
Shen, Jia-Hao, Hu, Guang-Wan & Gao, Tian-Gang, 2020, Calyptocarpus (Asteraceae: Heliantheae: Ecliptinae), a newly naturalized genus in Tropical East Africa, Phytotaxa 441 (1), pp. 69-77 : 74

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.441.1.6

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Key to the genera of the subtribe Ecliptinae (tribe Heliantheae ) in tropical east Africa

1. Ray florets yellow or sometimes dark red or purple but not white, or if white, then ray ≥ 5 mm .....................................................2

- Ray florets white and ray ≤ 2 mm ......................................................................................................................................................7

2. Ray florets with ray ≤ 3 mm; phyllaries 4(5); pappus of 2(3) awns...................................................................................................3

- Ray florets with ray ≥ 4 mm; phyllaries more than 5; pappus absent or many kinds, but never just 2(3) awns................................4

3. Achenes homogeneous, ray achenes non-winged; paleae acute at apex ...................................................................... Calyptocarpus View in CoL

- Achenes heterogeneous, ray achenes winged; paleae rounded or obtuse at apex ............................................................... Synedrella View in CoL

4. Pappus of a laciniate or erose cupule, or often with a few setae ........................................................................................................5

- Pappus without a cupule, pappus absent of with deciduous or fragile bristles ..................................................................................6

5. Perennial herbs, prostrate, rooting at node; capitula axillary ........................................................................................ Sphagneticola View in CoL

- Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, erect or sometimes prostrate; capitula terminal............................................................... Wedelia View in CoL

6. Coastal sand dunes plants; leaves thick, slightly succulent; pappus absent ...................................................................... Wollastonia View in CoL

- Inland plants, leaves papery to thick papery but never succulent; pappus of several caducous bristles or sometimes absent ............ ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Lipotriche View in CoL

7. Pappus of 1–3 weak bristles up to 1 mm long.................................................................................................................... Blainvillea View in CoL

- Pappus absent or of a small puberulous rim only..................................................................................................................... Eclipta View in CoL

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