Cyphoma rhomba C. Cate, 1978: 164–165

BOYKO, CHRISTOPHER B. & CORDEIRO, JAMES R., 2001, Catalog Of Recent Type Specimens In The Division Of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum Of Natural History. V. Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda [Exclusive Opisthobranchia And Pulmonata With Supplements To Gastropoda [Opisthobranchia], And Bivalvia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (262), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID<0001:CORTSI>2.0.CO;2

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cyphoma rhomba C. Cate, 1978: 164–165


Cyphoma rhomba C. Cate, 1978: 164–165 View in CoL , figs. Locality : 21°50′S, 114°10′E, Vlaming

7–8. cape, Western Australia, Pacific Ocean Paratype: AMNH 204854 (1 specimen). Collector : A. R. Whitworth, 1960.

Locality : 18–29 m, 27°00′N, 80°00W, Ft. Lauder­ Remarks: ex Cate Collection. AMNH 203866 dale, Broward Co., Florida, United States, At­ Cate’s (1962a: 177, pl. 40, fig. 8 View Figs ) ‘‘ lantic Ocean. AMNH 203866b is C. Cate’s (1962a: Collector : W. Chapman, Feb. 20, 1971. fig. 9 View Figs ) ‘‘ paratype 2’’; AMNH 203867 Remarks: ex Cate Collection #3891. The holotype Cate’s (1962a: 177, pl. 40, fig. 3 View Figs ) ‘‘ is LACM 1792 (C. Cate, 1978: 165). AMNH 203867b is C. Cate’s (1962a: Cypraea burgessi Kay, 1981: 112–113 , figs. 1a View Figs – fig. 4 View Figs ) ‘‘ paratype 4’’; AMNH 203868 d, 3a. Cate’s (1962a: 177, fig. 5 View Figs ) ‘‘ paratype 5 Paratypes: AMNH 213474 (1 specimen), 221826 203868b is C. Cate’s (1962a: 177, pl.

(1 specimen). ‘‘ paratype 7.’’ The holotype is SU Locality : 20 fathoms, Lysan Island (AMNH ‘‘ paratype 6’’ was in the Cate Collection 213474), Pearl and Hermes Reef (AMNH repository unknown) (C. Cate, 1962a: 221826), Hawaii, United States, Pacific Ocean. taxon is placed in the genus Erosaria Collector : Pele Expedition, 1948. 1863 (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 195). Remarks: ex Burgess Collection. The holotype is

BPBM 9903, and additional paratypes are in Cypraea connelli Liltved, 1983: 234 – BPBM, USNM, and the collections of C. Bur­ text fig. 1 View Figs .

gess, S. Jazwinski, and R. Schmeltz (Kay, Paratype: AMNH 259700 (1 specimen

1981: 112–113). This taxon is a synonym of 301382 (1 specimen).

Blasicrura latior (Melvill, 1888) (Lorenz and Locality : 96 m, off Sandy Point, Transkei Hubert, 1993: 164). Africa (AMNH 259700), 130–140 Cypraea cernica marielae C. Cate, 1960a: 3–6 , rubble, off Part Rynie, Natal (AMNH pl. 1, figs. 1–2 View Figs . Indian Ocean.

Paratypes: AMNH 203864 (1 specimen), 203865a Collector : A. Connell, 1981.

(1 specimen), 203865b (1 specimen). Remarks: ex Mal de Mar via D. Fleischner Locality : 50 fathoms, 20°57′N, 156°47′W, be­ lection ( AMNH 259700 ), C. M. tween Maui and Lanai Islands ( AMNH Dunlap Collection ( AMNH 301382 ). 203864) GoogleMaps ; 80 fathoms, 21°17′N, 157°54′W, Kee­ lotype is NM B.4861, and additional hi Lagoon , Oahu ( AMNH 203865 a, 203865b), are NM C.277, C.337, C.897, C GoogleMaps .

Hawaii, Pacific Ocean. (SAMC) A.35850, and in the collection Collector : ‘‘Pele’’ Expedition, 1959. Kelmscott (Liltved, 1983: 236). This Remarks: ex Cate Collection (AMNH 203864) and placed in the genus Cypraeovula ex C. Weaver Collection via Cate Collection (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 97).

