Alitocoris lateralis, Thereza De A. Garbelotto*, 2013, 2013

Garbelotto, Thereza De A., Campos, Luiz A. & Grazia, Jocelia, 2013, Cladistics and revision of Alitocoris with considerations on the phylogeny of the Herrichella clade (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae, Ochlerini), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 168, pp. 452-472 : 463-464

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Tatiana (2019-12-19 16:05:59, last updated 2024-11-27 14:37:35)

scientific name

Alitocoris lateralis

sp. nov.


SP. NOV. ( FIGS 3C View Figure 3 , 6C View Figure 6 )

Holotype: f, COSTA RICA, Guanacaste: (Fila Orosilito, Est. Pitilla , 9 km south of Santa Cecilia, 800–1000 m a.s.l.), 7.iv.1995, M. Moraga, de Luz L-N 328650 378600 # 4722, [11.1000; -85.4167], Costa Rica INBio CRI002 1999 01 ( INBio). Deposited in: INBio, Costa Rica. GoogleMaps

Etymology: The name refers to the lateral position of the callus on gonocoxites 8. Latin: lateralis, beside.

Diagnosis: Dark brown to black; punctures black. Legs lighter coloured, contrasting with body.

Head black; punctures not confluent on apical third of juga. Vertex slightly tumid. Antennal segments I–III and proximal third of IV brown, Vand distal 2/3 of IV yellowish; intersegmental areas translucent; segment Iwith lighter dorsal spot. Proportional length of antennal segments: I> II <III> IV <V; third the longest. Bucculae with anterior triangular tooth projected ventrally. Rostrum light brown, reaching posterior margin of urosternite VI; proportional length of labium segments: I <II <III <IV.

Pronotum black, punctures confluent, forming wrinkles between posterior margin of cicatrices and posterior margin of pronotum. Cicatrices flat. Anterolateral angles projected laterally, exceeding lateral limit of eyes by almost three times the ocellus width. Anterolateral margins subrectilinear. Scutellum black, extending to middle of connexival segment V; punctures confluent, forming wrinkles throughout the scutellum. Corium dark brown, reaching middle of connexival segment VI; punctures more dense on exocorium. Spot at apex of radial vein slightly wider than ocellus. Membrane with nine veins, reaching apex of abdomen. Pleurae black. Peritreme surpassing half the width of evaporatorium. Coxae, trochanters, femora, and tibiae light brown; femora and tibiae with darker elliptical spots.

Connexivum black. Abdomen black, velvety; punctures shallow, inconspicuous on disc; trichobothria tubercles black. Anteromesial margin of spiracles slightly elevated, concolorous.

Male. Unknown.

Female. Measurements (N = 1): head length 2.01; width 2.50; pronotum length 2.55; width 6.08; scutellum length 4.51; width 3.92; length of antennal segments: I 0.81; II 0.37; III 1.89; IV 1.36; V 2.17; length of labium segments: I 1.45; II 2.55; III 2.25; IV 2.20; total length 12.15; width of abdomen 6.76.

Genitalia. Gonocoxites 8 little longer than wide; posterior margins sinuous, concave medially, projected over the base of laterotergites 9; callus near the lateral margin of gonocoxites, in line with laterotergites 8. Spiracles of laterotergites 8 little elevated, placed lateral to lateral angle of gonocoxites 8. Gonocoxites 9 triangular, lacking longitudinal suture. Laterotergites 9 not surpassing the band connecting laterotergite 8; median margins on a higher plane than lateral margins; lateral basal angle depressed ( Fig. 6C View Figure 6 ).

Comments: Alitocoris lateralis sp. nov. is in the polytomy that includes Ali. schraderi and Ali. grandis sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). It can be distinguished from the other species by the anterior tooth of bucculae, a longer rostrum reaching posterior margin of urosternite VI, lighter legs with brown spots, and the concolorous anteromesial margin of spiracles. The more concave posterior margins and lateral callus of gonocoxites 8, gonocoxites 9 lacking a suture, and laterotergites 9 with the lateral basal angles depressed are also distinctive features of Ali. lateralis sp. nov.

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Figure 1. Strict consensus cladogram of the Alitocoris group resulting from analyses under implied weighting (K = 3.702). ( = nonhomoplasious transformations; ᴑ = homoplasious transformations; capital letters inside circles indicate the target clades; for these, numbers in parentheses above and below branches indicate absolute and relative Bremer support, respectively).

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Figure 3. Species of Alitocoris, dorsal view. A, Alitocoris schraderi (male). B, Alitocoris grandis sp. nov. (holotype female). C, Alitocoris lateralis sp. nov. (holotype female). D, Alitocoris ornatus sp. nov. (holotype male). Scale bars = 1 mm

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Figure 6. Species of Alitocoris, female. A–D, genital plates, ventroposterior view. E, F, receptaculum seminis and ausenwand, ventral view. A, E, Alitocoris schraderi. B, Alitocoris grandis sp. nov. C, Alitocoris lateralis sp. nov. D, F, Alitocoris ornatus sp. nov. Abbreviations: ch, chitinellipsen; cm, conical microsculptures; cs, capsula seminalis; d9, basal depression of laterotergites 9; dr, ductus receptaculi; gc8, gonocoxites 8; gc9, gonocoxites 9; id, inner duct of vesicular area; la8, laterotergites 8; la9, laterotergites 9; md, median duct of vesicular area; od, outer duct of vesicular area; pi, pars intermedialis; tg9, thickening of gonapophyses 9; vi, thickening of vaginal intima; VII, urosternite VII. Scale bars = 1 mm


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica











