Ormiophasia guimaraesi, Gudin & Nihei, 2019

Gudin, Filipe M. & Nihei, Silvio S., 2019, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Ormiophasia Townsend, 1919 (Diptera: Tachinidae), with the description of eight new species, Zootaxa 4643 (1), pp. 1-74 : 48-51

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Felipe (2020-08-25 18:48:08, last updated 2024-11-26 08:26:07)

scientific name

Ormiophasia guimaraesi

sp. nov.

Ormiophasia guimaraesi View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7H View FIGURE 7 , 10A View FIGURE 10 , 12A View FIGURE 12 , 13H View FIGURE 13 , 31 View FIGURE 31 , 40B View FIGURE 40 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ ( Figs 6A View FIGURE 6 , 10A View FIGURE 10 , 12A View FIGURE 12 , 31A, C, G View FIGURE 31 ): “Est. [Station] Sirena, P. N. [National Park] Corcovado/ 0–100m., Prov. Punt. [Puntarenas]/ Costa Rica, G. Fonseca [leg.]/ Abr, 1991 [04.1991]/ L-S- 270500, 508300”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 310832 ”/ “ Holotype ” [red label] ( MNCR).

PARATYPES (11 ♂♂, 18 ♀♀): Colombia: 1 ♀: “ Aljibes , Providencia / c. 33 Km w. Zaragosa/ Antioquia, Colombia / 11–23.1970/ Richard W. Pinger [leg.]”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( USNM) . Costa Rica: 1 ♂ [dissected, photographed] ( Fig. 31E View FIGURE 31 ): “ Costa Rica, Prov. San José, Est. / Santa Elena, Las Nubes, 1210 m, 6–/ 10 ABR 1997 [6–10.iv.1997], E. Alfaro [leg.], de Luz [on light]/ L_S_371750_507800, #46790”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 554419”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂ [dissected]: “Est. Sirena, P. N. Corcovado / 0–100 m, Prov. Punt. / Costa Rica, N. Obando [leg.]/ Jun 1990 [vi.1990]/ L-S-270500, 508300”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 644138”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂ [dissected]: “ Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas / Est. Agujas, Río Agujas, 300 m / 11–27 JUL 1996 [11–27.vii.1996], A. Azofeita / Collecta Nocturna/ L_S_276750_526550, #47856”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 573131”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “ Est. Pitilla , 700 m, 9 Km S/ Sta. Cecilia, P. N. Guanacaste / Prov. Guanacaste / Costa Rica, 24 ago a 11/ set 1992 [24.viii–11.ix.1992], P. Rios [leg.]/ L-N- 330200, 880200”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 831961”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “ Est. Que- brada Bonita / Cruce de quebradas/ Res. Biol. Carara , Prov. / Punt., Costa Rica, E./ Quesada [leg.], 5 Nov–13 Dic 1990 [5.xi–13.xii.1990]/ L-N-195500, 460400”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 302029”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “ Est. Quebrada Bonita / Cruce de quebradas/ Res. Biol. Carara , Prov. / Punt., Costa Rica, E./ Quesada [leg.], 5 Nov–13 Dic 1990 [5.xi–13.xii.1990]/ L-N-195500, 460400”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 302058”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “ Rancho Quemado , Peninsula / de Osa, 200 m, Prov. / Punt., Costa Rica / F. Quesada [leg.], Dic 1991 [xii.1991]/ L-S-202500, 511000”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 342857”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “Costa Rica, Prov. Heredia, R. V. S./ Corredor Fronterizo, C. R. Nicaragua / Lagunas a la par de rio San Juan, 20–50 m / 16 Set 2004 [16.ix.2004], B. Hernández [leg.], Tp. luz [light trap]/ L_N_306850_ 519443, #78168”/ “INB0003884114/ MNCRCRI, COSTA RICA ”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas, P. N./ Corcovado , Sector La Leona , Cerro / Puma, 100–300 m, 27 JUN–1 JUL 2003 [27. vi–1.vii.2003]/ M. Moraga col. [leg.], Tp. luz [light trap]/ L_S_267700_518900, #74481”/ “INB0003734315/ MN- CRCRI, COSTA RICA ”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “ Costa Rica, Prov. Limón, Amubri / 70 m, SET 1996 [ix.1996], G. Gallardo [leg.]/ L_S_385000_578100, #8397”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 481479”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♂: “ Monumento Nacional Guayabo , Prov. / Carta., Costa Rica, 1100 m, Nov 1994 [xi.1994], G./ Fonseca [leg.], L N 217400_570000, #3287”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 093668”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀ [photographed] ( Figs 7H View FIGURE 7 , 13H View FIGURE 13 , 31B, D, F View FIGURE 31 ): “ Est. Hitoy Cerere , 100 m / R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy / Cerere , Prov. Limón / Costa Rica, R. Guzman [leg.]