Colletes arthuri Ferrari, 2017
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Colletes arthuri Ferrari |
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sp. nov. |
Colletes arthuri Ferrari , new species
( Figs. 4A–F View FIGURE 4 )
Diagnosis. Colletes arthuri n. sp. is recognizable by the combination of pubescence almost entirely pale-yellow, and upper area of vertical surface of metapostnotum projected posteriorly in relation to horizontal surface (or upper area of vertical surface convex, when seen in lateral view).
Colletes arthuri n. sp. is most similar to C. cognatus , but the female of the former is distinct in having the discs of T2–T5 covered with dense appressed hairs (discs of T2–T5 without appressed hairs in female C. cognatus ). The males can be distinguished from one another by the comparatively long malar area, ~ 2x as long as basal depth of mandible, in C. arthuri n. sp. (malar area ~1.5x as long as basal depth of mandible in the male C. cognatus ); and by mesepisternum with only moderately coarsely punctate in C. arthuri n. sp. (mesepisternum with coarse and minute punctures intermingled in male C. cognatus ).
Description. FEMALE ( Figs. 4A, 4C, 4E View FIGURE 4 ): Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 9.4; head width 2.8; head length 2.3; intertegular distance 2.2; forewing length 7.0.
Colouration: Black except dark-brown on tegula, forewing veins (except proximal 1/3 of veins M+Cu and V pale-brown), tarsomeres 2–5 (except mid-longitudinal band of distitarsi pale-brown), ventral surface and marginal zone of T1, discs of T5–T6, distal 1/5 of S2–S5. Pale-brown on stigma, hindwing veins, proximal half of tarsal claws, marginal zones of T2–T4, mid-longitudinal band of S2, distal 1/4 of S6. Reddish-brown on distal half of tarsal claws; marked on distal 1/3 of mandible. Pale-yellow on tibial spurs, marginal zones of metasomal sterna.
Structure: Labrum medially concave; concavity margined by lateral ridges. Clypeal mid-longitudinal area evenly shallowly depressed; depression narrow (0.6x MOD) for upper 3/5; broad (1.7x MOD) on lower 2/5; adjacent lateral area convex; apicomedial ridge absent. Malar area ~1.3x as long as basal depth of mandible (37:39). F1 ~1.3x as long as its apical width (30:29). UID:LID (62:56). Genal area concave behind upper summit of compound eyes in lateral view. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum rounded. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum about half as long as metanotum (23:51); metapostnotal pits poorly-delimited; posterior transverse carina difficult to discern from the other carinae on upper area of vertical surface of propodeum. Posteromedial surface of front coxa without spine. Posterior hind tibial spur pectinate. Hind basitarsus ~3.8x longer than broad (49:13). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws 1.5x as long as inner rami (15:10). Posterolateral area of S6 flat and lacking carina; marginal zone not depressed.
Pubescence: Pale-yellow, plumose, erect, moderately long on clypeus (except suberect mid-longitudinally), lateral slopes of supraclypeal area, ventral surface of mid and hind trochanters, ventral margin of mid femur, S1; such hairs long on interantennal and vertexal areas, scutellum, mesepisternum, metepisternum, posteroventral of front trochanter and femur, T1; very long on upper margin of lateral surface propodeum; pale-yellow hairs intermingled with black ones on frontal and vertexal areas, mesoscutum, scutellum. Pale-yellow, erect, moderately short setae on mandible, dorsal surface of mid and hind basitarsi and hind tibia; moderately long on posterior surface of front tibia and basitarsus, posterior margin of mid basitarsus; very long on posterior margin of hind basitarsus. Bright-yellow, suberect, thick setae on ventral surface of mid and hind tarsi; pale-orange, thickest towards distal margin. Pale-yellow, suberect, very long hairs, which are branched only apically on anterior surface of hind femur and tibia. T1–T5 covered with dense, pale-yellow appressed hairs; T2 also with plumose, erect short hairs; T3–T5 also with fulvous and pale-yellow, erect, moderately short setae (except short on T3). S2 with paleyellow, erect, moderately short hairs, which are branched only apically. Discs of S3–S6 covered with pale-yellow, suberect, minute setae (except short on S6); marginal zones of S2–S5 with plumose hairs.
