Mucuna monticola N. Zamora, T. M. Moura & A. M. G. Azevedo, 2012

Moura, Tânia M., Zamora, Nelson A., Torke, Benjamin M., Mansano, Vidal De F. & Tozzi, Ana Maria G. A., 2012, A New Species of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae) from Costa Rica and Panama, Phytotaxa 60 (1), pp. 1-8 : 2-7

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Felipe (2021-07-02 14:07:39, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 04:06:34)

scientific name

Mucuna monticola N. Zamora, T. M. Moura & A. M. G. Azevedo

sp. nov.

Mucuna monticola N. Zamora, T. M. Moura & A. M. G. Azevedo View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 )

Lianas; abaxial surface of leaflets strigose; peduncle of inflorescence 0.3–1 m long; flowers 3.5–4.5 cm long, corolla cream-white, greenish-white or greenish-yellow. Fruits 15–24 × 4–4.5(–6) cm, stipitate, reticulate-ridged by longitudinal and transverse lamellae;.seeds rounded or subquadrangular, black; hilum nearly as long as seed.

Type:— PANAMA. Chiriqui : Finca Lérida to Peña Blanca, 1750–2000 m, 09 July 1940 (fl, fr), Woodson Jr. & Schery 324 (holotype GH!; isotypes MO!, US!) .

Lianas; young branches sparsely strigose. Leaves alternate, 3-foliolate; stipules ca. 3 × 1 mm, triangular, strigose; pulvinus cylindrical, 0.5–1 × 0.3 cm, strigose; petiole 6.5–10.5 cm long, angular, sparsely strigose; rachis 1.5–2.5 cm long, angular, sparsely strigose; stipels absent; petiolules 0.5–1 cm long, angular, strigose; blades ovate to elliptic, occasionally obovate, that of the apical leaflet 9–17 × 4.5–8 cm, those of the lateral leaflets 9–12 × 4–6 cm, asymmetrical, all blades acute or rounded at base, acuminate or cuspidate at apex (acumen 1–1.5 cm), thinly strigulose adaxially, more densely or sparse strigulose to glabrescent or glabrous abaxially, venation eucamptodromous, secondary veins 4–6-paired. Inflorescence terminal, pseudo-racemose, pendent, with 15–20 flowers; peduncle 0.3–1 m long, strigulose; axis 3–5 cm long, densely strigose, the nodes spiral, the internodes 0.3–0.9 cm long; bracts caducous; pedicels 4–7 cm long, 2–3-fasciculate from each node, fairly densely strigose or pilose; bracteoles caducous; flowers 3.5–4.5 cm long. Calyx campanulate, greenish-brown, with long and appressed hairs on both surfaces, 2–2.7 cm long; lobes 4, the adaxial lobe 1.1–1.3 × 0.4 cm, formed by two entirely connate sepals, apex acute, the lateral and abaxial lobes 0.5 × 0.3 cm, apex obtuse. Corolla pentamerous, reportedly cream-white, greenish-white or greenish-yellow; standard 2.5–3 cm long, broadly elliptic, basally attenuate, apically rounded, the claw ca. 0.2 cm long, glabrous; wing petals 2–2.5 × 0.5–0.7 cm, oblong-obovate, basally attenuate, apically obtuse, pubescent at base, the claw ca. 0.1 cm; keel petals 3.5–4.5 × 1.5–2 cm, oblong, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, pubescent at base, the claw ca. 0.1 cm. Stamens 10, diadelphous, with nine stamens fused at basal 85% of filament length, one free; filaments 3.5–4.5 cm long, glabrous; anthers ovate to oblong-elliptic in outline, basifixed, 0.3 cm long, the connective tomentose. Gynoecium composed of a single carpel, 3.5–4.5 cm long; ovary sessile, oblong in outline, 0.8–1 × 0.2 cm, densely sericeous, 4–6-ovulate; style 3–4 cm long, densely sericeous, glabrescent at apex, stigma peltate, vilous. Fruits indehiscent, woody, stipitate, conspicuously hispid pubescent, with long reddish brown stout stinging hairs; stipe ca. 2.5 cm long; body 15–24 × 4–4.5(–6) cm, oblong in outline, laterally compressed, attenuate at base, acuminate at apex, the surface prominently reticulate-ridged, with both transverse and longitudinal ridges, both surface and margin with conspicuous irregular 5–10 mm high lamellae, not constricted between the seeds. Seeds 2–5, ca. 3.7 × 3 cm, rounded or subquadrangular, black; hilum nearly as long as seed.