(AMNH 203865a, 203865b). AMNH 203864 is

C. Cate’s (1960a: 6, pl. 1, figs. 2, 2a View Figs ) ‘‘ paratype Cypraea cruenta ‘‘var.’’ greegori Ford

1.’’ AMNH 203865a and 203865b are C. Cate’s 112–113.

(1960a: 6) ‘‘ paratype 3’’ and ‘‘ paratype 4,’’ re­ Syntype: AMNH 186626 (1 specimen). spectively. The holotype is BPBM 212711, and Locality : ‘‘Ceylon’’ [ Sri Lanka, Indian the additional 2 paratypes were in the collections (Ford, 1894: 312).

of C. Weaver and M. King (current repository Collector : Unknown.

unknown) (C. Cate, 1960a: 6). This taxon is a Remarks: ex J. Ford via R. Summers. synonym of Erosaria cernica (Sowerby, 1870) was also described as ‘‘ Cypraea Greegori (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 195) . n. sp.’’ (Ford, 1894: 311), a junior Cypraea cernica viridicolor C. Cate, 1962a: 175 – and homonym. The repository of 176, pl. 40, figs. 1–9 View Figs View Figs . syntypes is unknown. This taxon was Paratypes: AMNH 203866a (1 specimen), by [Pilsbry] (1893: pl. 2, figs. 4–5 View Figs )

203866b (1 specimen), 203867a (1 specimen), (1894: unnumbered figure). This taxon 203867b (1 specimen), 203868a (1 specimen), onym of Erronea coloba (Melvill, 203868b (1 specimen). renz and Hubert, 1993: 142).


Cypraea (Blasicrura) dayritiana C. Cate, 1963 : Porites coral, Olowalu, Maui, Hawaii, 141–142, pl. 15, figs. 1, 1a, 2, 2a View Figs . States, Pacific Ocean.

Paratype: AMNH 203885 (1 specimen). Collector : C. M. Burgess, July 1966 ( Locality : 6 ft, Cagbatan Island, Calamian Group, 138199), Sept. 1963 (AMNH 186630,

North Palawan, Philippines, Pacific Ocean. 220744).

Collector : F. G. Dayrit, May 19, 1962. Remarks: The holotype is BPBM 8916, Remarks: ex Cate Collection #1648. The holotype ditional paratypes are in AMNZ, AMS,

is NMM NMCO­6766, and the 8 additional BBM, BMNH, CUMZ, MCZ, MONA, paratypes are ‘‘variously in the collections of NMV, NZSI, RMNH, USNM, WAMP,

Norton, Lee, Cate [now AMNH], the National and the collections of several unspecified Museum, Manila’’ (C. Cate, 1963: 141), and viduals (Burgess, 1967: 7–8). This MCZ 249640 (ex NMM). AMNH 203886 (ex placed in the genus Pustularia Swainson

Cate Collection #2351) and AMNH 203887 (ex (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 220).

Cate Collection #2405), previously considered Cypraea polita Roberts, 1868: 70 , pl. 15, paratypes, do not match any of the paratype 3.

measurements given by C. Cate (1963: 142), Syntypes: AMNH 22815 (3 specimens).

and are not here considered to be part of the Locality : ‘‘Sandwich Islands?’’ (= Hawaii,

type series. This taxon is retained in the genus States, Pacific Ocean).

Blasicrura Iredale, 1930 (Lorenz and Hubert, Collector : Unknown.

1993: 162). Remarks: ex Witthaus Collection. Additional Cypraea englerti Summers and Burgess, 1965 : types are in ANSP (Roberts, 1868: 70) 41–42, pl. 4, figs. i–l. taxon is a synonym of Erosaria Paratype: AMNH 148004 (1 specimen). (Mighels, 1845) (Lorenz and Hubert, Locality : Easter Island, Chile, Pacific Ocean. 212).

Collector : S. Englert. Cypraea saulae siasiensis C. Cate, 1960b : Remarks: ex Summers Collection. The holotype 5, figs. 2–6 View Figs View Figs .

is BPBM 8909 (Summers and Burgess, 1965: Paratype: AMNH 203889 (1 specimen).