Surface sculpture: Clypeal mid-longitudinal depression densely and moderately finely punctate; adjacent convex area with very sparse punctures; interspaces smooth and shiny (except longitudinally striate on lower 1/5). Malar area sparsely and finely punctate on upper 1/3 (interspaces smooth); densely and moderately finely punctate on lower 2/3 (interspaces rugulose). Supraclypeal area largely impunctate and smooth (except with few punctures on lower and lateral margins). Paraocular area densely punctate; moderately finely punctate below; finely punctate above; interspaces smooth throughout. Frontal area densely and moderately coarsely punctate; interspaces smooth. Vertexal area sparsely and minutely punctate; interspaces smooth and shiny. Mesosomal interspaces smooth throughout (except when stated otherwise). Mesoscutum and scutellum moderately densely and moderately finely punctate (except sparsely punctate on mesoscutal mid-posterior area and densely punctate on scutellar posterior 1/ 4). Metanotum densely and moderately finely punctate. Mesepisternum densely and coarsely punctate (except slightly finer anteriorly to episternal groove). Metepisternum rugose above; rugulose medially and below. Lateral surface of propodeum with very sparse fine punctures difficult to discern from the rugulose integument. Upper area of vertical surface of metapostnotum transversely striate. Metasomal terga minutely punctate; T1 sparsely punctate; T2–T5 moderately densely punctate; interspaces smooth throughout. Metasomal sterna finely punctate; S2–S3 sparsely punctate; denser on S4; densest on S5; S6 with a few moderately fine punctures on posterior half; interspaces imbricate throughout.
MALE ( Figs. 4B, 4D, 4F View FIGURE 4 ). As in female, except for usual secondary sexual characteristics and as follows:
Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 8.2; head width 2.8; head length 2.2; intertegular distance 2.1; forewing length 7.1.
Colouration: Hindwing veins and marginal zones of T5–T6 pale-brown. Ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T1 black. S2 and S6 evenly black.
Structure: Labral median depression not margined by ridges. Clypeal mid-longitudinal area evenly moderately broadly (0.6x MOD) depressed. Malar area ~ 2x as long as basal depth of mandible (42:22). F1 ~0.8x as long as its apical width (24:29). UID:LID (63:55). Horizontal surface of metapostnotum about half as long as metanotum (23:51). Posterior hind tibial spur ciliate. Hind basitarsus ~ 4x longer than broad (39:10). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws 1.5x as long as inner rami (12:8). S7, S8 and genital capsule as in Figs. 5A, 5B, 5C View FIGURE 5 , respectively.
Pubescence: Pale-yellow hairs on paraocular area intermingled with black ones. Mesoscutal and scutellar pubescence entirely pale-yellow. Appressed hairs on T1–T2 restricted to marginal zones; on T3, scattered on disc. Plumose hairs on T2 moderately long. S2 with plumose hairs only. Marginal bands of S2–S5 moderately short.
Surface sculpture: Clypeal mid-longitudinal depression finely punctate; lower margin smooth. Supraclypeal area densely and moderately finely punctate. Vertexal area with minute punctures intermingled with moderately fine ones. Scutellum sparsely punctate. Mesepisternum moderately coarsely punctate. Metasomal terga finely punctate; T1 moderately sparsely punctate; T3–T5 with rugulose interspaces. S6 finely punctate.
Type material. Holotype ♀ —(“ CHILE, Region I, 79.8 km; ESE of; Pozo Almonte ; 8-21.ix.2004; L. Packer ”. “Packer Coll.; York Univ.; 0014430”. “ HOLOTYPE; Colletes arthuri ♀; Ferrari, new species”). { PCYU}.
