Lachnomyrmex W.M. Wheeler, 1910: 263

Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, Prado, Lívia P. & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., 2015, Type specimens of the traditional Myrmicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ant tribes deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil: Adelomyrmecini, Basicerotini, Blepharidatt ini, Crematogastrini, Formicoxenini, Lenomyrmecini, Myrmicini, Phalacromyrmecini, Pheidolini, Stegomyrmecini, Stenammini and Tetramoriini, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 55 (12), pp. 175-204 : 191-192

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Carolina (2021-04-01 12:08:57, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 04:30:51)

scientific name

Lachnomyrmex W.M. Wheeler, 1910: 263


Genus Lachnomyrmex W.M. Wheeler, 1910: 263 View in CoL

Lachnomyrmex amazonicus Feitosa & Brandão, 2008: 11 . Holotype: 1W, BRASIL, PA[Pará], Paraupebas , Fl [oresta] Nac [ional de] Carajás, Garagem, 06°02’54”S 50°04’55”W, 25.iv-02.v.2008, Rogério R. Silva col., Winkler. Paratypes GoogleMaps : 3G 4W, BRASIL, PA[Pará], Paraupebas , Fl [oresta] Nac [ional] Carajás, Garagem, 06°02’54”S 50°04’55”W, 25.iv-02.v.2008, Rogério R. Silva col., Winkler. Dealated gynes. 1W GoogleMaps , BRASIL, PA[Pará], Paraupebas , Fl [oresta] Nac [ional] Carajás, Casa Hóspedes, 06°03’41”S 50°03’13”W, 25.iv-02.v.2008, Rogério R. Silva col., Winkler. 1W GoogleMaps , BRASIL, PA[Pará], Paraupebas , Fl [oresta] Nac [ional] Carajás, Núcleo Urbano, 06°03’53”S 50°03’42”W, 25.iv-02.v.2008, Rogério R. Silva col., Winkler. 1W GoogleMaps , BRASIL, PA[Pará], Paraupebas , Fl [oresta] Nac [ional] Carajás, Zoobotânico, 06°03’41”S 50°03’13”W, 25.iv-02.v.2008, Rogério R. Silva col., Winkler. Missing L 5 tibia and tarsi. 1W GoogleMaps , BRAZIL, Amazonas , Manaus, VIC, iii-iv.1994, R. Didham [leg.]. 1W , BRASIL, PA[Pará], Melgaço , Caxiuanã, ECFPn IV (Transecto 10 00), 01°45’19.98”S 51°31’20.66”W, 23-25.i.2004, A.Y. Harada, E.P. Fagundes, P. Batra, R. Calisto & Mó cols GoogleMaps ,

Lachnomyrmex fernandezi Feitosa & Brandão, 2008: 13 . Paratypes: 1W, COLOMBIA, Santander, Mpio [Municipio] Socorro, Vda. Alto Chochos, Fca   GoogleMaps [Farm] El Laurel   GoogleMaps , 1630 m, 06°28’37.1”N 73°13’33.4”W, Rastrojo alto Winkler, 23.iii.2004, G. Zabala [leg.], IAVH 25404 View Materials . Worker coated with gold. 1W, COLOMBIA, Tolima Boquerón , 09.ix.[19]96, E. Palacio [leg.], IAVH-E 72099, 440 m.

Lachnomyrmex laticeps Feitosa & Brandão, 2008: 19 . Paratypes: 1W, COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Peñas Blancas, Refugio Eladio, 10°19’N 84°43’W, 7Mar2006 [07.iii.2006], J. Longino, # 5670, 800 m. 1W, COSTA RICA, Prov   GoogleMaps [incia] Heredia, 13 km NE[Northeast of] Vara Blanca   GoogleMaps , 10°16’N 84°05’W, 15Febrero2001 [15.ii.2001, R. Vargas leg.], 1150-1250 m, INBio-OET-ALAS transect, 01-RVC-010 transect. Worker coated with gold, missing A2 segments 4º to 10º of funiculus, L6 tibia and tarsi.

Lachnomyrmex longinoi Feitosa & Brandão, 2008: 25 . Paratypes: 1W, COSTA RICA, Prov [incia] Guana [caste], Est   GoogleMaps [Filed Station] Pitilla   GoogleMaps , 9 km S[outh of] Sta   GoogleMaps [Santa] Cecilia   GoogleMaps , 6-18Ago1993 [06-18.viii.1993], P. Ríos [leg.], L N 330200_380200, # 2321, 700 m. 1G 1W, COSTA RICA, Punt [arenas, Península] Osa, Aenn. Fund. NeoTrop., 08°43’30”N 83°31’30”W, 23.iv.[19]97, R. Anderson [leg.], #18687, Ridge forest   GoogleMaps litter. Dealated gyne. 1W, COSTA RICA, [Alajuela, Río] San Lorencito, 1990, P. Hammond [leg.]. Worker coated with gold.

