Gonaphodiellus opisthius ( Bates, 1887 )

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2012, Systematic revision of Gonaphodiellus taxa, with description of two new genera and fourteen new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2012 (230), pp. 1-41 : 11-12

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Felipe (2021-08-07 11:26:34, last updated 2024-11-24 19:54:40)

scientific name

Gonaphodiellus opisthius ( Bates, 1887 )


Gonaphodiellus opisthius ( Bates, 1887)

( Fig. 43-50 View Figure 43-56 )

Aphodius duplex Bates, 1887: 87 (nec Aphodius duplex LeConte, 1878 ).

Aphodius opisthius Bates, 1887 . 92 (nomen novum); 1889: 392; Blackwelder 1944: 213.

Aphodius (Trichaphodius) opisthinus ; Schmidt 1913: 136 (incorrect spelling); 1922: 132.

Aphodius (Gonaphodiellus) opisthius ; Dellacasa 1988: 173.

Gonaphodiellus opisthius ; Dellacasa et al. 2002: 189; Skelley et al. 2007: 4.

Type locality. Cerro de Plumas [=Cerro de Palmas], [Veracruz], Mexico.

Type repository. Natural History Museum. London, UK (type examined).

Redescription. Length 4.0-5.0 mm, oval-elongate, moderately convex, subshiny, nearly glabrous. Yellowish-brown; head anteriorly and pronotum disc brownish; elytra with juxtasutural interstria, base of fifth interstria and preapical declivity brownish, apical declivity including an oblique oval yellowish spot ( Fig. 44 View Figure 43-56 ); sometimes elytra almost entirely dirty yellowish ( Fig. 46 View Figure 43-56 ) or almost entirely dark-brownish ( Fig 45 View Figure 43-56 ). Head with epistome somewhat convex medially, superficially microreticulate, regularly and distinctly punctured; punctation denser and coarser laterally; clypeus slightly sinuate at middle, round at sides, bordered, edge shortly bristled; genae round, slightly auriculate, shortly ciliate, feebly protruding from the eyes; frontal suture finely impressed; front regularly and rather coarsely punctured. Pronotum transverse, moderately convex, distinctly, regularly and rather densely punctured; sides slightly sinuate inwardly before hind angles, finely bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obliquely truncate, the truncature not inwardly sinuate; base bisinuate. Scutellum elongate with curved sides, coarsely but rather sparsely punctured. Elytra almost subparallel-sided, convex, minutely denticulate at shoulder, finely striate; striae feebly crenulate; interstriae almost flat, superficially microreticulate, finely and irregularly punctured, sparsely shortly pubescent on preapical declivity. Hind tibiae upper spur shorter than first tarsal segment; latter slightly longer than following three segments combined. Male: fore tibiae spur abruptly downward curved; pronotum relatively more transverse and less convex; metasternal plate distinctly excavate; aedeagus Fig. 48-49 View Figure 43-56 . Female: fore tibiae spur almost straight; pronotum relatively narrower frontward and more convex; metasternal plate almost flat.

Material examined. GUATEMALA: San Marcos, 25.0 Km NW San Marcos, 15°04’N – 91°51’W, m 3052, 25.V.1973, leg Erwin & Havel, Central American Expedition 1973 (1 ex., USNM) GoogleMaps . MEXICO: Chiapas: 6 exx. ( DCGI) 1 ex. ( MSNT) ; Chihuahua: 4 exx. ( DCGI) ; Distrito Federal: 10 ex. ( FSCA), 1 ex. ( NYSM) ; Durango: 4 exx. ( CSCA), 61 exx. ( DCGI), 8 exx. ( MSNT) ; Guerrero: 164 exx. ( DCGI), 5 exx. ( MSNT) ; Hidalgo: 56 exx. ( DCGI), 369 exx. ( MSNT), 4 exx. ( RHTC) ; Jalisco: 4 exx. ( CSCA), 103 exx. ( DCGI), 2 exx. ( EMEB), 137 exx. ( MSNT), 4 exx. ( NYSM), 2 exx. ( RHTC) ; México: 94 exx. ( DCGI), 77 exx. ( MSNT), 6 exx. ( NYSM), 1 ex. ( USNM) ; Michoacán: 215 exx. ( DCGI), 10 exx. ( EMEB), 768 exx. ( MSNT), 1 ex. ( NYSM) ; Morelos: 57 exx. ( DCGI), 2 exx. ( NYSM) ; Nayarit: 1 ex. ( DCGI) ; Oaxaca: 392 exx. ( DCGI), 737 exx. ( MSNT) ; Puebla: 50 exx. ( DCGI), 195 exx. ( MSNT) ; Queretaro: 111 exx. ( DCGI), 307 exx. ( MSNT) ; Sinaloa: 57 exx. ( CSCA), 1 ex. ( DCGI) ; Tlaxcala: 16 exx. ( DCGI) ; Veracruz: 392 exx. ( DCGI), 46 exx. ( EMEB), 325 exx. ( MSNT) .

Distribution. Guatemala, Mexico (widely distributed almost all over).

Bionomics. All year round, coprophagous species collected in nearly all kinds of dung.

Bates, H. W. 1887. Insecta. Coleoptera. Pectinicornia and Lamellicornia. (Copridae, Aphodiidae, Orphnidae, Hybosoridae, Geotrupidae, Trogidae, Aclopidae, Chasmatopteridae, Melolonthidae). Biologia Centrali-Americana, Vol. 2, Part 2: 25 - 160.

Blackwelder, R. E. 1944. Checklist of the Coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Part II. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 185 (2): 189 - 341.

Dellacasa, M. 1988. Contribution to a world-wide Catalogue of Aegialiidae, Aphodiidae, Aulonocnemidae, Termitotrogidae. (Part I). Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana [1987] 66: 1 - 455.

Dellacasa, M., R. D. Gordon, and G. Dellacasa. 2002. Aphodiinae described or recorded by Bates in Biologia Centrali-Americana. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (n. s.) 86: 155 - 223.

Schmidt, A. 1913. Erster Versuch einer Einteilung der exotischen Aphodien in Subgenera und als Anhang einige Neubeschreibungen. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Abt. A, 79: 117 - 178.

Skelley, P. E., Dellacasa M., Dellacasa G. and R. D. Gordon. 2007. Checklist of the Aphodiini of Mexico, Central and South America. Insecta Mundi 0014: 1 - 14.

Gallery Image

Figure 43-56. Gonaphodiellus opisthius (Bates, 1887) (Zacualtipan, Hidalgo, Mexico). 43) Epipharynx. 44- 47) Habitus (length ideogram, color variations and morphological details). 48-49) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). 50) Right labial palp (dorsal view). Gonaphodiellus pacatus (Harold, 1880) (Tolima, Rovira, Colombia). 51) Labial palp. 52) Epipharynx. 53-54) Habitus (morphological details and length ideogram). 55-56) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view).


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Museo Civico DI Storia Naturale DI Torino


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