Phasia chilensis ( Macquart, 1851 ), 2003
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Phasia chilensis ( Macquart, 1851 ) |
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comb. nov. |
3.6.5 Phasia chilensis ( Macquart, 1851) View in CoL , comb. nov.
(Figures I14, II7.3)
Hyalomya chilensis Macquart, 1851: 189 Guimarães 1971: 13 (catalog).
Hyalomyia chilensis: Aldrich 1934: 14 View in CoL (description of female) Cortés 1963: 249 (notes on type) Berry 1951: 4 (notes on biology).
Paraphorantha peruviana Townsend, 1936: 489 View in CoL , syn. nov. Guimarães 1971: 13 (catalog).
Paraphorantha dimidiata Townsend, 1937: 318 View in CoL , syn. nov. Mendes 1938: 216 (hosts) Guimarães 1971: 13 (catalog).
Paraphorantha pollinosa Brooks, 1945: 660 View in CoL , syn. nov. Sabrosky and Arnaud 1965: 969 (catalog) Arnaud 1978: 4 (host catalog).
Paraphorantha auricaudata Brooks, 1945: 661 View in CoL , syn. nov. Sabrosky and Arnaud 1965: 969 (catalog).
Phasia auricaudata: O’Hara and Wood 1998: 765 View in CoL (new combination).
Phasia pollinosa: O’Hara and Wood 1998: 765 View in CoL (new combination).
Body length: 712 mm.
MALE: HEAD. Head spherical or nearly so. Eyes separated by a distance as wide as single ocellus. Frontoorbital plate black with grey pruinosity, 12 rows of hairs laterally. Frontal vitta brown. Frontal vitta at base of antennae 1.11.2 times as wide as frontoorbital plate anteriorly. Ocellar setae present but fine; outer vertical setae absent; inner vertical setae absent. Face brown to black with grey pruinosity. Parafacial brown to black with grey pruinosity, bare, 1.21.3 times as wide as first flagellomere. Lower margin of face perpendicular, not projecting; orange yellow or brown, grey pruinose. Vibrissa well differentiated; intervibrissal distance 1.01.1 times distance between vibrissa and eye on same side; facial ridge with bristles on lower 1/31/2. Gena brown, grey or golden yellow pruinose; hairs white; height 0.2 times eye height. Lunule black and shining; sublunular bulla indistinct. Antenna black; first flagellomere 1.1 times as long as pedicel; arista thickened on basal 0.33. Length of oral opening 1.71.8 times its width. Occiput flattened, white pruinose; hairs white. Palpus yellow, or brown.
THORAX. Mesoscutum strongly pruinose; 4 broad black longitudinal vittae, with fine black hairs. 0+0(1) Acrostichal seta; 0+1 dorsocentral seta; 12 postpronotal setae; presutural supraalar seta present, strong; 1 postsutural intraalar seta; 23 notopleural setae; 1 supraalar seta; 2 postalar setae. Pleuron grey and yellow pruinose; hairs white and yellow. Anepimeral setae hairlike, black; 2 katepisternal setae; 810 meral setae. Scutellum black with grey pruinosity, with two pairs of marginal setae; apical setae present and distinct; discal setae randomly arranged, not in rows. Subscutellum not very prominent.
WING. Lower calypter white with light brown infuscation. Wing base without scalelike setae. Tegula brown. Basicosta yellow. Wing hyaline or pictured; petiole of apical cell 0.24 times as long as preceding section of R 4+5; M meeting R 4+5 almost at right angle. Halter brown. LEGS. Fore femur black, with white or yellow hairs, or hairs black. Fore tibia brown to black, without bristles, apically with 1 d. Fore tarus black. Fore claws brown, apex black; 1.21.3 times as long as fifth tarsomere. Pulvilli brown to black. Mid femur black; hairs black. Mid tibia brown, with 1 v, apically with 1 ad, 1 a, 1 av, 1 pv, 1 v and 1 d. Hind femur black; hairs black. Hind tibia brown, with one row of ad and pd.
