Mesembrinella mexicana Whitworth, 2019

Whitworth, Terry L. & Yusseff-Vanegas, Sohath, 2019, A revision of the genera and species of the Neotropical family Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea), Zootaxa 4659 (1), pp. 1-146 : 54-55

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Plazi (2019-08-26 08:39:22, last updated 2024-11-26 00:25:35)

scientific name

Mesembrinella mexicana Whitworth

sp. nov.

Mesembrinella mexicana Whitworth , sp. nov.

( Figs 27–28 View FIGURES 27–32 , 117–118 View FIGURES 115–124 , 201 View FIGURES 195–201 , 245 View FIGURES 239–251 , 289 View FIGURES 288–293 , 333 View FIGURES 326–349 , 376 View FIGURES 370–400 , 418 View FIGURES 411–423 , 458 View FIGURES 455–459 , 488 View FIGURE 488 )

Diagnosis. A small bluish fly averaging 9.2mm (8–10/5) in length. Calypters white, including discs, rims and setal fringe vs. discs light tan, rims and setal fringe dark in M. spicata ; anterior spiracle yellowish vs. anterior spiracle brown in M. spicata ; male with short projections from rear of ST5 ( Fig. 245 View FIGURES 239–251 ) vs. male with long projections in M. spicata ( Figs. 12 View FIGURES 9–14 , 246 View FIGURES 239–251 ); epandrium, cerci and surstyli distinctive ( Figs 27–28 View FIGURES 27–32 ) vs. epandrium, cerci and surstyli in M. spicata as in Figs 29, 30 View FIGURES 27–32 ; females sometimes with disc of T5 with three or four stout setae (suggesting the aeneiventris species-group); female, T4 with at least a partial row of marginal setae dorsally.

Description. Male. Frons broad, 0.126 (0.120 –0.130 /5) of head width at narrowest; about twice the width of parafacial at level of lunule. Fronto-orbital from faint grayish to faint yellowish, frontal setae ascending about 25% of distance to vertex; frontal vitta with lower 1/3 yellow and upper 2/3 black; parafacial and gena bright yellow-gold, setae on gena typical; postgena with silvery tomentum and fine yellow-gold setae; occiput with silvery tomentum and fine yellow setae, median occipital sclerite with pale tomentum; pedicel and first flagellomere bright yellow, arista with brown base and black tip; palpus typical; eye with median facets not larger than lateral facets; ocellar triangle large, ocelli small and similar in size; supravibrissal setae short and in double row ascending about 1/4 of distance to antennal base.

Thorax. Dorsum with faint, pale tomentum and tomentose stripes; chaetotaxy: ac 2:1, dc 2:3, ph 1, ia 0, ppn 3x 3, kat 1:1, meral setae with horizonal portion of inverted L consisting of only one seta, 1 pair converging ap, 1 lat, 1 stout bas, 1 weak pb, 1 disc; subscutellum prominently developed; anterior spiracle yellow, posterior spiracle light brown; legs entirely brown except joint between femora and tibiae yellowish. Wing hyaline; subcostal sclerite with pubescence only; basicosta orange, tegula brown; section IV 0.165 of section III; calypters pale; rim of upper calypter sometimes faintly darkened.

Abdomen entirely blue with pale tomentum; T1+2–4 with a pair of lateral seta on each segment; no row of stout setae on the posterior margin of T4 or T5 or on disc of T5, disc with only fine setae. Terminalia in lateral view with a tiny surstylus and cercus at the posterior end of a large epandrium ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 27–32 ), in posterior view as in Fig. 28 View FIGURES 27–32 ; phallus in lateral view with short stout epiphallus and large basiphallus extending ventrally ( Fig. 117 View FIGURES 115–124 ); in dorsal view anterior half very broad ( Fig 118 View FIGURES 115–124 ); pre- and postgonite, ejaculatory sclerites, and hypandrium as in Fig. 201 View FIGURES 195–201 ; ST2–5 very broad ( Fig. 245 View FIGURES 239–251 ), progressively wider to the rear like in M. spicata , ST5 exceptionally large with pair of pointed posterior projections, about half the length of those in M. spicata .

