Mesembrinella socors ( Walker, 1861 )

Whitworth, Terry L. & Yusseff-Vanegas, Sohath, 2019, A revision of the genera and species of the Neotropical family Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea), Zootaxa 4659 (1), pp. 1-146 : 133-134

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Plazi (2019-08-26 08:39:22, last updated 2021-10-20 08:24:12)

scientific name

Mesembrinella socors ( Walker, 1861 )


Mesembrinella socors ( Walker, 1861) .

( Figs 14 View FIGURES 9–14 , 91–92 View FIGURES 87–92 , 181–182 View FIGURES 173–182 , 233 View FIGURES 229–235 , 276 View FIGURES 266–279 , 320 View FIGURES 318–323 , 364 View FIGURES 350–369 , 405 View FIGURES 401–410 , 449 View FIGURES 439–453 , 481–482 View FIGURES 479–483 , 488 View FIGURE 488 , 493 View FIGURES 489–497 )

Calliphora socors Walker, 1861: 311 . Holotype female (NHMUK), examined. Type locality: Mexico.

Huascaromusca abaca Hall, 1948: 68 . Holotype male (USNM), examined photographically. Type locality: Barro Colorado Island , Canal Zone, Panama. Syn. nov.

Mesembrinella abaca: Peris & Mariluis (1984: 260) ; Vargas & Wood (2009: 1301); Kosmann et al. (2013: 77); Wolff & Kosmann (2016: 868) View Cited Treatment ; Marinho et al. (2017: tab. 1); Cerretti et al. (2017: tab. 2).

Diagnosis. A medium-sized bluish fly averaging 10.4 mm (8–13/5) in length. Postpronotal setae 3x 3; wing hyaline; ppn and femora orange; subcostal sclerite setose; section IV of wing 0.24 of section III; dorsum of thorax brown with four pale tomentose stripes; male with T1+2–3 orange, T4–5 more or less shiny blue with streaky tomentum, T3 with a triangle of bluish cuticle from hind margin to point in middle of tergite ( Fig. 493 View FIGURES 489–497 ). Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 91–92 View FIGURES 87–92 . Female with only T1+2 orange; terminalia as in Fig. 320 View FIGURES 318–323 .

Redescription. Male. Head. Frons broad, 0.078 (0.07–0.09) of head width at narrowest, about equal to width of parafacial at level of lunule; fronto-orbital broad, silvery-orange, with frontal setae stout below to short and weak above, starting about midway and extending to ocellar triangle; frontal vitta obliterated midway, orange below; parafacial silvery when viewed from above; gena orange with silvery tomentum and horizontal row of stout, black setae along lower margin across lower parafacial to vibrissa; postgena orange with long yellow setae; occiput silvery with weak, orange setae; median occipital sclerite shiny black; palpus typical; antenna typical; eye with median facets 2x size of lateral facets; ocellar triangle small, anterior ocellus slightly larger than posterior ocelli; supravibrissal setae on facial ridge dark brown, ascending about 1/6 of distance to antennal base.

Thorax. Dorsum with heavy grayish tomentum and three pale tomentose stripes; pleura with grayish tomentum and mostly weak yellow setae; chaetotaxy: ac 2:2 or 2:3, dc 2:3, ia 1, ph 1, ppn 3x 3, kat 2:1, meral setae typical, 1 pair converging ap, 1 stout bas, 1 weak pb, sa and lat absent, 1 disc; subscutellum moderately developed; spiracles small, pale orange; legs: femora orange, fore tibia and tarsus orange, mid and hind tibiae and tarsi brown. Wing hyaline with faint darkening along all veins; basicosta pale, tegula orange; subcostal sclerite setose; section IV 0.24 of section III; disc of upper calypter pale, rim sooty with pale setae; lower calypter wholly pale with long pale setae ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 9–14 ).

Abdomen. T1+2–3 orange; T4–5 polished blue with streaky tomentum, T3 with a triangle of bluish cuticle from hind margin to point in middle of tergite ( Fig. 493 View FIGURES 489–497 ); rear margin of T3 with 2x 2 lateral marginal setae; rear of T4–5 each with row of stout setae on posterior margins; disc of T5 with dense, short, fine setae only. Terminalia in lateral view with surstylus curving sharply backward, cercus with an apical hook ( Fig. 91 View FIGURES 87–92 ); in posterior view, cerci short and stout with chisel-like tips ( Fig. 92 View FIGURES 87–92 ); phallus in lateral view with short, stout epiphallus ( Fig. 181 View FIGURES 173–182 ); in dorsal view, hypophallic lobes rectangular with coarse serrations ( Fig. 182 View FIGURES 173–182 ); T6, STS7+8, pre- and postgonite, ejaculatory sclerite, ST6 and hypandrium as in Fig. 233 View FIGURES 229–235 ; ST1–5 as in Fig. 276 View FIGURES 266–279 .

