Lophoterges (Tibeterges) hoenei DRAUDT, 1950

Ronkay, L., 2005, Revision Of The Genus Lophoterges Hampson, 1906 (S. L.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Cuculliinae). Part Ii. The Genus Lophoterges S. Str., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (1), pp. 1-57 : 16-17

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586551



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scientific name

Lophoterges (Tibeterges) hoenei DRAUDT, 1950


Lophoterges (Tibeterges) hoenei DRAUDT, 1950 View in CoL

( Figs 30 View Figs 25–32 , 68 View Fig )

Lophoterges hoenei DRAUDT, 1950 View in CoL , Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 40: 56; pl. 4, fig. 10.

Type material examined: holotype female, “Batang. (Tibet). Alpine zone (ca. 5000 m) 12.6. 1938 H. Höne ”; “ Holotype Lophoterges hönei? Draudt. ” (red label); “ Lophoterges Hönei ? Draudt” (yellow label); “Bonn”. Slide No. 2810 RONKAY. The holotype is deposited in the AKM Bonn .

A male specimen is published in colour by CHEN (1982), without the drawing or a photo of its genitalia. Another specimen is illustrated by CHEN (1999) in a black and white photo, with a short characterisation of the species, unfortunately in Chinese. As the author had no opportunity to receive a male specimen for study, the male genitalia of the species have remained as undescribed.

Diagnosis. See the diagnosis of the subgenus; none of the known relatives can be confused with L. (T.) hoenei .

Description. External morphology. Female. Wingspan 35 mm, length of fore wing 16 mm. Head small, frons smooth, eyes globular with long eye lashes. Palpi short, slightly S-shaped, ventral side covered densely with very long, blackish hairs. Antenna filiform, very shortly and sparsely ciliate, dorsal surface covered with brilliant white scales; antennal tuft bifid, unicolorous whitish. Collar produced into short, acute hood, dark grey-brown with fine metallic shining and with frosty tip. Pubescence of thorax smooth, dark brown, metathoracic tuft large. Abdomen short, dorsum smooth, shining greyish, dorsal crest represented by large, blackish-brown tuft on 2nd segment. Fore wing elongated, apically pointed, ground colour dark blackish brown with paler violaceous brown irroration, basal part of costa and long subapical patch white with fine violaceous shade. Basal dash short, fine, white, orbicular stigma elliptical, large, entirely bright white; suborbicular stigma a fine white line running along lower edge of cell from orbicular stigma to outer extremity of reniform stigma. Reniform stigma large, lunulate, encircled with fine white line, filled with brown. Marginal area suffused with ashy grey scales, subterminal line obsolescent, defined by a few dark arrowheads. Terminal line fine, blackish, with whitish shadow inside; cilia dark grey-brown with fine white lines at veins. Hind wing rounded, suffused with brownish grey; discal spot small, rounded; cilia whitish. Underside of wings pale greyish, irrorated densely with dark grey and brown. Inner and median areas of fore wing somewhat transparent, ghosts of whitish stigmata clearly visible. Hind wing veins brownish, discal spot large, arcuate, dark brown; cilia of both wings uniformly greyish.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 68 View Fig ). Ovipositor broad but short, papillae anales wide, relatively strong. Intersegmental cartilagineous plates of ovipositor absent; gonapophyses medium-long, slender. Ostium bursae broad but short calyculate-falcate with narrow, V-shaped dorsal and ventral sclerotised plates. Ductus bursae mainly membranous, with elongated dorsal sclerotised lamina. Cervix bursae short, subconical, without sclerotised part; corpus bursae elliptical-ovoid; signum absent.

Bionomics. Poorly known. The holotype has been found at a very high altitude (5000 m a.s.l.), the records from the Kuku Noor region originate also from above the timberline .

Distribution. China: NE edge of the Tibetan plateau; Kuku Noor (Qinghai) region.














Lophoterges (Tibeterges) hoenei DRAUDT, 1950

Ronkay, L. 2005

Lophoterges hoenei

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