., 13 March 2012, leg. W. Maddison, E.K. Piascik & A. Ang, WPM#12-020 GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet is in honor of Dr. Yuri M. Marusik (Magadan, Russia), who has made great contributions on the taxonomy of Salticidae .

Diagnosis. It can be distinguished from other congeners by the concave back side of embolus ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 60–69 ) (vs. not concave), the small epigynal atria and kidney-shaped spermathecae ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 56–59 ; vs. epigynal atria relatively large, spermathecae relatively oval in other species).

Description. Male. Habitus as shown in Fig. 47 View FIGURES 47–55 . Measurements of holotype (KYU-SAL410): carapace length 1.72; abdomen length 1.55; measurements of eyes: AME 0.38, ALE 0.24, PME 0.04, PLE 0.18; measurements of legs: I 2.94 (0.88, 0.56, 0.66, 0.52, 0.32), II 2.45 (0.79, 0.41, 0.47, 0.47, 0.31), III 2.50 (0.86, 0.35, 0.49, 0.50, 0.30), IV 2.51 (0.85, 0.34, 0.54, 0.48, 0.29); leg formula 1423. Endite with anterior lateral subtriangular extension. Color ( Figs 41–43 View FIGURES 41–46 ): Body dark, covered with dense khaki setae except for face, palp and tibia I, these parts conspicuously black compared to other body parts; dorsal abdomen with indistinct longitudinal light mark on axis, and three pairs of light setal bands on each side of posterior part, the posterior pair connecting to each other ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 41–46 ).

Palp as in Figs 51–53 View FIGURES 47–55 , 56–57 View FIGURES 56–59 : Cymbium slightly longer than palpal bulb in length, cymbial process (CyP) present, slightly visible in ventral view of palp; tegular lobe wide and stout, distal part prolaterally pointed; short embolus sticking out of large irregular embolic disc, embolic disc hidden behind bulb, with back keel (bK) extending to distal part; embolus concave on back side ( Figs 66–69 View FIGURES 60–69 ); small apical extension of embolus (aE) sticking out of wide and relatively deep groove around itself ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 60–69 ); retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) straight, digitiform distally.

Female. Habitus as shown in Fig. 48 View FIGURES 47–55 . Measurements of paratype (KYU-SAL472): carapace length 1.61; abdomen length 1.68; measurements of eyes: AME 0.38, ALE 0.22, PME 0.05, PLE 0.19; measurements of legs: I 2.25 (0.73, 0.38, 0.51, 0.34, 0.29), II 2.04 (0.69, 0.35, 0.40, 0.33, 0.27), III 2.19 (0.79, 0.40, 0.39, 0.41, 0.20), IV 2.42 (0.76, 0.33, 0.50, 0.48, 0.35); leg formula 4132. Body form and color like male, but without anterior lateral subtriangular extension and present central setal tuft on sternum ( Fig. 50 View FIGURES 47–55 ); abdominal pattern like male, but more distinct.

Vulva as in Figs 54–55 View FIGURES 47–55 , 58–59 View FIGURES 56–59 : Copulatory ducts short, curved outward; spermathecae kidney-shaped, with accessory glands (AG) attached at their base.

Natural history. Mainly foliage-dwelling; sometimes can be found on tree trunks.

Distribution. Malaysia ( Sarawak).


University of British Columbia, Spencer Museum

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