Stigmatijanus Wei, 2007

Wei, Mei-Cai, Choi, Jin-Kyung & Lee, Jong-Wook, 2015, First record of Stigmatijanus Wei (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) from South Korea with description of a new species, Zoological Systematics 40 (1), pp. 103-106 : 104

publication ID 10.11865/zs.20150112

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Stigmatijanus Wei, 2007


Stigmatijanus Wei, 2007

Stigmatijanus Wei, 2007: 110 . Type species: Janus stigmaticus Maa, 1949: 20 , by original designation.

Diagnosis. This genus can be easily recognized from other genera by the peculiar pterostigma and small cell 2R1 ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–3 ).

Description. Left mandible tridentate, with a distinct middle tooth, inner tooth not shouldered and as long as outer tooth; 4th segment of maxillary palp 2 times as long as 6th segment; labial palp 4-segmented; distance between antennal sockets slightly longer than distance between antennal socket and inner margin of eye, and as long as distance between antennal socket and tentorial pit on same side; malar space as long as diameter of front ocellus; eyes medium-sized, inner margins parallel, shortest distance between eyes clearly broader than height of an eye; OCL about 2.5 times POL; occipital carina extending to upper part of postorbit; head broader than thorax, not strongly swollen behind eyes, temple slightly shorter than eye and feebly narrowing backwards in dorsal view. Antenna filiform, second antennomere not broader than long, 3rd antennomere 1.0–1.2 times as long as 4th antennomere. Pronotum slightly broader than long in dorsal view and strongly oblique in lateral view. Middle tibia with 1 pre-apical spur; hind tibia as long as hind tarsus with 2 pre-apical and 2 apical spurs; metabasitarsus slender, longer than following 3 tarsomeres together; claw with an acute basal lobe, inner tooth slightly longer and broader than outer tooth. Pterostigma very short and broad, vein 1r close to 2r and both joining stigma at about middle; hind wing with cell Rs and M closed ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–3 ). Abdomen strongly compressed laterally, lateral halves of 1st tergite not meeting at middle ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 ), 2nd segment short, almost 3 times higher than long in lateral view; ovipositor sheath shorter than hind tibia, distinctly bent ventrally, apical sheath clearly shorter than basal sheath ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–3 ). Lancet simple, with 2–3 apical annular sutures, serrulae subtruncate at apex, without subbasal teeth.

Distribution. China, Korea.

Remarks. Three species of Stigmatijanus are reported till present, all from eastern Asia. The present distribution pattern of the genus is a narrow transverse band in the East Asia Region (Wei & Nie, 2008). Considering the research state of Cephidae in China and the diversity of Prunus in eastern Asia, the distribution pattern of the genus might be changed, and we estimate that there are probably more species in eastern Asia.

Key to species of Stigmatijanus Wei, 2008

1. Abdomen robust and entirely black, segments 2–10 together about 1.8 times as long as high; basal sheath about 1.8 times as long as apical sheath; cercus 1/3 length of sheath in dorsal view. China (Shandong, Shanghai)............................ S. stigmaticus ( Maa, 1949) Abdomen narrow and long, segments 2–4 partly orange or yellowish brown, segments 2–10 together 2.5–2.7 times as long as high; basal sheath about 1.4 times as long as apical sheath; cercus about 1/4 length of sheath in dorsal view .............................................2

2. Third antennomere 1.2 times as long as fourth antennomere; POL: OOL=6: 5; cell 2Rs about 1.3 times as long as broad and clearly longer than 1Rs; dorsal side of mesoscutum densely microsculptured without polished patch; metapostnotum densely microsculptured, first abdominal terga hardly microsculptured. South Korea (Gyeongsan) .......................................... S. koreanus sp. nov. Third antennomere as long as fourth antennomere; POL as long as OOL; cell 2Rs about as long as broad and usually slightly shorter than 1Rs; dorsal side of mesoscutum densely microsculptured with a polished patch; metapostnotum similar to first abdominal terga, both feebly microsculptured. China (Gansu) ...................................................................... S. armeniacae Wu, 2008












Stigmatijanus Wei, 2007

Wei, Mei-Cai, Choi, Jin-Kyung & Lee, Jong-Wook 2015


Wei 2007: 110
Maa 1949: 20
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