Stichelia pelotensis Biezanko, Mielke & Wedderhoff

Dias, Fernando Maia Silva, Dolibaina, Diego Rodrigo, Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik & Casagrande, Mirna Martins, 2013, Revision of the genus Stichelia Zikán (Riodinidae: Riodininae: Symmachiini), with the description of a new species from southern Brazil, Zootaxa 3693 (4), pp. 579-593 : 588

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Stichelia pelotensis Biezanko, Mielke & Wedderhoff


Stichelia pelotensis Biezanko, Mielke & Wedderhoff , [1979]

( Figs 11–14 View FIGURES 1 – 22 , 26 View FIGURES 23 – 28 , 35–36 View FIGURES 29 – 38 , 45–47 View FIGURES 39 – 50 )

Stichelia pelotensis Biezanko, Mielke & Wedderhoff , [1979]. p. 15, 17–18, figs. 8–10, pl. 4–7.—D’Abrera 1994. p. 1049.— Callaghan & Lamas, 2004. p. 165.

Diagnosis. Forewing length, male: 9–10mm; female: 10mm (n=8). ( Figs 11–14 View FIGURES 1 – 22 , 26 View FIGURES 23 – 28 ) It is the only species of the “ bocchoris ” species group with a single orange band of the forewing extending from the costal margin at the end of the discal cell to the middle of the anal margin. The orange band in the hindwing is similar to S. dukinfieldia , however, this band is nearly straight in S. pelotensis , extending from the middle of the costal margin to the anal margin. Similarly to species of the “ cuneifascia ” species group, this is the only species of the “ bocchoris ” species group with the abdomen entirely black. Male genitalia ( Figs 35–36 View FIGURES 29 – 38 ) with ventral projection of the tegumen and dorsal projection of the saccus strongly sinuous; posterior projection of the saccus rounded; anterior projection of the saccus thin and long; uncus with rounded edges and a ventral lobe in lateral view; gnathos “C” shaped, dorsal and ventral parts farther apart than in S. dukinfieldia ; ventral part of the valva shorter than the dorsal part, however larger dorso-ventrally than the dorsal part; aedeagus slightly longer and thicker than S. dukinfieldia . Female genitalia ( Figs 45–47 View FIGURES 39 – 50 ) with lamella antevaginal distinctly subtriangular, with rounded edges; ductus bursae twisted in the middle of its length, signa small and pointed.

Taxonomic comments. Stichelia pelotensis was the first taxon originally described in Stichelia (Biezanko et al. [1979]). However, it is difficult to relate this species with other species of the genus: the orange band on hind wing is similar to the band of S. dukinfieldia , but straighter and basal; the pleura of the abdomen is black, as in species of the " cuneifascia " species group; and the valva is similar to the valva of S. bocchoris , but the ventral part is much longer dorso-ventrally. The actual year of the publication of the paper by Biezanko, Mielke and Wedderhoff describing S. pelotensis is 1979 and not 1978.

Distribution. Restricted to the Pampas of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, at low elevations ( Fig. 51 View FIGURE 51 ). Even though Rio Grande do Sul is one of the best sampled Brazilian states (Carneiro et al. 2008), all except one of the nine known specimens are part of the type series, collected in the municipality of Pelotas and deposited at DZUP (Biezanko et al. [1979]). The only additional record for S. pelotensis is from Parque Estadual de Itapuã, municipality of Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (L. Kaminski, pers. comm.). All specimens were recorded between late February and early April.

Type material. The holotype of Stichelia pelotensis Biezanko, Mielke & Wedderhoff [1979], has the following labels: /Holótipo/ Pelotas, 17 Março 1957 R[io]. G[rande]. do Sul—Brasil C. Biezanko leg. / Stichelia pelotensis Biezanko, Mielke & Wedderhoff, Holótipo, Biez., Mlke. & Wedd. det. 1977/ DZ 1455/ (deposited at DZUP). The allotype has the following labels: /Alótipo/ Pelotas, 27 Fev [ereiro]. 1956 R[io]. G[rande]. do Sul—Brasil C. Biezanko leg. / Stichelia pelotensis Biezanko, Mielke & Wedderhoff, Alótipo, Biez., Mlke. & Wedd. det. 1977/ DZ 1456/ (deposited at DZUP).

Examined material. BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas, 1♀, 6.III.1956, Biezanko leg., DZ 1460* (DZUP); 1♀, 27.II.1956, Biezanko leg., DZ 1456 (DZUP); 2♀, 27.III.1956, Biezanko leg., DZ 1461*, DZ 1462 (DZUP); 2♂, 7.III.1957, Biezanko leg., DZ 1457, DZ 1459* (DZUP); 1♂ 17.III.1957, Biezanko leg., DZ 1455 (DZUP); 1♂, 8.IV.1958, Biezanko leg., DZ 1458 (DZUP), holotype, allotype and paratypes.

















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