Female. Similar to male except frons 0.26 (0.24–0.27/5) of head width at narrowest and color pattern of abdomen different, normally with only T1+2 orange, T3 shiny blue and without triangular projection. T6 of OV shape; T7 continuous with posterior edge recessed midway; T8 as separate sclerites; epiproct as two sclerites ( Fig. 320 View FIGURES 318–323 ); ST6–8 and hypoproct as in Fig. 364 View FIGURES 350–369 ; spermathecae filiform ( Fig. 405 View FIGURES 401–410 ); ST1–5 as in Fig. 449 View FIGURES 439–453 .

Type material examined. HOLOTYPE ♀ ( Mexico; NHMUK; Fig. 481 View FIGURES 479–483 ), labeled: Mexico / Ex Coll. / W.W. Saunders. / 68.4; Calliphora / Type / Socors / Walk. [round label with green border] / HOLOTYPE ♀ / Calliphora / socors Walker / 1861, Trans. ent. Soc. / Lond. (2) 5: 311 [red border]; Holo- / type [round label with red border]; 68.4; Mex.

Huascaromusca abaca Hall, 1948 : HOLOTYPE ♂ ( Panama; USNM; examined photographically: Fig. 482 View FIGURES 479–483 ), labeled: Barro / Colorado Isl / CZ VIII-IX-36; Jas Zetek / No 3749; Huascaromusca / abaca / Hall / det / DG Hall; USNMENT / 01295436.

PARATYPES: Panama, Canal Zone. 2 ♂♂, Barro Colo IS [= Colorado Island ], CZ [= Canal Zone], xi.17.39, fruit fly trap, Jas Zetek, No. 4594 , Paratype No 53112 ( USNM); 1 ♀ , same data except i.9.1929, C.H. Curran ( USNM) .

Remarks. The holotype female of Mesembrinella socors was examined and is in only fair condition. It is dirty and covered with fungal hyphae ( Fig. 481 View FIGURES 479–483 ). Guimar„es (1977) listed this species as a synonym of M. bicolor following Hall 1948, but the setose subcostal sclerite clearly separates it from that species, which has a bare subcostal sclerite. The holotype is very similar to the holotype male of Mesembrinella abaca (Hall) , which was also examined. Since the type of M. socors is a female, it was compared to several female specimens we had previously identified as M. abaca . Specimens of both species key to M. socors using the key provided herein, we have concluded they are a single species. Shared characters include postpronotal setae 3x 3; stem vein bare; wing with faint yellow tinge along costa and around some veins; ppn and femora orange; subcostal sclerite setose. We conclude that M. abaca is a synonym of M. socors . Hall (1948) listed M. abaca from Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama and Nicaragua; in the current study specimens of M. socors were found from all these countries except Nicaragua.

