Syringogaster brunneina Marshall & Buck, 2009

Marshall, S. A., Buck, M., Skevington, J. H. & Grimaldi, D., 2009, A revision of the family Syringogastridae (Diptera: Diopsoidea), Zootaxa 1996 (1), pp. 1-80 : 30-35

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Felipe (2021-08-22 05:55:04, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 07:29:34)

scientific name

Syringogaster brunneina Marshall & Buck

sp. nov.

Syringogaster brunneina Marshall & Buck View in CoL , new species

Figs. 21–25, Plates 1F, 2G–H, 4G; Map 4

Syringogaster brunnea View in CoL auctt., nec Cresson, 1912: Prado, 1969 (in part)

DESCRIPTION: Head uniformly pale reddish brown except for black ocellar tubercle. Frons including ocellar triangle tomentose but ocellar triangle more shining than frontal vitta; ocellar triangle strongly tapered and triangular, anterior apex rounded and separated from frontal margin by 2X scape length; remainder of frons dull; ocellar triangle on same plane as rest of frons, flanked by yellowish interfrontal plates bearing 5–6 very small inclinate bristles. Pedicel almost entirely tomentose, a small anteromedial area bare and shining. Ocellar bristles well developed, ocellar tubercle setulose. Face pale, lower part expanded and with black bristles; shining vibrissal angle with thin black bristles. Gena equal in height to subgena at middle, with only fine pale setulae posterior to shining and sparsely setose vibrissal angle. Supracervical collar 2–3X length of pronotum, lateral carina continuous with a prominent, anteriorly directed posterior tentorial pit.

Thorax: Pronotum short medially, with two dark longitudinal lines. Proepisternum tomentose in dorsal half, shining ventrally. Mesonotum pale reddish brown except for the following contrasting black areas: small, humeral pit and associated large triangular humeral carina, anterior part of supra-alar carina, a carina at the anterior margin of the notopleuron, and two prescutellar pits. Pleuron orange except as follows: katepisternum shining brown; posterior part of episternal suture, anterodorsal and posterodorsal corners of katepimeron, and spiracular area dark and shining. Anepisternum bare on anterior half up to level of hind margin of postpronotum, tomentose posteriorly. Anepimeron uniformly dull tomentose. Metathoracic spiracle prominent and long setose, first prespiracular lobe small, second prespiracular lobe forming a prominent knife-like ridge abutting raised spiracle; subspiracular ridge with a small glabrous anterior part and a large tomentose posterior part. Katepimeron with a narrowly triangular tooth extending posteriorly. Fore leg yellow to pale brown, all bristles pale and thin (no stout, black anteroventral spinules on femur). Mid femur white basally, rest of femur pale brown; tibia brown on basal half, yellowish on distal half. Mid tarsomeres 1–3 with anteroventral and posteroventral sawlines. Hind femur with a narrow, indistinct white basal ring followed by an indistinct broader brown ring; remainder of leg orange-brown; dorsal surface tomentose on distal 2/5; ventral surface with two rows of stout bristles, anterior row of 11–14 bristles extending over distal 7/10 of femur, posterior row shorter. Hind tibia with apex trilobate, lobes subequal. Sawlines present on basal three tarsomeres of hind leg.

Wing dark with clear patches forming transverse bands before and after crossvein dm-cu and before crossvein bm-cu. Fork of CuA distal of bm-cu, separated from bm-cu by approximately the length of bm-cu (bm-cu very weak); A 1 +CuA 2 short (cell cup appendiculate on distal corner), CuA 1 extending much less than half way from dm to wing margin. R 2+3 running almost parallel to costa distally, not distinctly turned up to costa near apex. Cell r 4+5 greatly tapered from apex to level of r-m; r-m less than one third as long as dm-cu.

Abdomen: Syntergite 1–3 petiolate, tergites 1–2 very narrow and parallel-sided, twice as long as tergite 3; tergite 3 more than twice as wide at apex as at base, tergites 2 and 3 fused without suture. Syntergite 1–3 densely microsculptured, with inconspicuous longitudinal ridges on tergite 1, densely tomentose. Abdomen orange, posterior margins of tergites slightly darker. Tergite 4 clearly separate from tergite 3.