/ 28–12 abr 1992 [28–12.iv.1992]/ L-N-184200, 643300”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 393313”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀ [dissected]: “ Sector Cer- ro Cocori , Fca / de E. Rojas, Prov. Limón / Costa Rica, E. Rojas [leg.]/ Nov 1990 [xi.1990]/ L-N-286000, 567500”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 308171”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀ [dissected]: “ Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas, Finca / Cafrosa , Embalce, 800 m NO. de/ Tigra, 1280 m, 10–29 JUL 1996 [19–29.vii.1996], E./ Navarro [leg.], L_S_317800_596200/ #8338”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 456315”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀ [dissected]: “ Amubri , Limón, Costa Rica, 70 m, DIC/ 1995 [xii.1995], G. Gallardo [leg.]/ L_S_385000_578100”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 366102”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀ [dissected]: “ Costa Rica, Prov. Alajuela / Sector Colonia Palmareña , 9 Km / SO. de Bajo Rodriguez, 700 m / MAY 1997 [v.1997], K. Quesada / L_N_245900_475900, #46264”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 568788”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀ [dissected]: “ Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas / Estación Altmira [ Altamira ], 1 Km S del Cerro / Biolley, 1450 m, 7 AGO–7 SET/ 1997 [7.viii–7ix.1997], R. Villalobos [leg.], de Luz [on light]/ L_S_331700_572100, #47759”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 547744”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Rancho Quemado , 200 m / Pen- insula de Osa, Prov. / Puntarenas, Costa Rica / F. Quesada [leg.], Abr 1992 [iv.1992]/ L-S 292500, 511000”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 422355”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Estac. Quemada Bonita / 50 m, R. B. Carara, Puntarenas / Pr., Costa Rica / R. Zuniga [leg.], April 1989 [iv.1989]/ 194500, 469850”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI001/ 052552”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “Est. Pailas, P. N. Rincón de la Vieja , A./ C. Guana- caste, Prov. Guana., Costa Rica / 800 m, 7–26 May 1994 [7–26.v.1994], D.G. García [leg.], L N/ 306300_388600, #2910”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI001/ 878774”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Rio San Lorenzo , 1050 m / Tierras Morenas, Z. P./ Tenoria, Prov. Guanacaste / Costa Rica, Ago 1992 [viii.1992]/ G. Rodriguez [leg.]/ L-N 287800, 427600”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI000/ 378274”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ San Luís , Monteverde , Buen Amigo / Prov. Punta., Costa Rica / 1000–1350 m, NOV 1995 [x.1995], Z. Fuentes [leg.]/ L_N_ 250850_449250, #6456”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 357983”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “Lu- ces [captured on light]”/ “Costa Rica, Prov. Alajuela, San / Carlos, P. N. Arenal, Sector de la/ Península, 600 m, MAR 1999 [iii.1999], G./ Carballo [leg.]/ L_N_271500_453800, #57641”/ “INB0003134164/ MNCRCRI, COSTA RICA ”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas / Est. Agujas, 300 m, 8–10 JUN/ 1997 [8–10.vi.1997], A. Azofeifa [leg.]/ L_S_276750_526550, #46854’/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 566635”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “Est. Las Pailas, P. N. Rincón de la Vieja / Prov. Guana., Costa Rica, 800 m,m 13–19/ Set 1993 [13–19.ix.1993], K. Taylor [leg.]/ L N 306300_388600, #2348”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI001/ 615737”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Hitoy Cerere , Prov. Limón, Costa Rica / 100 m, 24 Ago–16 Set 1993 [24.viii–16.ix.1993], G. Carballo [leg.]/ L N 643400_184600, #2341”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI001/ 137932”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Amubri , Prov. Limón, Costa Rica / 70 m, MAR 1995 [iii.1995], G. Gallardo [leg.]/ L S 385000 578100, #4390”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 180779”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas / Estación Altmira [ Altamira ], 1 Km S del Cerro / Biolley, 1450 m, 7 AGO–7 SET/ 1997 [7.viii. 7.ix.1997], R. Villalobos [leg.], de Luz [on light]/ L_S_331700_572100, #47759”/ “ Costa Rica, MNCR/ CRI002/ 547746”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( MNCR) ; 1 ♀: “ Costa Rica, Cartago / Reserva Tapantí / Río Grande de Orosi / 9.686 N, 83.756 W / 7–8.vi.1988, el. 1650 m / C.M. & O.S. Flint, Holzenthal [leg.]”/ “ Paratype ” [green label] ( USNM) GoogleMaps .

