Gonaphodiellus omiltemicus, Dellacasa & Dellacasa & Gordon, 2012

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2012, Systematic revision of Gonaphodiellus taxa, with description of two new genera and fourteen new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2012 (230), pp. 1-41 : 10-11

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Felipe (2021-08-07 11:26:34, last updated 2024-11-24 19:54:40)

scientific name

Gonaphodiellus omiltemicus

sp. nov.

Gonaphodiellus omiltemicus new species

( Fig. 38-42 View Figure 33-42 )

Type locality. Omiltemi, 17°33’23.4’’N – 099°44’00.8’’W, m 2131, Guerrero, Mexico.

Type repository. Dellacasa Collection, Genoa, Italy.

Description. Length 5.0-5.5 mm, oblong, moderately convex, subshiny, glabrous. Head and pronotum brownish; elytra more or less paler, usually with shoulder, base of second interstria, apical margin and a round preapical spot yellowish; legs and antennal club dark brown. Head with epistome slightly convex, superficially alutaceous, rather finely, evenly, not closely punctured, punctation somewhat sparser and finer on disc; clypeus subtruncate anteriorly, round at sides, finely bordered, edge glabrous and faintly reflexed anterolaterally; genae obtusely round, near imperceptibly bristled, protruding from the eyes; frontal suture extremely fine, almost obsolete medially; front evenly. finely, rather sparsely punctured. Pronotum transverse, moderately convex, rather shiny, simply punctured; punctation somewhat denser and coarser on sides, sparser and finer on disc; lateral margins feebly arcuate, finely bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obliquely truncate, the truncation slightly sinuate inwardly; base feebly bisinuate. Scutellum elongate, finely sparsely punctured on basal half. Elytra oval elongate, moderately convex, weakly denticulate at shoulder, finely superficially striate; striae fine, not closely punctured, subcrenulate; interstriae almost flat, sparsely, finely, but distinctly punctured. Hind tibiae upper spur shorter than first tarsal segment; first tarsal segment somewhat longer than following three segments combined. Male: head and pronotum relatively less convex and more sparsely and superficially punctured; fore tibiae spur downwardly bent, shorter and stouter; metasternal plate feebly excavate, sparsely punctured; aedeagus Fig. 41-42 View Figure 33-42 . Female: head and pronotum relatively more convex and more densely and coarsely punctured; fore tibiae spur slender and rather straight; metasternal plate almost flat, impunctate.

Type material. MEXICO: Guerrero: Omiltemi, 17°33’23.4"N – 099°41’00.8"W, m 2131, 06.VII.2007, leg. Dellacasa M., Fresi C. & Martínez I. (male holotype GoogleMaps , allotype GoogleMaps and 12 paratypes, DCGI GoogleMaps ; 2 paratypes, FSCA) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Known from the type locality only.

Etymology. Named after the type locality.

Bionomics. The specimens of the type series were collected in July in horse dung.

Gallery Image

Figure 33-42. Gonaphodiellus nigrinus (Schmidt, 1916) (Yasuni National Park, Napo Prov., Ecuador). 33) Epipharynx. 34-35) Habitus (length ideogram and morphological details). 36-37) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). Gonaphodiellus omiltemicus, new species (Omiltemi, Guerrero, Mexico). 38) Epipharynx. 39- 40) Habitus (morphological details and length ideogram). 41-42) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view).