Distribution and ecology:— Mucuna monticola is better known, as is shown by the number of studied collections, from the main Cordilleras of Costa Rica and western Panama, especially in the Chiriqui area ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ), where it occurs in humid premontane and cloud forest, usually near water courses. The majority of the collections are from (900–)1000–2000(–2400) m elevation, but few collections were also found at some lower elevations, such as 450– 700 m.

Phenology: —Flowering and fruiting material has been collected throughout the year.

Etymology: —The specific epithet refers to the montane habitat with which the species is most often associated.

Additional specimens examined (paratypes): — COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Cordillera de Tilarán , 1 km al N de Las Nubes de Río Chiquito, Zona Monteverde, Atlantic slope rain forest, 10°22’N, 84°51’W, 1300 m, 4 September 1988 (fr), Haber & Zuchowski 8670 ( MO, INB) GoogleMaps ; 10 km NW Monteverde, 2 km N Las Nubes, Atlantic slope, forest remnant on north facing side of steep hill, 10° 22’ N, 84° 51’ W, 1050–1320 m, 30 April 1989 (fl), Haber & Zuchowski 9231 ( CR) GoogleMaps . Puntarenas: Monteverde, Sierra de Tilarán , 4500 ft., March 1959 (fl), Palmer 119 ( CR) ; vicinity of Santa Elena, 1600 m, 28 April 1980 (fr, fl), Meerow et al. 1035 ( CR) ; Reserva de Monteverde, Centro Científico Tropical , en árboles de bosque, cerca de la Reserva, 1520–1560 m, 28 October 1976 (fl, fr), Dryer 892 ( CR) , 17 June 1977 (fl), Dryer 1469 ( CR) ; Cordillera de Talamanca, area around Río Canasta, 9.5 airline km NW of Agua Caliente, between Cerro Frantzius and Cerro Pittier , 1500–1600 m, 09°02’N, 82°59’W, 6 September 1984 (fr), Davidse et al. 28421 ( CR, MO) GoogleMaps ; Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Pacific slope, lower montane wet forest, 10°20´N, 84°50’W, 1400 m, 22 April 1986 (fl), Haber et al. 4665 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Monteverde , lower montane forest, 1400 m, 14 July 1990 (str), Gentry et al. 71669 ( MO) ; Cantón de Puntarenas, Finca Buen Amigo , 10°16’20” N, 84°49’30” W, 1100 m, 16 April 1993 (fl), Fuentes 297 ( MO, INB) GoogleMaps ; Coto Brus, Reserva de la Biosfera la Amistad, cerca Estación Las Alturas de Cotón , 08° 57’ 00.3” N, 82° 49’ 56.8” W, 1650 m, 9 July 1994 (fr), Kress & Patterson 94-4417 ( CR) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Coto Brus, Parque Internacional La Amistad, Cordillera de Talamanca , Estación Pittier poteros alrededor de la estación, 09°01’30” N, 82° 57’ 40” W, 1680 m, 12 June 1995 (fr), Villalobos 201 ( INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Parque Internacional La Amistad, Estación Pittier, Sendero Altamira , Río Canasta , 09°01’30”N, 82°57’40” W, 1680 m, 28 January 1995 (fl), Fletes 18 ( INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Coto Brus, Parque Internacional La Amistad, Estación Pittier , Sendero Río Gemelo , 09° 01’ 30” N, 82° 57’ 40” W, 1845 m, 19 January 1995 (immat fr), Azofeifa 9 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Buenos Aires, Cuenca Térraba-Sierpe, Puesto Tres Colinas , Camino al Puesto a 200 m de la Escuela, 09°06’45” N, 83°04’05” W, 1750 m, 16 September 1996, Gamboa & Picado 607 ( INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Pitahaya, Arancibia Norte, Rincón , cabeceras del río Aranjuez , orillas de la quebrada Socorrro, 10° 15’ 10” N, 84° 41’ 20” W, 1250 m, 27 May 1996 (fr), Kuss 90 ( CR) GoogleMaps ; Coto Brus, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, Cuenca Térraba-Sierpe , alrededores de la Estación, 08° 55’ 23.2640” N, 82° 47’ 45.7540” W, 1540 m, 11 December 1997 (fl), Gamboa 2034 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Monteverde, Cuencas del Lagarto y Guacimal , San Luis , camino Real trail, 10° 16’ 54.0540” N, 84° 48’ 22.3650” W, 1000–1100 m, 22 May 2002 (fr), Landrum 10431 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Buenos Aires, Cuenca Térraba Sierpe, Altamira , Finca ASOPROLA, 09° 00’ 31.9353” N, 83° 00’ 21.3540” W, 1100 m, 22 February 2006 (ster), González et al. 434 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Buenos