Selymbria guatemalensis, Sanborn, 2019

Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicada genus Selymbria Stål, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicininae: Selymbrini): redescription including ten new species and a key to the genus, Zootaxa 4614 (3), pp. 401-448 : 421-425

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Felipe (2020-08-22 00:20:59, last updated 2024-11-26 07:01:44)

scientific name

Selymbria guatemalensis

sp. nov.

Selymbria guatemalensis View in CoL n. sp.

( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype. “ GUATEMALA: Izabal Dept. / Finca Firmeza, Reserva de / Anfibios , SE of Morales, 540m / N15.40689° W88.69603° 3–4 / June 2016 R. S. Zack, light traps ” one male ( WSUC). Paratypes. “ GUATEMALA: Dept. Izabal / Biotopo Chocon Machacas / 18–20–VI–2002, elev. 5 m / at M. V. Light, J.C. Schuster / & R. E. Woodruff ” one female ( FSCA), one male ( AFSC); “ GUATEMALA: Izabal Dept. / Finca Firmeza , Reserva de / Anfibios , SE of Morales, 540m / N15.40689° W88.69603° 3–4 / June 2016 R. S. Zack, sweeping” one male ( WSUC), one male ( AFSC); “ GUATEMALA: Izabal Dept. Finca / Firmeza , Reserva de Anfibios , / SE of Morales, 540m / N15.40689° W88.69603° 3–4 / June 2016 R. S. Zack, light traps ” one male ( WSUC); “ GUATEMALA: Peten Dept. “el / Bosque ” along Rio Machaquila / ca 9 km W of Machaquila, 419m / N16.39352° W89.51193° 5 June / 2016 R.S. Zack light traps ” two males ( WSUC), one female ( AFSC); “ GUATEMALA: Peten Dept. / Parque Arqueologico El Ceibal / E of Sayaxche, N16.51297° / W90.06256° 29–30 Jun 2014 / 233m. BL/ MV lights. R. S. Zack ” one male ( WSUC) .

ETYMOLOGY. The name is a combination of guatemal— for the country of origin of the type series and— ensis (L. suffix denoting place).

DESCRIPTION. Ground color of head and thorax greenish, faded to tawny in some specimens, marked with piceous, abdomen piceous marked with castaneous and greenish tawny.

Head. Head wider than pronotal collar lateral angles and mesonotum, dorsal head piceous except for small spot on posterior epicranial suture, small triangular mark on anterolateral vertex posterior to supra-antennal plate, and anterior and anterolateral margins of supra-antennal plates that are ground color, piceous posterior to eye. Long silvery pile posterior to eye, short golden pile on vertex, denser in sutures. Ocelli red, eyes testaceous. Ventral head piceous except triangular mark ventral to medial supra-antennal plate, enlarged to transverse fascia ventral to supra-antennal plate continuous with dorsal mark but not reaching eye in some paratypes, posterior margin of gena, anterior and lateral margin of lorum ground color, long silvery pile ventral to eye, on medial gena and on lorum, with white pubescence on ventral head. Postclypeus with seven transverse grooves, eight in one paratype, central sulcus narrow at apex expanding laterally on posteroventral surface, ground color with dorsal surface posterior to transverse grooves, within central sulcus, transverse grooves and ventroposterior piceous, paratype with midline spot on anterior central sulcus and medial portion of ventral transverse ridges ground color in some paratypes, first two dorsal transverse grooves, first three in some paratypes, connected medially by fascia lateral to central sulcus, white pubescence laterally and posteroventrally in paratypes. Anteclypeus piceous around margin, thicker anteriorly, with ground color spot on each side connected across posterior carina, covered with white pubescence. Mentum ground color, medial labium and tip ground color, lateral labium piceous, tip reaching to posterior of middle leg coxae, with sparse short silvery pile, denser near tip. Scape and most of pedicel ground color, distal pedicel and flagellar segments piceous.

Thorax. Dorsal thorax ground color. Pronotum ground color, with triangular piceous marks on anterior disks on either side of anterior midline, reduced to triangular mark in some paratypes, extending posteriorly as fascia to connect to posterior mark, extension missing in paratypes with reduced anterior mark, piceous anterior disks between sutures, transverse mark on posterior disk with angled medial margin extending laterally to posterior lateral fissure, connecting across ambient fissure midline in some paratypes, ambient fissure piceous from anterior lateral fissure to posterior mark, longitudinal piceous fascia on lateral scutes, longitudinal piceous mark on scute between paramedian and lateral fissures connecting to posterior transverse mark that also extends anteromedially to paramedian fissure anterior to middle. Pronotal collar lightened ground color, short golden pile radiating from lateral margin of lateral part of pronotal collar. Mesonotum ground color, piceous on disk surrounding sigillae including anterior margins of lateral sigillae and medial submedian sigillae, anterior mark in submedian sigillae absent in some paratypes, medioanterior and the middle of the lateral margin of the lateral sigillae, mark between lateral and submedian sigillae diverging and extending along medial margin of lateral sigilla almost to posterior margin and medially angling posteriorly median lanceolate mark on disk that narrows anteriorly between submedian sigillae, curving transverse fascia between anterior arms of cruciform elevation extending to, encircling and filling scutal depressions, lateral margin and posterior mesothorax piceous, marks incomplete in some paratypes. Cruciform elevation ground color with piceous mark posterior to anterior arm of cruciform elevation, wing groove ground color with piceous spot on piceous anteromedial margin and castaneous posterior. Metanotum piceous with ground color dorsum and posterior margin. Short golden pile on disk, denser in some paratypes, long silvery pile in posterior wing groove, silvery pile on posterior margin, silvery pile between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, on lateral cruciform elevation. Ventral thoracic segments ground color except piceous on all but lateral basisterna 2 and 3 and piceous spot on middle of episternum 3, covered with white pubescence.

