Enicopilus peri Johansson, 2021

Johansson, Niklas, Ameri, Ali, Riedel, Matthias, Talebi, Ali Asghar & Ebrahimi, Ebrahim, 2021, Contribution to the Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of Iran with the description of 16 new species and an illustrated key to the Eremotylus of the Western Palaearctic, Zootaxa 5023 (2), pp. 151-206 : 164-166

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scientific name

Enicopilus peri Johansson

sp. nov.

Enicopilus peri Johansson sp. nov.


Figs 7A–E View FIGURE 7

Holotype: IRAN: 1♂, Khorasan Province, SW part, Khezri , env., 33˚56’N, 58˚43’E, 1800 m. a. s., 31 May 2009, A. Klimenko leg. ( MR).

Paratypes: IRAN: ♂, Hormozgan province, Minab, Raveng , 27˚4’37.36"N, 57˚10’22.09"E, 34 m . a. s., 4 May 2016, Afsari / Mozh. leg. ( HMIM) .

Type depositories: The holotype is stored in ZSM and the paratype is housed in HMIM.

Etymology: The name refers to peri, fairy-like winged creatures in Persian mythology.

Diagnosis: Possibly belonging to the Enicospilus rufus -species group which has its main distribution in southern Africa and Madagascar. This species group is characterized by the the flat clypeus, anteriorly placed propodeal spiracle and absence of central sclerite (Gauld &Mitchell, 1978). Enicospilus peri sp. nov. is superficially similar to Enicospilus rufus (Brullé, 1846) and E. quietus (Seyrig, 1935) , but differs in the number of flagellomeres, the narrower face and temples and the shorter malar space.

Description: Forewing length 12–13 mm. Body length 16–17 mm. Number of flagellomeres 48–50. Mandible strongly twisted with upper tooth about two × as long as lower tooth. First flagellomere slender, about 5.5 × as long as apically wide. Mid- and preapical flagellomeres about 1.8–1.9 × as long as wide ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ). Subapical flagellomeres about 1.6–1.7 × as long as wide. Temples strongly narrowed, in lateral view about 0.3 × the width of compound eye in both sexes ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ). Lateral ocelli touching inner margin of compound eye. Apical margin of clypeus almost straight in anterior view ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ). Clypeus in lateral view almost flat ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ). Mesopleuron shagreened, closely punctate with transverse striae centrally. Epicnemial carina with pleurosternal angles weakly defined. Mesoscutum polished with irregular quite scarce and indistinct punctures, punctuation becoming more distinct laterally. Scutellum with lateral carinae, slightly converging apically, its surface with scarce distinct punctures. Proximal sclerite entirely pigmented, triangular with rounded upper angle, central sclerite entirely absent. Distal sclerite very weak and elongate ( Fig. 7E View FIGURE 7 ). Propodeum with anterior transverse carina rather weak, anterior of the carina more polished wihout punctures, posterior to the carina entirely reticulate-rugulose often with faint longitudinal striae centrally. Hind femur moderately narrow, about 7.0 × longer than wide. Hind claws densely pectinate throughout their entire length.

Colouration: Uniformly testaceous ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). Inner and outer orbits widely pale ( Fig. 7C, D View FIGURE 7 ). Mandibular teeth black. Forewing veins, alar sclerites and pterostigma testaceous.

DNA Barcode: The DNA barcode sequences of one specimen of Enicospilus peri Johansson sp. nov. is available at the BOLD systems database: sample id. NJP643, sequence id. LNU2479-21.


Jardí Botànic Marimurtra

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