41). This taxon is placed in the genus Erosaria Locality : 05°32′N, 120°52′E, Punnungan Troschel, 1863 (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 203). Siasi, Philippines, Pacific Ocean.

Collector : F. G. Dayrit, Jan. 1959.

Cypraea (Lyncina) leviathan gedlingae C. Cate , Remarks: ex Cate Collection. AMNH 203889 1968: 227, pl. 26, fig. 28. C. Cate’s (1960b: 35, pl. 5, fig. 3 View Figs ) ‘‘ Paratypes: AMNH 204451 (1 specimen), 204452 1.’’ The holotype is BPBM 212719, (1 specimen), 204453 (1 specimen). additional 2 paratypes were in the collection Locality : Vlaming Head, Northwest Cape, West­ C. Cate (current repository unknown) (C ern Australia, Pacific Ocean. 1960b: 35). This taxon is a synonym of Collector : M. Gelding. madusta saulae (Gaskoin, 1843) (Lorenz Remarks: ex Cate Collection #3537 (AMNH Hubert, 1993: 157).

204452) and #3195 (AMNH 204453). Although AMNH 204451 lacks a C. Cate label Cypraea semiplota Mighels, 1845: 24 .

with his catalog number, it is from his collec­ Syntypes: AMNH 22824 (9 specimens).

tion and the type locality, and is undoubtedly a Locality : Oahu, Hawaii, United States, paratype. The holotype is WAM 334–67 (C. Ocean.

Cate, 1968: 227). The number of paratypes was Collector : Unknown.

not specified, and the repository of additional Remarks: ex Pease Collection via Witthaus ones, if any, is unknown. This taxon is a syn­ lection. The repository of additional syntypes onym of Lyncina leviathan titan Schilder and unknown. This taxon was figured by Schilder, 1962 (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 70). (1885: 194–195, pl. 19, figs. 31, 36–37). son (1949: 229, pl. 27, fig. 1 View Figs ) selected a Cypraea mauiensis Burgess, 1967: 6–11 , pl. 2. holotype’’ (= neotype): MCZ 176989.

Paratypes: AMNH 138199 (2 specimens), 186630 books deposited in the AMNH by Witthaus (2 specimens), 220744 (2 specimens). these specimens (AMNH 22824) as ‘‘type Locality : 2–4 ft, 20°48.5′N, 156°37.3′W, under cies’’ received from Pease. Cypraea 2001 BOYKO AND CORDEIRO: TYPE SPECIMENS: MOLLUSCA, PART 2

is not the type species of any cypraeid genus­ 1970: 94; Burgess, 1985: 129; Lorenz level taxon; therefore, we conclude that Wit­ ert, 1993: 153). Because this satisfies thaus was actually referring to ‘‘ type speci­ quirements of ICZN Article 45(g)(1),

mens.’’ Johnson’s ‘‘neoholotype’’ is hereby su­ is treated at the subspecific level herein pressed by the rediscovery of this type material. type series is accordingly recognized.

This taxon is placed in the genus Erosaria on is a synonym of C. diluculum Reeve Troschel, 1863 (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 212). (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 153).

Cypraea tigris schilderiana C. Cate, 1961: 108 , Cystiscus bubistae Fernandes, 1987 :

pl. 19, figs. 1–2 View Figs . fig. 2 View Figs .

Paratypes: AMNH 196004 (1 specimen), 196005 Holotype: AMNH 225992.

(1 specimen), 203851 (1 specimen). Locality : 1–3 m, Gatas Bay, Boavista

Locality : 30 ft, Waialua Bay ( AMNH 196004 ) ; 35 Verde Archipelago, Portugal, Atlantic

ft, off reef in Maunalua Bay, off Koko Head Collector : F. Fernandes, May 27, 1986.