Aires, Parque Internacional La Amistad, Cuenca Térraba Sierpe , Sabanas Esperanza , 09° 04’ 33.0000” N, 83° 01’ 55.0000” W, 1600–1900 m, 31 May 2006 (fr), Solano et al. 3198 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Buenos Aires, Parque Nacional La Amistad, Cuenca Térraba- Sierpe , 09° 06’ 51.4000” N, 83° 04’ 59.1000” W, 1642 m, 3 March 2010 (fr), Vargas & Villalobos 4007 ( INB) GoogleMaps . Alajuela: Zarcero, upper Pacific tropical zone, 4500 ft., 16 January 1938 (ster), Smith 139 ( MO) ; Ojo de Agua , 28 July 1940 (fl), Vargas 1 ( CR) ; Upper drainage of the Río Peñas Blancas below the Monteverde Cloud Forest Nature Reserve , 09° 17’ N, 84° 86’W, 1250–1350 m, 25–26 February 1977 (fl), Burger et al. 10793 ( CR) ; along Highway 15 between Naranjo and Quesada, 3.2 miles of Zapote, 3 February 1979 (fl, fr), Croat 46911 ( CR, MO) ; Bajos de Jamaical, Reserva de San Ramón , 700–1000 m, 10 May 1985 (ster), Chacón 1794 ( CR) ; Cantón de San Ramón, Reserva Florestal San Ramón, Cordillera de Tilarán , Estación Río San Lorenzo , Sendero El Saíno, 10° 55’ 00” N, 84° 36’ 25” W, 1000–1100 m, 29 April 1993 (fr), Reyes et al. 133 ( CR, INB) GoogleMaps ; San Ramón, Cordillera de Tilarán, Estación San Lorenzo , Sendero Volcán Muerto , 10° 13’ 45.0000” N, 84° 35’ 25.0004” W, 1000 m, 28 April 1993 (fl), Fuentes 308 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Reserva Biológica Monteverde, Río Peñas Blancas, Refugio Alemán , 10° 18’ N, 84° 45’ W, 900 m, 20 Marzo 1990 (fl), Bello 2015 ( CR, INB) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Upala, Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Cordillera de Guanacaste , Estación San Ramón , Dos Ríos de Upala , Sendero el Níspero, 10°52’50” N, 85°24’05” W, 550 m, 31 January 1995 (fr), Chavarría 1214 ( CR, INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Naranjo Zona Protectorada El Chayote, Cuenca del Barranca, Toro Amarillo , camino de tierra entre Robles y carretera que lleva a Bajos del Toro , 10° 10’ 50” N, 84° 20’ 40.0001” W, 2100 m, 17 August 2000 (ster), Rodríguez et al. 6218.1 ( CR, INB) GoogleMaps ; San Ramón, Los Ángeles, Reserva de San Ramón , 10°13’ N, 84°35’ W, 800–900 m, 16 February 2006 (fl), Acosta 4037 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Cuenca del Tárcoles, Bosque del Niño, Sendero Pinares , 10° 08’ 40.0000” N, 84° 15’ 01.0000” W, 1700 m, 30 March 2006 (immat fr), Vargas & Villalobos 1232 ( INB) GoogleMaps . Heredia: Vicinity of Vara Blanca, north of Central Cordillera , between Poás and Barva volcanoes, 1680 m, March 1938 (fl), Skutch 3723 ( GH, K, MO, US) ; a few miles downhill from Vara Blanca on the Pacific side, 2 September 1970 (fl, fr), Janzen 113 ( MO) ; along the Río Clara Valley (Bajo La Hondura) below La Palma northeast of San Jeronimo , 10°03’ N, 83°58’ W, 1000–1200 m, 23 October 1975 (fr), Burger et al. 9381 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Río Bajo La Hondura, Parque Braulio Carrillo , a 25 km al N de San José, 1120 m, 23 January 1983 (fr), Sousa et al. 12675 ( MO) ; Acosta, Palmichal , San Pablo, 09° 50’ 32” N, 84° 10’ 21” W, 1450 m, 18 June 2004 (fr), Quesada 1445 ( CR) GoogleMaps ; Cordillera Volcánica Central, Cuenca del Sarapiquí, Albergue ALAS- 1500 m, en Finca de Oscar Murillo , 10° 13’ 45.0000” N, 84° 07’ 0000” W, 1539 m, 8 April 2005 (fl), Soto & González 741 ( INB) ; same locality, 12 April 2005 (fl), Santamaría & Solano 1622 ( INB) ; same locality, 13 April 2005 (fl), Solano & Santamaría 2199 ( INB) . San José: Río Claro valley ( Río La Hondura drainage) below La Palma northeast of San Jeronimo. 