Gonaphodioides newtoni, Dellacasa & Dellacasa & Gordon, 2012

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2012, Systematic revision of Gonaphodiellus taxa, with description of two new genera and fourteen new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2012 (230), pp. 1-41 : 19-20

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Felipe (2021-08-07 11:26:34, last updated 2024-11-24 19:54:40)

scientific name

Gonaphodioides newtoni

sp. nov.

Gonaphodioides newtoni new species

( Fig. 84-88 View Figure 78-88 )

Type locality. 43 Km SW Huejutla, m 1500, Tlanchinol, Hidalgo, Mexico.

Type repository. Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Canada.

Description. Length 4.0-4.5 mm; moderately elongate, rather convex, shiny, glabrous. Dark brown; clypeal margin, anterior angles of pronotum and elytral apex paler; legs dark reddish-brown; antennal club dirty testaceous. Head with epistome gibbous medially, evenly, not closely, distinctly punctured; clypeus feebly sinuate at middle, subangulose at sides, rather thickly bordered, edge glabrous, anteriorly moderately reflexed; genae obtuse, not ciliate, protruding from the eyes; frontal suture obsolete; front somewhat more sparsely punctured than epistome. Pronotum transverse, convex, simply, almost evenly, rather closely punctured; punctation somewhat denser on sides; lateral margins straight, faintly sinuate inwardly before hind angles, rather thickly bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obliquely truncate, truncation slightly sinuate inwardly; base feebly bisinuate. Scutellum somewhat elongate, superficially alutaceous and sparsely punctured on basal half. Elytra elongate, subparallelsided, minutely denticulate at shoulder; striae fine, superficially, not closely punctured, not crenulate; interstriae almost flat, irregularly, sparsely finely punctured. Hind tibiae upper spur shorter than first tarsal segment; first tarsal segment as long as following four segments combined. Male: head and pronotum relatively more transverse, less convex and less densely punctured; metasternal plate with median longitudinal groove deeper; aedeagus Fig. 87-88 View Figure 78-88 . Female: head and pronotum relatively less transverse, more convex and more densely punctured; metasternal plate with median longitudinal groove superficial.

Type material. MEXICO: Hidalgo: 43 Km SW Huejutla, Tlanchinol , m 1500, 14.VI-04.VIII.1983, leg. Peck S. & J., cloud forest FIT (male holotype , allotype and 7 paratypes, CNCI , 2 paratypes, DCGI) ; 3 mi. N Tlanchinol , 5200’, 11.VII.1973, leg. Newton A. (4 paratypes, DCGI, CNCI) ; 10 mi. NE Rancho Viejo , 5100’, 29.VII.1971, leg. Newton A. (4 paratypes, CNCI) ; Puebla: 4 mi. E Tezuitlán , 5000’, 14.VII.1971. leg. Newton A. (4 paratypes, DCGI, CNCI) ; San Luis Potosí: 13 mi. W Xilitla , 4800’, 28.VI.1971, leg. Newton A. (9 paratypes, DCGI, CNCI) ; 20 Km W Xilitla , m 1600, 12.VI-06.VIII.1983, leg. Peck S. & J., cloud forest (1 paratype, CNCI) .

Distribution. Mexico (Hidalgo, Puebla, San Luis Potosí).

Etymology. Named in honor of Alfred Newton, curator of entomology, Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois.

Bionomics. All specimens of the type series were collected in late spring; some of them in cloud forest by flight interception trap.

Gallery Image

Figure 78-88. Gonaphodioides columbicus (Harold, 1880) (Oberhalb Bogotá, Colombia). 78) Epipharynx. 79) Right labial palp (dorsal view). 80-81) Habitus (morphological details and length ideogram). 82-83) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). Gonaphodioides newtoni, new species (3 mi. N Tlanchinol, Hidalgo, Mexico). 84) Epipharynx. 85-86) Habitus (morphological details and length ideogram). 87-88) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view).


Canadian National Collection Insects