Additional material examined. Colombia, Meta. 1 ♀, 2.3 km NW Villavicencio, Qbda. Susamaco , 1000 m, 5.iii.1972, Ber. 234 for litter, S. & J. Peck ( CNC) . Costa Rica, Alajuela. 2 ♂♂, 20 km S Upala, 11–20.iv.1991, F.D. Parker ( LACM) ; 1 ♀ *, same data except 6.i.1991 ( LACM) ; 1 ♀, Guaruso, Sitio Catarata Rio Buenavista , 700–800 m, 23.iii.2007, Tp. Luz, L _N_298474 428857 #91074, J.A. Azofeifa ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂♦ ( TLW195 ) , Bijagua, P.N. Volcan Teurio, Albergue Heliconias, Send. Heliconias 680 m, 1.ii.2008, Tp. Luz, L _N_299100 422600 #94184, A. Zumbando ( INBIO) . Cartago. 1 ♂*, Turrialba, M.N. Guayabo, 1100–1200 m, 8–13.v.2007, M. Moraga, R. Gonzáles, E. Navarro ( INBIO) . Heredia. 1 ♀, Estación Biológica la Selva , 10°26′N 84°01′W, iii.1993, #149, [no collector] ( INBIO) GoogleMaps . Puntarenas. 1 ♂, Rancho Quemado, 200 m, Península de Osa , vii.1992, L_S_292500 511000, A. Marín ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, same data except v.1992, F. Quesada & G. Varela ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂*, same data except K . Flores ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, same data except Península de Osa A.C., 4–21.i.1994, #2570, H. Gutierrez ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, same data except ix.1991, F. Quesada ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Estación Sirena, P.N. Corcovado , 1–100 m, ii.1993, L_S_ 270500 508300 #1805, G. Fonseca ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, same data except 0– 100 m., vi.1990, F. Quesada ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, same data except 0–100 m, vi.1990, G. Maass: 1 ♀, same data except Golfito, S. Corcovado 0 m, 9.xi.2000, manual, L_S_507400 270400 #61788, K. Caballero ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, same data except ix.1993, #2362; 3 ♂♂, P.N. Corcovado Estación Sirena, Send. Olla. , 10 m, 26.iv.2001, L_S_ 270500 508300 #63082, Manual, K. Caballero ( INBIO) ; 4 ♀♀, Osa Península 2.5 mil. SW Rincón , 08°42ʹN 83°29ʹW, 8–12.iii.1967, OTS Adv. Zoo Course, [no collector] ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀ *, same data except 21–28.ii.1967 ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, Golfito, Jimenéz, P.N. Corcovado, Es- tación Los Patos, Send. Guaymi , 140 m, 29.i.2002, Libre, L_S_ 280925 515150 #66731, K. Caballero ( INBIO) ; 1. ♀, R.F. Golfo Dulce, P.N. Corcovado Estación Agujas, 300 m, 10.xi–10.xii.2006, Malaise trap, L_S_276750 526550 #90271, J.A. Azofeifa ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, same data except Golfito , 250–350 m, 12.v.2006, Manual, #56763, K. Caballero ( INBIO) ; 3 ♀♀, Monteverde , 1500 m, 25–30.viii.1991, D.M. Wood ( CNC) ; 2 ♀♀, same data except 20–25.viii.1991 ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, R.V. S. Golfito, Estación Naranjales , 64 m, 22–26.iv.2004, Tp. Frutas, L S 289900_ 553450 #76862, B. Gamboa, D. Briceño, M. Moraga, W. Porras ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, Rincón de la Osa , 26.vii.1966, D. Veirs ( LACM) ; 1 ♀, same data except vicinity of Rincón , 14.iii.1967, D.R. Paulson ( FSCA) ; 1 ♀ *, 2. ♀, 10 km NE Quepos RioSPAraiso, 15.ii.2003, G. & M. Wood ( CNC) ; 1 ♀, P.N. Corcovado, Cerro Brujo, Hito. , 617 m, 5.xi.2002, Manual, L _S_289100 507325 #72432, K. Caballero ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, P.N. Corcovado, Sector La Leona, Cerro Puma , 100–300 m, 17.ix–5.x.2003, Libre, L _S_267700 518900 #75585, K. Cabellero ( INBIO) . San José. 1 ♂♦*, Tarrazu San Carlos Reserva Rios, Paraisa Alberque Pecari , 406 m, 30.iv–4.v.2006, B. Gamboa, M. Moraga ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, San Isidro General , ii.1993, F.D. Parker ( LACM) . Ecuador, Imbabura. 1 ♂*, 1 ♂♦ ( TLW419 ) , 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW420 ) , Lita , 12.iv.2016, Trap 4, P. Ponce ( FSCA) . Pichincha. 1 ♂, E. Sto Domingo, 8–14.v.1988, Hanson & Bohart ( LACM) . Guatemala, Quetzaltenango. 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW455 ) , 14.4 km SW Zunil. , 14.77°N. 91.55°W, 1340 m,, human feces, F. Genier ( LACM) GoogleMaps . San Marcos. 1 ♂♦ ( TLW197 ) , 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW196 ) , Bojoual 1600 m, 2.vii.2011, F. Camposeco ( WSU) . Suchitepéquez. 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW418 ) , Univ . Guatemala Res. Station , 14°32ʹ88ʺN 91°11ʹ62ʺW, 1550 m,, F. Carillo ( WSU) . Panama, Colon. 2 ♂♂, Barro Colorado Island CZ, 17.xi.1939, Fruit fly trap, No. 4594, JasZetek ( LACM) ; 1 ♀, same data except 9.i.1929, C.H. Curran ( LACM) ; 1 ♀, same data except 27.i.1955, #780, C. Rettenmeyer ( LACM) ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW417 ) , C.Z., Gatun Ridge Road , 8–9.iv.1987, J.R. MacDonald ( MEM) ; El Valle, Cocle, 800–850 m, 8.i.1986, J. & S. MacDonald ( MEM) .

