Gonaphodiellus arcanus, Dellacasa & Dellacasa & Gordon, 2012

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2012, Systematic revision of Gonaphodiellus taxa, with description of two new genera and fourteen new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2012 (230), pp. 1-41 : 4-5

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Felipe (2021-08-07 11:26:34, last updated 2024-11-24 19:54:40)

scientific name

Gonaphodiellus arcanus

sp. nov.

Gonaphodiellus arcanus new species

( Fig. 1-5 View Figure 1-12 )

Type locality. Chiquihuite env., 15°05’41.0’’N – 092°06’04.0’’W, m 2060, Chiapas, Mexico.

Type repository. Dellacasa Collection, Genoa, Italy.

Description. Length 3.5-4.0 mm; oval, convex, shiny, glabrous. Piceous; clypeal margin, anterior angles of pronotum and elytral apex brownish-yellow; elytra with yellowish round spots on preapical declivity; legs pale brown; antennal club dirty testaceous. Head with epistome feebly gibbous on disc, evenly, not closely punctured throughout, punctation on disc only less superficial and sparser; clypeus subtruncate anteriorly, widely round at sides, rather thickly bordered, edge slightly reflexed, glabrous; genae obtuse, almost imperceptibly ciliate, protruding from the eyes; frontal suture almost obsolete; front finely, sparsely, somewhat irregularly punctured. Pronotum transverse, moderately convex, dually somewhat irregularly punctured; large punctures, twice larger than small ones, denser and closer on sides, lacking medially; small punctures rather regularly, not closely scattered throughout; lateral margins feebly arcuate, slightly inwardly sinuate before hind angles, finely bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obliquely truncate, truncation inwardly feebly sinuate; base very slightly bisinuate. Scutellum almost flat, superficially alutaceous, with few sparse irregular punctures toward base. Elytra rather shortly oval, convex, strongly denticulate at shoulder, finely striate; striae rather deeply, not closely punctured, subcrenulate; interstriae moderately convex, superficially alutaceous, nearly imperceptibly and sparsely punctured. Hind tibiae upper spur shorter than first tarsal segment; first tarsal segment as long as following four segments combined. Male: shape relatively less broad and more convex; pronotal punctation more superficial and sparse mainly medially; metasternal plate with median longitudinal groove distinct; aedeagus Fig. 4-5 View Figure 1-12 . Female: shape relatively broader and less convex; pronotal punctation coarser and denser medially; metasternal plate with median longitudinal groove very superficial.

Type material. GUATEMALA: Quezalten, 14.2 Km SW Zunil , m 1340, 21.VI.1993, leg. F. Génier, human feces (1 female paratype, CNCI) ; MEXICO: Chiapas: Chiquihuite env., 15°05’41.0’’N – 092°06’04.0’’W; m 2060, 23.VI.2007; leg. Dellacasa M. & Fresi C. (holotype male GoogleMaps , allotype GoogleMaps and 3 female paratypes; DCGI) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas).

Etymology. Named after the Latin word arcanus [= hidden].

Bionomics. All the specimens of the type series were collected in June.

Gallery Image

Figure 1-12. Gonaphodiellus arcanus, new species (Chiquihuite env., Chiapas, Mexico). 1) Epipharynx. 2-3) Habitus (length ideogram and morphological details). 4-5) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). Gonaphodiellus bimaculosus (Schmidt, 1909) (6 mi. W Teziutlan, Puebla, Mexico). 6) Epipharynx. 7-10) Habitus (morphological details, right labial palp in dorsal view and length ideogram with color variations). 11-12) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view).


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