Mesembrinella umbrosa Aldrich, 1922

Whitworth, Terry L. & Yusseff-Vanegas, Sohath, 2019, A revision of the genera and species of the Neotropical family Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea), Zootaxa 4659 (1), pp. 1-146 : 136-137

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Plazi (2019-08-26 08:39:22, last updated 2024-11-26 00:25:35)

scientific name

Mesembrinella umbrosa Aldrich, 1922


Mesembrinella umbrosa Aldrich, 1922

( Figs 95–96 View FIGURES 93–98 , 185–186 View FIGURES 183–192 , 235 View FIGURES 229–235 , 278 View FIGURES 266–279 , 322 View FIGURES 318–323 , 366 View FIGURES 350–369 , 407 View FIGURES 401–410 , 451 View FIGURES 439–453 , 484 View FIGURES 484–487 , 488 View FIGURE 488 )

Mesembrinella umbrosa Aldrich, 1922: 12 . Holotype male (USNM), examined photographically. Type locality: Tucurrique , Costa Rica.

Mesembrinella umbrosa: Peris & Mariluis (1984: 259) ; Kosmann et al. (2013: 78); Wolff 2013: 121; Wolff & Kosmann (2016: 870) View Cited Treatment ; Marinho et al. (2017: tab. 1); Velásquez et al. (2017: 109): Cerretti et al. (2017: tab. 2).

Diagnosis. A large fly averaging 14.2 mm (13–15/5) in length. Thorax reddish with bright bluish-purple abdomen; wing yellowish, anterior margin from costa to vein R 2+3 darker yellow; section IV of wing 0.69 of section III; scutellum without discal setae; subcostal sclerite setose. Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 95–96 View FIGURES 93–98 . Female terminalia as in Fig. 322 View FIGURES 318–323 .

Redescription. Male. Head. Frons 0.025 (0.02–0.03/5) of head width at narrowest. Fronto-orbital and parafacial yellow with whitish tomentum; frontal setae ascending about 60% of distance to vertex; frontal vitta dark red, obliterated midway; gena dark orange with pale tomentum and a horizontal row of stout, black setae on ventral margin, otherwise with scattered tan setae; postgena orange with silvery tomentum and fine golden setae; occiput with dark cuticle covered with heavy silvery tomentum and fine golden setae, tomentum absent along upper margin and midway; median occipital sclerite shiny dark orange; antenna orange, first flagellomere with heavy pale tomentum; palpus typical; eye with median facets 4x size of lateral facets; ocellar triangle medium-sized, anterior ocellus 2x size of posterior ocelli; supravibrissal setae short, brown, forming a dense patch ascending 1/4 of distance to antennal base.

Thorax. Dorsum orange with streaky stripes of irregular, whitish tomentum; pleura orange with pale tomentum; chaetotaxy: ac 2:2 or 2:3, dc 2:3, ia 1, ph 1, ppn 3x 3, kat 2:1, meron with very fine setae in an inverted L, 1 slightly convergent ap, sa and lat absent, 1 stout bas, 1 pb, 0 disc; subscutellum prominently developed; spiracles large, orange; legs entirely orange. Wing entirely yellow, anterior edge from costa to R 2+3 darker, middle of cell r 4+5 hyaline; subcostal sclerite setose; basicosta and tegula orange; section IV 0.69 of section III; discs of upper and lower calypters reddish; rim of upper calypter dark with short reddish setae, rim of lower calypter pale with long reddish setae.

Abdomen. T1+2 yellowish with whitish tomentum, T3–5 more or less metallic, gleaming blue; T4 with row of marginal setae, T5 with row of short marginal setae; disc of T5 with dense, short, fine setae only. Terminalia in lateral view with surstylus curved backward, cercus with apical hook ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 93–98 ); in posterior view, cerci broad basally and gradually narrowing to tips ( Fig. 96 View FIGURES 93–98 ); phallus in lateral view as in Fig. 185 View FIGURES 183–192 ; in dorsal view, hypophallic lobes rectangular with moderate serrations ( Fig. 186 View FIGURES 183–192 ); T6, STS7+8, pre- and postgonite, ejaculatory sclerite, ST6 and hypandrium as in Fig. 235 View FIGURES 229–235 ; ST1–5 broad, as in Fig. 278 View FIGURES 266–279 .

Female. Similar to male except frons 0.263 (0.24–0.28) of head width at narrowest. T6 of WV shape; T7 continuous, thin, narrowed midway; T8 as separate sclerites ( Fig. 322 View FIGURES 318–323 ); ST6–8 and hypoproct as in Fig. 366 View FIGURES 350–369 ; spermathecae filiform ( Fig. 407 View FIGURES 401–410 ); ST1–5 as in Fig. 451 View FIGURES 439–453 .

