Pselaphodes nongfa, Yin & Li, 2021

Yin, Zi-Wei & Li, Ning, 2021, Eight new species and additional records of the Pselaphodes complex from Laos and Vietnam, with a key to known species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 61 (1), pp. 35-53 : 46-47

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Carolina (2021-06-28 16:05:09, last updated 2023-11-03 14:19:23)

scientific name

Pselaphodes nongfa

sp. nov.

Pselaphodes nongfa View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 7B View Fig , 9 View Fig )

Type material (1 specimen). HOLOTYPE: LAOS: ATTAPEU: ♂: ‘ LAOS, ATTAPEU prov.Annam Highlands Mts. Dong Amphan NBCA, ca. 1160 m, NONG FA C crater lake ], env. 15°05.9′N, 107°25.6′E, Jiří Hájek leg. 30.iv.-6.v.2010 ’ ( NMPC) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Male length 3.05 mm. Antennomeres 9–11 distinctly elongate and enlarged, lacking modification. Horn-like metaventral processes long and broad at apices. Protrochanter with blunt ventral projection, profemur roundly angulate at middle, protibia with distinct apical protuberance; mesotrochanter bluntly protuberant. Median lobe of aedeagus almost symmetric dorso-ventrally; parameres elongate and slender; endophallus composed of 13 sclerites. Female unknown.

Description. Male ( Fig. 7B View Fig ). Body length 3.05 mm. Head slightly longer than wide, HL 0.61 mm, HW 0.58 mm; eyes prominent, each composed of about 38 facets. Antennomeres 2–8 similarly moniliform; antennomeres 9–10 each elongate, antennomere10 truncate at base and with round apex, together they forming distinct club ( Fig. 9A View Fig ), which lacks modification. Pronotum ( Fig. 9B View Fig ) slightly longer than wide, PL 0.62 mm, PW 0.58 mm, with lateral margins slightly expanding and then narrowing anteriorly at apical third. Elytra much broader than long, EL 0.80 mm, EW 1.10 mm; disc with linear microsculpture. Horn-like metaventral processes ( Fig. 9C View Fig ) elongate, in lateral view broadened at apex. Protrochanter ( Fig. 9D View Fig ) with blunt ventral protuberance; profemur roundly protuberant at middle; protibia ( Fig. 9E View Fig ) with large apical tubercle; mesotrochanter ( Fig. 9F View Fig ) with roundly triangular ventral projection; mesofemur ( Fig. 9F View Fig ), metatrochanter and metafemur ( Fig. 9G View Fig ) simple. Abdomen broad at base and narrowed apically, AL 0.92 mm, AW 1.12 mm. Sternite 7 (IX) ( Fig. 9H View Fig ) elongate, hemi-membranous. Aedeagus ( Figs 9I –E View Fig ) 0.60 mm long, almost symmetric dorso-ventrally; median lobe broad at base and narrowing apicad; parameres each elongate and slender (right paramere); with two short preapical setae; endophallus composed of six short sclerites at base, five similar ones at middle, and two elongate sclerites on the left side.

Female. Unknown.

Comparative notes. The new species is most similar to P. maolanensis Huang, Li & Yin, 2018 from Guizhou, southwestern China by sharing many external features. The male of these two species can be readily separated by relatively much more elongate antennomere 10 in relation to antennomeres 9 and 11, the narrow apical half of the aedeagus, as well as the more complex structure of endophallus of P. nongfa sp. nov.

Etymology. The new species is named after its type locality, Nong Fa Lake (Blue Lake). The name is a noun in apposition.

Distribution. Laos: Attapeu.

HUANG M. - C., LI L. - Z. & YIN Z. - W. 2018 a: Eleven new species and a new country record of Pselaphodes (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from China, with a revised checklist of world species. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae DA (2): 457 - 478.

Gallery Image

Fig. 7. Dorsal habitus of Pselaphodes males. A – P. jendeki sp. nov.; B – P. nongfa sp. nov. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Fig. 9. Male diagnostic features of Pselaphodes nongfa sp. nov. A – left antennal club, in dorsal view; B – pronotum; C – metaventral process, in lateral view; D – protrochanter and profemur; E – apex of protibia; F – mesotrochanter and mesofemur; G – metatrochanter and metafemur; H – sternite 7 (IX); I–K – aedeagus, in dorsal (I), lateral (J), and ventral (K) view. Scale bars: 0.3 mm in A, B, D, F, G; 0.2 mm in C, I, J, K; 0.1 mm in H; 0.05 mm in E.




Czech Republic, Prague, National Museum (Natural History)