Point ( AMNH 196005 ) ; 8 ft, Keei ( AMNH Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. Paratypes 203851), Oahu , Hawaii, Pacific Ocean. BMNH, CZL, MNHN, the Cabo Verde Collector : R. Gage ( AMNH 196004 ), A. Kekoa, um, and the collections of I. Felix­Alves

Jr. (AMNH 196005), C. Weaver, Jan. 15, 1958 nandes, J. Messias, M. Pin, E. Rolán (AMNH 203851). Ryall (Fernandes, 1987: 264–265). [

Remarks: ex Cate Collection #1998, #1999, and (1987: 334) changed the specific name #2004. AMNH 196004 is C. Cate’s (1961: 109) ticus bubistaensis, an unjustified

‘‘ paratype 9’’; AMNH 196005 is C Cate’s

(1961: 109) ‘‘ paratype 10’’; AMNH 203851 is ‘ Cystiscus ’ gutta Gofas and Fernandes, C. Cate’s (1961: 109) ‘‘ paratype 8.’’ The ho­ 19, figs. 19–20, pl. 2a.

lotype is BPBM 212885, and paratypes 2, 4, 5, Paratypes: AMNH 238669 (2 specimens and 7 are in USNM, the Schilder Collection Locality : 3–5 m, Esprainha Beach, São

(current repository unknown), BMNH, and Tomé and Principe, Atlantic Ocean.

MCZ, respectively. The current repository of Collector : F. Fernandes, Nov. 23, 1986. paratypes 1, 3, and 6 is unknown. This taxon Remarks: ex Fernandes Collection. The is a synonym of C. tigris Linnaeus, 1758 (Lo­ is in MNHN, and additional paratypes renz and Hubert, 1993: 65). IIT, MNHN, NMW, and the collection Cypraea (Notocypraea) trenberthae Trenberth , nandes (Gofas and Fernandes, 1988:

1961: 1–2, fig. 1 View Figs . generic classification is only provisional Paratype: AMNH 213442 (1 specimen). and Fernandes, 1988: 17).

Locality : Tunmy Bay, South Australia, Australia, Cystiscus palantirulus Roth and Coan ,

Pacific Ocean. 67, pl. 7, figs. 17 View Figs –18.

Collector : W. P. Trenberth. Holotype: AMNH 128732.

Remarks: ex Summers Collection (paratype #4). Paratypes: AMNH 77942 (2 specimens)

The holotype is SAM D.14616, and additional Locality : Sta. 89, 20–40 fathoms, paratypes are in the Trenberth Collection and 109°25′W, Los Frailes Bay, Baja California the Malacological Society of Australia Collec­ Mexico, Pacific Ocean. tion (Trenberth, 1961: 2). This taxon is a syn­ Collector : R/V ‘‘Puritan’’ Expedition,

onym of Notocypraea comptonii (Gray, 1847) 1957.

(Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 100). Remarks: The two lots cited above

Cypraea undata ‘‘var.’’ buttoni Oldroyd, 1916: entire type series.


Paratype: AMNH 44439 (1 specimen). Daphnella barbadensis Usticke, 1969 :

Locality : Fiji, Pacific Ocean. fig. 1222.

Collector : Unknown. Holotype: AMNH 195474.

Remarks: ex Oldroyd Collection. The holotype is Locality : Barbados, Atlantic Ocean.

in SU (Oldroyd, 1916: 108). Although de­ Collector : Unknown.

58 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO on is a synonym of D. lymneiformis (Kiener, Distichotyphis vemae Keen and Campbell ,

1840) (Faber, 1988: 73). 56, pl. 11, figs. 45–47.

Holotype: AMNH 110459.

Daphnella hayesi Usticke, 1959: 84 , pl. 4, fig. 13 View Figs . Locality : Sta. V­15–60, 1892 m, 06° Holotype: AMNH 195473. 85°17′W, off Panama – Costa Rica coast, Locality : Long Reef, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Is­ Ocean.

lands, Atlantic Ocean. Collector : R/V ‘‘Vema,’’ Nov. 30, 1958. Collector : Unknown. Remarks: This taxon is the type of the genus Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1221. AMNH tichotyphis Keen and Campbell, 1964, by 195473 is the holotype by monotypy. The type otypy (Keen and Campbell, 1964: 56).

locality was given as ‘‘Ham Bay’’ by Usticke

(1959: 84) but as cited above by Usticke (1969: Distorsio euconstricta Beu, 1986: 310–314

30). 131–143, 145.

Daphnella stegeri ‘‘var.’’ monocincta Usticke, Paratype: AMNH 232233 (1 specimen).

