Litolinga tergisa (Say)
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Litolinga tergisa (Say) |
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Litolinga tergisa (Say) View in CoL
( Figs. 50 View FIGURE 50–53 , 106–112)
tergisa Say (1823:39 View in CoL desc.; 1859:57 repub.) ( Thereva View in CoL ); Cole (1965:352 cat.) ( Psilocephala View in CoL ); Irwin and Lyneborg
(1981a: 236 spec. list, comb. change), Holston (2004:63 nom.) ( Litolinga View in CoL ). Type location USA, Florida, Levy
County, 2 miles west of Archer. Neotype in FSCA. tergissa Le Conte (1859:57 unjustified emendation), Coquillett (1893b: 223 key), Aldrich (1905:247 cat.), Kröber
(1912: 223 male key, 225 fem. key, 231 spec. list, 234 desc.; 1913:34 dist., 39 fem. key), Cole (1923a: 34 male key,
37 fem. key, 71 desc., dist., Figs. 50 View FIGURE 50–53 fem. frons, 66 ant.; 1965:352 cat.) ( Psilocephala ); ( Irwin and Lyneborg
1981a:236 nom.) ( Litolinga ). corusca Wiedemann (1828:232 desc.), Kröber (1913:34 dist.), Cole (1923a:71 syn. of tergisa Say ) ( Thereva ); Cole
(1965:352 cat.) ( Psilocephala ); ( Irwin and Lyneborg 1981a:236 nom., syn. of tergisa Say ). Holotype male deposition unknown.
Diagnosis. Diagnostic characteristic separating this species from Litolinga acuta are given in the key to species.
Redescription of MALE. Variation (n=10).
Body length 6.2–8.0, 7.4 mm.
Head. Length 0.80–1.04, 0.96 mm. Ocellar tubercle dark reddish brown, pubescence brownish gray, dense; setae black, elongate. Frons pubescence brownish gray, dense with white pubescence dorsolateral to antennal base and small dark brown area ventrolateral along eye margin; black pubescent area lateral to antennal bases. Antenna with scape and pedicel dark brown, pubescence gray, dense, first flagellomere brown with apical third yellow, second flagellomere yellow, third flagellomere dark brown; antenna/head length 0.61–0.73, 0.69; scape length 0.14–0.20, 0.18 mm, width 0.12–0.16, 0.14 mm, length/width 1.1–1.5, 1.3, scape/pedicel length 1.8–2.3, 2.1, scape/flagellum width 0.9–1.1, 1.0, setae dark brown, short, macrosetae dark brown; pedicel length 0.07–0.12, 0.08 mm, width 0.10–0.14, 0.12 mm, length/width 0.6–1.0, 0.7; flagellum length 0.30–0.46, 0.40 mm, width 0.12–0.18, 0.14 mm, length/width 2.0–3.3, 2.8, flagellum/scape length 1.9–2.9, 2.3. Parafacial pubescence dark yellowish brown, dark brown ventrally, dense. Maxillary palpus dark brown; length 0.34–0.52, 0.43 mm, width 0.06–0.08, 0.07 mm, length/width 5.0–6.7, 5.8; setae dark brown, elongate. Gena dark brown, white posteriorly, projecting ventrally, setae dark brown, short, white, elongate on posterior fourth. Occipital setae white, elongate white becoming sparse dorsally.
Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2–3 sa, 1 pa, 0–1 dc, 0–2 sc. Mesonotum dull brownish gray; setae dark brown, short, erect, sparse with white elongate, appressed setae. Pleuron pubescence gray, dense with faint dark brown dorsal margin; setae white, elongate on propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum (sparse), laterotergite, and scutellum. Wing. Membrane pale brown, veins brown with brown spot or margin at fork of R 4+5, r-m, apex and base of discal cell, apex of cells bm and cup, and on veins R 2+3, R 4, R 5, M 1, M 2, M 3, CuA 1, and A 1 +CuA 2; length 5.7–6.5, 6.0 mm, width 2.0–2.5, 2.2 mm, length/width 2.6–3.1, 2.8; pterostigma dark brown. Legs. Coxae pubescence white, dense; setae white, elongate. Femora dark brown; setae dark brown. Foretibia dark yellowish brown becoming darker apically; midtibia pale brown, hindtibia dark brown. Tarsi dark brown.
FIGURES 106–112. Litolinga tergisa . 106. Tergite 8, epandrium, cerci. 107. Sternite 8, gonocoxite ventral view. 108. Gonocoxite, lateral view. 109. Aedeagus, dorsal view. 110a. Aedeagus, ventral view. 110b. Ejaculatory process. 111. Aedeagus, lateral view. 112. Female internal reproductive organs. Scale = 0.1 mm.
Abdomen. Dark brown, pubescence brown, dense; dorsal setae white, elongate, erect, sparse with dark brown, appressed setae; lateral setae white, elongate. Terminalia (MEI) dark brown. Tergite 8 (Fig. 106), setae dark brown, absent medially on posterior margin. Sternite 8 (Fig. 107), posterior margin broadly emarginate; setae dark brown. Epandrium (Fig. 106) quadrate; posterolateral margin short, broadly pointed; setae dark brown. Gonocoxite ventral view (Fig. 107) quadrate, median margin straight, extending into ventral lobe, posterior margin deeply emarginate, extending posterolaterally to bluntly pointed gonocoxal process, setae dark brown; lateral view (Fig. 108), dorsal margin straight, rounded ventrally, extending posteriorly to bluntly pointed gonocoxal process; ventral lobe (Fig. 107) large, flattened laterally. Gonostylus (as in Fig. 101 View FIGURES 98–105 ), narrow, flattened dorsoventrally, apex curved dorsomedially with basodorsal lobe, setae pale yellow. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme (Fig. 109) broad, rectangular; ventral apodeme (Fig. 110), narrow, tapered anteriorly; distiphallus dorsal view (Fig. 109) short, tapered posteriorly; lateral view (Fig. 111) short, thick, tapered posteriorly in broad curved; ejaculatory apodeme generally slightly expanded anteriorly and posteriorly (Fig. 110a) but several specimens in Alabama and Florida (UCF 055711, 055713, MEI 090176, 127729, 146097, 146110, 163410, 170180, have the anterior half broadly expanded (Fig. 110b), extending anteriorly to anterior margin of dorsal apodeme.
FEMALE. Similar to male except for following. Variation (n=10).
Body length 7.5–9.8, 8.9 mm.
Head. Length 0.84–1.04, 0.95 mm. Frons pubescence white, dense on ventral half, dorsal half dark brown, pubescence brownish gray with large, dark brown circle mediolaterally; setae white to pale yellow, elongate ventrally, dark brown dorsally. Antenna/head length 0.7–0.8, 0.7; scape length 0.16–0.22, 0.20 mm, width 0.13–0.19, 0.15 mm, length/width 1.0–1.6, 1.3, scape/pedicel length 2.0–2.8, 2.4, scape/flagellum 0.8–1.1, 0.9 width; pedicel length 0.08–0.10, 0.08 mm, width 0.12–0.14, 0.13 mm, length/width 0.6–0.7, 0.65; flagellum length 0.34–0.44, 0.40 mm, width 0.14–0.18, 0.16 mm, length/width 2.2–2.8, 2.5, flagellum/scape length 1.6–2.4, 2.0. Maxillary palpus length 0.30–0.50, 0.43 mm, width 0.07–0.10, 0.08 mm, length/width 3.8–6.6, 5.2.
Thorax. Macrosetae 1–4 np, 1–2 sa, 1 pa, 0–2 dc, 1–2 sc. Wing. Length 6.2–7.3, 6.8 mm, width 2.0–2.7, 2.3 mm, length/width 2.6–3.4, 2.9.
Abdomen. Dark brown, pubescence gray, denser on tergites 1–4 and most of tergites 2–7, tergite 8 glossy; dorsal setae white to pale yellow appressed. Terminalia (MEI 128598). Furca (Fig. 112) quadrate, anterior margin open; length 0.44 mm, width 0.30 mm.
Immature stages. Unknown.
Distribution. Litolinga tergisa is known from Alabama, Florida, and Georgia ( Fig. 50 View FIGURE 50–53 ).
Habitats and Phenology. Litolinga tergisa has been hand-netted on sand dunes and by sweep-netting grasses; collected from gopher tortoise burrows; at blacklights set on sand dunes and in oak-pine forest; Malaise traps set in xeric oak scrub, sand pine, turkey oak, and on sand dunes; in a Steiner trap; and pitfall traps set in sand pine and rosemary scrub. Adults have been collected throughout the year.
Specimens examined. Type specimens. The type specimen of Thereva tergisa Say has been destroyed. The neotype male of T. tergisa (MEI 128582) is labeled " FLORIDA: Levy County, 2mi. W. Archer, Rosemary Scrub, Malaise trap, 9-IV-1991, Roberts & Fairchild" and is deposited in the FSCA. This neotype is designated to fix the concept of T. tergisa and to ensure universal and consistent interpretation of the same. The museum location of the holotype male of Thereva corusca Wiedemann is unknown (P. Sehnal NMW, T. Pape ZMUC, personnel comm.) Other specimens. UNITED STATES. ALABAMA. Baldwin County. Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge [30.239, -87.824], 13.X.1991, Eickwort, G.C., 1♂ MEI 163410 (CUIC); 11.X.1991, Brown, R., Pollock, D., 4♂ MEI 146106–8, 146110 (MEMU), blacklight on sand dunes; 11–15.X.1991, Schiefer, T., MacGown, J., 1♀ MEI 146121 (MEMU), Malaise trap on dunes; 11.X.1991, 1♀ MEI 146123 (MEMU), on sand dunes; 12–16.X.1991, Schiefer, T., Eickwort, G., 1♀ MEI 146122 (MEMU), Malaise trap on dunes; [30.247, -87.829], 11–12.X.1993, Pollock, D.M., 1♂ MEI 147253 (MEMU), blacklight, oak-pine forest; [30.236, -87.83], 11.X.1993, Schiefer, T.L., 1♂ MEI 146111 (MEMU), in hind dune. FLORIDA. Avalon, 29.I.1948, Link, O.D., 1♀ MEI 003779 (FSCA). Bay County. 23.IV.1963, Woodruff, R.E., 1♂ MEI 003783 (FSCA), blacklight. Brevard County. La Grange [28.636, -80.831], 11.IX.1913, 1♀ MEI 070698 (NYSM); Malabar, Malabar Road [28.007, -80.569], 11–25.XI.2000, Russell, P.J., Prusak, Z., Fullerton, S.M., 1♀ MEI 146049 (UCFC), Malaise trap, xeric oak scrub; Titusville [28.612, - 80.808], 15–31.I.2001, Prusak, Z., Russell, P.J., Fullerton, S.M., 1♀ UCF 0092043 (UCFC), Malaise trap; Titusville, Enchanted Forest Sanctuary, White Trail [28.612, -80.808], 23–30.VIII.1999, Prusak, Z., Russell, P.J., Fullerton, S.M., 4♂ UCF 0091898, 0092255, MEI 146100, 146045, 3♀ MEI 146041, 146043, UCF 0092249 (UCFC), Malaise trap; West of Melbourne [28.083, -80.608], 30.VII.1981, Smith, F.R., 1♂ MEI 128570 (FSCA); Fort Lauderdale [26.122, -80.144], 19.II.1919, Wetmore, A., 1♀ MEI 090380 (MEIC). Clay County. 10 km NE Keystone Heights [29.849, -81.968], 60m, 10–14.III.1994, Acciavatti, R., Glaser, J., 6♂ MEI 146109, 146112–6 (CMNH), scrub forest; 9 km NE Keystone Heights [29.843, -81.974], 10–14.III.1994, Acciavatti, R., Glaser, 4♂ MEI 146102–5, 1♀ 146118–20 (CMNH). Collier County. Golden Gate Estates, at dead end 27 Ave., 20.VI.1992, Belmont, R.A., 1♀ MEI 146117 (BEZC). Dade County. 5.V.1956, Denmark, H.A., 1♂ MEI 113877 (USNM), 7.VII.1960, Taylor, L.W., 1♂ MEI 003774 (FSCA); Jacksonville [30.332, - 81.656], Slosson, A.T., 1♀ MEI 003790 (FSCA). Duval County. Atlantic Beach [30.334, -81.399], date?, Slosson, A.T., 1♂ MEI 003788 (FSCA). Flagler County. Flagler Beach [29.475, -81.127], 14.III.1985, Asquith, A., 1♂ MEI 088122, 1♀ 088121 (MEMU). Hernando County. Weeki Wachee [28.515, -82.573],?. IX.1978, Hoebeke, E.R., Carter, M.E., 1♀ MEI 075557 (CUIC). Highlands County. 8.1 km S Sebring [27.421, -81.418], 25.X.1919, Stange, L., 1♂ MEI 146051 (CUIC); 21.III.1978, Weems, H.V., Jr., 2♀ MEI 028351, 146055 (FSCA), fossil sand dunes; Archbold Biological Station [27.188, -81.338], 7.X.1964, Arnaud, P.H., Jr., 2♀ MEI 156207–8 (CAS); 7.V.1965, Pechuman, L.L., 1♂ MEI 146125, 1♀ 170181 (CUIC), at light; 24.III.1967, Beard, R.G., 1♂ MEI 146097 (CUIC), blacklight; 30.III.1969, Pechuman, L.L., 1♂ MEI 146094 (CUIC), 24.V.1978, Weems, H.V., Jr., Klein, L.K., 1♀ MEI 146061 (FSCA), flight trap; 20–22.X.1978, Weems, H.V., Jr., Chance, S.J., 1♀ MEI 028350 (FSCA), flight trap; 22.X.1979, Weems, H.V., Jr., Webber, T.A., 1♀ MEI 146038 (FSCA), flight trap; 24.X.1979, 1♀ MEI 146044 (FSCA), flight trap; 29.X.1979, 1♀ MEI 146054 (FSCA), flight trap; 24–27.III.1984, Miller, J.S., 1♀ MEI 010241 (CUIC); Lake Placid, Archbold Biological Station [27.188, -81.338], 17.I.1989, Deyrup, M., 2♂ MEI 146099, 146101 (FSCA); 3.X.1982, Deyrup, M., 1♂ MEI 133490 (FSCA), blacklight; 21.III.1966, Dawson, R.W., 1♂ MEI 146096 (MEIC); 16.III.1969, Pechuman, L.L., 1♂ MEI 146095, 1♀ MEI 146040 (CUIC); 31.X.1982, Deyrup, M., 1♂ MEI 133492 (FSCA), blacklight; 9.X.1984, 1♂ MEI 146060 (FSCA); Sebring [27.495, - 81.441], 24.XII.1949, Weems, H.V., Jr., 1♂ MEI 113882 (USNM). Hillsborough County. Tampa [27.947, - 82.61], 10.III.1961, Patton, J.V., 1♂ MEI 003775 (FSCA). Indian River County. Vero Beach [27.638, - 80.398], Malloch, J.R., 12♂ MEI 113859, 113861–3, 113865, 113868–9, 113873–6, 113878, 5♀ 113860, 113864, 113870, 113888–9 (USNM). Lee County. Boca Grande 20.V.1985, Dow, L.C., 1♀ MEI 128595 (FSCA); 7.III.1954, Weems, H.V., Jr., 1♀ MEI 003785 (FSCA); 9.IX.1955, Weems, H.V., Jr., 1♂ MEI 003787 (FSCA), at light; 10.IX.1955, Morse, R.A., 1♀ MEI 003784 (FSCA); 3.2 km W Archer [29.53, -82.548], 19.IV.1991, Roberts, Fairchild, 2♂ MEI 128564–5, 2♀ 128590, 128593 (FSCA), Malaise trap; 4 km S Archer [29.494, -82.519],?. V.1991, Farichild, G.B., Roberts, R, 1♂ MEI 128583, 2♀ 128592, 128594 (FSCA), flight trap; 4.8 km SW Archer [29.499, -82.55], 30.III.1989, Woodruff, R.E., Skelley, P., 1♂ MEI 128567 (FSCA), blacklight; 6.3 km SW Archer [29.49, -82.559],?. V.1991, Fairchild, G.B., Roberts, R, 1♂ MEI 128578 (FSCA), flight trap, turkey oak scrub; Cedar