Female [only two known]. Similar to male except frons 0.255 (0.25–0.26/2) of head width at narrowest, rows of stout setae on posterior margin of T4 and T5, and several (3 or 4) stout discal setae in horizontal row on T5, which would suggest placement in the aeneiventris species-group. T6 of RV shape; T7 with two well separated sclerites ( Fig. 289 View FIGURES 288–293 ); ST6–8 and hypoproct as in Fig. 333 View FIGURES 326–349 ; spermathecae filiform, as in Fig. 376 View FIGURES 370–400 ; ST1–5 as in Fig. 418 View FIGURES 411–423 .

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ (Mexico, Oaxaca; CNC; Fig. 458 View FIGURES 455–459 ), labeled: MEXICO Oax [= Oaxaca] 1 km N / Portillo del Rayon / ca Km 188 1400m / 25.VII.92 D.M.Wood ; HOLOTYPE / Mesembrinella / mexicana / T.L. Whitworth.

ALLOTYPE ♀ ♦ ( TLW407 ): Mexico, Oaxaca. 1 km N Portillo del Rayon , ca km 188, 1400 m, 25.vii.1992, D.M. Wood ( CNC).

PARATYPES: Mexico, Oaxaca. 1 ♂♦* ( TLW395 ) , 2 ♂♂♦ ( TLW346 , 397 ) , 8 ♂♂, 1 ♀ ♦* ( TLW406 ) , 1 km N Portillo del Rayon , ca km 188, 1400 m, 25.vii.1992, D.M. Wood ( CNC) .

Distribution. Mexico.

Remarks. Six specimens ( TLW 377, TLW 395–397, TLW 406–407) were barcoded, and all sequences clustered together near M. guaramacalensis sp. nov. ( Fig. 488 View FIGURE 488 ). All type specimens were collected in the same location on the same day.

Etymology. The species is named after its country of origin, Mexico.

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FIGURE 488. Neighbor-joining tree of COI DNA barcode sequences of specimens and species of Mesembrinellidae, using K2P distances and generated in BOLD; species names on the tree are followed by BOLD accession number, voucher number, country of origin, number of sequenced base pairs and number of ambiguous nucleotides.

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FIGURES 27–32. Left lateral and posterior views of epandrium, cerci and surstyli of Mesembrinella spp. 27–28. M. mexicana sp. nov. 29–30. M. spicata Aldrich. 31–32. M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov.

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FIGURES 115–124. Left lateral and dorsal views of phallus of Mesembrinella spp. 115–116. M. latifrons (Mello). 117–118. M. mexicana sp. nov. 119–120. M. spicata Aldrich. 121–122. M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov. 123–124. M. woodorum sp. nov.

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FIGURES 195–201. Male terminalia of Mesembrinella spp. (a = T6 and STS7+8; b = pre- and postgonite; c = ejaculatory sclerite; d = ST6; e = hypandrium). 195. Laneella fusconitida sp. nov. 196. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. 197. L. nigripes Guimar„es. 198. L. perisi (Mariluis). 199. L. purpurea sp. nov. 200. Mesembrinella latifrons (Mello). 201. M. mexicana sp. nov.

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FIGURES 239–251. Male sternites of Lanella spp. 239. L. fusconitida sp. nov. 240. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. 241. L. nigripes Guimar„es 242. L. perisi (Mariluis). 243. L. purpurea sp. nov. 244. M. latifrons (Mello). 245. M. mexicana sp. nov. 246. M. spicata Aldrich. 247. M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov. 248. M. woodorum sp. nov. 249. M. aeneiventris (Wiedemann). 250. M. decrepita Séguy. 251. M. lara (Bonatto) (ST5 only).