Wings. Fore wings hyaline with eight apical cells, hind wings hyaline with six apical cells. Cubitus anterior 1 of the fore wing straight between the split with cubitus anterior 2 and the mediocubital crossvein. Venation ground color at base becoming ferruginous in middle of fore wing and piceous in apical cells and ambient vein, anal vein 2 + 3 piceous. Basal cell longer than broad, hyaline with slight greenish tint. Pterostigma present. Infuscation on distal radius anterior 2 extending onto ambient vein on either side and to wing margin, spot extends across apical cells 1 and 2 with a small spot in anterior apical cell 3 and anterior ambient vein of apical cell 3. Basal membrane of fore wing gray with dark gray posterior margin. Venation of hind wing similar, anal vein 2 castaneous, anal vein 3 castaneous with central ground color region. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal vein 3 gray, anal cell 2 along anal vein 2 gray. Infuscation in proximal anal cells 2 and 3, spot of infuscation on wing margin distal to apical cells 1 and 2.

Legs. Legs ground color. Fore femora proximal spine ground color, triangular forming acute angle to femur, secondary spine ground color with castaneous tip, narrowly triangular, angled slightly less than primary spine, and small ground color apical spine angled slightly more than secondary spine, long silvery pile radiating from ridge with spines. Tarsal claws ground color proximally with piceous tips separated from ground color by thin castaneous fascia, tibial spurs and comb castaneous with darker tips. Legs covered with long and short silvery pile.

Operculum. Male operculum ground color with piceous spot on medial and lateral base, medial spot missing in paratype, lateral margin parallel to body axis at base, slightly angled mediad from base joining to smoothly rounded posterior margin, posterior medial margin rounded, curving anteromedial margin to base, barely reaching sternite II but not covering tympanal cavity completely in medioposterior corner. Medial margin extending to middle of hind coxa. Meracanthus ground color, broadly triangular, curved margins and tip, reaching to posterior of sternite I. Female operculum ground color with piceous spot on lateral base, lateral margin straight, curved posterolateral and posterior margins, lateral and posterior margins at approximate right angle, terminating medially at middle of meracanthus, reaching to middle of sternite II. Female meracanthus ground color with castaneous posteromedial mark, curving mediad, pointed with straight tip, longer than operculum extending to posterior of sternite II. Opercula lightly covered with white pubescence, denser at base, radiating silvery pile in some paratypes.

Abdomen. Tergite 1 with ground color spot on anterolateral margin and castaneous posterolateral margin along timbal cavity margin, tergite 2 piceous with ground color ventral timbal cavity margin, tergites 3–7 piceous with castaneous lateral margins, castaneous region expanded in paratype male, tergite 8 piceous with ground color dorsolateral and lateral posterior margins, female tergites piceous with thin castaneous lateral margin, auditory capsule piceous, tergites covered with silvery pile which also radiates from posterior margin, very dense in some paratypes. Timbal cover piceous with ground color spot on ventral base continuous with ground color fascia on lateral tergite, recurved exposing timbal dorsally. Timbal with ten long and nine intercalary ribs. Female abdominal segment 9 with thin dark castaneous fascia on dorsal midline bordered by lighter castaneous region, dark castaneous on either side of lighter region anterolaterally, on posterior margin, and ventrally along midline to constriction over gonapophyses, piceous posteriorly and between anterolateral area, posterior margin and ventral castaneous region and tip of dorsal beak including stigma, covered with short silvery pile on dorsal and dorsolateral surfaces, long golden pile on ventral and ventrolateral surfaces. Posterior margin of female abdominal segment 9 straight. Sternite I piceous, sternite II piceous medially, ground color posterolateral margin of tympanal cavity, sternites III–VI castaneous with darker medial spot increasing in size in posterior sternites so that sternite VII dark castaneous with ground color anterolateral triangles and posterior margin, sternites covered with long and short silvery pile and white pubescence, sternite VIII U-shaped with notched posterior margin, radiating long golden pile. Female sternites similarly marked except greater proportion of sternites covered with dark castaneous on midline. Epipleurites castaneous, darker on lateral margin, covered with white pubescence. Female sternite VII with a deep medial notch almost reaching anterior margin, dense golden pile in middle of notch, V-shaped anteriorly for about half the length of the notch, posterior extension with straight margin widening the notch slightly to curved medioposterior and posterior margins, smoothly curving to lateral surface, castaneous, darker on anterior midline and on regions between notch and anterolateral margin, half posterior extension ground color, covered with white pubescence.

