Diproctophyllodes dielytra ( Trouessart, 1885 )

Mironov, Sergey V., Literak, Ivan, Sychra, Oldrich & Capek, Miroslav, 2017, Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica, Zootaxa 4297 (1), pp. 1-105 : 81

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Plazi (2017-08-08 16:09:18, last updated 2024-11-26 02:53:12)

scientific name

Diproctophyllodes dielytra ( Trouessart, 1885 )


Diproctophyllodes dielytra ( Trouessart, 1885)

Proctophyllodes (Alloptes) dielytra Trouessart, 1885: 66 .

Alloptes dielytra, Canestrini and Kramer 1899: 111 ; Radford 1953: 213; 1958: 148. Brephosceles dielytra, Berla 1959a: 1 –3, figs. 1, 2.

Diproctophyllodes dielytra, Atyeo and Gaud 1968: 212 , figs. 5–7.

Brephosceles exquisitus Berla, 1959a: 3 –4, figs. 3, 4; synonymized by Atyeo and Gaud 1968.

Material examined. 3 males and 16 females ( ZISP 6297–6315 View Materials ) from Chiroxiphia linearis (Bonaparte, 1838) (Pipridae) , COSTA RICA, Rincón de la Vieja National Park, Cordillera de Guanacaste Mts., 10°46’N, 85°18’N; 800 m; 20 August 2009, collectors I. Literak, O. Sychra and M. Capek ; 3 males and 12 females ( ZISP 6182–6196 View Materials ) from Corapipo altera Hellmayr, 1906 (Pipridae) , COSTA RICA, Rincón de la Vieja National Park, Cordillera de Guanacaste Mts., 10°46'N, 85°18'W, 23 August 2009, collectors I. Literak, O. Sychra and M. Capek GoogleMaps ; 10 females ( ZISP 6531–6540 View Materials ) from C. altera , COSTA RICA, Tapantí National Park, Sector Tapantí, Cordillera de Talamanca Mts. , 09°46’N, 83°47’W, 8 August 2009, collectors I. Literak, O. Sychra and M. Capek GoogleMaps ; 4 males and 10 females (ZISP 6541–6554), same host and collection data.

This species is associated with various manakins ( Passeriformes : Pipridae ). Originally, it was described from Pipra aureola (Linnaeus) (type host) in Cayenne (French Guiana) and Ceratopipra erythrocephala (Linnaeus) in “Guyanes” (French Guiana or neighboring territories) ( Trouessart, 1885). Later on, it was recorded from several more species of manakins from South America ( Berla 1959a; Atyeo & Gaud 1968; Enout et al. 2012; Silva et al. 2015) ( Table 1). This is the first finding of this mite in Costa Rica and the first records on Chiroxiphia linearis (Bonaparte) and Corapipo altera Hellmayr.

Atyeo, W. T. & Gaud, J. (1968) Two feather mite genera (Analgoidea, Proctophyllodidae) from birds of the families Oxyruncidae and Pipridae (Passeriformes, Tyranni). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum, 8, 209 - 215.

Berla, H. F. (1959 a) Analgesoidea neotropicais. IV-Sobre algumas especies novas ou pouco conhecidas de acarinos plumicolas. Boletim do Museu Nacional de Rio de Janeiro, New Series, Zoologia, 209, 1 - 17.

Canestrini, G. & Kramer, P. (1899) Demodicidae und Sarcoptidae. Das Tierreich, 7, 1 - 193.

Enout, A. M. J., Lobato, D. N. C., Diniz, F. C. & Antonini, Y. (2012) Chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) and feather mites (Acari, Astigmata) associated with birds of the Cerrado in Central Brazil. Parasitology Research, 111, 1731 - 1742. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 00436 - 012 - 3016 - 5

Radford, C. D. (1953) The mites (Acarina: Analgesidae) living on or in the feathers of birds. Parasitology, 42, 199 - 230. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0031182000084468

Silva, H. M., Hernandes, F. A. & Pichorim, M. (2015) Feather mites (Acari, Astigmata) associated with birds in an Atlantic Forest fragment in Northeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 75, 726 - 735.

Trouessart, E. L. (1885) Note sur le classification des Analgesiens et diagnoses d'especes et de genres nouveaux. Bulletin de la Societe d´Etudes Scientifiques d´Angers, 14, 46 - 89.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences











