Limnocoris virescens Montandon

Rodrigues, Higor D. D. & Sites, Robert W., 2019, Revision of Limnocoris (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae) of North America, Zootaxa 4629 (4), pp. 451-497 : 487-489

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Plazi (2019-07-09 06:30:40, last updated 2019-07-09 06:30:43)

scientific name

Limnocoris virescens Montandon


Limnocoris virescens Montandon

( Figs. 1C, 2E, 17, 19 E–F, 20A)

Limnocoris virescens Montandon, 1897: 7 (original description).

Limnocoris virescens: Torre-Bueno 1906: 52 (catalog); Kirkaldy & Torre-Bueno 1909: 184 (catalog); La Rivers 1971: 76 (catalog); Nieser & López-Ruf 2001: 319 (catalog); Herrera 2013: 227 (catalog).

Diagnosis. Specimens of L. virescens measure 8.71–10.22 mm. The pubescent area of the propleuron is extended posteriorly to halfway along the lateral margin or slightly less. The mesosternal carina has the fossa shallow and elliptical to oval. The posterolateral corners of abdominal segments III–V are spinose and produced posteriorly.

Measurements (n = 10 males / 6 females). Body length 8.71–10.15/ 9.40–10.25, body width 6.40–7.42/ 6.90– 7.52, synthlipsis 1.52–1.63/ 1.40–1.55, head length 1.50–1.60/ 1.55–1.75, head width 3.10–3.25/ 3.13–3.30, pronotum length on midline 1.68–1.90/ 1.60–1.80, pronotum width 6.30–6.90/ 6.60–6.95, scutellum length 1.40–1.70/ 1.75–1.83, scutellum width 2.75–3.40/ 3.00–3.10, hemelytra length 7.20–7.60/ 7.40–7.63.

Supplemental description. Maxillary plate tumescent anteriorly. Distal margin of labrum triangular, acuminate. Antenna not exceeding lateral margin of eye; pedicel quadrate; flagellomeres slender not partially fused, with long setae. Head with posteroventral postgenal tubercle on midline. Posterior margin of propleuron convex at mid-length; posteromesal corner near prosternellum not deflexed ventrally. Region between mesobasisternum and mesoepisternum with longitudinal row of elongate golden setae ( Fig. 17D). Metasternal carina with fossa oval to elliptical ( Fig. 17D), slightly depressed medially; posterior margin excavated in lateral view ( Fig. 17F). Lateral margins of abomen with minute serration; posterolateral corner of II narrowly to right angled, III–V produced posteriorly, spinose; sterna with elongate golden setae generally dispersed, concentrated at midline of segments III–V; sternum II with sinuous row of golden setae. Male: mediotergite VI with accessory genitalic process poorly developed, posterior margin with small notch on left side; posterior margin of mediosternite VII ranging from broadly convex to straight; laterotergite VII tapering posteriorly ( Fig. 19E); lateral lobe of tergum VIII with lateral margin straight in anterior half; left medial lobe not angled laterally at apex, distal margin truncate; right medial lobe twisted near distal margin ( Fig. 19F). Female: lateral margins of subgenital plate with tuft of elongate setae at mid-length, posterior margin broadly rounded; laterosternites VII and VIII each converging posteriorly ( Fig. 17E).

Comparative notes. This species is morphologically similar to L. major n. sp. with which it can be easily mistaken. In L. virescens , the pubescent area of the propleuron is extended posteriorly, and the fossa of the mesosternal carina is shallow; whereas in L. major the pubescent area is extended posteriorly along the lateral margin, and the mesosternal carina is distinctly deep.

Distribution. This species is distributed from northern Costa Rica (Alajuela and Guanacaste) to the central region of Panamá (Colon) ( Fig. 20A). The specimens examined in the present study are from localities with elevations up to 265 meters above sea level.

Published records. Costa Rica: Puntarenas ( Montandon 1897). Kirkaldy & Torre-Bueno (1909: 184) recorded this species from Mexico; however, they mentioned two references in which this species was recorded only from the type locality, in Costa Rica. In the present study, we did not examine material of L. virescens from Mexico. Thus, the record for Mexico is not considered here.

Type material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂ brachypterous, COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, H. Pittier, Montandon Coll. 1901–233 ( BMNH).

Additional material examined. COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Río Burio just S of Fortuna, 10°27.74’N / 84°38.61’W, 15.I.2000, C.B. Barr (1♂ macropterous, EMEC) GoogleMaps . Guanacaste, Río Grande at La Mansión , 05.V.1995, B.O. Huntsman (2♂, 4♀, all brachypterous, BYUC) . Heredia, Rio Sarapiqui margin, just E. of Hwy 4, 10°23.22’N, 84°08.20’W, alt. 620’, 25-VI-2003, A.E.Z. Short (1♀ brachypterous, UMC) GoogleMaps . Limon, Rio Catarata , 4 km N Bribri, 11 June 2001, W.D. Shepard, WDS-A-1381 (1♂ brachypterous, 1♀ brachypterous, UMC) . Puntarenas, Río Caracol at Hwy 2, 7.3 rd. Km E Río Claro , 23.VI.2001, 08°39’47”N / 83°00’41”W, elevation 80 ft., C.B. Barr coll. (3♂ brachypterous, 1♂ macropterous, 10♀ brachypterous, EMEC) GoogleMaps ; Rio Balsar, 0.6 km SE, Ciudad Cortes , 190 ft, 22 June 2001, W.D. Shepard, WDS-A-1397 (9♂ brachypterous, 4♀ brachypterous, 1♀ macropterous, UMC) ; Río Bal- sar at Hwy. 34 just E Ciudad Cortés , 22.VI.2001, 08°59’05”N / 83°31’01”W, elevation 190 ft., C.B. Barr coll (6♂ brachypterous, 1♂ macropterous, 2♀ brachypterous, EMEC) GoogleMaps . NICARAGUA, Rio San Juan, Rio Bartola, Refugio Bartola , 10 Aug. 2002, W.D. Shepard, WDS-A-1492 (13♂ brachypterous, 4♂ macropterous, 11♀ brachypterous, 2♀ macropterous, UMC) . PANAMA, Colon, Rio Cascajal, 2 mi east of Porto Belo , 23.VIII.1986, C.R. Nelson (4♂, 1♀, all brachypterous, BYUC) .

Herrera, F. (2013) Estado del conocimiento y catalogo de la familia Naucoridae (Insecta: Heteroptera) en Centroamerica. Dugesiana, 20 (2), 221 - 232.

Kirkaldy, G. W. & Torre-Bueno, J. R. (1909) A catalogue of American aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 10, 173 - 213.

La Rivers, I. (1971) Studies of Naucoridae (Hemiptera). Biological Society of Nevada Memoirs, 2, 1 - 120.

Montandon, A. L. (1897) Hemiptera Cryptocerata. Revision de le S. Fam. ' Limnocorinae'. Bollettino del Musei di Zoologia et Anatomia Comparata della R. Universita di Torino, 12 (297), 1 - 8. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 4564

Nieser, N. & Lopez-Ruf, M. (2001) A review of Limnocoris Stal (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) in southern South America east of the Andes. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 144, 261 - 328. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 22119434 - 900000091

Torre-Bueno, J. R. (1906) The cryptocerate Hemiptera of the America in the writings of Professor Arnold L. Montandon. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 8 (1 - 2), 45 - 58.


Essig Museum of Entomology