10° 3’ N, 83° 58’ W, 19 November 1969 (fl), Burger & Liesner 6281 ( CR, MO, US) GoogleMaps ; a la vera de las quebradas innominadas entre Las Nubes y Cascajal de Coronado , 1700–1900 m, 14 June 1980 (fl), Gómez-Laurito 5483 ( CR) ; Cerros de Escazú, Cedral, Falda noreste del Alto Hierba Buena , 09°50’39” N, 84°06’46” W, 31 July 1991 (fr), Morales 105 ( CR, INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Acosta, Fila Bustamante Hda. Tiquires , Los Arayales, al S. del Río Tiquires , 09°42’55” N, 84°11’55” W, 1400 m, 4 June 1995 (fr), Morales 4336 ( MO, INB) GoogleMaps ; Cantón de Aserrí, Cuenca Pirris-Damas, Cerros Caraigres , Falda Quebrada Concha en el camino viejo a Bijagual, 09°42’12” N, 84°07’51” W, 1000–1600 m, 8 December 1996 (fr), Morales 5903 ( INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Tarrazú, Cerro Pito , 9° 35’ 30”N, 84° 04’ 10” W, 1300–1400 m, 8 July 1997 (fr), Valverde et al. 78 ( CR) GoogleMaps ; Pérez Zeledón, Parque Nacional Chirripó, Cuenca Térraba-Sierpe , Sendero Río Talari , 09° 26’ 19.1085” N, 83° 32’ 44.0221” W, 2400 m, 6 April 2000 (fl, fr), Alfaro et al 3026 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Acosta, Zona Protectorada Caraigres, Cuenca del Pirris-Damas, Acosta-Tiquires, falda S del Alto Reflis , 09° 43’ 45.0000” N, 84° 11’ 00.0000” W, 1400–1650 m, 6 April 2005 (fr), Morales & Santamaría 12535 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Dota, Los Santos, Cuenca del Savegre , 09° 33’ 09.1314” N, 83° 51’ 42.5378” W, 1650 m, 10 June 2005 (fr), González et al. 338 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; Tarrazú, cuenca del Río Naranjo y Paquita , ca. 17 km suroeste de San Marcos de Tarrazú por el camino a Cerro Cura, 09° 36’ 27.0000” N, 84° 06’ 03.0000” W, 1500 m, 12 January 2006 (fl), Hammel et al. 24017 ( INB) GoogleMaps . Cartago: Steep slopes with open forest and many epiphytes between 7 & 12 km south of the bridge over the Rio Grande de Orosi at Tapantí, 09°42’N, 83°47’W, 1400–1600 m, 2 December 1978 (fl), Antonio 881 ( CR, MO) GoogleMaps ; El Pizote, San Ramón de Tres Ríos , 1500 m, 26 June 1984 (fl), Gómez & Herrera 22862 ( MO) ; Turrialba, Jicotea, por fila al lado oeste del Río Jicotea , Finca del Sr . Israel Martínez , 09° 47’ 05” N, 83° 33’ 15” W, 1100–1200 m, 7 December 1994 (fl), Cascante et al. 429 ( CR, K) GoogleMaps ; Cartón del Guarco, Cuenca del Reventazón, San Isidro ruta hacia el Cerro de La Muerte , 09° 47’00” N, 83° 59’00” W, 1800 m, 3 November 1998 (fl), Rodríguez et al. 4088 ( INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Turrialba, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, Cuenca del Reventazón , límite sur, orillas de la calle, 09° 58’ 42.6000” N, 83° 41’ 58.1000” W, 1240 m, 24 May 2006 (fl), Vargas & Villalobos 1341 ( INB) GoogleMaps ; La Unión, Dulce Nombre, Zona Protectorada Río Tiribí , faja de bosque ripario alrededores del puesto Pizote ( A y A) , 09° 56’ 10.8” N, 83° 58’ 15.7” W, 1600 m, 23 April 2008 (fl), Cascante & Quesada 1924 ( CR) GoogleMaps . Limón: Cantón de Talamanca, Bratsi , Alto Lari , siguiendo la fila entre Río Dapari y Río Lari, bajando hasta el cause del mismo, 09° 25’ 50” N, 83° 03’ 20” W, 450 m, 3 March 1992 (fl), Aguilar & Schmidt 1035 ( CR, INB) GoogleMaps . PANAMA. Chiriquí: Vicinity of Casita Alta, Volcán de Chiriquí, ca. 1500–2000 m, 28 June–2 July1938 (fl, fr), Woodson et al. 969 ( GH, MO, NY, US) ; Vicinity of Bajo Mona and Quebrada Chiquero , 1500 m, 18 July 1940 (fl), Woodson & Schery 517 ( MO) ; Boquete region , June 1940 (fr), von Hagren & von Hagren 2111 ( MO) ; Boquete near Fred Collin’s finca, 6000 ft, 3 August 1960 (fl), Ebinger 740 ( MO, US) ; NW of Boquete, Cerro Horqueta, trail to lower edge of cloud forest, 5000–5800 ft, 13 December 1966 (fl), Dwyer et al. 1968 ( MO) ; Finca Collins, vicinity of Boquete , 24 July 1966 (fr), Blum & Dwyer 2531 A ( MO) ; Cerro Horqueta , 5700–7000 ft., 8 August 1967 (fr), Kirkbride 156 ( MO, NY) ; Cerro Horqueta , 4500–5500 ft., 20 July 1968 (fr), Dwyer & Lallathin 8738 ( GH, MO) ; on slopes of La Popa above Boquete , 5400 ft, 5 August 1972 (fl), D’Arcy & D’Arcy 6389 ( MO) ; Boquete–Palo Alto – Finca Arco Iris, 11 August 1977 (fl) , Béliz 193 ( MO) ; 3.5 miles NE of Boquete, end of road along Río Palo Alto , 19 November 1978 (fr, fl), Hammel 5729 ( MO) ; Finca Ojo de Agua , 1300 m, 08° 51’ N, 82° 46’ W, 14 October 1981 (fr), Knapp 1595 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Río Palo Alto , high SE fork 1 km W to Cerro Azul, 13 May 1983 (fl), Schmalzel et al. 1585 ( MO) ; Palo Alto, SE fork, 1800 m, 21 September 1983 (fl), Schmalzel 1767 ( MO) ; Trail to Cerro Pata de Macho , Palo Alto, 5 June 1983 (fl), Schmalzel 1646 ( MO) . Coclé: Valle de Antón and Vicinity , 500–700 m, 23–27 July 1935 (fl), Seibert 434 ( MO) .

