Phacelochaeta quinquevittata (Norrbom), 2010

Norrbom, Allen L., Sutton, Bruce D., Steck, Gary J. & Monzón, José, 2010, New genera, species and host plant records of Nearctic and Neotropical Tephritidae (Diptera) 2398, Zootaxa 2398, pp. 1-65 : 39-41

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Felipe (2021-08-22 21:59:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 10:23:31)

scientific name

Phacelochaeta quinquevittata (Norrbom)

comb. nov.

Phacelochaeta quinquevittata (Norrbom) View in CoL , new combination

Fig. 56

Oedaspis quinquefasciata Becker 1919: 192 View in CoL (preoccupied by Hendel 1914); Aczél 1950: 314 [in catalog].

Cecidochares quinquevittata Norrbom View in CoL in Norrbom et al. 1999: 117 (new name for quinquefasciata Becker 1919 View in CoL ).

Description. Body length, female 5.5 mm. Mesonotum length 2.0 mm. Wing length 5.0 mm, width 2.1 mm, ratio 2.38.

Head: Orange except occiput dorsally and ocellar tubercle brown, entirely whitish to grayish microtrichose. Parafacial without brown spot. Frons anteromedially with numerous slender yellow setulae; 2– 3 brown, acuminate frontal setae; 2 orbital setae, anterior seta brown, acuminate, posterior seta yellow, slightly lanceolate; ocellar and medial vertical setae well developed, brown; lateral vertical seta lanceolate, yellow, ca. 1/3 as long as medial vertical seta; postocellar and paravertical setae yellow, lanceolate; postocular setae mixed minute, brown, acuminate and large, yellow, lanceolate; genal seta brown; postgenal setulae numerous, large, yellow, acuminate. Facial ridge relatively broad, with numerous proclinate slender yellow setulae.

Thorax: Dark brown except postpronotal lobe mostly orange; mostly densely microtrichose. Mesonotum grayish microtrichose; posterior margin of scutum with irregular dark brown microtrichose area with 2 pairs of broad angular lobes extended anteriorly, 1 to acrostichal seta and 1 almost to intra-alar seta. Scutellum very strongly convex; shiny, nonmicrotrichose except basolateral corner, extreme apical margin, and underside dark brown microtrichose. Subscutellum dark brown microtrichose on dorsal half, shiny, nonmicrotrichose ventrally. Mediotergite shiny, nonmicrotrichose except extreme dorsolateral corner grayish microtrichose, and ventrolateral margin sparsely microtrichose. Pleuron entirely grayish microtrichose including anepisternum and katepisternum. Thoracic setae long, dark brown, and acuminate, including postpronotal, anterior notopleural, presutural and postsutural supra-alar, dorsocentral, acrostichal, intra-alar, postalar, 2 scutellar, 1 anepisternal, and katepisternal setae. Anepimeral and other anepisternal setae yellow. Posterior notopleural seta yellow, lanceolate, less than half as long as anterior notopleural. Dorsocentral seta aligned very close to transverse suture, much closer to it than level of postsutural supra-alar seta. Scutal setulae yellow, lanceolate, more or less evenly distributed in irregular rows on gray microtrichose areas; without setulae on posterior dark brown microtrichose area except 2 pairs of tight clusters of 5–10 setulae near posterior margin, 1 slightly medial to acrostichal line, 1 anterior to corner of scutellum. Scutellum with 5 clusters of yellow, lanceolate setulae, 1 pair proximal to basal seta, 1 pair on margin between basal and apical setae, and 1 unpaired cluster on margin between apical setae.

Wing ( Fig. 56): Costa with 3–4 setae at subcostal break 2–4 times as large as other costal setulae. Pterostigma 0.53 times as long as cell c, subtriangular; vein R 1 gradually curved. Vein R 2+3 moderately long, distance between apices of R 1 and R 2+3 / distance between apices of R 2+3 and R 4+5: 1.29. Crossvein r-m 0.76 distance from bm-cu to dm-cu. Wing pattern with 5 orange and moderate brown bands. Wing base, including cells bc and extreme base of cell br orange, extending into cells c, bm, and bcu and connecting with first band. First band extending from costal margin in distal half of cell c to posterior margin in anal lobe, covering crossvein bm-cu; distinctly broadened posteriorly, extended distally to apex of vein A 1 +Cu 2 (only slightly broader and not reaching vein according to Becker 1919, pl. XVI, fig. 7). Second band broadly connected to first band in cells br and dm, extending obliquely to posterior margin in cell cu 1. Third band connected to first band from costal margin to vein R 2+3, extending from pterostigma to posterior margin in base of cell m, including apex of vein Cu 1, covering crossveins r-m and dm-cu; in cell r 1 distal margin oblique, slightly concave. Fourth band very broad in middle and apical part of cell r 1, almost reaching apex of cell, with or without 1 small marginal hyaline spot within it; separate from fifth band except narrowly connected along posterior margin (completely separate according to Becker 1919, pl. XVI, fig. 7). Fifth (apical) band elongate and narrow, not extended to apex of vein R 2+3, separated from fourth band by slightly concave hyaline band, without hyaline marginal marks.

Abdomen: Tergites dark brown except lateral margin of syntergite 1+2; mostly moderately densely grayish microtrichose; female tergite 6, except basal margin, shiny nonmicrotrichose. Sternites yellow. Setulae whitish, lanceolate.

Female terminalia: Oviscape 1.5 mm long, 0.75 times as long as mesonotum, shiny nonmicrotrichose, with setulae yellow, slightly lanceolate.

Remarks. Oedaspis quinquefasciata Becker, 1919 is not a synonym of Phacelochaeta quinquefasciata (Hendel) , as proposed by Aczél (1953), although it is a secondary junior homonym of that name.

Type data. Becker (1919) described Oedaspis quinquefasciata from “7 individus” from Ecuador: “ Casitagua [= Pichincha: Cerro Casitagua], alt.: 3512 m; - Danas [= Chimborazo: Cerro Danas, sometimes spelled Dannas], alt.: 3778 m ” collected by Rivet in 1903 and 1904. Most of the syntypes, which should be in the MNHNP, were not examined, but a female in the MZUSP collection is probably one of them. It closely matches the description and wing illustration provided by Becker, except that the two apical wing bands are narrowly connected along the posterior margin .

Distribution. Ecuador.

Material examined. ECUADOR: [Chimborazo: Cerro] Danas [2°8'S 78°53'W], 3792 m, 1904, P. Rivet, “Museum Paris”, “4007”, “ Oedaspis 5-fasciata B.”, 1♀ probable syntype of quinquefasciata Becker ( USP USNMENT00213086 ) GoogleMaps .

Aczel, M. L. (1950) Catalogo de la familia ' Trypetidae' (Dipt. Acalypt.) de la region neotropical. Acta Zoologica Lilloana (1949), 7, 177 - 328.

Aczel, M. L. (1953) La familia Tephritidae en la region neotropical. I. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 13, 97 - 200.

Hendel, F. (1914) Die Bohrfliegen Sudamerikas. Ubersicht und Katalog der bisher aus der neotropischen Region beschriebenen Tephritinen. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Koniglichen Zoologischen und Anthropologisch-Ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden (1912), 14 (3): 1 - 84.

Norrbom, A. L., Carroll, L. E., Thompson, F. C., White, I. M. & Freidberg, A. (1999) Systematic database of names. In: Thompson, F. C. (Ed.), Fruit Fly Expert Identification System and Systematic Information Database. Myia (1998), 9, pp. 65 - 251, & Diptera Data Dissemination Disk (CD-ROM) (1998) 1.


University of the South Pacific