Type material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂ ( Costa Rica, Cartago; USNM; examined photographically: Fig. 484 View FIGURES 484–487 ), labeled: Tucurrique / Costa Rica; CollSchild / & Burgdorf; Mesembrinella / umbrosa / Ald.; Type No. / 25246 / U.S. N.M. [orange label]; USNMENT / 01295435.

Additional material examined. Costa Rica, Alajuela. 1 ♀ *, 1 ♀, San Ramón, Villa Blauca , 1115 m, 18.xi.2008, Tp. Frutas, L _N_242482 483371 #95287, R. Rojas Vasquez ( INBIO) . Cartago. 1 ♂, Grano de Oro, 1120 m, Chir- ripo, Turrialba , xi.1992, L_N_ 200250 595900, P. Campos ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, La Suiza de Turrialba , 9.x.1921, P. Schild ( USNM) ; 1 ♀, P.N. Tapanti, 1150 m, vii.1993, L_N_194000 559800 #2801, G. Mora ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW338 ) , P.N. Barbilla, Turrialba, Tayutic, Campamento 2, 1200 m, 6–9.v.2005, Libre, L_N_213371 600782 #80273, J.D. Gutierrez ( INBIO) . Guanacaste. 1 ♂, Macizo Miravalles, Estación Cabro Muco., 1100 m,–2.vii.2003, L_N_ 299769 411243 #74526, Tp de Luz , B. Hernández ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, same data except 24.ix–5.x.2003, Libre, #75498 ( INBIO) . Puntarenas. 2 ♂♂*, 2 ♂♂, Monteverde , 25–30.viii.1991, 1500 m, D.M. Wood ( CNC) ; 1 ♂, same data ex- cept 18–24.viii.1987 ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, same data except San Luis , 1040 m, 24.viii–15.ix.1992, L_N_ 250850 449250, F.A. Quesada ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, same data except 14–20.v.1990, D.M. Wood ( CNC) ; 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW370 ) , same data except 20–22.viii.1993 ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂*, Est. Pittier , PILA-ACLA, 1670 m, 5–18.1995, L_N_330900 577400 #4437, R. Vil- lalobos ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, same data except 4–22.i.1996, L_S_ 220900 577400 #6813, E. Navarro ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, Send. a Cerro Pittier , 600 m, NO. de la Estación, 1750 m, 18–24.xii.1995, L_S_331250 577150 #7401, on excrement, M. Moraga ( INBIO) ; 1 ♂, Estación Agujas. Rio Agujas. Send. Zamia. , 300 m, 14–24.viii.1996, L_S_276750 526550 #8477, A. Azofeifa ( INBIO) ; 1 ♀, Est. La Casona, Res. Biológica, Monteverde , 1520 m, x.1990, L_N_253250 449250, N. Obando ( INBIO) . San José. 1 ♀ *, Zurquí de Moravia , 1600 m, 21.x.2012, #105240, Bait trap with hu- man dung, ZADBI ( LACM) ; 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW342 ) , same data except 24.ix.2012, #105110 ( LACM) ; 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW341 ) , same data except 6–12.ix.2012, #105003, Malaise trap #1 ( LACM) ; 1 ♀ ♦ ( TLW340 ) , same data except 22.x– 1.xi.2012, #105314, Malaise trap #1 pan ( LACM) ; 1 ♀, 5400 ft., HWY 2, N of San Isidro ,, [no collector] ( LACM) . Ecuador, Pastaza. 1 ♀, Napa Sarayacu , 29.x.2015, 1312 m, M. Domínguez ( FSCA) .

Distribution. Costa Rica, Ecuador. Marinho et al. (2017) also listed it from Colombia and Panama.

Remarks. Five specimens ( TLW 338, TLW 340–342 and TLW 370) were barcoded, and grouped together close to M. apollinaris ( Fig. 488 View FIGURE 488 ).

Aldrich, J. M. (1922) The Neotropical muscoid genus Mesembrinella Giglio-Tos and other testaceous muscoid flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 62, 1 - 24. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.62 - 2457. 1

Cerretti, P., Stireman, J. O. III., Pape, T., O'Hara, J. E., Marinho, M. A. T., Rognes, K. & Grimaldi, D. A. (2017) First fossil of an oestroid fly (Diptera: Calyptratae: Oestroidea) and the dating of oestroid divergences. PLoS ONE, 12 (8), e 0182101. https: // doi. org / 10.1371 / journal. pone. 018210 1

Kosmann, C., Pinto de Mello, R., Harterreiten-Souza, E. S. & Pujol-Luz, J. R. (2013) A list of current valid blow fly names (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the Americas south of Mexico with key to the Brazilian species. EntomoBrasilis, 6, 74 - 85. https: // doi. org / 10.12741 / ebrasilis. v 6 i 1.26 6

Marinho, M. A. T., Wolff, M., Ramos-Pastrana, Y., Azeredo-Espin, A. M. L. de & Amorim, D. d. S. (2017) The first phylogenetic study of Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) based on molecular data: clades and congruence with morphological characters. Cladistics, 33 (2), 134 - 152. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / cla. 1215 7

Peris, S. V. & Mariluis, J. C. (1984) Notes on Mesembrinellidae. Eos, 60, 251 - 265.