Paratypes: CHILE — Region XV: 30km W of Zapahuira , (-18.333, -69.894), 1799m , 3/iv/2000, [L.Packer], 2♂♂, {PCYU}. Quebrada Cardones, (-18.456, -69.772), 2435m, 13/v/2012, [L.Packer], 1♂, {PCYU}. S of Putre, (-18.413, -69.669), 3046m, 3/ii/2013, [Postlethwaite & Monckton], 2♀♀3♂♂, {PCYU}. SW of Tignamar, (- 18.726, -69.702), 2509m, 31/i/2013, [Postlethwaite & Monckton], 1♀, {PCYU}. Tambo, (-18.356, -69.620), 3235m, 12/iv/2004, [L.Packer], 1♂, { PCYU}. Region I: 20km W of Chusmiza , (-19.711, -69.420), 2211m , 11/iv/ 2000, [L.Packer], 1♀1♂, {PCYU}. 68km SE of Pozo Almonte , (-18.333, -69.552), 3803m, 8/iv/2004, [L.Packer], 1♀, { PCYU} . 69km E of Pozo Almonte , (-20.291, -69.168), 2821m, 16/iv/2012, [L.Packer], 6♀♀ 2♂♂, { PCYU} . 71km E of Pozo Almonte , (-20.297, -69.142), 3052m, 14/iv/2012, [L.Packer], 16♀♀ 6♂♂, { PCYU}; idem, except 16/iv/2012, 1♀ ; idem, except 10/v/2012, 18♀♀ 33♂♂. 72.5km ESE of Pozo Almonte , (-20.300, -69.116), 3341m , [L.Packer], 3♀♀, {PCYU}; idem, except 9/iv/2004, 2♀♀1♂. 73km E of Pozo Almonte , (-20.312, -69.129), 3188m, 21/iv/2012, [L.Packer], 10♀♀ 40♂♂, { PCYU}; idem, except 16/iv/2012, 8♀♀ 12♂♂ ; idem, except 10/v/ 2012, 1♀1♂♂; idem, except 16/v/2012, 1♀ 3♂♂. 79.8km ESE of Pozo Almonte , (-20.313, -69.041), 4061m , 8/iv/ 2004, [L.Packer], 7♀♀ 51♂♂, { PCYU}; idem, except 8/ix/2004, 1♀ 28♂♂. 83.5km ESE of Pozo Almonte , (- 20.305, -69.053), 3886m , 8/iv/2004, [L.Packer], 1♀3♂♂, {PCYU}. Chusmiza, (-19.682, -69.188), 3419m, 11/iv/ 2004, [L.Packer], 1♀1♂, {PCYU}. E of Pozo Almonte, (-20.298, -69.141), 3064m, 6/ii/2013, [Postlethwaite & Monckton], 5♀♀5♂♂, {PCYU}; idem, except 9/iv/2013, 2♀♀3♂♂. W of Pozo Almonte, (-20.302, -69.094), 3545m, 11/iv/2013, [Postlethwaite & Monckton], 1♀ 1♂, { PCYU}. Region II: 5–7km E of Aguas Blancas , (- 23.329, -67.950), 2762m , 7/iv/2004, [L.Packer], 2♀♀1♂, {PCYU}. Gautin, (-22.750, -68.066), 3304m, iv/2004, [L.Packer], 1♀, {PCYU}. Highway CH- 27 km 24, (-22.908, -67.962), 3357m, [L.Packer], 1♂, {PCYU}; idem, except km 25.9, (-22.910, -67.943), 3491m, [Postlethwaite & Monckton], 1♂.
Range. Chile (Regions XV, I, II). See also Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 .
Biogeographic distribution. South American transition zone: Desert and Atacama provinces. Northern Chilean species distributed in the summer rainfall area at altitudes of 1700–4100m a.s.l.
DNA barcode. Available. BOLD: AAN4840 (8♀♀5♂♂). Distance from the nearest neighbour ( C. cyanescens ): 9.02–9.52%.
Floral hosts. Unknown.
Etymology. Species named after my beloved son, Arthur Ferrari.
Comments. Colletes arthuri n. sp. was the most abundant species amongst the hundreds of Colletes specimens obtained via pan traps by L. Packer and colleagues in northern Chile, especially Region I. However, I examined no bee that has been collected with hand net while visiting flowers, which is why no floral host for the species is known.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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