Genitalia. Male pygofer dark castaneous, distal shoulder small, forming an approximate right angle, curving smoothly to dorsal beak, dorsal beak lighter, narrowly triangular, dorsum curved to apex when viewed from the side. Pygofer basal lobe elongated, flattened, terminus expanding mediad and folding mediad around pygofer margin with transverse terminus margin, lighter colored and curving mediad, basal half angled laterad, increasing lateral angle and reducing thickness before changing angle to become anteroposterior at terminus, pygofer upper lobes small, triangular, flattened forming a ridge near distal shoulder. Anal styles piceous with ground color deep lateral surfaces, radiating short silvery pile, extending beyond dorsal beak, anal tube dark ground color. Uncus lobe large, dark castaneous with piceous lateral margin, dorsally with medial carina not reaching apex, terminus slightly rounded when viewed from above, ventrally concave with medial carina in distal half, carina ground color except castaneous posterior, lateral portion folded ventrally from dorsal surface, base with ventral surface slightly angled toward dorsal surface, ventral margin smoothly sinuate toward apex when viewed from the side, slightly widening from base, converging almost to terminus where they become parallel when viewed from the ventral side. Dorsal, lateral and ventral surfaces radiating very dense, long golden pile. Aedeagus dark castaneous, with two short and two long spinous extensions near terminus.

Female gonocoxite IX dark castaneous laterally, lighter castaneous medial margin, gonapophyses castaneous. Gonocoxite X piceous extending to base of anal styles, with radiating golden pile. Anal styles piceous with ground color deep lateral regions, anal tube ground color.

MEASUREMENTS (MM). N = eight males or two females, mean (range). Length of body: male 19.48 (17.7–21.6), female 17.50 (17.1–17.9); length of fore wing: male 24.24 (22.5–26.4), female 23.90 (23.5–24.3); width of fore wing: male 7.59 (6.75–8.1), female 7.43 (7.2–7.65); length of head: male 3.26 (3.1–3.5), female 3.25 (3.2–3.3); width of head including eyes: male 7.10 (6.6–7.55), female 7.08 (7.05–7.1); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 6.68 (5.95–7.3), female 6.48 (6.4–6.55); width of mesonotum: male 5.83 (5.4–6.4), female 5.75 (5.6–5.9).

DIAGNOSIS. Selymbria ahyetios , S. pandora and S. subolivacea can be distinguished from this species by the lack of infuscation on the apex of their fore wing. The infuscation of the fore wing is found on the apex of the fore wing and on basal apical cells 1–3 and/or on the radiomedial cross vein in S. boliviaensis n. sp., S. danieleae , S. ecuadorensis n. sp., S. iguazuensis n. sp., S. loretoensis n. sp., S. madredediosensis n. sp., S. puntarenasensis n. sp., and S. stigmatica but restricted to the apex of the fore wing in S. guatemalensis n. sp. Selymbria ahyetios can be distinguished by the diamond shaped widening of the postclypeus central sulcus near the postclypeus ventral apex, female operculum extending to sternite II with a posteromedial notch, an uncus with a curved posterior margin that is wider than the anal styles with recurved spines on either side, the wide notch in the posterior of male sternite VIII, and aedeagus with two short spines medially with larger extensions forming lateral wings. Selymbria chevauxensis can be distinguished by the fore femur primary spine is adpressed to the femur rather than being angled above it, the curved cubitus anterior 1 of the fore wing between the split with cubitus anterior 2 and the mediocubital crossvein. The fore wing length greater than 25 mm, uncus with curved lateral margins, and fore femur apical spine about half the length of the secondary spine distinguishes S. cinctifera n. sp. The uncus with a curved posterior margin, the upright secondary femoral spine, the male operculum not concealing the posteromedial tympanal cavity, and the sinuate lateral margin of female sternite VII constricting the posterior extension in the middle distinguishes S. pluvialis . The male uncus is about twice as long as the anal styles, the castaneous abdomen and the transverse posterior margin of female sternite VII distinguishes S. guianensis n. sp. from this new species.

DISTRIBUTION. The species is known only from the type series collected in Guatemala.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 5. Selymbria guatemalensis n. sp.: A, holotype male and paratype female habitus; B, holotype male dorsum; C, holotype male timbal cover; D, paratype male operculum; E, paratype female operculum; F, paratype male lateral view of genitalia; G, paratype male posterior view of genitalia; H, paratype female lateral view of genitalia; I, paratype female ventral view of genitalia. Scale bar: A, 2 cm; B, 5 mm; C–E, 2 mm; F–G, 1 mm; H–I, 2 mm.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


University of Montana Museum