Type locality. Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa Peninsula, Corcovado National Park.

Distribution. Colombia (department of Antioquia) and Costa Rica (provinces of Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas and San José).

Etymology. The name is a tribute to the dipterist José Henrique Guimarães, for his important contributions to the taxonomy of Neotropical Tachinidae . The name is a noun in the genitive case.

Diagnosis. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. can be distinguished from other species of Ormiophasia by ocellar triangle setulose ( Figs 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7H View FIGURE 7 ); clypeus of same color as frontoclypeal membrane; scutum dark brown, contrasting with brownish-yellow lateral surface of thorax ( Figs 10A View FIGURE 10 , 12A View FIGURE 12 , 13H View FIGURE 13 ); wing hyaline ( Fig. 31G View FIGURE 31 ); surstylus stout ( Fig. 40B View FIGURE 40 ), with posterior outer surface entirely covered with strong setae and posterior inner surface covered with short setae medially; and apex of male cerci about 1/3 length of cerci, subrectangular in posterior view and 3/5 width of cerci, abruptly constricted. Ormiophasia guimaraesi is very distinct from other Ormiophasia species, especially because of body color and male terminalia. Ormiophasia inflata also has stout male cerci and surstylus ( Fig. 39B View FIGURE 39 ), but the apex of cerci and body color are completely different.

Description. Male. Body length 6.99–9.28 mm (mean = 8.30 mm); wing length 8.02–9.49 mm (8.74 mm) (n = 10).

Coloration. Head yellow-pruinose or silver ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Frontal vitta brown. Ocellar triangle dark brown. Frontoorbital plate brownish-yellow to light brown. Lunule yellowish-gray. Antenna yellowish-orange. Parafacial, gena, facial ridge and face brownish-yellow. Mouthparts brownish-yellow. Occiput brown in upper area, becoming brownish-yellow in lower area. Thorax silver-pruinose ( Figs 10A View FIGURE 10 , 12A View FIGURE 12 ). Scutum dark brown; presutural scutum with three silver-pruinose stripes merged posteriorly after suture. Postpronotal lobe and lateral surface of thorax brownish-yellow. Scutellum and subscutellum dark brown. Wing hyaline. Tegula and basicosta brownish-yellow. Veins brownish-yellow to light brown. Halter and calypteres light brown. Legs brownish-yellow. Abdomen brownish-yellow at base, becoming dark brown after tergite three; with silver pruinosity. Sternites brownish-yellow.