Distribution. Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama. Hall (1948) also listed Nicaragua (as Huascaromusca abaca ). Bonatto (2001) also listed it from Brazil (as M. abaca ).

Remarks. Seven specimens ( TLW 195–197, TLW 418–420 and TLW 455) were barcoded, and clustered togeth- er ( Fig. 488 View FIGURE 488 ). These were specimens from several countries including Ecuador, Costa Rica and Guatemala. TLW 455 was a typical M. socors but only had 2x 2 postpronotal setae rather than the normal 3x 3; this variation was not seen in other specimens of this species.

Bonatto, S. (2001) Revis o e analise cladistica de Mesembrinellidae stat. restaur. (Diptera: Oestroidea). Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, XII + 146 pp. [Unpublished doctoral thesis]

Cerretti, P., Stireman, J. O. III., Pape, T., O'Hara, J. E., Marinho, M. A. T., Rognes, K. & Grimaldi, D. A. (2017) First fossil of an oestroid fly (Diptera: Calyptratae: Oestroidea) and the dating of oestroid divergences. PLoS ONE, 12 (8), e 0182101. https: // doi. org / 10.1371 / journal. pone. 018210 1

Hall, D. J. (1948) The blowflies of North America. The Thomas Say Foundation, Lafayette, 477 pp.

Kosmann, C., Pinto de Mello, R., Harterreiten-Souza, E. S. & Pujol-Luz, J. R. (2013) A list of current valid blow fly names (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the Americas south of Mexico with key to the Brazilian species. EntomoBrasilis, 6, 74 - 85. https: // doi. org / 10.12741 / ebrasilis. v 6 i 1.26 6

Marinho, M. A. T., Wolff, M., Ramos-Pastrana, Y., Azeredo-Espin, A. M. L. de & Amorim, D. d. S. (2017) The first phylogenetic study of Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) based on molecular data: clades and congruence with morphological characters. Cladistics, 33 (2), 134 - 152. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / cla. 1215 7

Peris, S. V. & Mariluis, J. C. (1984) Notes on Mesembrinellidae. Eos, 60, 251 - 265.

Vargas, J. & Wood, D. M. (2009) Calliphoridae (blow flies). In: Brown, B. V., Borkent, A., Cumming, J. M., Wood, D. M., Woodley, N. E. & Zumbado, M. A. (Eds.), Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 1297 - 1304.

Walker, F. (1861) Characters of the specimens of undescribed Diptera in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq., F. R. S., & c. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, New Series, 5, 297 - 334.

Wolff, M. & Kosmann, C. (2016) Families Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae. In: Wolff, M., Nihei, S. S. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de (Eds.), Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia. Zootaxa, 4122 (1), 856 - 875. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4122.1.7 2

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FIGURE 488. Neighbor-joining tree of COI DNA barcode sequences of specimens and species of Mesembrinellidae, using K2P distances and generated in BOLD; species names on the tree are followed by BOLD accession number, voucher number, country of origin, number of sequenced base pairs and number of ambiguous nucleotides.

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FIGURES 9–14. Diagnostic characters of Mesembrinellidae. 9. Eggs of Laneella fuscosquamata sp. nov. 10. L. perisi (Mariluis), ventral view of tarsal claws, showing pale basal half. 11. L. fusconitida sp. nov., ventral view of tarsal claws, showing darker base. 12. M. spicata Aldrich, ventral view of male sternites, showing long projections on rear margin of ST5. 13. M. bicolor (Fabricius), posterior view of female occiput, showing median occipital sclerite. 14. M. socors (Walker), upper and lower calypters, showing disc, rim and fringe.

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FIGURES 87–92. Left lateral and posterior views of epandrium, cerci and surstyli of Mesembrinella spp. 87–88. M. semihyalina Mello. 89–90. M. serrata sp. nov. 91–92. M. socors (Walker).

