Scaria ferruginea Hancock, 1909

Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello, Silva, Daniela Santos Martins, Granda, Juan Manuel Cardona, García, Alexander García & Tumbrinck, Josef, 2019, Systematics and biogeography of the genus Scaria Bolívar, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Batrachideinae), Zootaxa 4675 (1), pp. 1-65 : 33-36

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Scaria ferruginea Hancock, 1909


Scaria ferruginea Hancock, 1909 View in CoL

Figs. 18 View FIGURE 18 , 19 View FIGURE 19 , 35 View FIGURE 35

Scaria ferruginea Hancock, 1909: 425 View in CoL .

Scaria laeta Günther, 1940: 472 View in CoL . Synonymized by Cadena-Castañeda & Cardona (2015: 458).

Type speciments. Holotype: ♀ BRAZIL, S. America, collected by Bates; W.W. Saunders’ collection ( UMO).

Other specimens examined. BRAZIL, Rondônia, Candeias, Jamari, UHE Samuel , 17.viii.2016, 8°56’57”S– 63°10’60”W, Arm. Luz, D.M.M. Mendes, F.F. Xavier F °, A.A. Agudelo & J.A. Rafael leg. (1♀); idem, Amazonas, Careiro Castanho, BR-319, km 181, Sítio GoogleMaps São Paulo, 4°12’48”S– 60°49’04”W, 10–24.iv.2017, Malaise grande, J.A. Rafael & F.F. Xavier F° leg. (1♀) GoogleMaps ; idem, 15–28.ii.2017 (1♂) GoogleMaps ; idem, 05–17.x.2017 (1♀) GoogleMaps ; idem, Amazonas, Barcelos, Rio Padauari , Comunidade Ararinha , 00°30'18"N – 64°03'30"W, 04–, Varredura, S.S. Oliveira, J.T. Câ- mara, J.A. Rafael & V. Linardi leg. (1♂ 1♀) ( INPA) GoogleMaps . Para, Para, V. VII, VII-21-1919, (5♀); Para, Peixe Boi, XI-XII- 1907 (1♀), Para , Prata VII-9-1919 (1♀); Pará, Satarém, (1♂), Amazonas , Tefé , I-28, XII-5-1920 (1♂ 1♀) ( ANSP) . BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Palmar, Rio San Mateo , IX-14–16-1937 (3♀) , La Paz, Mapiri (2♂ 2♀) ( ANSP) . PERU, Loreto, Iquitos , V-3, 17 -1920, (2♀) ; Loreto, Pachitea (1♂) ; Huanuco, Tingo María , II-1950 (1♂ 1♀) ( ANSP) CO- LOMBIA, Putumayo , la Hormiga ( CAUD) .

Photographic records. BOLIVIA, PN Madidi (Arthur Anker) (1♀) . COLOMBIA, Vaupes, Mitu , 1°16’1.21”N, 70°13’10.77”O (Juan Manuel Cardona) (1♀) GoogleMaps .

Redescription. Female. Pronotum, tegmina, wings and thoracic sternites brownish black, tegmina with a subapical ovoid, yellowish spot; dorsal midline brownish white as are the legs and head. Postocular strip usually lacking (in a few specimens there was a faint hint of a line); lower half of the lateral lobes of the pronotum and the greater part of the abdomen whitish ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 ). Head, stout and moderately elongated, eyes globose and moderately long ( Fig. 18B View FIGURE 18 ); fastigium of vertex rounded and poorly projected, frontal costa lowly, but evenly arcuate in lateral view, reaching near the middle of the face; narrow scutellum; dorsal carina arising at about the level of fastigium, short usually sloping obliquely ventrad as part of the outline of the whole structure ( Fig. 18C View FIGURE 18 ). Pronotum, flat, extending a little longer than hind femora ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 ), anterior spine of pronotum stout, curving gradually towards the front, covering the vertex in part. ( Fig. 18C View FIGURE 18 ); median carina continuous and slightly raised from anterior spine to pronotal tip, this carinae pigmented by a brown whitish line ( Fig. 18D View FIGURE 18 ); lateral lobes of the pronotum wider than long, lateral shoulder carina rounded and poorly projected; posterior margin of the lateral lobe sharped ( Fig. 18C View FIGURE 18 ). Tegmina with a prominent subapical ovoid spot, this usually light yellow or white, tegmina ovoid and short compared to other species of the genus, covering the base of the first abdominal tergite ( Fig. 18C View FIGURE 18 ). Legs short and slender, fore femora with a weak sulcation above for its entire length, mid femora with a well-developed to strongly developed internal, dorso-apical spine; hind femora with a pre-genicular spine developed. Abdomen. Subgenital plate a little longer than wide ( Fig. 18F View FIGURE 18 ), with a roundish mid-indentation with no additional protrusions; ovipositor 1.5 times as long as subgenital plate ( Fig. 18E View FIGURE 18 ), epiproct long and triangular shaped; cerci conical and tapering gradually to the tip ( Fig. 18G View FIGURE 18 ).

Male (novum). Similar to the female in color and structure of body but differs in the ambisexual characters ( Figs. 19 View FIGURE 19 A–D): subgenital plate moderately short and inflated ( Figs. 19 View FIGURE 19 E–F), epiproct subtriangular with a small distal protrusion ( Fig. 19E View FIGURE 19 ); cerci cylindrical and tapering progressively towards the tip. ( Fig. 19G View FIGURE 19 ); penultimate abdominal sternite with a weak medial protrusion ( Fig. 19F View FIGURE 19 ).

Variation. Post-ocular stripe usually lacking, though it can occur, weakly and indistinctly, in some specimens; mid-longitudinal stripe of light brown, tan or cream color; tegmina rarely with a basal, light yellowish spot.

Measurements: CFP: 13,4-13,1; VE: 1,1-0,8; HE: 1-0,9; VW: 1,4-0,8; PL: 12,6-12,4; PLB: 3-2,6; FF: 3,7-3,3; FL: 2,7-2,6; MFL: 3,9-3,6; MTL: 3,1-2,9; HL: 8-7,4; HW: 2,5-2,1; HL: 6,6-6.

Distribution. Widely distributed in the Amazon and the Andean piedmont of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia.

Comments. This species was synonymized under S. lineata by Grant, 1902; and under S. laeta by Cadena- Castañeda & Cardona, 2015; we hereby revalidate its status and a re-description is provided for its accurate determination. Because S. ferruginea has a distinct dorsal line, it was mistaken in the past with S. lineata (Westerdujin & Cadena-Castañeda, 2014; Huamán et al, 2014), from which it differs by color pattern (in this species the usual color is dark brown) the post-ocular stripe is usually lacking, and the ovipositor differs (very short in S. ferruginea and normal-sized in S. lineata ). Also, tegmina spot is lacking in S. lineata but conspicuous in S. ferruginea .


University of Maine


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
















Scaria ferruginea Hancock, 1909

Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello, Silva, Daniela Santos Martins, Granda, Juan Manuel Cardona, García, Alexander García & Tumbrinck, Josef 2019

Scaria laeta Günther, 1940: 472

Cadena-Castaneda, O. J. & Cardona, J. M. 2015: 458
Gunther, K. 1940: 472

Scaria ferruginea

Hancock, J. L. 1909: 425
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