ABDOMEN. Abdominal tergites black; pruinosity absent or present (yellow); longitudinal vitta absent. Relative length of abdominal tergites I+II:III:IV:V = 1.3:1:1:1.2; relative width I+II:III:IV:V = 0.5:1.1:1.1:0.8. Syntergite I+II shiny, not pruinose. Pruinosity of tergite III absent, or present (yellow). Pruinosity of tergite IV yellow; hair spots indistinct. Pruinosity of tergite V yellow; hair spots indistinct. TERMINALIA. Syncercus long, deeply notched posteriorly, and hooklike in profile. Surstylus broad apically, arched dorsally, longer than cercus. Ejaculatory apodeme small, knoblike. Hypandrium broad, as long as phallapodeme. Both postgonite and pregonite pointed, dorsal of pregonite and ventral of postgonite with sparse hairs. Postgonite slightly longer than pregonite. Phallus shorter than hypandrium, without fine hairs dorsally. Distiphallus almost hyaline, not sclerotized, hooklike apically.
FEMALE. Body size sometimes smaller than male. Wing hyaline. Eyes almost touching. Hind tibia with 23 rows of anterior spinelike setae. Abdominal tergites usually more shiny than male, and pruinosity mostly grey. Sternite VII (sheath) longer than sternite VI, long thornlike, pointed apically, slightly bent, apex directed dorsally, smooth ventrally. Ovipositor bent upward.
Hyalomya chilensis Macquart, 1851 . Holotype ♂, [ CHILE], " H. chilensis M., M. Gay, Chili" (NMNH, examined, poor condition).
Paraphorantha peruviana Townsend, 1936 . Holotype ♂, PERU, Pacasmayo Prov., Jequeteque, vi.1936, Larnai Will (USNM, examined); allotype ♀, same as holotype (USNM, examined).
Paraphorantha dimidiata Townsend, 1937 . Holotype ♂, [ BRAZIL], "583" [no more data available, but according to original description, typelocality: Brazil, São Paulo, Tiete and Campinas.], with pupae (USNM, examined).
Paraphorantha auricaudata Brooks, 1945 . Holotype ♂, [ USA], Oregon, Milton,, K. Gray and J. Schuh (CNCI, examined); allotype ♀, [ USA], Colorado, Cuchara, 8.7.1940, F. Snyder (CNCI, examined); paratypes: 1♂, [ USA], California, Colton, 13.x., F.A. Eddy (CNCI, examined); 1♂, [ USA], Idaho, Mt. Moscow,, J.M. Aldrich (USNM, examined); 1♀, [ USA], Washington, Yakima, 27.viii.1931, A.R. Rolfs (CNCI, examined).
Paraphorantha pollinosa Brooks, 1945 . Paratypes, 1♂, [ USA], Carlifornia, Santa Clara Co., Baker (USNM, examined); 3♂ 3♀, [ USA], Maryland, Chesapeake Beach, 21ix, 18x and 19.vii.1920, N.Bank and Bridwell (1♂ 1♀ CNCI, 2♂ 2♀, USNM, examined); 2♀, [ USA], Maryland, Grove Hill and Beltsville, 30.x.1916 and 9.ix.1916, C.H.T. Townsend and W.L. McAtee (USNM, examined); 1♂ 2♀, [ USA], Texas, College Station and Winter Haven, 21.v.1936 and 21.v.1919, S.E. Jones and H.J. Reinhard (CNCI, examined); 1♂ 1♀, [ USA], Washington D.C., Bennings and Anacostia, 22.x.1914 and 24.ix.1914, R.C. Shannon (USNM, examined).
