Anthocoris japonicus Poppius, 1909
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Anthocoris japonicus Poppius, 1909 |
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Anthocoris japonicus Poppius, 1909
( Figs 7E–F View Fig , 9C View Fig , 10E–F View Fig , 12C View Fig , 13G–I View Fig , 15C View Fig , 17C–E View Fig , 21 View Fig )
Anthocoris japonicus Poppius, 1909: 33 . Holotype: ♀, Japan, Honshu , Kanagawa (HNHM).
Anthocoris japonicus (selected references): EඌൺKං (1950): 257 (redescription, habitus, distribution); Mංඒൺආඈඍඈ (1957): 76 (ovariole number); EඌൺKං et al. (1959): 105 (description of fifth instar nymph, habitus, habitat); Hංඎඋൺ (1959): 4, pls. 3–4 (distribution, habitat, phenology, figures); TൺKൺKඎඋൺ (1959): 14 (record, habitat); SඍංർHൾඅ (1960): 357 (listed, distribution); Mංඒൺආඈඍඈ (1965): 96, pl.48 (diagnosis, habitat, prey, distribution, photo); Mංඒൺආඈඍඈ & Lൾൾ (1966):375–376 (record); Lൾൾ (1971):358–359, 552 (redescription, photo, record, distribution); Hංඎඋൺ (1977): pl. 32, 122 (photo, bionomics); Nඈඓൺඐൺ (1978): 373 (record); Fඈඋൽ (1979): 56 (listed, distribution); IඐൺඌൺKං (1983): 14 (record); TൺർHංKൺඐൺ (1983):106, 255 (photo, diagnosis, bionomics); HൺඒൺඌHං (1984): 427 (record); Kංආ & Nൺආ (1984): 309 (record); TൺKൺKඎඋൺ (1984): 5 (record); Lൾൾ et al. (1985): 364 (record); Sൺඌൺඃං (1985): 58 (record); OඍඌඎKൺ & YඈඌHංඓൺKං (1987): 596 (record); IർHංඍൺ (1988): 132 (record); KൾඋඓHඇൾඋ (1988): 773–774 (figure, in key); Mංඒൺආඈඍඈ & YൺඌඎඇൺGൺ (1989): 165 (listed, distribution); AඌൺඈKൺ & IൾKං (1990): 155 (listed, distribution); Yඈඈඇ et al. (1990): 106 (record); ZHൾඇG & Bඎ (1990): 24 (record); Bඎ & ZHൾඇG (1991a): 94, 98 (listed); Lൾൾ & Kඐඈඇ (1991): 13 (record); Lൾൾ et al. (1991): 39–40 (record); Kංආ (1993): 290 (record); Lൾൾ et al. (1993): 10 (record); Nඈඓൺඐൺ (1993): 6 (record); OඍඌඎKൺ (1993):70 (listed); IർHංඍൺ (1994): 201 (listed); Lൾൾ & Kඐඈඇ (1994): 63 (listed); YඈඌHංඍඈආං (1994): 25–26 (record); Kංආ (1995): 216 (listed); OඍඌඎKൺ (1995): 45 (record); OඍඌඎKൺ (1996): 282 (record); Aඇ (1996): 28 (record); Kඐඈඇ et al. (1996a): 109 (listed); Pඣඋංർൺඋඍ (1996): 112 (catalogue, distribution); NൺKൺආඎඋൺ et al. (1997): 163 (distribution); Sඈඇඈൻൾ (1997):54 (record, habitat);HൺඒൺඌHං (1998): 165 (record);KංඌHංආඈඍඈ et al. (1998): 84 (listed); YൺඌඎඇൺGൺ (1999): 22 (listed, distribution); Hඎൺ (2000): 198 (listed, distribution); OඌൺKൺ Pඋൾൿൾർඍඎඋൾ (2000): 62 (listed, distribution); Yൺඇඈ & Yൺආൺආඈඍඈ (2000): 168 (listed); Bඎ & ZHൾඇG (2001): 121, 160 (in key, redescription, figures); Iඐൺඍൾ Pඋൾൿൾർඍඎඋൾ (2001): 179 (listed); Kඐඈඇ et al. (2001): 79 (catalogue, record,distribution);YൺඌඎඇൺGൺ (2001b): pl. 85, 281 (photo, diagnosis, habitat, phenology); Mൺඋඎඒൺආൺ et al. (2000): 252 (record); SඎඓඎKං (2003): 147 (distribution); KൺGൺඐൺ & HංGඎർHං (2003): 205 (record, distribution); HൺඒൺඌHං & OඓൺKං (2004):223 (distribution); KൺඇඒඎKඈ- ඏൺ & MൺඋඎඌංK (2006): 168 (listed); TൺGඈ (2006): 29 (record); Kൾ & Bඎ (2007):91–92 (figure, description of female genitalia);TൺർHංKൺඐൺ (2009): 4 (record); Mංඒൺආඈඍඈ (2008): 164, pl. 57 (diagnosis, habitat, prey, distribution, photo); IർHංඍൺ (2009): 68 (listed); VංඇඈKඎඋඈඏ et al. (2010): 56 (catalogue, distribution); TඈඋංGඈൾ (2011): 69 (record); YൺආൺඓൺKං & TൺKൺKඎඋൺ (2011):79 (record); UඌHංඋඈKංඍൺ et al. (2012): 16 (record); AඎKൾආൺ et al. (2013a): 85 (catalogue, distribution); Eඇඃඎ et al. (2013): 245 (photo, distribution, habitat); Hൺඈ & Mൺ (2013): 36 (listed); JඎඇG et al. (2013): 422 (catalogue, diagnosis, distribution, habitat); IඐൺඌൺKං (2014): 24 (record); SඎඓඎKං (2014a): 7 (distribution); MൺൾHൺඋൺ (2015): 28–29 (record, distribution, habitat, phenology); YൺඓൺKං (2015): 144 (record); NඈඓൺKං et al. (2016): 82 (record); Yൺආൺൽൺ et al. (2016): 422 (catalogue, distribution); JඎඇG & Lൾൾ (2017): 36–37, 70 (diagnosis, redescription, associated plant, prey, distribution, photo, figure); Iඍඈ & IආൺඌൺKൺ (2018): 15 (record); HൺඒൺඌHං et al. (2018): 182 (distribution); Sൺඐൺൽൺ (2018): D-36 (listed); YൺඌඎඇൺGൺ et al. (2018): 33, 58 (photo); TൺKൺං & SൺKඈඎ (2019): 114 (listed, distribution); TൺඇൺKൺ (2019): 64, 111 (listed); Uඋൺඒൺආൺ et al. (2019): 79, 81–82 (record, photo, habitat, phenology); MංඒൺඓൺKං et al. (2020): 65–66 (synthetic diet); OKඎൽൺ (2020): 44 (listed); SHංඓඎඈKൺ Pඋൾൿൾർඍඎඋൾ (2020): 128 (listed).
Material examined. JAPAN: HඈඇඌHඎ: Aomori Pref.:2JJ 1♀, Mutsu-
-shi, Sekine, 26.viii.1986, B. Tanaka. Fukushima Pref.: 1♀, Inawashiro-
-cho, Mt. Bandai-san, 31.iv.1999, T. Shimada. Ibaraki Pref.: 2JJ 4 ♀♀,
Tsukuba-shi, 12.i.2000, K. Takahashi; 1 ♀, Tsukuba-shi, 1.iv.2000, K.
Takahashi. Tochigi Pref.: 3 JJ 1 ♀, Nikko-shi, Shichiri,, S.
