Netomocera setifera Bouček, 1954

Mitroiu, Mircea-Dan, 2019, Revision of Netomocera Bouček (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), excluding the Oriental species, European Journal of Taxonomy 568, pp. 1-87 : 76-81

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Plazi (2019-10-24 04:46:33, last updated 2025-01-29 13:22:59)

scientific name

Netomocera setifera Bouček, 1954


Netomocera setifera Bouček, 1954 View in CoL

Figs 178–190 View Figs 178–182 View Figs 183–188 View Figs 189–190

Netomocera setifera Bouček, 1954: 50 View in CoL (holotype (♀) in NMPC, examined).


Both sexes

Clypeal margin slightly produced ( Fig. 181 View Figs 178–182 ). Occiput margin blunt ( Fig. 180 View Figs 178–182 ). Upper face and vertex with eight large setae. Pronotal collar long, 0.55–0.60× as long as mesoscutum and wide, 0.85–0.95 × as wide as mesoscutum ( Figs 183–184 View Figs 183–188 ). Mesepimeral sulcus inconspicuous ( Fig. 183 View Figs 183–188 ). Visible part of petiole very short, distinctly transverse, with more or less obliterate sculpture ( Fig. 185 View Figs 183–188 ).


Head usually with green or bronze metallic reflections ( Figs 179–180 View Figs 178–182 ). Macropterous, submacropterous ( Fig. 178 View Figs 178–182 ) or brachypterous ( Fig. 187 View Figs 183–188 ); fore wing in macropterous form with two more or less distinct brownish spots, a large one behind marginal vein and a smaller one a short distance beyond stigma vein towards apical margin ( Fig. 186 View Figs 183–188 ). Propodeum ( Fig. 185 View Figs 183–188 ) with a well-defined, densely sculptured V-shaped area basally surrounded by shallowly sculptured areas.


Head and mesosoma both black, without metallic reflections ( Fig. 189 View Figs 189–190 ); or head distinctly greenish and mesosoma brownish, the latter without metallic reflections. MV 3.0–3.2 × SV.

Material examined

Holotype CZECH REPUBLIC • ♀; “ Netomocera setifera Bčk. ♀ Det. Z. Bouček 1954 ”; “Holotypus”; “Mus. Nat. Paragae Inv. 3001”; “Mor. mer.: Pouzdřany step, 3.VI.41. Hoffer.”; NMPC.

Other material

BULGARIA • 1 ♂; “ Varvara , BULGARIA, Kocourek. 8.70”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk., Z. Bouček det. 1973”; BMNH 1 ♂; “ BULGARIA: Kavarna , slope by sea border, 24-25.viii.2012, 43°25′09″ N, 28°21′22″ E, YPT, Leg. Fusu L. & Ploscaru B. ”; MICO GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding, “ 22-27.viii.2012, 2 Malaise tr.”; MICO GoogleMaps .

CROATIA • 1 ♂; “YUGOSL., Dalm. Isl. Mljet N.P. , 7.IX.1980 Bouček ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1970”; BMNH 1 ♂; “YUGOSL: CR. GORA: Durmitor : Vrdo, 25.6.87 Bouček ”; “♂ setifera”; BMNH .

CZECH REPUBLIC • 1 ♀; “ Moravia centr., Mohelno , 10/7/63. Hoffer”; “ Netomocera setifera Bčk. ♀”; “ BMNH(E) 199 5-489”; BMNH 1 ♂; “ČSR., Mohelno , 7.7.1963, A. Hoffer ”; “♂ Netom. setifera”; BMNH 1 ♂; “ Hlavence u Brandýsa / L. Bohemia, vi.1959. Martínek ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1970”; BMNH .

FRANCE • 1 ♂; “FRANCE, Var: St. Tropez, 16.VI.80 Bouček ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1980”; BMNH 1 ♂; “SE. France, Château-Arnoux , 10.8.72. Bouček ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1980”; BMNH 1 ♂; “ France, Aveyron : La Pezade, 27.7.78, M. de V. Graham ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1980”; BMNH 2 ♂♂; “ La Blaqueresie , (2) 3/8/78 ”; “ BMNH(E) 199 5-489”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. ”; BMNH 2 ♂♂; “ France, M.J. Gijswijt ”; “ Dentelles de Montmirail , 29 IV 1987 ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bouček, M.J. Gijswijt det. 2001”; RMNH 1 ♂; “ FRANCE, Dépt Aveyron, M.J. Gijswijt ”; “ La Pezade (Causse), 16 VI 1982 ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk., Gijswijt det. 1999”; RMNH 2 ♂♂; “ FRANCE, Dept. Drôme, M.J. Gijswijt”; “ Veau, 4 VIII 1973 ”; “Remounted 1989, M.J. Gijswijt ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bck., Gijswijt det. 1999”; RMNH 1 ♂; “ FRANCE, Drôme, M.J. Gijswijt”; “ Condorcet, 7 km NE Nyons , 11 IX 1987 ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček, 1990”; RMNH .