Female terminalia: Tergite 7 with deep posteromedial emargination. Four spermathecae in two pairs, each pair close together on short ducts, touching but not appressed; each spermatheca smooth, broadly cylindrical, with a broad basal invagination and a smooth, cylindrical cap (evagination) distally, cap about half spermathecal diameter.

Male terminalia: Tergite 5 with ventrolateral margins broad and unmodified; tergite 6 with ventrolateral margins tapered into an anteroventral point. Spiracles 5 and 6 in tergite. Sternites 4–6 medially divided, sternites 5 and 6 each reduced to two small, transverse, bristle-bearing black sclerites. Synsternite 7+8 with spiracles at almost same level in sides of ring. Epandrium longer than wide. Cercus well developed; surstylus broad, simple, slightly expanded distally, slightly longer than cercus. Subepandrial sclerite well defined, medially divided, transverse. Hypandrium with three pairs of breaks or weakenings: first between basal Ushaped portion and base of hypandrial arms, second between hypandrial bridge and mesal base of each hypandrial arm, third near middle of each hypandrial arm posterior to ventral hypandrial lobe. Anterior Ushaped portion slender, without anterior apodeme. Ventral hypandrial lobe elongate, narrow and parallel-sided distally, with round, setose apex. Posterior part of hypandrial arm simple, almost parallel-sided. Pregonite transverse, flat, with vertical ridge on outer surface. Postgonite simple, rod-like, extending distally beyond articulation with pregonite. Phallapodeme somewhat expanded laterally in posterior third, linked through weakly sclerotized and very inconspicuous phallic guide to lateral portions of hypandrium. Distal part of basiphallus with a prominent finger-like lobe on left side. Basal part of distiphallus short, with a prominent dark sclerite on left side; distal part of distiphallus with a long sickle-shaped sclerite on right side more or less following medial margin of a large, nearly transparent, subcircular lamella on left side.

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype ♂ ( DEBU) and 3♂, 3♀ paratypes ( DEBU, UWIC): TRINIDAD. Arima, Windblow Ridge , Simla House, 2000’, 9.vii.1981, J.M. Heraty. Other paratypes: COLOMBIA. Caldras,

14.v.1914, H.S. Parish (1♂, Melander collection, USNM); Amazonas, Letitia ,, P. R. Craig & J. Robb (1♂, AMNH); Buenaventura , 2.xi.1950, Michelbacher & Ross (2♂, 1♀, AMNH); Montería , iii.1958, M. R. Wheeler (1♂, AMNH). COSTA RICA. 2 km N Dominical, Hacienda Barú , 22.ii.2008, S.A. Marshall (9♂, 4♀, in alcohol, DEBU); Higuito , San Mateo, P. Schild (5♂, 5♀, USNM); 3 mi W Turrialba , 27.viii.1972, G.F. & S. Hevel (1♀, USNM); Turrialba , ix.1953, N.L.H. Krauss (1♀, AMNH); Pedregoso, D.L. Rounds (1♂, A.L. Melander collection, USNM); Puntarenas, Osa Peninsula , 1–5 mi NW Rincón , 21.ii.1967, Janzen, 01212967 (1♂, LACM); Golfito, Estación Agujas , 300 m , 19.vii–10.viii.2000, sweep net, J. Azofeifa (1♂, 1♀, INBC, #57985, #56679); Golfito, Estación El Tigre, Area Administrativa , 34 m , 11–12.iii.2000, sweep net, J. Azofeifa, L_S_277800_526600 (1♂, INBC); Golfito , xii.1957, A. Menke (1♂, LACM); Golfito , 7.vii.1957, Truxal & Menke (1♂, LACM); Osa Peninsula, Rincón , 10–15.viii.1966, A. R. Moldenke (1♀, AMNH); Osa Peninsula, Rincón , 2.5 km S, 50 m , 80º42’N, 83º30’50”W, 11.viii.2001, N.E. Woodley (2♀, DEBU, debu00199667–9); Golfo Dulce , 140 m , 6.v.1995, L. Angulo, L_N_279300_599000 (1♂, INBC); Quepos , 80 m , P.N. Manuel Antonio, iv.1991, G. Varela, L_S_370900_448800 (1♀, INBC); as previous but vii.1991 (1♂, INBC); P.N. Manuel Antonio, iv–xii. (12♂, 13♀, INBC); P.N. Manuel Antonio , 23–28.viii.1986, coastal rainforest, L. Masner (2♂, 3♀, CNCI); 16 km NE Quepos, RiosParaisos Biological Reserve , 400 m , 25.ii.2006, S.A. Marshall (2♂ in alcohol for sequencing, DEBU); Estación Esquinas , 200 m , i.1994, J.F. Quesada, L_S_301400_542200, #2550 (1♀, INBC); Bosque Esquinas , 200 m , iii.1994, M. Segura, L_S_301400_542200, #2776 (1♀, INBC); Rancho Quemado , 200 m , 11–28. x.1993, A.H. Gutiérrez, L_S_292500_511000 (3♀, INBC); Estación Sirena , 0–100 m , P.N. Corcovado, 21.iv.1992, Z. Fuentes, L_S_2700500_508300 (1♂, 1♀, INBC); Albergue Cerro de Oro , 200 m , 4–14.v.1995, E. Alfaro , and 2–8.i.1996, L. Angulo, L_S_280450_517500, 279650_518450 (2♀, INBC); Sector Laguna Meándrica , 100 m , Carara, vi.1990, R. Zuñiga, L_N_197900_472800 (1♂, 1♀, INBC); Limón, Manzanillo , 0–100 m , RNFS, Bandoca y Manzanillo , 9.ix–13.x.1992, K. Taylor, L_S_398100_610600 (1♀, INBC); Limón, Parque Nac. Cahuita , 0 m , 29.v.1988, P. Hanson (1♀, AMNH); Estación Hitoy-Cerere, Río Cerere , 200 m , xii.1990, G. Caballo, L_N_184200_643300 (1♂, INBC); Cuatro Esquinas, P.N. Tortuguero , ix.1989, J. Solano (1♀, INBC, 280000 590500); San José, Bijagua , 500 m , xii.1989, R. Zuñiga, L_S_192250_474760 (3♂, INBC); El Ceibo , 10 km SE La Virgen, 10º20’N, 84º5’W, 450–550 m GoogleMaps , 14.ii.2003, INBio-OET-ALAS transect, primary forest trail, S.D. Gaimari (1♀, CSCA); Est. Biol. La Selva , 50–150 m , 3.i.1994, M/01/304 (2♂, 1♀, CSCA). GUATEMALA. Pt. Barrios , 3–14.iii.1905, J.S. Hine (1♂, USNM, “ S. brunnea Cresson det. Steyskal ’46”). NICARAGUA. Santa María de Ostuma , xi.1959, N.L.H. Krauss (1♀, USNM). PANAMA. Mojinga Swamp, Fort Sherman ,, F.S. Blanton (2♀, USNM); Ft. Gulick , v.1980, at light, M.J. Harlan (1♀, USNM); Chiriquí, David , x.1953 (1♂, AMNH); “Boqueta” [= Boquete ] , x.1953, N.L.H. Krauss (1♀, AMNH); Barro Colorado Island , 22.xii.1928, C.H. Curran (1♂, AMNH). SURINAME. Jagtlust , 12.vii.1938 [collector label unreadable] (1♂ without abdomen, AMNH). TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Trinidad. Simla , 1–15.vii.1964, J.M. Capriles (2♂, 2♀, USNM); Saint George Co., Curepe , 10°38’N, 61°24’W GoogleMaps , 5.vii.1981, J.M. Heraty (2♀, DEBU); Las Cuevas ,, J.M. Heraty (2♀, DEBU); Arima, Textel Transmitting Station , 2250 ’, 7.vii.1981, scrub sweeps, J.M. Heraty (9♂, 4♀, DEBU); Curepe , vii, 1.xi, and 23.iii.1978, malaise trap, F.D. Bennett (3♂, 2♀, ROME); Tobago. St. John: Hermitage , 22.iv.1994, W.N. Mathis (1♂, USNM). VENEZUELA. Sucre, 7 km NW San Vincente , 23.iii.1982, G.F. & J.F. Hevel (1♂, 1♀, USNM); San Esteban , xi.1939 and 27.xii.1939, P.J. Anduze (1♂, 1♀, USNM); Carabobo, Palmichal –“Canoabel?” [=?Canoabo], 1000 m , 21.viii.1992, L. Masner, V92–05 (1♂, ROME, ROM927002 About ROM ) .