1969: 30, pl. 6, fig. 1224. Locality : 136 m, sponge rubble off Park Holotype: LOST. South Africa, Indian Ocean.

Locality : Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda, Atlantic Collector : R. Kilburn, March 5, 1981.

Ocean. Remarks: ex NMSA B3892. The holotype Collector : Unknown. USNM 718952, and additional paratypes Remarks: Although Usticke (1969: 30) cited this AMS C127392, C127393, C127394 taxon as a ‘‘var.,’’ he listed it as a ‘‘n[ew] 42428, NMSA C1569, C1664, B3945, B sp[ecies]’’ (1969: 30), treated it subspecifically C5454, C4575, B3813, B3892, NZOIT in the index, and called it ‘‘ Daphnella mono­ USNM 718966, WAMP 13274, 13275, cincta ’’ in the figure caption. We consider this NMNZ and NZGS (Beu, 1986: 312, 314 taxon to have been subspecifically described.

Usticke’s (1969: pl. 6, fig. 1224) figured spec­ Distorsio graceiellae Parth, 1989a: 55 ,

imen was the holotype by monotypy. It cannot unnumbered fig. (left 3 specimens);

be located in AMNH and is presumed lost. Us­ unnumbered fig. (left 3 specimens);

ticke’s (1969: 30) mention of the ‘‘ Gulf of unnumbered fig. (left specimen).

Mexico’’ as a locality for this taxon is a mys­ Paratype: AMNH 246022 (1 specimen).

tery. Locality : Cebu, Philippines, Pacific Ocean. Collector : Unknown.

Dendroconus morrisoni Raybaudi Massilia , Remarks: ex Parth Collection. The holotype 1991: 20–25, text figs. 20–25, 25d. BMNH (Parth, 1991: 21), and the Paratypes: AMNH 232181 (2 specimens). paratype is in the collection of M. Parth ( Locality : 12°20′S, 122°E, northeast corner of Ash­ 1989a: 56).

more Reef, Timor Sea, Western Australia, Pacific Ocean. Distorsio (Distorsio) jenniernestae Emerson Collector : Unknown, 1990. Piech, 1992: 111–113, figs. 5–8 View Figs View Figs , 16 View Figs –18, Remarks: The holotype is MHNG 16152, and ad­ Holotype: AMNH 232214. ditional paratypes are in WAMP and the col­ Paratypes: AMNH 232215 (3 specimens lections of the G. Massilia, H. Morrison, and 232215a (1 specimen).

A. Nora (Raybaudi Massilia, 1991: 21). This Locality : 73 m, between Isla Cébaco and Isla taxon is a synonym of Conus catus Hwass in ba, Veraguas, Panama, Pacific Ocean. Bruguière, 1792 (Röckel et al., 1995: 103). Collector : J. Ernest, 1991.

Dentiovula spectabilis C. Cate, 1975: 257 View in CoL , fig. 8 View Figs . Remarks: Additional paratypes are Paratype: AMNH 204860 (1 specimen). 189600, DSIR­GG WM 15345,

Locality : 10 fathoms, 34°00′N, 134°48′E, off Hin­ 860245, and in the collection of B. Piech omisaki, Kii, Japan, Pacific Ocean. erson and Piech, 1992: 113). The AMNH

Collector : Unknown. atype figured by Emerson and Piech (Remarks: ex Cate Collection #4082. The holotype figs. 7–8 View Figs ) has been segregated from


Distorsio minoruohnishii Parth, 1989c: 8–11 , 2 mi SSE of Judas Point, Costa Rica unnumbered figs. Ocean.

Paratype: AMNH 246024 (1 specimen). Collector : W. Beebe, March 1, 1938.

Locality : Bay of Chiriqui, Panama, Pacific Ocean. Remarks: The holotype is CASIZ 13288 Collector : Unknown. ditional paratypes are CASIZ 13289 Remarks: ex Parth (paratype #2). The holotype is LACM 1565, and in SDMNH, USNM in BMNH (Parth, 1991: 21), and the repository collection of D. Shasky (Shasky, 1971

of the additional 8 paratypes is unknown.

