Helius gedanicus, Kania, Iwona, 2014

Kania, Iwona, 2014, Subfamily Limoniinae Speiser, 1909 (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Baltic amber (Eocene): the genus Helius Lepeletier & Serville, 1828, Zootaxa 3814 (3), pp. 333-352 : 338-339

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3814.3.2

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scientific name

Helius gedanicus

sp. nov.

Helius gedanicus sp. nov.

( Figs 4 View FIGURE 4 A–B)

Material examined. Holotype: No. 4073 (female) ( SNMG).

Etymology. From Latin Gedanum, Gdańsk. The species epithet is a noun.

Diagnosis. Rostrum approximately twice as long as the head, longer than palpus, shorter than antenna; antenna only 1.2x the length of the rostrum, palpus almost half the length of the rostrum; last palpal segment shorter than two penultimate.

Description. Body: the length of specimen 4.76 mm.

Head ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A): rostrum 0.75 mm long, 0.10 mm wide, twice as long as the head; antenna 0.98 mm, 16- segmented, short, approximately 1.2x length of the rostrum ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 B); scape cylindrical, large; pedicel large, its distal part conspicuously widened; first flagellomere large and barrel-shaped, flagellomeres 2–6 barrel-shaped, rather short, flagellomeres 7-15 cylindrical, slightly elongated, the last segment of antennae narrowed, shorter than penultimate one, approximately half its length; flagellomeres with four elongated setae, which are longer than the length of flagellomeres bearing them.

Palpus ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A): the basal three palpal segments of the same length, 0.09 mm; the last one relatively short, 0.11 mm.

Wing not preserved.

Ovipositor elongated.

Remarks. The species differ distinctly by the ratio of the lengths of palpus, antenna, rostrum and head from the other species from Baltic amber.

Helius hoffeinsorum sp. nov. ( Figs 5 View FIGURE 5 A–D)

Material examined. Holotype: No. 1462 (male) Coll. Ch. and H. W. Hoffeins ( SDEI).

Etymology. A new species is dedicated to Christel and Hans Werner Hoffeins from Hamburg, Germany, the owners of amber inclusions collection and the experts in Baltic amber inclusions.

Diagnosis. Rostrum shorter than twice the head length, longer than palpus, slightly shorter than antenna; palpus longer than half the length of the rostrum and antenna; the last palpal segment shorter than all the preceding taken together, only slightly longer than penultimate one; vein r-m rather long, well expressed.

Description. Body ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 A): the length of specimens 5.63 mm.

Head ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 B): rostrum 0.91 mm, shorter than 2x head length; the length of antenna 1.06 mm, 16-segmented, not very elongated, slightly longer than the rostrum ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C); scape cylindrical, large; pedicel large, its distal part conspicuously widened; first flagellomere barrel-shaped, flagellomeres 2–5 oval, rather short, flagellomeres 6–10 cylindrical, elongated, dainty, of equal length; the last segment the same length as penultimate one; flagellomeres with one elongated setae, longer than the length of segments bearing them.

Palpus ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 B): 0.49 mm; the length of last palpal segment 0.15 mm, penultimate 0.14 mm, first and the second segments 0.10 mm; the last palpal segment shorter than all the preceding taken together, only slightly longer than penultimate one.

Wing ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 D): partly preserved; 2.18 mm wide; vein Sc elongated, ending opposite 3/4 the length of Rs, r-r (R2) atrophied; A2 elongated, slightly subsinuous.

Hypopygium ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 B, 11C): 0.32 mm long; gonocoxite elongated and rather narrow; inner and outer gonostylus longer than half the length of gonocoxite; inner gonostylus longer and much wider than outer gonstylus, lobe-shaped, narrowed in the distal part, distinctly wider at the base and in the middle, curved at the end, with additional tubercles and setae at the inner edge of the middle part; outer gonostylus narrow, straight, only slightly wider at the base.

Remarks. The species characterized by moderately elongated rostrum like H. linus , H. pulcher and H. formosus but is the most similar to the last one. In contrast to H. formosus in H. hoffeinsorum the last palpal segment is distinctly shorter, only slightly longer than penultimate one, in H. formosus it is 1.25x the length of all the preceding taken together.


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde















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