Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961: 44

Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, Prado, Lívia P. & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., 2015, Type specimens of the traditional Myrmicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ant tribes deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil: Adelomyrmecini, Basicerotini, Blepharidatt ini, Crematogastrini, Formicoxenini, Lenomyrmecini, Myrmicini, Phalacromyrmecini, Pheidolini, Stegomyrmecini, Stenammini and Tetramoriini, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 55 (12), pp. 175-204 : 179-180

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Carolina (2021-04-01 12:08:57, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 04:30:51)

scientific name

Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961: 44


Genus Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961: 44 View in CoL

Eurhopalothrix australis Brown & Kempf, 1960: 218 View in CoL . Paratypes: 3W, AUSTRALIA, Crawfords Lookout , Beatrice R[iver], ii.1958, P.F. Darlington [leg.], Rainforest.

Rhopalothrix bolaui Mayr, 1870: 415 . Cotypes[Syntypes]: 3W, HONDURAS, La Ceiba, W.M. Mann col. One worker missing postpetiole, gaster. Combination in Eurhopalothrix View in CoL by Brown & Kempf, 1960: 210. Senior synonym of Eurhopalothrix amoena ( Mann, 1922: 39) by Brown & Kempf, 1960: 210.

Rhopalothrix bruchi Santschi, 1922a: 256 . Syntype: 1W, ARGENTINA, Cordoba, Alta Gracia, C. Bruch leg. Combination in Eurhopalothrix View in CoL by Brown & Kempf, 1960: 214.

Eurhopalothrix cimu Longino, 2013a: 114 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, CUBA, Granma, PN [National Park] Pico Turquino Aguada de Joachin, 20.01500 -7684000 ± 150 m, 03.ii.2012, R. S. Anderson [leg.], #2012-023, 1370 m, Dry Mixed Forest , ex sifted leaf litter.

Eurhopalothrix circumcapillum Longino, 2013a: 116 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, NICARAGUA, Raan, PN [National Park] Cerro Saslaya   GoogleMaps , 13.77216 -84.99613 ± 20 m, 08.x.2011, LLAMA #Wm-D01-1-08, 670 m, Montane Wet Forest, ex sifted leaf litter.

Eurhopalothrix depressa Ketterl, Verhaagh & Dietz, 2004: 45 . Holotype: 1W, BRASILIEN [BRA- ZIL], Rio Grande do Sul, CPCN[Centro de Pesquisa e Conservação da Natureza] Pró Mata, 29°30’S 50°10’W, 02.iv.1997, J. Ketterl [leg.], 900-920 m, SMNK, Mata Atlântica, Araucarian Forest   GoogleMaps , soil litter sifting (Winkler), FN WUA 13.

Rhopalothrix gravis Mann, 1922: 40 . Syntypes: 3W, HONDURAS, [Lombardia], San Juan Pueblo, W.M. Mann col., Coll. Mann 1954. Combination in Eurhopalothrix View in CoL by Brown & Kempf, 1960: 211. Senior synonym of Eurhopalothrix reichenspergeri ( Santschi, 1923a: 1263) and of Eurhopalothrix schmidti ( Menozzi, 1936: 82) by Brown & Kempf, 1960: 211.

Eurhopalothrix guadeloupensis Longino, 2013a: 121 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, [ FRANCE], Guadalupe [Island], Basse Terre, Soufrière, 16.03406 -61.66786 ± 56 m, 15.v.2012, R. S. Anderson [leg.], #RSA 2012-113, 922 m, Wet Cloud Forest   GoogleMaps , ex sifted leaf litter.

Eurhopalothrix hunhau Longino, 2013a: 123 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, GUATEMALA, Zacapa, 2 km SE[Southeast of] La Unión, 14.95320 -89.27559 ± 50 m, 12.v.2009, LLAMA #WA-B-03-2-48, 1430 m, Cloud Forest   GoogleMaps , ex sifted leaf litter.

Eurhopalothrix lenkoi Kempf, 1967: 358 View in CoL . Holotype: 1W, Paratypes: 6W 1G, BRAZIL, S[ão] P[aulo], Caraguatatuba, Res[tinga] Flor[esta], 07-14. vii.1962, Exp[edição do] Dep[artamento de] Zool[gia], #2183, 40 m. One paratype worker missing L3 femur. Paratypes: 28W, BRAZIL, S[ão] Paulo, Ilha da Vitória , Ilhote das Cabras, 26.iii.[1]964, Dep [artamento de] Zool [ogia], #4031. One worker with disarticulated postpetiole and gaster.

Eurhopalothrix ortizae Longino, 2013a: 130 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, C[OSTA] R[ICA], Prov [ince] Puntarenas, Monteverde   GoogleMaps , 10°18’N 84°48’W, 13.iii.2003, L. Schonberg [leg.], 1570 m, Montane Wet Worest, transect 2 plot.

Eurhopalothrix oscillum Longino, 2013a: 133 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Casa Eladio, Rio Penas Blancas, 10.30877 -8471650 ± 1 km, 10.v.1989, J. Longino #2529-s, 830 m, Wet Forest , ex sifted leaf litter.

Eurhopalothrix pilulifera Brown & Kempf, 1960: 208 View in CoL . Paratype: 1G, [ BRAZIL], Rio de Janeiro, DF, 18.iii.1937 [the original publication says “ 08. iii.1932 ”], H.S. Lopes [leg.]. Disarticulated head, mesossoma and gaster, missing W1, W2, W4.

Eurhopalothrix semicapillum Longino, 2013a: 139 View Cited Treatment . Paratypes: 1G 1W, COSTA RICA, Heredia, 16 km SSE[South-southeast of] La Virgen, 10.26863 -84.08287 ± 200 m, 01.iv.2001, ALAS #11 /WF/02, 1110 m, Montane Wet Forest   GoogleMaps , ex sifted leaf litter.

Eurhopalothrix speciosa Brown & Kempf, 1960: 203 View in CoL . Holotype: 1W, BRASILIEN [ BRAZIL, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutônia , 27°11’B 52°23’L, v.1957, Fritz Plaumann [leg.]. Coll. Kempf # 2648, 300- 500 m. Paratype: 1W, [ BRAZIL], S[anta] C[atarina], Serra Geral , xii-1958, F. Plaumann [leg.], Coll. Kempf #3004.

Eurhopalothrix spectabilis Kempf, 1962: 27 View in CoL . Holotype: 1G, BRASILIEN [ BRAZIL, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutônia, 27°11’B 52°23’L, v.1960, Fritz Plaumann [leg.], 300-500 m. Dealated gyne.

Eurhopalothrix xibalba Longino, 2013a: 144 View Cited Treatment . Paratype: 1W, COSTA RICA, Prov [ince] Heredia, 9 km NE[Northeast of] Vara Blanca   GoogleMaps , 10°14’N 84°06’W, 22.iii.2005, INBio-OET-ALAS transect, Finca Murillo 15/WF/01/46, 1450- 1550 m.

BROWN JR., W. L. & KEMPF, W. W. 1960. A world revision of the ant tribe Basicerotini. Studia Entomologica, 3: 161 - 250.

BROWN JR., W. L. & KEMPF, W. W. 1961. The type species of the ant genus Eurhopalothrix. Psyche, 67: 44.

KEMPF, W. W. 1962. Miscellaneous studies on Neotropical ants. II. Studia Entomologica, 5: 1 - 38.

KEMPF, W. W. 1967. Three new South American ants (Hym. Formicidae). Studia Entomologica, 10: 353 - 360.

KETTERL, J.; VERHAAGH, M. & DIETZ, B. H. 2004. Eurhopalothrix depressa sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from southern Brazil with a key to the Neotropical taxa of the genus. Studies on the Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 39: 45 - 48.

LONGINO, J. T. 2013 a. A review of the Central American and Caribbean Species of the ant genus Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), with a key to New World species. Zootaxa, 3693: 101 - 151.

MANN, W. M. 1922. Ants from Honduras and Guatemala. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 61: 1 - 54.

MAYR, G. 1870. Formicidae novogranadenses. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 61: 370 - 417.

MENOZZI, C. 1936. Due nuovi Dacetini di Costa Rica e descrizione della larva di uno di essi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Arbeiten uber Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem, 3 (2): 81 - 85.

SANTSCHI, F. 1922 a. Description de nouvelles fourmis de l'Argentine et pays limitrophes. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, 94: 241 - 262.

SANTSCHI, F. 1923 a. Descriptions de quelques nouvelles fourmis du Bresil. Revista do Museu Paulista, 13: 1255 - 1264.