USA. Arizona: Greenlee Co., Hwy. 78, 5 km W New Mexico border, 14.viii.1983, J.E. O'Hara (1♀, CNCI); Gila Co., Pinal Mtns., Pinal Peak, 15 mi SW Globe, 23 24.viii.1993, 7,500ft, J.E. O'Hara (1♂ 1♀, CNCI); Huachuca Mts., Sunnyside Canyon, 9.vii.1940, L.J. Lipovsky (1♂ 1♀, CNCI); Huachuca Mts., Sierra Vista (15 mi S), Ramsey Cyn., 5,200ft, 25.iii2.v.1967, R.F. Sternitzky and D.M. Wood (3♂ 1♀, CNCI); Pinal Co., 7mi S Oracle, 28.iv.1967, D.M. Wood (1♀, CNCI); Patagonia Mts., 21.v.1955, G.D. Butler (1♀, CNCI); Santa Cruz Co., Canelo, 4,500ft, 17.iii.1967, R.F. Sternitzky (1♂, CNCI); Tucson, Lower Bear Cn., 1315.iv.1967, D.M. Wood (1♂, CNCI); Yavapai Co., Congress, 2326.iv.1967, D.M. Wood (1♀, CNCI). California: Mokel Hill., F.E. Blaisdell (1♀, CASC); Tuolumne Co., Jamestown, 26.iv.1951, J.W. MacSwam (1♂, CNCI); White Water, Snow Creek, 1,500ft, 29.iv.1955, W.R. Richards (1♀, CNCI). District of Columbia: Anacostia, 24.ix.1914, R.C. Shannon (1♀, USNM). Idaho: Mt. Moscow, 10.vii., 23.viii.1939, R.C. Shannon, T.A. Brindley (2♂, USNM). Indiana: Craters of the Moon Nat. Mon., 6.ix.1964 (1♂, CNCI). Maryland: Chesapeake Beach, 20.ix.1914, 10.ix., C.T. Greene, N. Bank (3♂ 1♀, USNM, CNCI); Ch. Chase Lk., 14.viii., C.H. Townsend (1♂, USNM); Grove Hill, 2.xi.1916 and 31.x.1916, C.H.T. Townsend (1♂ 1♀, USNM). Mississippi: Agr. Col., 9.iv.1922, H.W. Allen (1♂, USNM); Lafayette Co., ivv.1946, Spring 1943, vi.1934, vvi.1955, F.M. Hull (2♂ 3♀, CNCI). New Mexico: Grant Co., Gila Nat. For., 21km N Silver City, 2,250m, 2931.vii.1982, J.E. and W.M. O'Hara; Roosevelt Co., Portales, 7.xi.1987, N. Jorgensen (1♀, CNCI); Torrance Co., Manano Mtns., 8 mi W Tajique, 1112.viii.1993, J.E. O'Hara (1♂, CNCI). Oklahoma: Willis,, D.J. Greene (1♂, USNM). Texas: Angelina Co., Angelina Nat. Forest, near Zavalla, 12.v.1993, X. Sun (1♂, DEBU); Big Bent N.P., 2,100 6,000 ft, 19.v.1959, J.F. McAlpine (1♂ 2♀, CNCI); Blanco Co.(NW), Davis Ranch, 23.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine (1♂ 1♀, CNCI), Brazos Co., College Station, 21.v.1919, 2.iv.1966 and 8.iv.1980, J.E. Eger, H.J. Reinhard and D.M. Wood (1♂ 2♀, USNM); Brewster Co., Big Bend National Park., Maple Cyn., 5,200ft, 9.vii.1982, G.A.P. Gibson (1♀, CNCI); Jeff Davis Co., Davis Mts., 20 mi N Fort Davis, 16.iv.1961, Rozen and Schrammel (1♀, AMNH); Fredericksburg, 18.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine (1♂ 1♀, CNCI); Kerrville, 2.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine (1♀, CNCI). Utah: Scipio, 103. 1956, (1♀, CNCI). Washington: Benton Co., Hanford Site, 1,200ft,, R.S. Zack (1♀, CNCI). Doubtful States: "Chepen, 109. 1964, K. Raven (1♂ 2♀, TAMU)". ARGENTINA: Santiago del Estero, 3.v.1940, ex: Dysdercus ruficollis, H.L. Parker (1♂, USNM). BRAZIL: Mato Grosso, Maracajú, v. 1937, M.E.S. Bras (1♀, USNM). CHILE: Panquehue, 12.iii.1941, ex: Leptoglossus chilensis , P.A. Berry (4♂, USNM); Coquimbb, Ovalle, 1.viii.1960, L. Pena (1♂, CNCI); Angol, 10.i.1927, D.S. Bullock (1♀, USNM). MEXICO: Queretaro, Queretaro, 25.ii.1953, R.C. Bechtel and R.I. Schlinger (♂, CNCI). PERU: Barranca, 11.vii.1941, ex: Dysdercus sp. , P.A. Berry (7♂ 5♀, USNM); Canete, E.J. Hambleton (1♀, USNM); Lima,, ex: Dysdercus floollis , P.A. Berry (5♂ 8♀, USNM); Lima, 1939, Weyrauch (1♂, USNM); Lima, 28.xi.1954, (1♂ 1♀, USNM); S.A. Rd., ex: Dysdercus sp. , P.A. Berry (1♀, USNM). URUGUAY. Montevideo, SAPar Labo, 19.vii, Benny, ex: D. ruficollis (3♂ 4♀, USNM); Montevideo, 10.v.1941, ex: Dysdercus sp. , P.A. Berry (1♂ 1♀, BMNH); Montevideo, So. Amer. Paras. Lab., 10.5.1947, ex: Dyadercus spp., P.A. Berry (2♀, BMNH). VENEZUELA: Mariara, VenezuelaCarabobo, 440m, 13.ii.1970, ex: Largus cinctus Sobremaiz , (1♀, USNM).
Chlorochroa ligata Say ( Hemiptera , Pentatomidae ): USA (TX) ( Brooks 1945: 660).
Thyanta pallidovirens (Stal.) ( Hemiptera , Pentatomidae ): USA (TX, College Station).
Dysdercus sp. ( Hemiptera , Pyrrhocoridae ): Peru (Barranca), Uruguay (Montevideo), Brazil (Campinas) (new record).
Dysdercus ruficollis (Linnaeus) ( Hemiptera , Pyrrhocoridae ): Uruguay (Montevideo); Argentian (Santiago del Estero); Peru (Lima).
Leptoglossus chilensis Berg. ( Hemiptera , Coreidae ): Chile (Panguehue).
Largus cinctus HerrichSchaeffer, 1842 ( Hemiptera , Largidae ): Brazil (Mato Grosso).
Phasia chilensis Macquart is widespread in the New World, with a distribution extending from the northern United States south to Argentina. Aldrich (1934: 1314) described a female specimen from Chile but his description is misleading, and inaccurately records a single row of frontal bristles.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
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Order |
Family |
Genus |
Phasia chilensis ( Macquart, 1851 )
Sun, Xuekui & Marshall, Stephen A. 2003 |
Phasia auricaudata: O’Hara and Wood 1998: 765
O'Hara, J. E. & Wood, D. M. 1998: 765 |
Phasia pollinosa: O’Hara and Wood 1998: 765
O'Hara, J. E. & Wood, D. M. 1998: 765 |
Paraphorantha peruviana
Guimaraes, J. H. 1971: 13 |
Paraphorantha pollinosa
Arnaud, P. H., Jr. 1978: 4 |
Sabrosky, C. W. & P. H. Arnaud, Jr. 1965: 969 |
Brooks, A. R. 1945: 660 |
Paraphorantha auricaudata
Sabrosky, C. W. & P. H. Arnaud, Jr. 1965: 969 |
Brooks, A. R. 1945: 661 |
Paraphorantha dimidiata
Guimaraes, J. H. 1971: 13 |
Mendes, O. T. 1938: 216 |
Townsend, C. H. T. 1937: 318 |
Hyalomyia chilensis:
Aldrich, J. M. 1934: 14 |
Hyalomya chilensis
Guimaraes, J. H. 1971: 13 |
Macquart, J. 1851: 189 |