Anisogamus waringeri, Graf, Wolfram, Vitecek, Simon, Previšić, Ana & Malicky, Hans, 2015

Graf, Wolfram, Vitecek, Simon, Previšić, Ana & Malicky, Hans, 2015, New species of Limnephilidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Europe: Alps and Pyrenees as harbours of unknown biodiversity, Zootaxa 3911 (3), pp. 381-395 : 384-387

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scientific name

Anisogamus waringeri

sp. nov.

Anisogamus waringeri sp. nov. Graf & Vitecek

Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 A–D, 4A–D

Holotype. 1 male, France, Pyrenées-Orientales, Mont Canigou, Col de Jou, Refuge de Mariailles (42°29'6.21''N 002°24'48.31''E) 12.vii.2012, leg. W. Graf. Holotype deposited in the Biologiezentrum des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums, Linz, Austria. Paratypes: 8 males, same location, 12.vii.2012, 13.vii.2013, leg. Graf.

Diagnosis. Ansiogamus waringeri sp. nov. has the following combination of male genitalia characters: (1) lateral processes of segment X (“superior appendages”) slender, tall; (2) median processes of segment X (“intermediate appendages”) with tips projecting dorsad, posterior processes of segment X in lateral view forming a rounded hump, discernible in caudal and dorsal view as a sharp ridge; (3) general appearance of inferior appendages stout, in lateral view stout with a short tip, in caudal view pointed; and (4) parameres shorter than the aedeagus, in dorsal and lateral views with a dorsomesal tine. The male differs distinctly from that of A. difformis (McLachlan 1867) which exhibits the following combination of male genitalia characters: (1) lateral processes of segment X (“superior appendages”) stout, wide; (2) median processes of segment X (“intermediate appendages”) with tips projecting posterodorsad, posterior process of segment X in lateral view with 2 sharp projections, discernible in caudal and dorsal view as distinct, sharp tips; (3) general appearance of inferior appendages slender, in lateral view slender with a long tip, in caudal view rounded; (4) parameres longer than the aedeagus, lacking a dorsal tine.

Description. General appearance ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 A): yellow to fawn, tergites and sternites yellow to fawn; cephalic and thoracic setal areas cream-coloured; cephalic, thoracic and abdominal setation yellow; legs yellow to fawn; haustellum and intersegmental integument cream-coloured; wings yellow, translucent, with dark veins, setation on veins and membrane yellow. Male maxillary palps each trisegmented, spur formula 1,3,4.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 A–D). Tergite VIII yellow to fawn, with pair of suboval spinate areas clearly separated medially. Abdomen IX in lateral view lacking dorsad bulge. Lateral processes of segment X (“superior appendages”) in lateral view slender, angled dorsad, in dorsal view posteriorly concave, in caudal view suboval, somewhat converging medially. Segment X clearly separated into pair of subtriangular vertical plates on either side of phallocrypt and between its lateral processes in caudal view, each with dorsal end bearing 1 long median process (“intermediate appendage”) projecting nearly dorsad in lateral view; sclerites of segment X in lateral and caudal views each with rounded posterior process, this posterior process in dorsal view rounded subtriangular with sharp dorsal ridge. Inferior appendages partially fused with abdominal segment IX, in lateral view each stout with short, stout dorsal tip, this tip in caudal view pointed; in dorsal and caudal views inferior appendages stout. Aedeagus in lateral view distally bulbous, in dorsal view distal part semimembraneous. Parameres shorter than aedeagus, evenly curved dorsad; each with proximal part bulbous, bearing 2–3 ventral tines and distinct dorsomesal tine (best seen in dorsal view).

Female, pupa, and egg unknown.

Etymology. Named for Johann Waringer, Austrian entomologist.













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