Sagola cuvierensis Park and Carlton

Park, J. - S. & Carlton, C. E., 2014, A revision of the New Zealand species of the genus Sagola Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Faronitae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 13) 68, pp. 1-156 : 139-140

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scientific name

Sagola cuvierensis Park and Carlton

sp. nov.

Sagola cuvierensis Park and Carlton View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 68m View Fig , 69m View Fig , 70m View Fig , 73 View Fig )

Type Material. Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Coromandel: 1♂ ( NZAC), “ NEW ZEALAND CL Cuvier I Radar Point 27 Feb 1982 G.Hall ”, “Litter 82/37”, “ N.Z. Arthropod Collection, NZAC Private Bag 92170 AUCKLAND New Zealand”, “ HOLOTYPE Sagola cuvierensis Park and Carlton 2013 . Paratypes (n = 41: 24 males; 17 females). NEW ZEALAND: Coromandel : 1♀ ( NZAC), same data as holotype ; 2♀♀ ( NZAC), Cuvier I, Shooters Ridge , 2 III 1982, G. Hall, litter ; 1♂ ( NZAC), Cuvier I, 25 II–2 III 1982, G. Hall, pan trap in ferns and bracken ; 14♂♂ 8♀♀ ( AMNZ), Cuvier I, Old Radar Station , 200m, 10–18 XI 1999, J.W. Early, S.E. Thorpe, yellow pan trap in grassy clearing : 3♂♂ 1♀ ( AMNZ), Cuvier I, Landing Bay , 11–13 XI 1999, J.W. Early, S.E. Thorpe, yellow pan trap, base of Phormium tenex ; 4♀♀ ( AMNZ), Cuvier I, Wilson Peak, 100m, 13–18 XI 1999, J.W. Early, S.E. Thorpe, coastal Pohutukawa forest , yellow pan trap ; 3♂♂ ( AMNZ), Cuvier I, Old Radar Station , 180m, 29 III–5 IV 2000, J.W. Early, R. F. Gilbert, forest edge, malaise trap ; 2♂♂ ( AMNZ), Cuvier I, Ridge Track , 120m, 29 III–6 IV 2000, J.W. Early, R. F. Gilbert, forest edge, malaise trap ; 1♂ ( AMNZ), Cuvier I, West Ridge , 160m, 29 III–6 IV 2000, J.W. Early, R. F. Gilbert, manuka scrub, yellow pan trap ; 1♀ ( AMNZ), Cuvier I, Ridge Track, 100m, 10–18 XI 1999, J.W. Early, S.E. Thorpe, yellow pan trap .

Etymology. This species is named after the type locality, Cuvier Island, Coromandel.

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the other species of the insignis species-group by the following combination of characters: body length 2.4–2.6 mm; temporal lobe of male head distinctly projecting, exceeding eye, with weakly concave ventral surface; ventral surface of male head with blunt process behind mouthparts and round setose depression; male elytra rectangular, female elytra subquadrate; shape of antennomeres and genitalia unique to species; known only from Coromandel.

Description. Length 2.4–2.6 mm. Body brown, antennae, legs, maxillary palpi, and elytra paler ( Fig. 68m View Fig ). Head: Male head triangular, widest across temples ( Fig. 69m View Fig ). Female head bluntly triangular, widest across eyes. Antennomere 1 approximately 1.5 times longer than wide, 2–7 longer than wide, 8–10 subquadrate. Frontal sulcus deep, reaching end of eye. Anterior frontal fovea round, partially covered by frontal rostrum, posterior frontal fovea round. Eye prominent, approximately one-third length of temple. Temporal lobe of male head distinctly projecting, exceeding eye and with weakly concave ventral surface ( Fig. 69m View Fig ). Ventral surface of male head with blunt process behind mouthparts and round setose depression ( Fig. 69m View Fig ). Thorax: Prosternum as long as wide, widest at one-third length. Male elytra rectangular ( Fig. 68m View Fig ), female elytra subquadrate. Male meso- and metathorax trapezoidal, longer than wide, female as long as wide. Abdomen: Male tergite IV with pair of transverse patches of microtrichia reaching middle, patches absent in female. Aedeagus: Median lobe of genitalia broad with pair of processes apically, reaching apex of apical lobe ( Fig. 70m View Fig ). Phallobase of median lobe symmetrical and rounded ( Fig. 70m View Fig ). Parameres symmetrical and slender, sparsely setose from midpoints to apices ( Fig. 70m View Fig ).

Distribution. Coromandel ( Fig. 73 View Fig : black circle).

Habitat. Specimens of this species were collected using yellow pan and Malaise traps or by sifting leaf litter.


New Zealand, Auckland, Auckland Institute and Museum


New Zealand Arthropod Collection


Auckland Institute and Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

















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