Cyclopoapseudes (Exopoapseudes), Błażewicz-Paszkowycz & Bamber, 2012

Błażewicz-Paszkowycz, M. & Bamber, R. N., 2012, The Shallow-water Tanaidacea (Arthropoda: Malacostraca: Peracarida) of the Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia (other than the Tanaidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 69, pp. 1-235 : 32

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scientific name

Cyclopoapseudes (Exopoapseudes)

subgen. nov.

Subgenus Exopoapseudes View in CoL subgen. nov.

Diagnosis. Cyclopoapseudes with exopodites on cheliped and pereopod 1.

Type species. Cyclopoapseudes diceneon Gardiner, 1973 . Other species C. (E.) plumosa sp. nov.

Etymology. Combined from Exo – from “exopod”, and “- poapseudes ” from the last part of the name of the genus Cyclopoapseudes (female).

Remarks. With the following new species, there are now four species of Cyclopoapseudes known. The Pacific species C. indecorus Menzies, 1953 (the generotype), from Ecuador, and the Indian Ocean species C. estafricana Băcescu,1975 ( Tanzania) are both without exopodites on the cheliped and pereopod 1, while C. diceneon Gardiner, 1973 ( New Zealand) and the new species described below from the Bass Strait, both from Antipodean waters, have these exopodites. In other apseudomorph taxa, this difference has been considered sufficient to distinguish separate genera (rightly or wrongly); here we distinguish two subgenera, the nominate Cyclopoapseudes and the presently Antipodean Exopoapseudes , the latter being the more plesiomorphic.

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