Anastrepha fenestrata Lutz, 1918

Norrbom, Allen L. & Korytkowski, Cheslavo A., 2009, A revision of the Anastrepha robusta species group (Diptera: Tephritidae) 2182, Zootaxa 2182 (1), pp. 1-91 : 23-25

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2182.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Anastrepha fenestrata Lutz


Anastrepha fenestrata Lutz View in CoL & Lima

Figs. 33 View FIGURES 30–41 , 71 View FIGURES 63–72 , 114 View FIGURES 108–130 , 147 View FIGURES 131–148 , 197 View FIGURES 192–198

Anastrepha fenestrata Lutz & Lima 1918: 8 View in CoL [description, wing, Brazil]; Greene 1934: 169; Lima 1934: 527 [wing, male terminalia], 1937a: 38 [comparison to A. phaeoptera View in CoL ]; Stone 1942a: 100; Steyskal 1977: 8; Zucchi 1978: 47; Foote 1967: 10 [in catalog]; Norrbom 1985: 157; Zucchi et al. 1996: 260 [type data]; Korytkowski 1997: 49 [in key]; Norrbom et al. 1999a: 78 [in catalog]; Norrbom et al. 1999b: 306 [wing, classification]; Zucchi 2000a: 21 [in key]; Zucchi 2000b: 43 [in list]; Silva & Ronchi-Teles 2000: 203 [ Brazil: Amazonia]; Korytkowski 2004: 58 [in key].

Diagnosis. Anastrepha fenestrata differs from most species of Anastrepha in having an extension from the basal part of the S-band to the posterior wing margin in the middle of cell cu 1 that is not connected to the posterior end of the proximal arm of the V-band. It differs from the other species having that wing character, except A. fenestrella , in having an orange area in cell r 1 posterior to the pterostigma and another bordering crossvein r-m and extending into cell dm, and in having the apex of vein M strongly curved, the width of cell r 4+5 at apex less than 0.80 its width at dm-cu. It differs from A. fenestrella in having longer terminalia (oviscape 2.49 mm long, 0.59 times as long as mesonotum vs. 1.65–1.90 mm long, 0.37–0.42 times mesonotum length; aculeus 1.76 mm long vs. 0.84–0.92 mm) and the aculeus tip only slightly longer than wide (ratio 1.14) and less sagittate, not strongly expanded basally.

Description. Mostly yellow to orange, with white to pale yellow markings. Setae dark brown to black.

Head: Yellow to orange except brown ocellar tubercle. 4–5 frontal setae; 2 orbital setae, posterior seta well developed. Ocellar seta weak, at most 1.5 times as long as ocellar tubercle. Facial carina, in profile, straight to slightly convex dorsally and medially. Antenna extended 0.7–0.8 distance to ventral facial margin.

Thorax: Mostly yellow to orange with following areas white or pale yellow (not always well differentiated in dried specimens): postpronotal lobe; diffuse inverted T-shaped medial vitta, posterior part extended laterally almost to dorsocentral seta; paired sublateral scutal vitta from transverse suture to posterior margin, including intra-alar seta; entire scutellum; dorsal margin of anepisternum; katepimeron; and most of anatergite and katatergite. Posterior margin of scutum usually with broad brown band (present in holotype, according to Zucchi 1978: 47 “Faixa escura sobre a sutura escuto-escutelar”; absent in Rio Trombetas female), broadest laterally, not including acrostichal or dorsocentral setae, and ending laterally at sublateral white vitta, not extended to intra-alar seta. Subscutellum and mediotergite entirely orange. Mesonotum 4.15–4.21 mm long. Scutum entirely microtrichose; setulae mostly yellow to orange, sometimes brownish laterally. Katepisternal seta weak, yellow, less than 0.40 as large as anepimeral seta.

