Limnocoris hintoni La Rivers, 1971

Rodrigues, Higor D. D. & Sites, Robert W., 2019, Revision of Limnocoris (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae) of North America, Zootaxa 4629 (4), pp. 451-497 : 460-462

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Plazi (2019-07-09 06:30:40, last updated 2024-11-26 22:16:19)

scientific name

Limnocoris hintoni La Rivers


Limnocoris hintoni La Rivers View in CoL

( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 , 6 View FIGURE 6 C–D, 20A)

Limnocoris hintoni La Rivers, 1970: 3–4 View in CoL (original description).

Limnocoris hintoni: La Rivers 1971: 75 View in CoL (catalog); Nieser & López-Ruf 2001 (318: catalog).

Diagnosis. The distal margin of the labrum is distinctly acuminate ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ). The mesosternal carina has a small projection between the anterior projection and fossa ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ); the fossa is subtriangular, the anterior margin is shallowly concave and the lateral margins converge posteriorly; a small aperture is situated in the anterior region ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ); a small notch is posterior to the fossa in lateral view ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ). The male mediosternite VIII has a medial notch on the posterior margin (as in Fig. 18B View FIGURE 18 ).

Measurements (n = 5 males / 5 females). Body length 7.22–7.92/ 7.60–8.22, body width 5.17–5.65/ 5.40–5.72, synthlipsis 1.30–1.45/ 1.30–1.46, head length 1.20–1.25/ 1.10–1.20, head width 2.43–2.66/ 2.45–2.60, pronotum length at midline 1.45–1.50/ 1.45–1.60, pronotum width 4.30–4.90/ 4.40–4.80, scutellum length 1.15–1.23/ 1.20– 1.40, scutellum width 2.15–2.70/ 2.30–2.80, hemelytra length 5.40–5.90/ 5.60–6.20.

Supplemental description. Maxillary plate tumescent anteriorly. Antenna not exceeding lateral margin of eye; pedicel quadrate; flagellomeres slender, not partially fused, with long setae. Propleura with pubescent area distinctly extended posteriorly on lateral margin; convex medially; posteromesal corner near prosternellum deflexed ventrally. Region between mesobasisternum and mesoepisternum with longitudinal row of elongate golden setae ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ). Metasternal carina with fossa rounded, slightly depressed medially; posterior margin excavated in lateral view ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ). Lateral margin of abdomen with minute serration; posterolateral corners of II–V narrowly rounded to right angled, not spinose. Sterna with elongate golden setae generally dispersed, concentrated at midline of segments III–VI; sternum II with sinuous row of golden setae. Male: mediotergite VI with accessory genitalic process poorly developed; posterior margin with small notch on left side; posterior margin of mediotergite VII convex; laterotergite VII with lateral and mesal margins subparallel ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ). Lateral lobe of tergum VIII concave in anterior half of lateral margin; left medial lobe angled laterally at apex, distal margin rounded; right medial lobe twisted in distal third ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ). Female: lateral margins of subgenital plate convergent in posterior half, with tuft of elongate golden setae at mid-length; laterosternite VII evenly converging posteriorly ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ).

Variation. In the mesosternal carina, the lateral margins of the fossa can approach either other anteriorly without coming into contact, leaving a narrow elongated separation.

Comparative notes. This species is morphologically similar to L. inornatus and L. pygmaeus . These species share the color and pubescence patterns of the body, and shape of the distal margin of the labrum and posterior margin of the female subgenital plate. However, in L. hintoni the lateral margins of the fossa of the mesosternal carina do not touch each other, the anterior region has a small aperture, and the lateral margin of male tergum VIII is concave; whereas in L. inornatus and L. pygmaeus , the lateral margins of the fossa of the mesosternal carina touch each other, the posterior region of the fossa has a small aperture, and the lateral margins of male tergum VIII are straight.

Distribution. This species is known only from Mexico and the records are concentrated in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt biogeographic province ( Fig. 20A View FIGURE 20 ). Probably this species is also distributed to the north and south of the previous records.

Published records. Mexico: Jalisco, Tejupilco, Puebla ( La Rivers 1970, Nieser & López-Ruf 2001).

Type material examined. All specimens macropterous. HOLOTYPE ♀, MEXICO, Mex. [ico], Tejulpico, Temescaltepec [Temascaltepec], VII.1934, H.E. Hinton, Type No. 13419 ( CAS). PARATYPES: same data as holotype (1♂, 3♀, CAS) ; Mex.[ico], Puebla, 20.July.1951, Drake & Hottes (1♂ allotype, 2♀, CAS; 1♀, USNM) .

Additional material examined. MEXICO, Estado de Mexico, Mex. [ico], Tejupilco, Temescaltepec [Temascaltepec], 15.VI. [19]33, H.E Hinton & R.L. Usinger collectors (5♂, 9♀, EMEC; 1♂, USNM—all macropterous) ; same data, except 20.VI (1♂, 3♀, all macropterous, EMEC) ; same data, except 30.VI (1♂, 1♀, all macropterous, EMEC) ; same data, except 16.VI (1♀ macropterous, EMEC) ; same data, except 18.VI (1♀ macropterous, EMEC) ; same data, except VIII.1934 (4♂, 5♀, all macropterous, EMEC) ; same data, except VII.1934, H.E. Hinton (1♀, USNM) ; Bejucos, 22.IV.2004, 1950’, Rio Bejucos , William D. Shepard leg. (4♂ brachypterous, 9♂ macropterous, 13♀ macropterous, EMEC) ; Mexico, Mexico, San Felipe de Jesus , 20.IV.2004, 3280’, Rio San Felipe, William D. Shepard leg. (1♂ brachypterous, 6♂ macropterous, 3♀ macropterous, EMEC) ; Paso de Vigas, Arroyo, Paso de Vigas , L-1909, 1.100 m, 100°13.963’W / 18°53.548’N, 05.IV.2015, Reynoso-Velasco, Sites & Shepard (19♂, 19♀, all macropterous, UMC) GoogleMaps ; Edo. de Mexico, Acamochitlan , El Zapote, 21.XI. [19]84, H. Brailovsky (2♀ brachypter- ous, 1♀ macropterous, UMC) . Guerrero, Mex. [ico], Guerrero, 31 miles S[outh] of Iguala, Rio Mexcala , CL- 1040, 26. April.1964, J.T. & M.S. Polhemus (4♂, 4♀, all macropterous, USNM) . Oaxaca, Mex. [ico], Oaxaca, Totolapan, Rio Grande , CL- 1063, 20. April.1964, J.T. & M.S. Polhemus (2♂ macropterous, USNM) ; San Juan de los Cues , 14.VI.1984, Mario Garcia col. (1♂ macropterous, USNM) ; El Tule, Oaxaca, Mex. [ico], VI.25. [19]55, lite, R.B. & J.M. Selander, P.J. Spangler coll., 1958, 221697 (1♂ macropterous, USNM) . Puebla, La Estacion nr Coxcatlan , 24.March.2015, L-1876, colls Reynoso-Velasco, Sites & Shepard, 950 m, 18°15.122’N / 97°11.410’W, unnamed stream w/ gravel, rocks, algae, marginal vegtn. (2♂, 2♀, UMC; 1♂, 1♀, MZUSP—all brachypterous) GoogleMaps .

La Rivers, I. (1970) New species of Limnocoris from Latin America (Hemiptea, Naucoridae). Biological Society of Nevada Occasional Papers, 23, 1 - 10.

La Rivers, I. (1971) Studies of Naucoridae (Hemiptera). Biological Society of Nevada Memoirs, 2, 1 - 120.

Nieser, N. & Lopez-Ruf, M. (2001) A review of Limnocoris Stal (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) in southern South America east of the Andes. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 144, 261 - 328. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 22119434 - 900000091

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FIGURE 4. Limnocoris hintoni La Rivers. (A) Dorsal habitus and (B) ventral habitus of female paratype, hindwing macropterous (USNM), (C) ventral view of head and part of thorax, (D) terminal abdominal sterna of female, and (E) lateral view of meso- and metasternal carinae, arrow indicates small projection between anterior projection and fossa. Size bar = 1.00 mm and applies only to Figs. A–B.

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FIGURE 6. Structures of male terminalia. (A, C, E) 6th and 7th abdominal terga, (B, D, F) 8th abdominal tergum. (A–B) Limnocoris chaetocarinatus n. sp., (C–D) L. hintoni, and (E–F) L. inornatus. agp = accessory genitalic process, ll = lateral lobe, lml = left medial lobe, ltr = lateral lobe of tergum VI (delimited by dotted line), ml = medial lobe, rml = right medial lobe, snt = small notch.

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FIGURE 18. Limnocoris zacki n. sp. (A) Dorsal habitus and (B) ventral habitus of male holotype, hindwing brachypterous (UMC), with detail of notch at posterior margin of abdominal sternum VIII, (C) ventral view of part of head and thorax, (D) terminal abdominal sterna of female, and (E) lateral view of meso- and metasternal carinae. Size bar = 1.00 mm and applies only to Figs. A–B.

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FIGURE 20. (A–B) Distribution records for species of Limnocoris in North America.


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