Velasquez, Y., Martinez-Sanchez, A. I., Thomas, A. & Rojo, S. (2017) Checklist and distribution maps of the blow flies of Venezuela (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Mesembrinellidae). ZooKeys, 645, 103 - 132. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 645.697 2

Wolff, M. & Kosmann, C. (2016) Families Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae. In: Wolff, M., Nihei, S. S. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de (Eds.), Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia. Zootaxa, 4122 (1), 856 - 875. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4122.1.7 2

Gallery Image

FIGURE 488. Neighbor-joining tree of COI DNA barcode sequences of specimens and species of Mesembrinellidae, using K2P distances and generated in BOLD; species names on the tree are followed by BOLD accession number, voucher number, country of origin, number of sequenced base pairs and number of ambiguous nucleotides.

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FIGURES 93–98. Left lateral and posterior views of epandrium, cerci and surstyli of Mesembrinella spp. 93–94. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 95–96. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 97–98. M. velasquezae sp. nov.

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FIGURES 183–192. Left lateral and dorsal views of phallus of Mesembrinella. 183–184. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 185–186. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 187–188. M. velasquezae sp. nov. 189–190. M. anomala (Guimar„es). 191–192. Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich).

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FIGURES 229–235. Male terminalia of Mesembrinella spp. (a = T6, STS7+8; b = pre- and postgonite; c = ejaculatory sclerite; d = ST6; e = hypandrium). 229. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 230. M. randa (Walker). 231. M. semihyalina Mello. 232. M. serrata sp. nov. 233. M. socors (Walker). 234. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 235. M. umbrosa Aldrich.

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FIGURES 266–279. Male sternites of Mesembrinella spp. 266. M. currani Guimar„es. 267. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 268. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 269. M. longicercus sp. nov. 270. M. peregrina Aldrich. 271. M. pictipennis Aldrich (ST5 only). 272. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 273. M. randa (Walker). 274. M. semihyalina Mello. 275. M. serrata sp. nov. 276. M. socors (Walker). 277. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 278. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 279. M. velasquezae sp. nov.

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FIGURES 318–323. Female terminalia (T6–T8, epiproct, cerci) of Mesembrinella spp., dorsal view. 318. M. semihyalina Mello. 319. M. serrata sp. nov. 320. M. socors (Walker). 321. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 322. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 323. M. velasquezae sp. nov.

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FIGURES 350–369. ST6–8 and hypoproct of Mesembrinellidae. 350. M. bicolor (Fabricius). 351. M. brunnipes Surcouf. 352. M. bullata sp. nov. 353. M. chantryi sp. nov. 354. M. currani Guimar„es. 355. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 356. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 357. M. longicercus sp. nov. 358. M. peregrina Aldrich. 359. M. pictipennis Aldrich. 360. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 361. M. randa (Walker). 362. M. semihyalina Mello. 363. M. serrata sp. nov. 364. M. socors (Walker). 365. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 366. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 367. M. velasquezae sp. nov. 368. M. anomala (Guimar„es). 369. Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich).

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FIGURES 401–410. Spermathecae of Mesembrinellidae. 401. Mesembrinella quadrilineata (Fabricius). 402. M. randa (Walker). 403. M. semihyalina Mello. 404. M. serrata sp. nov. 405. M. socors (Walker). 406. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 407. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 408. M. velasquezae sp. nov. 409. M. anomala (Guimar„es). 410. Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich).

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FIGURES 439–453. Female sternites of Mesembrinella spp. 439. M. currani Guimar„es. 440. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 441. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 442. M. longicercus sp. nov. 443. M. peregrina Aldrich. 444. M. pictipennis Aldrich. 445. M. quadrilineata (Fabricius). 446. M. randa (Walker). 447. M. semihyalina Mello. 448. M. serrata sp. nov. 449. M. socors (Walker). 450. M. townsendi Guimar„es. 451. M. umbrosa Aldrich. 452. M. velasquezae sp. nov. 453. M. anomala (Guimar„es).

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FIGURES 484–487. Lateral habitus and labels of holotypes. 484. M. umbrosa Aldrich (USNM). 485. M. velasquezae sp. nov. (MJMO). 486. Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich) (USNM). 487. M. guaramacalensis sp. nov. (MJMO).


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Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


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