Rhyncaphytoptus brassaiopsus, Wei, Sui-Gai, Wang, Guo-Quan & Li, De-Wei, 2009

Wei, Sui-Gai, Wang, Guo-Quan & Li, De-Wei, 2009, A new genus and five new species of Diptilomiopidae (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from south China, Zootaxa 2109, pp. 59-68 : 62-63

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scientific name

Rhyncaphytoptus brassaiopsus

sp. nov.

Rhyncaphytoptus brassaiopsus n. sp.

( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Female (n = 10). Body fusiform, whitish, 212 (183–234), 95 (89–98) wide, 90 (85–94) thick. Gnathosoma— 55 (53–58), curved abruptly downward. Prodorsal shield— Frontal lobe absent, 27 (25–30), 62 (59–64) wide; median and admedian lines complete, submedian lines incomplete. Scapular tubercles set on rear shield margin, 20 (19–21) apart, scapular setae (sc) 15 (13–18), directed upward. Coxae— With a short sternal line, coxal area smooth, anterolateral setae on coxisternum І (1b) 12 (11–14), proximal setae on coxisternum І (1a) 17 (14–20), proximal setae on coxisternum І (2a) 37 (33–42). Coxigenital annuli small, 14. Leg— Segments normal. Leg І 40 (38–42), femur 15 (14–16), basiventral femoral setae (bv) 13 (10–15); genu 5 (5–6), antaxial genual setae (l'') 36 (31–40); tibia 9 (8–10), paraxial tibial setae (l ʹ) 8 (7–9); tarsus 8 (7–9); tarsal empodium entire, 7 (7–8), 5-rayed, tarsal solenidion knobbed, 9 (8–9). Leg І 38 (36–40), femur 15 (14–16), basiventral femoral setae (bv) 15 (13–20); genu 5 (5–6), antaxial genual setae (l'') 8 (7–9); tibia 8 (7–9), tarsus 7 (7–8); tarsal empodium entire, 7 (6–7), 5-rayed, tarsal solenidion knobbed, 8 (8–9). Opisthosoma— Dorsal microtuberculate annuli 65; ventral annuli 96, with rounded microtubercles. Setae c2 13 (11–15), on ventral annulus 20 (20–21); setae d 37 (32–40), on ventral annulus 41; setae e 9 (7–10), on ventral annulus 60; setae f 25 (22–27), on 8th ventral annulus from rear. Setae h1 present. Female genitalia— 25 (23–26), 45 (43–47) wide, coverflap with two rows of ridges; proximal setae on coxisternum ІІ (3a) 11 (9–12).

Male (n = 4). Body 175, 78 wide. Male genitalia— 17 wide, proximal setae on coxisternum ІІ (3a) 9.

Type data. Holotype, female, Jianshi National Forest Park, Tian’er County (25°01'N, 107°16'E), Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, 18-Aug.-2006, from Brassaiopsis glomerulata (Bl.) Regel (Araliaceae) , collected by Suigai Wei, Guoquan Wang, Aizhi Qin, Yongjun Meng. Paratypes, 10 females and 4 males, were mounted on 14 slides, with the same data as holotype.

Relation to host. The mites are vagrant on the undersurfaces of the leaves, no visible damage seen.

Etymology. The specific designation is derived from the generic name of the type host plant.

Note. This new species is similar to Rhyncaphytoptus celtis Kuang, Hong & Cheng, 1991 , but can be differentiated by the 5-rayed tarsal empodium and the genital coverflap with two rows of ridges.















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