Drillia chaaci Espinosa and Rolán, 1995 Distorsio ventricosa Kronenberg, 1994: 94–96 , figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs .

pl. 3, figs. 5–6 View Figs View Figs ; pl. 4, figs. 7–8 View Figs ; text figs. 24– Paratype: AMNH 226535 (1 specimen).


Paratype: AMNH 232525 (1 specimen). Locality : Puerto Morelos, Yucatan,

Locality : Punta Engaño, Cebu, Philippines, Pacif­ lantic Ocean.

ic Ocean. Collector : Unknown.

Collector : Unknown. Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The

Remarks: The holotype is ZMA Moll. 3.93.035, MNCN 15.05/22391, and additional and additional paratypes are IGNS WM15422, are in BMNH, IES, MNHN, UNAM

NNM 56809, and in BMNH and the collections collection of E. Rolán (Espinosa and of H. Dekker and G. Kronenberg (Kronenberg, 1995: 30).

1994: 94).

Drillia inaequistriata Li, 1930: 275 , pl.

Dolium melanostomum Jay, 1839: 124–125 , pls. Holotype: AMNH 269094.

8–9. Locality : Mouth of Rio Grande, in mud Holotype: AMNH 56115. ft, 1 mi from mainland near La Boca Locality : ‘‘Friendly Islands’’ [ Tonga] (Jay, 1839: Bay, Panama, Pacific Ocean. 124); ‘‘Pacific Ocean’’ (Jay, 1850: 357). Collector : D. MacDonald, 1907.

Collector : ‘‘Natives’’ (Jay, 1839: 124). Remarks: ex Columbia University 22131 Remarks: ex Jay Collection #9132 (Jay, 1850). 269094 is the holotype by monotypy.

AMNH 56113 is labeled ‘‘ type,’’ is Jay’s cific name was given by Li (1930) as

(1839) figured specimen, and is the holotype by quistriata ’’ (p. 251) and ‘‘ inaequistriata monotypy ( fig. 11 View Figs herein). This species is 275, 296). Pilsbry (1931: 434) placed in the genus Tonna Brünnich, 1772 , as right of first revisor and chose ‘‘ T. melanostoma (Abbott and Dance, 1982: as the correct spelling, although he

118). did so unintentionally, because he

Douglassia ( Cerodrillia ?) [sic] nodosa Usticke, the alternate spelling. To further

1969: 28, pl. 6, fig. 1131. matters, the species was listed as

Lectotype: AMNH 195464. interstriata by Pilsbry (1931: 437,

Locality : Marina Key, Virgin Gorda, British Vir­ was an unjustified emendation gin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Pilsbry to ‘‘ inaequistriata ’’ on an

Collector : Unknown. tipped into some copies of his 1931

Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1131. Usticke This taxon is a synonym of Crassispira (1971: 24) stated that this specimen was the incrassata (Sowerby, 1834) (Keen, holotype. Because Usticke (1969: 28) did not designate a holotype, Usticke’s (1971) action Drillia kleinrosa Usticke, 1969: 27 , constituted a lectotype designation. The repos­ 1099.

itory of the paralectotypes is unknown; their Holotype: AMNH 195458.

existence is indicated by Usticke’s (1969: 28) Locality : Klein Bonaire, Atlantic Ocean

given size range for the taxon of 12–13.5 mm Collector : Unknown.

length. Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1099

Doxospira hertleini Shasky, 1971: 67–68 , fig. 1 View Figs . 195458 is the holotype by monotypy Paratype: AMNH 164610 (1 specimen). (1971: 22) changed his number for Locality : 77–112 m, 09°19′32̎N, 84°29′30̎W, 14 from #1099 to #1089 without explanation 60 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO

Drillia ponciana ‘‘var.’’ virgata Usticke, 1969 : Drupa ricinus hadari Emerson and Cernohorsky 27, pl. 5, fig. 1098. 1973: 23, pl. 2, figs. 9–10 View Figs ; pl. 18.

Lectotype: AMNH 195457. Holotype: AMNH 166928.

Locality : Barbados, Atlantic Ocean. Paratypes: AMNH 112617 (7 specimens Collector : Unknown. 112617a (1 specimen), 112617b (1

Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1098. Although alcohol).