Head ( Figs 6A View FIGURE 6 , 31A, C View FIGURE 31 ). Elliptic in frontal view; ratio of head height/head width 0.75. Ocelli twice the diameter of dorsal ommatidia. Postocellar setae 2–4. Frontal vitta entirely obliterated. Frontal setae 5–9, convergent, posterior ones shorter and weaker.Arista bare. First flagellomere 2.4 times longer than pedicel. Face 1.3 times wider than facial ridge. Facial ridge 2.1 times wider than parafacial.

Thorax. Basisternum 0.75 times as high as wide ( Fig. 31E View FIGURE 31 ); median upper margin rounded and long, subrectangular. Prosternal tympanal membrane 0.75 times as high as wide. Proepimeral setae 2–3, upcurved. Anterodorsal corner of anepisternum with 1 weak seta, about 1/2 length of first notopleural seta; posterior row with 7–8 setae. Meral setae 5–8. Wing. Subequal to body length, three times longer than wide. Basicosta subequal in width to tegula. Base of vein R 4+5 with 2–4 dorsal and 3–4 ventral setae. Section of vein M between crossvein dm-cu and M 1 straight. Legs. Fore femur with row of 10–14 dorsal setae from base to apex and row of 14–17 posteroventral setae from base to apex. Fore tibia with row of 4 equally-spaced anterodorsal setae and 1 preapical seta. Mid femur with 2–3 posteroventral basal setae. Hind femur with row of 13–15 anterodorsal setae from base to apex and 3–4 anteroventral basal setae. Hind tibia with 2–3 posterodorsal median setae and 1 preapical seta.

Terminalia ( Fig. 40B View FIGURE 40 ). Sternite 5 subtrapezoidal; lateral distal lobes pronounced. Anteroventral epandrial process continuous with ventral epandrial margin. Dorsal surface of epandrium short, posterior margin at same level as anterior margin; lateral ventral margin sharply curved; posterior area articulated to surstylus with closed, rounded arch. Surstylus stout, thicker than apex of cerci in lateral view; posterior outer surface entirely covered with strong setae; posterior inner surface covered with short setae medially. Cerci: basal margin slightly curved, without a distinct median projection; apex about 1/3 length of cerci, subrectangular in posterior view, narrow and tapered in lateral view; apex 3/5 width of cerci in posterior view, abruptly constricted; apex with anterior surface V-shaped. Postgonite slightly curved, apex tapered in lateral view.

Female. Differs from male as follows. Body length 7.56–9.17 mm (mean = 8.33 mm); wing length 8.30–10.35 mm (mean = 9.24 mm) (n = 10). Head ( Figs 7H View FIGURE 7 , 31B, D View FIGURE 31 ). Frontal vitta subequal in width to fronto-orbital plate. Frontal setae 8–9, from lunule to posterior orbital proclinate seta; second or third anteriormost frontal seta stronger and subequal to subvibrissal setae. First flagellomere 2.1 times as long as pedicel. Thorax. Basisternum 0.53 times as high as wide ( Fig. 31F View FIGURE 31 ); median upper margin rounded, subtriangular. Prosternal tympanal membrane elliptic, 0.68 times as high as wide.

Remarks. The females were associated with the males through body color. The proposition of this new species is justified especially by the shape of the male terminalia. None of the valid species of Ormiophasia known to date has a stout surstylus with posterior inner surface covered with short setae and apex of male cerci subrectangular in posterior view. Regarding the distribution of O. guimaraesi sp. nov., nearly all the examined material was collected in Costa Rica, except for one female from Colombia. This may suggest a more continuous distribution between these two countries.