GREECE • 7 ♂♂; “GREECE, Korfu: Nissaki , 6.9.87 JS Noyes”; “♂ Netom. setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1997”; BMNH 1 ♂; “ HELLAS, Makedonia, J.P. Duffels ”; “ 18 km SE of KÓZANI, 3-VII-1975 ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček, 1990”; RMNH .

ITALY • 2 ♂♂ ; “ ITALIA - Abr. Prov. l’Aquila, M.J. Gijswijt ”; “Gran Sasso d’Italia, S.E. slope, 1400 m, ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bck., Gijswijt det. 1999”; RMNH .

MOLDAVIA • 2 ♂♂; “MOLDAV. SSR, KOTOVSKOJE , 12.VII.1961, Bouček & Talitzki ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1970”; BMNH .

ROMANIA • 1 ♀, 4 ♂♂; “RO: MH, Gura Văii, Valea Oglănicului , xeroph. veg. on dry slope, 17-18. VII.09, OP & LF, sweep, 232 m / 44°39′22.8″ N, 22°34′18.8″ E ”; MICO GoogleMaps 1 ♂; “ RN Valea lui David (IS), vegetatie de stepa, 14.V.1999, Leg. IP”; “ Netomocera setifera Bčk. ♂, Det. M. Mitroiu ”; MICO 2 ♂♂; same data as for preceding; “ 9.V.1999 ”; “ Netomocera setifera Bčk. ♂, Det. M. Mitroiu ”; MICO 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; “ 28.V.1999, Leg. LF”; “ Netomocera setifera Bčk. ♂, Det. M. Mitroiu ”; MICO 3 ♂♂; same data as for preceding; “ 2.V.2005 ”; “ Netomocera setifera Bčk. ♂, Det. M. Mitroiu ”; MICO .

SLOVAKIA • 1 ♂; “Slovakia or. Král. Chlumec , 20.5.58 Bouček ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1970”; BMNH 1 ♂; “ Slovakia or.: Baba u Ladmovcu , 23.6.52 Kocourek ”; “♂ Netomocera setifera Bčk. , det. Z. Bouček 1970”; BMNH 1 ♂; “ Královský Chimec ”; “Slokakia mer., 20.V.58, Bouček ”; “ Netomocera setifera Bčk ♂, Zd. Bouček det. 1965”; “EX COLL. J.C. ROSKAM, Museum Leiden 2004”; RMNH .


Female (habitus: Figs 178 View Figs 178–182 , 187 View Figs 183–188 )

COLOUR. Head( Figs179–180 View Figs 178–182 ) usually with more or less distinct dark green to bronze reflections.Mandibles reddish-yellow, teeth darker. Antenna ( Fig. 182 View Figs 178–182 ) with scape pale yellow to reddish-brown; pedicel pale yellow to brown; funicle uniformly brown or basally paler; clava, especially ventrally, slightly paler than funicle. Mesosoma ( Fig. 183–185 View Figs 183–188 ) reddish-yellow to reddish-brown. Legs reddish-yellow, except for brownish tips, or hind coxa lighter. Fore wing ( Fig. 186 View Figs 183–188 ) of macropterous and submacropterous forms usually with two large brownish spots, a larger one in middle of wing below marginal vein and a smaller one in apical quarter, the latter sometimes appearing divided into two smaller spots; setation brown. Metasoma with petiole as mesosoma ( Fig. 185 View Figs 183–188 ); gaster ( Figs 178 View Figs 178–182 , 187 View Figs 183–188 ) reddish-yellow to reddish-brown in basal half and light brown to dark brown in apical half; gt1 usually with two darker spots anterolaterally. Body setation pale except for several large, symmetrically arranged, dark brown setae.

BODY LENGTH. 1.6–2.1 mm.

HEAD. Clypeus virtually smooth; apical margin slightly produced ( Fig. 181 View Figs 178–182 ). Lower face below toruli striate-reticulate, piliferous punctures mostly indistinct. Upper face including vertex densely but finely reticulate, piliferous punctures slightly visible ( Fig. 180 View Figs 178–182 ). Scrobes deep, reticulate; parascrobal region mostly without elongate cells ( Fig. 179 View Figs 178–182 ). Occiput coriaceous-alutaceous; margin blunt ( Fig. 180 View Figs 178–182 ). Toruli with lower margins below lower margins of eyes ( Fig. 179 View Figs 178–182 ). Antenna moderately clavate, with clava conspicuously asymmetric ( Fig. 182 View Figs 178–182 ). Upper face and vertex with eight large setae. Head width about 2.2× length in dorsal view and 1.15–1.30 × height in frontal view. POL 2.2–2.3× OOL. Eye height 1.3– 1.4× length, 2.2–2.3 × malar space and 1.0–1.2× scape length. Head width 1.0–1.1 × length of pedicel plus flagellum. Fu1 length 1.3–1.8 × width; fu7 width 1.1–1.5 × length; clava length 1.8–2.0 × width.