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FIGURES 173–182. Left lateral and dorsal views of phallus of Mesembrinella spp. 173–174. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 175–176. M. randa (Walker). 177–178. M. semihyalina Mello. 179–180. M. serrata sp. nov. 181–182. M. socors (Walker).

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FIGURES 229–235. Male terminalia of Mesembrinella spp. (a = T6, STS7+8; b = pre- and postgonite; c = ejaculatory sclerite; d = ST6; e = hypandrium). 229. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 230. M. randa (Walker). 231. M. semihyalina Mello. 232. M. serrata sp. nov. 233. M. socors (Walker). 234. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 235. M. umbrosa Aldrich.

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FIGURES 266–279. Male sternites of Mesembrinella spp. 266. M. currani Guimar„es. 267. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 268. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 269. M. longicercus sp. nov. 270. M. peregrina Aldrich. 271. M. pictipennis Aldrich (ST5 only). 272. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 273. M. randa (Walker). 274. M. semihyalina Mello. 275. M. serrata sp. nov. 276. M. socors (Walker). 277. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 278. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 279. M. velasquezae sp. nov.

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FIGURES 318–323. Female terminalia (T6–T8, epiproct, cerci) of Mesembrinella spp., dorsal view. 318. M. semihyalina Mello. 319. M. serrata sp. nov. 320. M. socors (Walker). 321. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 322. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 323. M. velasquezae sp. nov.

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FIGURES 350–369. ST6–8 and hypoproct of Mesembrinellidae. 350. M. bicolor (Fabricius). 351. M. brunnipes Surcouf. 352. M. bullata sp. nov. 353. M. chantryi sp. nov. 354. M. currani Guimar„es. 355. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 356. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 357. M. longicercus sp. nov. 358. M. peregrina Aldrich. 359. M. pictipennis Aldrich. 360. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 361. M. randa (Walker). 362. M. semihyalina Mello. 363. M. serrata sp. nov. 364. M. socors (Walker). 365. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 366. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 367. M. velasquezae sp. nov. 368. M. anomala (Guimar„es). 369. Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich).

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FIGURES 401–410. Spermathecae of Mesembrinellidae. 401. Mesembrinella quadrilineata (Fabricius). 402. M. randa (Walker). 403. M. semihyalina Mello. 404. M. serrata sp. nov. 405. M. socors (Walker). 406. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 407. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 408. M. velasquezae sp. nov. 409. M. anomala (Guimar„es). 410. Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich).

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FIGURES 439–453. Female sternites of Mesembrinella spp. 439. M. currani Guimar„es. 440. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 441. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 442. M. longicercus sp. nov. 443. M. peregrina Aldrich. 444. M. pictipennis Aldrich. 445. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 446. M. randa (Walker). 447. M. semihyalina Mello. 448. M. serrata sp. nov. 449. M. socors (Walker). 450. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 451. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 452. M. velasquezae sp. nov. 453. M. anomala (Guimar„es).

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FIGURES 479–483. Habitus and labels of types. 479. Mesembrinella randa (Walker) (lectotype; NHMUK). 480. M. serrata sp. nov. (holotype; CNC). 481. M. socors (Walker) (holotype; NHMUK). 482. Huascaromusca abaca Hall (holotype; USNM). 483. M. townsendi Guimar„es (holotype; NHMUK).

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FIGURES 489–497. Diagnostic characters of Mesembrinella spp. 489. Dorsal view of stem vein of wing of M. bellardiana Aldrich showing stem vein setose. 490. Detail of wing of M. batesi Aldrich in ventral view, showing setose condition of subcostal sclerite. 491. Epandrium of M. mexicana sp. nov. in posterior view, showing broad dorsal division found in M. spicata group. 492. Detail of abdomen of male M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov., showing orange color of rear segments. 493. Detail of dorsal habitus of M. socors (Walker), showing triangle of bluish cuticle on hind margin T3. 494. Wing of M. pictipennis Aldrich, showing pattern of infuscation. 495. Posterodorsal habitus of male M. townsendi Guimar„es, showing wing pattern and stripes on thorax. 496. Detail of male abdomen of M. anomala (Guimar„es), showing relative lengths of T4 and T5. 497. Same as previous, showing modification of T6, STS7+8 and epandrium.


Natural History Museum, London


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Weber State University, Bird and Mammal Collection


University of Memphis











