Triforis (Mastonia) fulvescens Hervier, 1898

Albano, Paolo G., Franco, Davide Di, Azzarone, Michele, J., Piet A., Bakker & Sabelli, Bruno, 2023, Review of the types of Indo-Pacific Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Zoosystema 45 (2), pp. 13-106 : 34-35

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Triforis (Mastonia) fulvescens Hervier, 1898


Triforis (Mastonia) fulvescens Hervier, 1898 View in CoL ( Fig. 16 View FIG )

Triforis (Mastonia) fulvescens Hervier, 1898: 258 View in CoL , illustrated by Hervier (1899: pl. 17, fig. 1).

TYPE LOCALITY. — Lifou, New Caledonia.

TYPE MATERIAL. — Syntypes. New Caledonia • MNHN-IM-2000-1501; 2 specimens; from type locality.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. — T. sinistrorsa , subcylindricè tumidula, latere convexa, apice acuminata, solidula, alba, fulvo zonata, brunneo marmorata. Anfractus circa 15, sutura subprofunda, lineari, undulatim prominente discreti, costulis obliquis, laevigatis, rotundis, gemmiferis longitudinaliter ornati, liris 2 gemmas superantibus (liraque tertia minore intermedia in ultimis tribus anfractibus), lira inferiore alba majore cingulati. Ultimus anfractus convexus, basi curtus, ad ortum canalis coarctatus, liris 5 gemmiferis decrescentibus cinctus. Canalis basalis brevis, obliquus, valdè récurvus, clausus, carinatus. Apertura tubularis, subpiriformis, obliqua, latere labri depressa. Peristoma continuum. Labrum tenue, subrotundè prominens, canali junctum, supernè breviter rotundè fissuratum ad suturam. — Long. 5 mill.; diam. max. 2 mill. Hab. Insula Lifou. Vidi 5 specimina, à R. P. Goubin, S. M., collecta.

TRANSLATION OF THE LATIN TEXT. — Sinistral shell, slightly broad and cylindrical, laterally convex, acute apex, rather solid, white, with brown bands, brown marbled. About 15 whorls, separated by a slightly deep, linear, waved and protruding suture, ribs are oblique, smooth, rounded, longitudinally adorned by tubercles, with one superior tubercled spiral cord (in the last whorl, the third cord is smaller) and an inferior white and bigger spiral cord. Convex last whorl, short at the base, narrow on the siphon, with 5 decreasing tubercled spiral cords. Short siphon, oblique, strongly curved, closed and carinated. Tubular aperture, slightly pyriform, oblique, depressed on one side of the lip. Continuous peristome. Thin lip, slightly rounded and protruding, connected to the siphon, above and near the suture presents a short rounded fissure. — Length 5 mm; maximum diameter 2 mm.

Locality: Lifou Island. I saw 5 specimens collected by R. P. Goubin.

DIAGNOSIS. — Shell cyrtoconoid. Illustrated syntype 5.1 mm high. Teleoconch of c. 10 whorls. Three spiral cords present, the second on the second last whorl. First and third cords with tubercles at the intersections with rather prosocline axial ribs. Second cord as a fine thread. Base with two additional spiral cords, the first tubercled and the second smooth. First three teleoconch whorls white, then with brownish and whitish first and third cord, respectively, with whitish tubercles. Protoconch absent in the syntype.














Triforis (Mastonia) fulvescens Hervier, 1898

Albano, Paolo G., Franco, Davide Di, Azzarone, Michele, J., Piet A., Bakker & Sabelli, Bruno 2023

Triforis (Mastonia) fulvescens

HERVIER J. 1898: 258
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