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FIGURES 288–293. Female terminalia (T6–T8, epiproct, cerci) of Mesembrinella spp., dorsal view. 288. M. guaramacalensis sp. nov. 289. M. mexicana sp. nov. 290. M. spicata Aldrich. 291. M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov. 292. M. aeneiventris (Wiedemann). 293. M. decrepita Séguy.

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FIGURES 326–349. ST6–8 and hypoproct of Mesembrinellidae. 326. Laneella fusconitida sp. nov. 327. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. 328. L. nigripes Guimar„es. 329. L. perisi (Mariluis). 330. L. purpurea sp. nov. 331. Mesembrinella latifrons (Mello). 332. M. guaramacalensis sp. nov. 333. M. mexicana sp. nov. 334. M. spicata Aldrich. 335. M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov. 336. M. aeneiventris (Wiedemann). 337. M. decrepita Séguy. 338. M. lara (Bonatto). 339. M. nigrocoerulea sp. nov. 340. M. purpurata Aldrich. 341. M. semiflava Aldrich. 342. M. uniseta Aldrich. 343. M. violacea sp. nov. 344. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 345. M. zurquiensis sp. nov. 346. M. apollinaris Séguy. 347. M. batesi Aldrich. 348. M. bellardiana Aldrich. 349. M. benoisti (Séguy).

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FIGURES 370–400. Spermathecae of Mesembrinellidae. 370. L. fusconitida sp. nov. 371. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. 372. L. nigripes Guimar„es. 373. L. perisi (Mariluis). 374. L. purpurea sp. nov. 375. Mesembrinella guaramacalensis sp. nov. 376. M. mexicana sp. nov. 377. M. spicata Aldrich. 378. M. aeneiventris (Wiedemann). 379. M. decrepita Séguy. 380. M. lara (Bonatto). 381. M. nigrocoerulea sp. nov. 382. M. purpurata Aldrich. 383. M. semiflava Aldrich. 384. M. uniseta Aldrich. 385. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 386. M. zurquiensis sp. nov. 387. M. apollinaris Séguy. 388. M. batesi Aldrich. 389. M. bellardiana Aldrich. 390. M. benoisti (Séguy). 391. M. bicolor (Fabricius). 392. M. brunnipes Surcouf. 393. M. bullata sp. nov. 394. M. chantryi sp. nov. 395. M. currani Guimar„es. 396. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 397. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 398. M. longicercus sp. nov. 399. M. peregrina Aldrich. 400. M. pictipennis Aldrich.

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FIGURES 411–423. Female sternites of Mesembrinellidae. 411. Laneella fusconitida sp. nov. (LACM). 412. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. 413. L. nigripes Guimar„es. 414. L. perisi (Mariluis). 415. L. purpurea sp. nov. 416. Mesembrinella latifrons (Mello). 417. M. guaramacalensis sp. nov. 418. M. mexicana sp. nov. 419. M. spicata Aldrich. 420. M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov. 421. M. aeneiventris (Wiedemann). 422. M. decrepita Séguy. 423. M. lara (Bonatto).

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FIGURES 455–459. Lateral habitus and labels of holotypes. 455. Laneella fusconitida sp. nov. (LACM). 456. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. (USNM). 457. L. purpurea sp. nov. (INBIO). 458. Mesembrinella mexicana sp. nov. (CNC). 459. M. spicata Aldrich (USNM).

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FIGURES 9–14. Diagnostic characters of Mesembrinellidae. 9. Eggs of Laneella fuscosquamata sp. nov. 10. L. perisi (Mariluis), ventral view of tarsal claws, showing pale basal half. 11. L. fusconitida sp. nov., ventral view of tarsal claws, showing darker base. 12. M. spicata Aldrich, ventral view of male sternites, showing long projections on rear margin of ST5. 13. M. bicolor (Fabricius), posterior view of female occiput, showing median occipital sclerite. 14. M. socors (Walker), upper and lower calypters, showing disc, rim and fringe.


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