Discussion:— It is unique among Neotropical Mucuna in its pod, which is larger and longer with conspicuous irregular lamellas or reticulate-ridged and not constricted between the seeds. Mucuna monticola most closely resembles the species M. mutisiana ( Kunth 1824: 443) Candolle (1825: 406) and M. killipiana Camacho & Barbosa (1988: 38) . It differs from both by its prominently reticulate-ridged fruit surface, with both latitudinal and longitudinal ridges. In M. mutisiana , the fruit surface presents interrupted or irregular lateral lamellae, while in M. killipiana the fruit surface has two longitudinal lamellae that extend from the base of the fruit to its apex. Mucuna monticola also differs from both species by having the wing petal shorter than the keel.

In his treatment of Mucuna for the Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, Zamora (2010) included three possibly new species of Mucuna , which he lettered A–C. Mucuna monticola represents Mucuna sp. C in Zamora’s treatment.

Camacho, J. H. & Barbosa, C. E. (1988) Mucuna killipiana, una nueva especies de Fabaceae de los Andes Colombianas. Trianea, Acta Cientifica y Tecnologica Inderena 1: 38 - 43.

Candolle, A. C. P. de (1825) Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 2. Treuttel & Wurtz, Paris, Strasbourg & London, 644 pp.

Kunth, K. S. (1824) Leguminosae. In: Humboldt, F. W. H. A. von, Bonpland, A. J. A. & Kunth, K. S. Nova Genera et Species Plantarum 6 Librairie Graeco-Latino-Germanicae, Paris, pp. 93 - 524.

Zamora, N. (2010) Fabaceae. In: Hammel, B. E., Grayum, M. H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (eds.) Manual de plantas de Costa Rica 5. Dicotiledoneas (Clusiaceae - Gunneraceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 119: 395 - 775.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Mucuna monticola. A: branchlet with leaf and inflorescence; B: flower; C: standard; D: wings; E: keel; F: androecium; G: gynoecium; H: opened calyx; I: calyx, lateral view; J: fruit. From Dwyer & Lallathin 8738 (GH), drawn by Ana Lucia Souza.

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FIGURE 2. Geographical distribution of Mucuna monticola. Map created using BRAHMS 6.9 via Diva GIS.

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FIGURE 3. Mucuna monticola: A: inflorescence (Solano 2199, INB); B–C: flower (Solano 5265, INB), D–E: fruit (Solano 3198, INB); F: leaf (Solano 2199, INB).


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