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FIGURE 6. Ormiophasia spp., male heads in frontal view. A. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). B. Ormiophasia seguyi sp. nov. (holotype, CNC). C. Ormiophasia crassivena sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). D. Ormiophasia manguinhos sp. nov. (holotype, DZUP). E. Ormiophasia tavaresi sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). F. Ormiophasia chapulini sp. nov. (holotype, USNM). G. Ormiophasia buoculus sp. nov. (holotype, USNM). H. Ormiophasia townsendi sp. nov. (holotype, INPA). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 7. Ormiophasia spp., female heads in frontal view. A. Ormiophasia busckii Townsend (specimen from Panama, Barro Colorado Island, USNM). B. Ormiophasia causeyi Tavares (specimen from Brazil, Amazonas, INPA). C. Ormiophasia costalimai Tavares (specimen from Brazil, Amazonas, INPA). D. Ormiophasia cruzi Tavares (specimen from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, CEIOC). E. Ormiophasia inflata (Séguy) (specimen from Brazil, Pará, MPEG). F. Ormiophasia lanei Tavares (specimen from Brazil, São Paulo, MZSP). G. Ormiophasia morardi (Séguy) (specimen from Brazil, Amazonas, INPA). H. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. (paratype from Costa Rica, Limón, MNCR). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 10. Ormiophasia spp., male habitus in dorsal view. A. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). B. Ormiophasia seguyi sp. nov. (holotype, CNC). C. Ormiophasia crassivena sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). D. Ormiophasia manguinhos sp. nov. (holotype, DZUP). E. Ormiophasia tavaresi sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). F. Ormiophasia chapulini sp. nov. (holotype, USNM). G. Ormiophasia buoculus sp. nov. (holotype, USNM). H. Ormiophasia townsendi sp. nov. (holotype, INPA). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 12. Ormiophasia spp., male habitus in lateral view. A. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). B. Ormiophasia seguyi sp. nov. (holotype, CNC). C. Ormiophasia crassivena sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). D. Ormiophasia manguinhos sp. nov. (holotype, DZUP). E. Ormiophasia tavaresi sp. nov. (holotype, MNCR). F. Ormiophasia chapulini sp. nov. (holotype, USNM). G. Ormiophasia buoculus sp. nov. (holotype, USNM). H. Ormiophasia townsendi sp. nov. (holotype, INPA). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 13. Ormiophasia spp., female habitus in dorsal view. A. Ormiophasia busckii Townsend (specimen from Panama, Barro Colorado Island, USNM). B. Ormiophasia causeyi Tavares (specimen from Brazil, Amazonas, INPA). C. Ormiophasia costalimai Tavares (specimen from Brazil, Amazonas, INPA). D. Ormiophasia cruzi Tavares (specimen from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, CEIOC). E. Ormiophasia inflata (Séguy) (specimen from Brazil, Pará, MPEG). F. Ormiophasia lanei Tavares (specimen from Brazil, São Paulo, MZSP). G. Ormiophasia morardi (Séguy) (specimen from Brazil, Amazonas, INPA). H. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. (paratype from Costa Rica, Limón, MNCR). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 31. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. A. Male head, lateral view (holotype). B. Female head, lateral view (paratype from Costa Rica, Limón, MNCR). C. Male head, dorsal view (holotype). D. Female head, dorsal view (paratype). E. Male prothorax (paratype). F. Female prothorax (paratype). G. Male right wing, dorsal view (holotype). Scale bars: 1 mm.

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FIGURE 39. Male terminalia of Ormiophasia spp. From left to right: epandrium, surstyli and cerci in posterior view; epandrium, surstylus and cerci in lateral view; hypandrium, aedeagus, phallapodeme, pregonite and postgonite in lateral view. A. Ormiophasia cruzi Tavares. B. Ormiophasia inflata (Séguy). C. Ormiophasia lanei Tavares. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 40. Male terminalia of Ormiophasia spp. From left to right: epandrium, surstyli and cerci in posterior view; epandrium, surstylus and cerci in lateral view; hypandrium, aedeagus, phallapodeme, pregonite and postgonite in lateral view. A. Ormiophasia morardi (Séguy). B. Ormiophasia guimaraesi sp. nov. C. Ormiophasia seguyi sp. nov. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