Key [29.138, -83.035], 25.V.1970, Bailey, D.L., 1♂ MEI 113880 (USNM), Malaise trap; 8.VI.1970, 1♂ MEI 113881 (USNM), Malaise trap; 21.IX.1973, Heppner, J.B., 1♀ MEI 128577 (FSCA), blacklight; 7.XII.1989, Benmer, R.H., 1♀ MEI 080327 (SEMC); 21.XI.1993, Heppner, J.B., 1♂ MEI 128569 (FSCA), blacklight; 10.VIII.1939, Hardy, A.T., 1♂ MEI 080329, 1♀ 080330 (SEMC); Montbrook [29.327, -82.451], 4.II.1941, Hepner, L.W., 1♀ MEI 080328 (SEMC); Seahorse Key [29.097, - 83.066], 2.IX.1956, Wharton, C.H., 2♀ MEI 003781–2 (FSCA). Manatee County. [27.529, -82.616], 17.XI.1964, Chancey, D.C., 1♂ MEI 003778 (FSCA), Steiner trap; Bradenton [27.499, -82.575],?.III.?, Van Duzee, M.C., 1♀ MEI 156206 (CAS). Marion County. 8 km S Belleview [28.983, -82.063], 25.III.1987, Maier, C., 1♀ MEI 078699 (CAES); Ocala [29.19, -82.136], 5.XI.1932, Blanton, F.S., 1♂ MEI 075737 (CUIC); 23.III.1961, Weems, H.V., Jr., 1♀ MEI 003776 (FSCA); Silver Springs Woods, 6–15.VI.1984, Marshall, S., 1♂ MEI 077953, 1♀ 077952 (DEBU); vicinity Hopkins Prairie [29.276, -81.711], 29.IV–2.V.1979, Fairchild, G.B., 1♀ MEI 128591 (FSCA), flight trap; Ocala, vicinity Hopkins Prairie [29.187, -82.14], 11–18.V.1979, Fairchild, G.B., 1♂ MEI 146048 (FSCA), flight trap. Miami-Dade County. Miami [25.774, -80.194], 26.III.1944, Wirth, W.W., 1♀ MEI 039643 (WSU); 4.IV.1945, 1♂ MEI 146039 (UMSP). Nassau County. [30.669, -81.463], 29.X.1983, Porter, C., Stange, L., 1♀ MEI 128573 (FSCA). Orange County. 21.VI.1929, Smith, M.M., Jr., 1♀ MEI 113866 (USNM); 4.8 km E Orlando [28.567, - 81.338], 27.XII.1929, Nicholson, D.J., 1♂ MEI 113854 (USNM); Gotha [28.528, -81.523],?. III.1896, 2♀ MEI 075740–1 (CUIC); Wheeler, W.M., 1♂ MEI 075739 (CUIC); Orlando [28.538, -81.379], 25.VIII.1992, Fullerton, S.M., 2♂ MEI 127702, 127721, 2♀ 127709, 127717 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 3.IX.1992, 1♂ MEI 127714 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 18.IX.1992, 2♂ MEI 127701, 127712 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 24.IX.1992, 1♂ MEI 127707 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 11.I.1993, 3♀ MEI 146047, UCF 0009598, 0009615 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 14.I.1993, 2♂ MEI 146050, UCF 0009584 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 1.II.1993, 2♂ MEI 127716, 127718 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 10.II.1993, 2♂ MEI 127478, 127730 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 19.II.1993, 1♀ MEI 127728 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 3.III.1993, 1♂ MEI 127731 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 2.V.1993, 1♂ UCF 0010032, 1♀ MEI 146098 (UCFC), Malaise trap; 8.VI.1993, 1♀ MEI 127715 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 16.VII.1993, 1♀ MEI 127725 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 27.VIII.1993, 1♂ MEI 127705 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 16.VI.1995, 1♀ MEI 127719 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 17.VI.1995, 1♂ MEI 127727 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 23.VI.1995, 1♂ MEI 127706 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 7.VII.1995, 1♂ MEI 127700 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 20.VII.1995, 1♀ MEI 127704 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 28.VII.1995, 1♂ MEI 127726 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 11.VIII.1995, 1♂ MEI 127710, 1♀ 127720 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 11.VI.1997, 1♀ MEI 127711 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; Orlando, Jct. 426/Science Drive [28.565, -81.375], 18.X.1993, Longhurst, J., 1♂ UCF 055806 (UCFC), sweep-netting; Orlando, University of Central Florida [28.6, -81.202], 2.III.1991, Fullerton, S.M., 1♀ UCF 055689 (UCFC) 6–9.III.1991, 1♂ UCF 055691 (UCFC); 15.III.1991, 1♂ UCF 055680, 1♀ UCF 055695 (UCFC); 20.III.1991, 1♀ UCF 055687 (UCFC); 22.III.1991, 1♀ UCF 055685 (UCFC); 3.IV.1991, 1♀ UCF 055683 (UCFC); 12.IV.1991, 1♀ UCF 055686 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 24.IV.1991, 1♀ UCF 055719 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 20.V.1991, 1♀ UCF 055728 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 30.V.1991, 1♀ UCF 055684 (UCFC), (Mt,s); 5.VI.1991, 1♀ UCF 055720 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 27.VII.1991, 1♀ UCF 055721 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 6.IX.1991, 1♀ UCF 055725 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 14.IX.1991, 1♀ UCF 055693 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 20.IX.1991, 1♀ UCF 055722 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 26.IX.1991, 1♀ UCF 055723 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 28.IX.1991, 1♂ UCF 055713 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 2.X.1991, 1♂ UCF 055711 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 6.X.1991, 1♀ UCF 055708 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 8.X.1991, 1♂ UCF 055730 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 10.X.1991, 1♀ UCF 055724 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 12.X.1991, 1♀ UCF 055715 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 16.X.1991, 1♀ UCF 055732 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 19.X.1991, 1♀ UCF 055727 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 21.X.1991, 1♂ UCF 055712 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 25.X.1991, 1♂ UCF 055707, 1♀ UCF 055709 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 28.X.1991, 1♀ UCF 055714 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 31.X.1991, 1♂ UCF 055716 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 31.X.1991, 2♀ UCF 055717, 055726 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 3.XI.1991, 1♀ UCF 055690 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 9.XI.1991, 2♀ UCF 055718, 055733 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 18.XI.1991, 1♀ UCF 055710 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 21.XI.1991, 1♀ UCF 055729 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 13.III.1992, 1♂ UCF 055731 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 18.III.1992, 1♀ UCF 055688 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 21.III.1992, 1♀ UCF 055734 (UCFC) (Mt,s); 21.VII.1992, 1♀ UCF 0009758 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 21.XII.1992, 1♀ MEI 146056 (UCFC), Malaise trap; 20.IV.1993, 1♂ MEI 127722 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 5.V.1993, 1♂ MEI 146046, UCF 0009994 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, turkey oak; 8–14.II.1997, King, K.I., Fullerton, S.M., 1♀ MEI 127713 (UCFC), pitfall trap, sand pine, rosemary scrub; Orlando, Walt Disney World [28.411, -81.583], 21–28.VIII.1996, Prusak, Z., Fullerton, S., 2♀ MEI 127708, 127723 (UCFC), Malaise trap, sand pine, oak scrub; 6–13.III.1997, 1♀ UCF 055667 (MEIC) (Mt,s); 26.VI–3.VII.1997, 1♀ UCF 055668 (MEIC) (Mt,s); Winter Park [28.588, -81.351], 26.III.1940, Fernald, H.T., 1♂ MEI 113871 (USNM). Palm Beach County. West Palm Beach, Airport Office [26.705, -80.037], 8.IV.1960, 1♂ MEI 113872 (USNM);?. III.1923, Hine, J.S., 1♀ MEI 113884 (USNM); Lake Worth [26.623, -80.062], Slosson, A.T., 1♂ MEI 003791, 1♀ 003789 (FSCA); 19.XI.1925, 1♀ MEI 113883 (USNM). Pinellas County. Dunedin [28.019, -82.772],?.III.?, Blatchley, 1♀ MEI 113885 (USNM); 14.III.1913, 1♂ MEI 049285 (PURC). Polk County. [28.044, -81.628], 19.I.1944, Frederick, J., 1♀ MEI 003780 (FSCA); Lakeland [28.039, -81.95], 5.V.1912, Davis, W.T., 1♀ MEI 070699 (NYSM); Bradley, Knorr, 1♂ MEI 146052 (CUIC). Putnam County. 12.9 km SE Interlachen [29.542, -81.809], 20.III.1952, Howden, H.F., 1♂ MEI 090176 (NCSU), at light; 12.9 km SE Interlachen [29.542, -81.809], 20.III.1953, Howden, H.F., 1♂ MEI 090175 (NCSU), light trap; [Hollister], Hollister-Roberts Ranch [29.623, -81.814], 3.IV.1985, Milstrey, E.G., 2♀ MEI 133489, 146057 (MEIC), gopher tortoise burrow; Palatka [29.648, - 81.638], 5.VI.1940, Calhoun, J., 1♂ MEI 133491 (UGCA). St. Johns County. St. Augustine [29.894, - 81.315], date?, Johnson, C.W., 2♂ MEI 080148, 080151, 1♀ 146053 (MCZ). Volusia County. 8.VII.1927, Sadier, J.E., 1♀ MEI 113867 (USNM); 10.VIII.1956, Denmark, H.A., 1♂ MEI 003786 (FSCA), sweepnetting grasses; Daytona [Daytona Beach] [29.211, -81.023], 6.IV.1919, Johnson, C.W., 1♂ MEI 080149 (MCZ); New Smyrna Beach [29.026, -80.927], 7.VI.1942, Denning, D.G., 1♂ MEI 146059, 1♀ 146058 (UMSP); 11.V.1943, Wright, M., 1♀ MEI 1701321 (UMMZ), light trap; Ormond Beach [29.283, -81.07],?. IX.1983, Pittyland, 1♂ UCF 055681 (UCFC). Walton County. De Funiak Springs [30.721, -86.115], 17–19.X.1914, 1♀ MEI 146042 (AMNH). GEORGIA. Glynn County. St. Simons Island [31.15, -81.37], 12. IV.1931, Fattig, P.W., 1♀ MEI 113858 (USNM). McIntosh County. [31.477, -81.242], 20.VI–19.VII.1987, collector? 2♂ MEI 079656–7 (CNC).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Litolinga tergisa (Say)
Webb, Donald W. 2009 |
Cole, F. R. 1965: 352 |
Say, T. 1823: 39 |