Maehara; 1 J, Utsunomiya-shi, Yanagita-ryokuchi, 23.iii.2018, S. Maehara; 9 JJ 9 ♀♀, Tochigi-shi, Kashiwagura, 18.iii.1991, H. Yoshitomi
( EUM); 5♀♀, Tochigi-shi, Oominagawa, 6.i.1994, H.Yoshitomi ( EUM);
1 J 1♀, Tochigi-shi, Minagawajonai, 6.i.1994, H.Yoshitomi ( EUM); 1J
1 ♀, Tochigi-shi, Shiriuch, 4.i.1994, H. Yoshitomi ( EUM); 6JJ 10 ♀♀, Tochigi-shi, Tochigi-koukou, 28.ii.1991, H.Yoshitomi ( EUM); 1 J 1 ♀, Tochigi-shi,Yanagibashi-cho, 9.iii.1994, S. Nagashima;1J, Tochigi-shi, Fujioka-machi, Fujioka, 26.xi.2020, S. Maehara;2JJ (one in Figs 7E–F View Fig ) 3 ♀♀, Ôyama-shi, Shimada, 6.i.1994, S. Nagashima. Saitama Pref.: 2 ♀♀, Toda-shi, Doman, 27.xii.1998, S. Arai. Chiba Pref.: 1 ♀, Narita-shi, Ôtake, 29.iv.2015, R. Nakamura.Tokyo-to:6JJ (one in Figs 10E–F View Fig , one in Figs 12C View Fig , 13G–I View Fig ) 11♀♀ (one in Fig. 15C View Fig ), Setagaya-ku, Kinuta Park, 10.viii.2001, J. Ikuta; 1 J, Chitose-funabashi, Karasuyama-ryokudo, no date, J. Narukawa. Kanagawa Pref.: 3♀♀, Atugi-shi, Funako, 13.iv.2001, S. Nagashima; 1 ♀, Yokosuka-shi, Tsukui, Mt. Miurafuji, 5.v.1988, S. Miyakawa. Aichi Pref.: 1 J 4 ♀♀, Kasugai-shi, no date, S. Nagashima. Osaka Pref.: 3 JJ 6♀♀, Ibaraki-shi, Niwakubo, 14.vii.2004, T. Ueda; 1 ♀, Sakai-shi, Izumigaoka, 25.xi.2000, M.Yoshio. Nara Pref.: 1 ♀, Nara- -shi, Yagyû-kaidô, 4.v.2001, T.Tsuru; 2JJ 3♀♀, Nara-shi, Nakamachi,, K. Yamada; 1 J, Gojô-shi, Yoshino-gawa Riv.,, T. Ueda; 1♀, Gojô-shi, Minamiada-cho, 28.xi.2000, K.Yamada. Wakayama Pref.: 1♀, Wakayama-shi, Myo-oji, 3.vii.2001, Y. Miyamoto. SHංKඈKඎ: Tokushima Pref.: 1 ♀, Tokushima-shi, Hachiman-cho, Mukôterayama, Bunka-no-Mori Park, 34.040278N 134.527222E, 1.iii.2008, K.Yamada; 11 JJ 16 ♀♀ (one in Fig. 9C View Fig ), same locality, 18.iii.2011, K. Yamada; 2 JJ 2♀♀, Tokushima-shi, Jôroku-cho,Jôroku-Higashi Park, 30.xii.2013, T. Nakanishi. Kochi Pref.: 1 ♀, Tôyô-cho, None, 22.iv.2000, M. Takai. KඒඎඌHඎ: Kumamoto Pref.: 1 ♀, Chôyô-mura, Tochinoki, 27.iv.2002, T. Ueda. Nagasaki Pref.: 2 JJ 2 ♀♀, Nagasaki-shi, Kawaguchi-Park, 32.76684N 129.86353E, under flakes of bark of Zelkova serrata , 21.ii.2020, T. Yasunaga et al. ( NWHS); 3 JJ 3 ♀♀, Omura-shi, Omura High School garden, 24.ii.2021, under flakes of bark of Zelkova serrata , 32.8970N 129.9631E, T. Yasunaga ( NWHS). All in TKPM except for EUM and NWHS.
Differential diagnosis. Recognized by the following combination of characters: body ( Figs 7E–F View Fig ) generally black, covered with pruinose setae on dorsal surface; hemelytra and legs ( Figs 7E–F View Fig ) sometimes tinged with reddish brown; membrane ( Fig. 7E View Fig ) smoky dark brown with broad whitish band on basal part; ostiolar peritreme ( Fig. 9C View Fig ) straight, curved anteriorly at apex; abdominal sternum II ( Fig. 12C View Fig ) with a pair of triangle-shaped membranous areas along posterior margin. General appearance similar to that of A. takahashii , but readily distinguished from the latter by the rather smaller body, the coloration of the hemelytral membrane, the shape of the paramere, and the overall structure of female genitalia.
Redescription. Male genitalia ( Figs 10E–F View Fig , 13G–I View Fig ): Pygophore ( Fig. 13G View Fig ) turbinate, longer than wide, covered with 8–12 long, stout setae intermixed with short, suberect setae along outer margin and on posteroventral surface; mid-dorsal surface very hirsute with suberect setae; paramere ( Figs 10F View Fig , 13H–I View Fig ) slender, very slightly curved, apically acute, and bent anteriad, with a few very short setae on median portion; longitudinal groove lacking, but a weak longitudinal edge present on anterior half.
Female genitalia ( Fig. 15C View Fig ): Copulatory tube fused on intersegmental membrane slightly left to the middle, between sterna VII and VIII, approximately 1.4–1.5 mm in length, very thin and almost same width from base to apex (junction to trunk of conductive tissue), with few distinct twists; trunk of conductive tissue invisible (possibly dissolved).
Measurements [mm; JJ (n = 10) / ♀♀ (n = 10)]. Body length 3.45–4.08 / 3.43–4.25; head length (excl. neck) 0.45–0.53 / 0.45–0.55; head width across eyes 0.49–0.55 / 0.48–0.56; vertex width 0.27–0.30 / 0.26–0.32; length of antennal segments I – 0.15–0.19 / 0.15–0.20, II – 0.44–0.52
/ 0.39–0.50, III – 0.26–0.32 / 0.26–0.32, and IV – 0.33–0.37 / 0.32–0.39; length of labial segments II – 0.13–0.17 / 0.14–0.19, III – 0.46–0.54 / 0.47–0.56, and IV – 0.27–0.34 / 0.29–0.35; anterior pronotal width 0.43–0.46 / 0.42–0.50; mesal pronotal length 0.49–0.63 / 0.52–0.66; basal pronotal width 1.15–1.27 / 1.05–1.35; length of embolial margin 1.08–1.26 / 1.00–1.35; length of cuneal margin 0.63–0.74 / 0.57–0.75; maximum width across hemelytra 1.20–1.38 / 1.06–1.40.
Bionomics. Anthocoris japonicus is frequently collected from Zelkova serrata (Mංඒൺආඈඍඈ 1965, YൺඌඎඇൺGൺ 2001b), where its prey consists of aphids, Paracolopha morrisoni (Baker, 1919) ( Hemiptera : Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae ), living on the leaves. They also prey on the Japanese pine blast scale, Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana, 1905) (Coccomorpha: Matsucoccidae ) (Bඎ & ZHൾඇG 2001). Almost nothing is known about this species’ movements once it departs Zelkova serrata generally before summer, but a few individuals have been collected from Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. var. umbellata in June at Nikko, in the northern part of Tochigi. Males and females hibernate under bark flakes of Z. serrata ( Fig. 17C View Fig ), Ulmus parvifolia Jacq. , and Aphananthe aspera (Thunb.) Planch. (Hංඎඋൺ 1959, Eඇඃඎ et al. 2013, JඎඇG et al. 2013, Uඋൺඒൺආൺ et al. 2019). The adults appear to be active in winter when temperatures are sufficiently warm, and even mating pairs have been observed during this season ( Figs 17D–E View Fig ). The searching male encounters a female and attempts to mount her. After mounting the female’s dorsum, the male curves his abdomen from the female’s right side and inserts his paramere to median part of ventral side between abdominal segment VII and VIII. The female does not struggle once the male has mounted her. Duration of copulation was generally at least 10 minutes, as seen in the other Anthocoris species (Hඈඋඍඈඇ et al. 2000, 2002; Hඈඋඍඈඇ & Lൾඐංඌ 2005).
Distribution. Japan: Honshu: Aomori (IർHංඍൺ 1988), Iwate (Iඐൺඍൾ Pඋൾൿൾർඍඎඋൾ 2001), Fukushima *, Ibaraki *, Tochigi (Sඈඇඈൻൾ 1997, MൺൾHൺඋൺ 2015), Saitama (Nඈඓൺඐൺ 1978), Chiba (Mൺඋඎඒൺආൺ et al. 2000, SඎඓඎKං 2003), Tokyo (Hංඎඋൺ 1959), Kanagawa (Pඈඉඉංඎඌ 1909, SඎඓඎKං 1981, HൺඒൺඌHං et al. 2018), Fukui (Sൺඌൺඃං 1985), Gifu (TൺKൺං & SൺKඈඎ 2019), Shizuoka (SHංඓඎඈKൺ Pඋൾൿൾർඍඎඋൾ 2020), Aichi (AඌൺඈKൺ & IൾKං 1990), Osaka (YൺආൺඓൺKං & TൺKൺ- Kඎඋൺ 2011), Hyogo (UඌHංඋඈKංඍൺ et al. 2012), Nara (Hංඎ- උൺ 1959), Wakayama *, Tottori (Hංඎඋൺ 1959), Okayama (OKൺඒൺආൺ Pඋൾൿൾർඍඎඋൾ 2020), Hiroshima (NൺKൺආඎඋൺ et al. 1997), Yamaguchi (Hංඎඋൺ 1959); Shikoku: Tokushima *, Ehime (Yൺඇඈ & Yൺආൺආඈඍඈ 2000), Kochi *; Kyushu: Fukuoka (TൺKൺKඎඋൺ 1959), Nagasaki (Uඋൺඒൺආൺ et al. 2019), Kumamoto (OඍඌඎKൺ & YඈඌHංඓൺKං 1987), Oita (TൺKൺKඎඋൺ 1984); Tsushima Island (YൺඌඎඇൺGൺ 1999). Chishima (Kuril) Islands: Kunashir Is. (KൾඋඓHඇൾඋ 1988, KൺඇඒඎKඈඏൺ & MൺඋඎඌංK 2006). Russia: Far East: Primorsky Kray (KൾඋඓH- ඇൾඋ 1988, VංඇඈKඎඋඈඏ et al. 2010). Korea: Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungcheongnam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, Jeju-do (KൾඋඓHඇൾඋ 1988, Kඐඈඇ et al. 2001, JඎඇG & Lൾൾ 2017). China: Zhejiang (ZHൾඇG & Bඎ 1990, Bඎ & ZHൾඇG 2001). This species is one of the more common species of Japanese Anthocoridae and is widespread in the lowland areas of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, Japan ( Fig. 21 View Fig ). In addition, it extends to the Korean Peninsula and to a few localities in the Russian Far East and east China. Distribution records of the species in Japan seem to be associated with the distribution pattern of Zelkova serrata , a well-known tree planted in various urbanized areas such as parks and roadsides. In urbanized zones in Nagasaki Prefecture, this anthocorid is evidently expanding its habitat, utilizing Zelkova serrata planted in parks and school campuses for landscaping ( Figs 17A–B View Fig ) (cf. Uඋൺඒൺආൺ et al. 2019).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Anthocoris japonicus Poppius, 1909
Yamada, Kazutaka & Yasunaga, Tomohide 2021 |
Anthocoris japonicus
POPPIUS B. 1909: 33 |