Wing ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 30–41 ): Length 8.9–9.2 mm (9.5 mm in holotype), width 3.60–3.95 mm, ratio 2.33–2.47. Apex of vein R 1 at 0.54–0.58 wing length. Cell c 1.11–1.16 times as long as pterostigma; pterostigma 3.64–3.83 times as long as wide. Vein R 2+3 without sharp bends or undulations. Crossvein r-m at 0.65 distance from bm-cu to dm-cu on vein M. Vein M very strongly curved apically; cell r 4+5 0.51–0.61 times as wide at apex as at level of dm-cu. Cell bcu with distal lobe moderately long, length of bcu 1.54–1.75 times as long as anterior margin. Wing pattern mostly moderate to dark brown and orange. C-band with cell bc yellowish; cell c yellowish basally and distally, anterior margin yellowish to subhyaline, narrowly brown distally, posteriory with elongate medial hyaline to subhyaline nonmicrotrichose area; yellow area extended into posterobasal corner of pterostigma and broadly into cell r 1, broadly reaching R 2+3, and extending distally to about midlength of pterostigma; remainder of band in pterostigma, r 1, r 2+3, and br dark brown. C-band and S-band broadly connected along vein R 4+5, hyaline area in cell br small, not reaching vein R 4+5 and shorter than distal brown area of cell; cell dm with basal hyaline area moderately large. Basal half of S-band mostly dark brown, with large medial orange area broadly bordering crossvein r-m and extending broadly into anterior 0.50–0.67 of cell dm, sometimes narrowly reaching proximal margin of band in dm; with brown, lobelike projection to posterior wing margin in middle of cell cu 1 but not connected to proximal arm of V-band along wing margin; section between vein M and costa and distal section of band also with orange areas with broad brown margins, distal section relatively broad, at apex of vein R 2+3 0.70–0.73 times width of cell r 2+3, broadening in cell r 2+3, extended to apex of vein M; hyaline area proximal to it ending at vein R 2+3. Hyaline basomarginal spot in cell r 1 narrowly triangular with blunt apex, extended to R 4+5, its apex aligned proximal to crossvein r-m. V-band complete, mostly brown, broadly connected to S-band in cell r 2+3; proximal arm with slender medial orange area bordering anterior 0.80 of dm-cu and extending to vein R 4+5; proximal arm moderately broad anteriorly, gradually broadening posteriorly, without basal extension along wing margin, at level of vein M 1.5–1.6 times as wide as distal arm and 1.24–1.40 times as wide as hyaline area proximal to it in cells r 4+5 and dm; distal arm relatively broad, connected to proximal arm.

Abdomen: Mostly orange, without brown markings.

Male terminalia ( Fig. 197 View FIGURES 192–198 ): Lateral surstylus short, extended beyond prensisetae by ca. 2 times length of prensiseta; in lateral view posteriorly curved; in posterior view similar to A. pittieri , gradually tapered to bluntly acute apex, lateral margin slightly concave, medial margin convex. Proctiger with ventral and lateral sclerotized areas connected but lateral areas separate dorsally. Phallus 2.80 mm long, 0.68 times as long as mesonotum; glans 0.40 mm long.

Female terminalia: Oviscape 2.49 mm long, 0.59 times as long as mesonotum; entirely orange; spiracle at basal 0.41. Eversible membrane ( Fig. 71 View FIGURES 63–72 ) with ca. 15 moderately long hooklike dorsobasal scales in 2 irregular rows distal to similar number of small, stout scales. Aculeus ( Fig. 114 View FIGURES 108–130 ) slightly ventrally curved in lateral view, 1.76 mm long; in ventral view base expanded, 0.27 mm wide; shaft 0.15 mm wide at midlength; tip ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 131–148 ) 0.16 mm long, 0.14 mm wide, 1.14 times as long as wide, 0.07 mm wide in lateral view, 0.5 times ventral width, in ventral view distal 0.84 triangular with margins straight and with medium sized serrations, at base of serrate part barely wider than at base of tip. Spermathecae spherical.

Distribution. Anastrepha fenestrata is known only from northern Brazil (Amazonas, Pará).

Biology. The host plants and other aspects of the biology of this species other than dates of capture of adults are unknown.

Type Data. Holotype male ( IOC), Brazil: "Amazonia", O. Cruz [not examined].

Other specimens examined. BRAZIL: Amazonas : ca. 60 km N of Manaus, Hwy ZF 2, km 20.7, 2°30'S 60°15'W, Terra firme / Canopy fogging project TRS#08, Tray #590, 16 Aug 1979, Adis, Erwin, Montgomery, et al., 1♂ ( USNM USNMENT00216235 About USNM ) GoogleMaps . Pará : Oriximiná , Rio Trombetas , Alcoa mine, Km 22, 25 Nov 1982, N. D. Penny, 1♀ ( INPA USNMENT00052104 View Materials ) .

Comments. The female of this species previously was undescribed. The male holotype was not available for loan. The two examined specimens are consistent with the previous brief descriptions of that specimen and the photo of its wing ( Lima 1934). The female lacks a brown band posteriorly on the scutum, but this character varies in some other species of the robusta group .


Colecao de Culturas de Fungos do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia














Anastrepha fenestrata Lutz

Norrbom, Allen L. & Korytkowski, Cheslavo A. 2009

Anastrepha fenestrata

Korytkowski, C. A. 2004: 58
Zucchi, R. A. 2000: 21
Zucchi, R. A. 2000: 43
Silva, N. M. da & Ronchi-Teles, B. 2000: 203
Norrbom, A. L. & Carroll, L. E. & Thompson, F. C. & White, I. M. & Freidberg, A. 1999: 78
Norrbom, A. L. & Zucchi, R. A. & Hernandez-Ortiz, V. 1999: 306
Korytkowski, C. A. 1997: 49
Zucchi, R. A. & Silva, N. M. da & Silveira Neto, S. 1996: 260
Norrbom, A. L. 1985: 157
Zucchi, R. A. 1978: 47
Steyskal, G. C. 1977: 8
Foote, R. H. 1967: 10
Stone, A. 1942: 100
Greene, C. T. 1934: 169
Lima, A. M. da & Costa 1934: 527
Lutz, A. & Lima, A. M. da & Costa 1918: 8
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