MESOSOMA. Moderately setose dorsally ( Fig. 184 View Figs 183–188 ). Pronotal collar virtually as wide as or slightly narrower than mesoscutum, with six large setae ( Fig. 184 View Figs 183–188 ). Mesoscutum and axillae with extremely fine reticulation, appearing almost smooth ( Fig. 184 View Figs 183–188 ). Scutellar disc with sculpture as mesoscutum and longitudinally striate-reticulate on frenal area ( Figs 184–185 View Figs 183–188 ). Mesepisternum mainly weakly reticulate, almost smooth dorsally ( Fig. 183 View Figs 183–188 ). Mesepimeron smooth; mesepimeral sulcus indistinct ( Fig. 183 View Figs 183–188 ). Propodeum mainly smooth, with intricate pattern of carinae defining a central V-shaped area, interspaces smooth to slightly wrinkled ( Fig. 185 View Figs 183–188 ). Macropterous, submacropterous ( Fig. 178 View Figs 178–182 ) or brachypterous ( Fig. 187 View Figs 183–188 ). Macropterous and submacropterous forms with fore wing uniformly and densely setose except for moderately large, elongate bare region some distance behind parastigma and basal half of marginal vein ( Fig. 186 View Figs 183–188 ). Brachypterous form with fore and hind wings reduced and represented by stumps, venation vestigial; fore wing with rounded apex not reaching posterior margin of propodeum; setation absent except in apical third ( Fig. 188 View Figs 183–188 ). Mesosoma length 1.3–1.5 × width and 1.4–1.7 × height. Pronotal collar 0.55–0.60 × as long as mesoscutum and 0.85–0.95 × as wide as mesoscutum. Mesoscutum width 2.6–3.0 × length. Scutellum length about 0.9 × width. Propodeum length about 0.7 × scutellum length. Fore wing length of macropterous form about 2.5 × width; MV 3.0–3.2 × SV and 2.7–3.0× PV. Fore wing length of brachypterous form 3.75 × width.

METASOMA. Petiole barely visible, transverse, smooth except for a few superficial longitudinal striae ( Fig. 185 View Figs 183–188 ). Gaster ovate, length 1.7–1.8× width ( Figs 178 View Figs 178–182 , 187 View Figs 183–188 ); gt1 longest, length 0.80–1.15 × width, with hind margin straight to slightly emarginate; gt2–6 short; syntergum acutely pointed. Ovipositor sheaths distinctly protruding beyond apex of gaster. Cercal setae not surpassing apex of gaster.

Male (habitus: Fig. 189 View Figs 189–190 )

Differs from female mainly as follows. Body length: 1.0– 1.8 mm. Head sometimes without distinct metallic reflections ( Fig. 189 View Figs 189–190 ). Flagellum uniformly dark brown to black ( Fig. 190 View Figs 189–190 ). Mesosoma usually dark brown to black ( Fig. 189 View Figs 189–190 ), occasionally with reddish pronotal collar, propodeum and pleura. Gaster dark brown to black ( Fig. 189 View Figs 189–190 ) or with basal half lighter, light brown to reddish-brown. Propodeum more uniformly sculptured, mostly without a well-defined V-shaped area. Fu1 length 1.7–2.0 × width, other funicular segments subequal in length to fu1; combined length of pedicel plus flagellum 2.0–2.5× head width. Gaster (inflated) shorter than mesosoma, length 1.5–1.6 × width.


China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia ( Noyes 2018); Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy (new records).


Females of Netomocera setifera are distinct from those of all other species with a reduced petiole in having a well defined V-shaped area on the propodeum ( Fig. 185 View Figs 183–188 ). Together with males, they display mesosomal colour variation, which can range from yellowish to brown. Except for N. rufa , both sexes are also unique in having a long and wide pronotal collar ( Figs 183–184 View Figs 183–188 ).

Boucek Z. 1954. Chalcidologicke poznamky I, Pteromalidae, Torymidae, Eurytomidae, Chalcididae (Hymenoptera). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 29 (426): 49 - 80.

Boucek Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A Biosystematic Revision of Genera of Fourteen Families, with a Reclassification of Species. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, U. K. / Cambrian News Ltd, Aberystwyth, Wales.

Noyes J. S. 2018. Universal Chalcidoidea Database. Available from http: // www. nhm. ac. uk / chalcidoids [accessed 12 Mar. 2018].

Gallery Image

Figs 178–182. Netomocera setifera Bouček, 1954, ♀, Romania. 178. Habitus, lateral view. 179. Head, frontal view. 180. Head, dorsal view. 181. Lower face. 182. Antenna. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.

Gallery Image

Figs 183–188. Netomocera setifera Bouček, 1954. 183. ♀, Romania, mesosoma, lateral view. 184. ♀, Romania, mesosoma, dorsal view. 185. ♀, Romania, propodeum, dorsal view. 186. ♀, Romania, fore and hind wings. 187. ♀, Czech Republic, habitus, lateral view. 188. ♀, Czech Republic, fore wing. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.

Gallery Image

Figs 189–190. Netomocera setifera Bouček, 1988, ♂, Romania. 189. Habitus, lateral view. 190. Antenna. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.


Czech Republic, Prague, National Museum (Natural History)


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


Netherlands, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum ("Naturalis") [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie]


National Museum Prague


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis















