Lumawigia, Bellamy, C. L., 2005

Bellamy, C. L., 2005, The Philippine Coraebini Bedel, 1921 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilini) Part 6: new and resurrected genera and new species, Zootaxa 1038, pp. 23-40 : 31-32

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gen. nov.

Lumawigia View in CoL gen. nov.

Type species: Lumawigia gibbicephala sp. nov. (present designation).

Description. Elongate, subcylindrical; surface transversely rugulose, glabrous, iridescent. Head with frontovertex longitudinally depressed, projecting beyond anterior margin of eye; eyes relatively small, inner margins diverging dorsally, circumocular groove wide, entire, transverse preantennal groove entire; antennal cavities large, very close; frontoclypeus narrow, carinate between antennae; distal margin narrow, angulately projecting. Pronotum narrowed in anterior third, expanded in posterior 2/3, widest at about posterior 1/3; disc entire, rounded laterally; prelateral carina on either side; anterior margin arcuate, posterior margin bisinuate, lateral margin biangulate, carina entire. Scutellum triangular. Elytra wider than pronotum, widest opposite humeri; disc entire except for one thin central costa; lateroposterior margin serrulate; apices attenuate; epipleuron short. Prosternum with strongly projecting broad mentonniere. Abdominal ventrites expanded laterally with 1 and 2 visible from above lateral to elytral margins. Legs with pro­ and mesotibiae arcuate; tarsi with pulvilli on tarsomeres 1–4; claws appendiculate.

Etymology. This new genus­group name is defined as feminine and chosen to honor the collector, the late Romeo Lumawig, collector and purveyor of insect specimens from the Philippines to specialists for many years and for his son Ismael, for continuing the family pursuit and for allowing me to study this and other special specimens held in his father’s personal collection ( LCMP).

Remarks. This new genus is placed in the Toxoscelina due to the character state of the arcuate first two tibiae. Because of the damaged nature of the unique holotype, no attempt was made to remove a wing. Lumawigia is not particularly close to any of the extant Philippine coraebine taxa, but it is compared it to Philippscelus in Table 2 View TABLE 2 . Speculations about possible relationships between this new genus and extra­Philippine toxoscelines would be premature and uninformative.

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