Usticke (1969: 27) cited this taxon as a ‘‘var.,’’ Locality : Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Israel, Red he listed it as a ‘‘n[ew] sp[ecies]’’ (1969: 27), Collector : A. Hadar, 1961.

treated it subspecifically in the index, and Remarks: Additional paratypes are DMNH called it ‘‘ Drillia virgata ’’ in the figure caption. and in AIM and TAUI (Emerson and

We consider this taxon to have been subspecif­ horsky, 1973: 24). Although Emerson and ically described. Usticke (1971: 22) introduced nohorsky (1973: 24) cited 8 paratypes the unnecessary replacement name D. bandata AMNH , 9 are present. The figured for this taxon (see Faber, 1988: 72) and (AMNH 112617A) and a specimen in changed his catalog number for it from #1098 (AMNH 112617B) retain their separate to #1088 without explanation. Usticke (1971: numbers, but all of the other AMNH

22) stated that this specimen (now AMNH have been combined into a single lot. 195457) was the holotype. Because Usticke

Drupella minuta Fujioka, 1984: 45–46 View in CoL , pl. 1 (1969: 27) did not designate a holotype, Us­

1–6, 12–13; pl. 2, figs. 1–8 View Figs View Figs .

ticke’s (1971) action constituted a lectotype

Paratypes: AMNH 205837 (1 specimen), designation. The repository of the paralectoty­

(1 specimen).

pes is unknown; their existence is indicated by

Locality : 26°39′N, 127°52′E, Sesoko Usticke’s (1969: 27) given size range for the

northwestern coast of Okinawa, Japan,

taxon of 8.5– 9 mm length. The types of D. pon­


ciana virgata and D. bandata are the same. The Collector : Unknown.

identity of this taxon is unclear, but it does not Remarks: The holotype is MMBS 3413011 appear to be a Drillia Gray, 1838 (Faber, 1988: the additional paratype is MMBS 3413012 72). jioka, 1984: 46).

Drillia (Drillia) tumida McLean and Poorman , Duplicaria baileyi Bratcher and Cernohorsky 1971: 97 , fig. 17 View Figs . 1982: 64–65, figs. 5 View Figs , 11 View Figs .

Paratype: AMNH 164604 (1 specimen). Paratype: AMNH 206093 (1 specimen). Locality : 20–40 fathoms, 20°43′N, 105°25′W, Locality : Batangas Island, Philippines, Banderas Bay, Jalísco, Mexico, Pacific Ocean. Ocean.

Collector : G. Willett, Feb. 14, 1938. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1492, and ad­ Remarks: ex Bratcher Collection via D. Dan ditional paratypes are LACM 1493, MCZ holotype is LACM 1970, and additional 278867, and in ANSP, CASIZ, SBMNH, types are AM C132464, ANSP 352482, SDNHM, SU, and USNM (McLean and Poor­ 60674, MCZ 280426, MORG 21.275, man, 1971: 97). MPMP) H­766, USNM 782262, and in the lections of T. Bratcher, W. Cernohorsky, Drillia wolfei Tippett, 1995: 127–129 , figs. 1 View Figs , 28, Morrow (Bratcher and Cernohorsky, 1982


Paratype: AMNH 226536 (1 specimen). Eatoniella (Eatoniella) latina Marincovich, Locality : 15 km east of Cape Lookout, Carteret 26–27, figs. 51, 57–58.

Co., North Carolina, United States, Atlantic Paratypes: AMNH 172409 (5 specimens). Ocean. Locality : 20°13′S, 70°10′W, Iquique, Chile, Collector : D. Wolfe, March–May 1971. ic Ocean.

Remarks: The holotype is USNM 880070, and ad­ Collector : L. Marincovich, Aug. 1964.

ditional paratypes are in ANSP, DMNH, Remarks: ex LACM #64–16. The holotype

IRSNB, LACM, MCZ, MNHN, MORG, NHM, LACM 1587, and additional paratypes NM, and the collections of D. Tippett and D. LACM 1588 and in AM, ANSP,



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Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Cyphoma rhomba C. Cate, 1978: 164–165


Drupella minuta

Fujioka 1984: 45 - 46

Dentiovula spectabilis

C. Cate 1975: 257

Drillia inaequistriata

Li 1930: 275

Dolium melanostomum

Jay 1839: 124 - 125
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