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED (in alcohol): VENEZUELA. Miranda, 10°18.12’N, 66°54.41’W, river between Los Teques (W) and Charallave (E), intersection of Ruta Nacional 1 and 5, 11.iii.1998, pipeline crossing the river bed, bank vegetation with Heliconia , Cyperus , grass, swept, aspirated, M. v. Tschirnhaus, “ X 1279 ” (15 specimens, ZSMC); Península de Paria, coastal mountains 15 km NE Güiria, Hacienda Bona Vista, eastern end of forest road, grassland and forest vegetation in primary forest 2.iii.1991, M. v. Tschirnhaus, “X891” (1♂, FBUB); Sucre, north coast about 32 km E Carúpano, Pui-Puy , plantages and secondary forest near the beach, swampy area, swept, aspirated, 31.iii–2.iv.1988, M. v. Tschirnhaus, “ X1300 ” (1♀, FBUB) GoogleMaps .

ETYMOLOGY: Syringogaster brunneina was a Steyskal manuscript name, and is retained here against the possibility that specimens other than those considered here bear his manuscript labels. The name refers to the brown color.

COMMENTS: The USNM collection includes a pin with a label that reads “ Holotype Syringogaster trinitatis ”, as well an empty point and locality label reading “ TRINIDAD: W.I. Simla, 1–15 July 1964, J.M. Capriles”. Steyskal’s notes refer to a species “ trinitatis ” that can be separated from S. brunneina (which was, at that time, another Steyskal manuscript name) by having the thorax “blackish in the pectal region and the abdomen blackish in the apical half”. We have had the opportunity to examine long series of Syringogaster from Trinidad, including two males and two females with identical data from Simla, and find that body color varies from uniformly brown to brown with darkened areas; similar color variation occurs in mainland populations of S. brunneina . No differences were found between genitalia of mainland and island populations, and it is likely that S. brunneina is the only Syringogaster in Trinidad and Tobago.

Syringogaster brunneina is superficially similar to S. brunnea , and label data suggest that these species are sometimes collected together. Syringogaster brunnea , however, is more closely related to S. subnearctica and (like S. subnearctica but unlike S. brunneina ) it lacks ocellar bristles but has anteroventral distal fore femoral spinules. Some series labelled “ S. brunneina ” by Steyskal or “ S. brunnea ” by earlier workers were mixtures of the two species.

Curran (1934) saw only four specimens of this family, all from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, so the Curran specimen listed as a paratype above is undoubtedly one of those specimens. The wing illustrated by Curran (1934), however, is a wing of S. rufa . We have not seen any Curran specimens of S. rufa from Barro Colorado I., but we have seen more recently collected S. rufa from Barro Colorado Island (viii.1938, F.M. Hull; 24.vii.1963, D.Q. Cavagnaro & M.E. Irwin). The Curran record interpreted by Prado (1969) as S. brunnea was undoubtedly S. brunneina .

Syringogaster brunneina is easily separated from other species in the brunnea -group by the absence of fore femoral spines and a largely reddish brown thorax. The male genitalia also show several distinctive features such as the unusually short surstylus (unique for the species), presence of a phallic guide (shared with S. brunnea and S. subnearctica ), postgonite that projects distally beyond the articulation with the pregonite (shared with S. cressoni ), and apex of distiphallus with a large, subcircular lamella (shared with S. lopesi ).

Cresson E. T. (1912) Descriptions of several new neotropical acalyptrate Diptera. Entomological News, 23, 389 - 396.

Curran, C. H. (1934) The families and genera of North American Diptera. Ballou Press, New York, 512 pp.

Prado, A. P. do (1969) Syringogastridae, uma nova familia de dipteros Acalyptratae, com a descricao de seis especies novas do genero Syringogaster Cresson. Studia Entomologica, 12 (14), 1 - 32.


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


American Museum of Natural History


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


Canadian National Collection Insects


California State Collection of Arthropods


Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology


Zoologische Staatssammlung


Universitat Bielefeld