Lachnomyrmex nordestinus Feitosa & Brandão, 2008: 29 . Holotype: 1W, BRASIL, PB[Paraíba], João Pessoa   GoogleMaps , Mata do Buraquinho   GoogleMaps , 07°08’24”S 34°51’33.2”W, 25.vii-02.viii.2002, R.R. Sil- va & F. Eberhardt cols., Winkler. Paratypes: 1W, BRASIL, PB[Paraíba], João Pessoa   GoogleMaps , Mata do Buraquinho   GoogleMaps , 07°08’24”S 34°51’33.2”W, 25.vii-02.viii.2002, R.R. Silva   GoogleMaps & F. Eberhardt cols., Winkler. 1W, BR[ BRAZIL], Ceará, Maranguape   GoogleMaps , viii.2003, Y. Quinet [leg.], ± 875 m. Worker coated with gold, missing L2 and L6 both 2º to 5º tarsus, L3 3º to 5º tarsus. 1G, BRA- SIL, PE[Pernambuco], Jaqueira, Usina Colônia, Mata do Espelho, 30.vii.2003, A. Bieber & I. Leal [leg.]. Dealated gyne. 1G 7W, BRASIL, PE[Pernambuco], Recife, Horto Dois Irmãos, 08°00’32”S 34°56’40”W, 15-24.vii.2002, R.R. Silva & F. Eberhardt cols., Winkler. Dealated gyne. 2G 6W, BRASIL, SE[Sergipe], Areia Branca, E.E. [Parque Nacional] da Serra de Itabaiana, 10°45’54”S 37°19’57.4”W, 19-25.v.2003, R.R. Silva, B.H. Dietz & L.S. Ferreira cols., Winkler. Dealated gynes, one worker with disarticulated head glued on the triangle.

Lachnomyrmex plaumanni Borgmeier, 1957: 125 View in CoL . Cotype [Lectotype]: 1W, BRASILIEN[ BRAZIL, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutônia, 27°11’B 52°23’L, iv.1964, Fritz Plaumann [leg.], 300-500 m. Cotypes [Paralectotypes]: 1W, BRASILIEN[ BRAZIL, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutônia , 27°11’B 52°23’L, iv.1954, Fritz Plaumann [leg.], 300-500 m. Missing head. 1W, BRASILIEN[ BRAZIL, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutônia , 27°11’B 52°23’L, xi.1954, Fritz Plaumann [leg.], 300-500 m. Disarticulated head, A2 and part of three legs glued on the triangle, missing three legs. 1G 1W, BRASILIEN[ BRAZIL, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutônia , 27°11’B 52°23’L, iv.1951, Fritz Plaumann [leg.], 300-500 m. Dealated gyne, worker without head. 1G 2W, [ BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro], Itatiaya [Parque Nacional Itatiaia], i.[19]56, [R.] Barth [leg.]. Dealated gyne.

Lachnomyrmex regularis Feitosa & Brandão, 2008: 38 . Paratypes: 2W, COSTA RICA, Prov [incia] Guana [caste], Est [Field Station] Pitilla , 9 km S[outh of] Sta [Santa] Cecilia, 6-19Set1993 [06-19.ix.1993], P. Ríos [leg.], L N 330200_380200, #2345, #8- Rios 93, 700 m. One worker coated with gold, missing L6 3º to 5º tarsus; one worker with postpetiole and gaster glued on the triangle, missing L2 tibia and tarsi, L6 2º to 5º tarsus.

Lachnomyrmex victori Feitosa & Brandão, 2008: 43 . Holotype: 1W, BRASIL, SC[Santa Catarina], São Bonifácio, P [arque] E[stadual] Serra do Tabuleiro   GoogleMaps , 27°49’06”S 48°54’41”W, 08-13. iii.2004, R.R. Silva, B.H. Dietz & N. Albuquerque cols., Winkler. Paratypes: 1G 2W, BRASIL, SC[Santa Catarina], São Bonifácio, P [arque] E[stadual] Serra do Tabuleiro   GoogleMaps , 27°49’06”S 48°54’41”W, 08-13.iii.2004, R.R. Silva, B.H. Dietz & N. Albuquerque cols., Winkler. Dealated gyne, one worker coated with gold, missing A1, A2, L2 femur to tarsi, L3 coxa to tarsi. 4W, BRASIL, SC[Santa Catarina], Blumenau, P [arque] E[stadual das] Nascentes   GoogleMaps , 27°06’15”S 49°09’14”W, 20-27.x.2000, R.R. Silva   GoogleMaps & F. Eberhardt cols., Winkler. 1G 6W, BR[ BRAZIL], PR [Paraná], Tunas   GoogleMaps , Parque das Lauráceas, 24°51’16”S 48°43’00.4”W, 21-29.ii.2001, [R.R]. Silva   GoogleMaps & [F.] Eberhardt   GoogleMaps cols., Winkler. Dealated gyne, one worker without head. 1G 2W, BRASIL, SP[São Paulo], Salesópolis, E [stação] E[cológica] B[oracéia], 11-17.iv.1997, B.H. Dietz & C.I. Yamamoto cols., Winkler. Dealated gyne, one worker missing L6 tibia and tarsi. 1W, BRASIL, SP[São Paulo], Salesópolis, E [stação] E[cológica] B[oracéia], 20-26.x.1997, B.H. Dietz & C.I. Yamamoto cols., Winkler. 2W, BRA- SIL, ES[Espírito Santo], Santa Teresa, Estação Biológica Santa Lucia, 19°58’09”S 40°32’15”W, 20-24.i.2002, J.H. Schoereder & C.R. Ribas cols. One worker missing L2 femur to tarsi, L3 2º to 5º tarsus.

BORGMEIER, T. 1957. Myrmecologische Studien I. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 29: 103 - 128.

WHEELER, W. M. 1910. Three new genera of myrmicine ants from tropical America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 28: 259 - 265.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











