Ithytrichia mexicana Harris & Contreras-Ramos 1989

Razo-González, María, 2018, Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Santa Catarina Lachatao, Oaxaca, México: New species, new geographical records, and checklist, Zootaxa 4388 (1) : -

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Ithytrichia mexicana Harris & Contreras-Ramos 1989


Ithytrichia mexicana Harris & Contreras-Ramos 1989 View in CoL

Previous distribution. México (Tamaulipas) , USA.

Material examined. MÉXICO: Oaxaca, Santa Catarina Lachatao, El Arco, 17°15’56”N, 96°29’28”W, 1934 m asl, 23.v.2013, light trap, V.S. Jiménez-Hernández, J.A. Casasola-González & M. Razo-González, 1 female (alcohol).

Remarks. In México, this species have been recorded previously only in Tamaulipas. In addition, since the genus is recorded here for the first time from Oaxaca, the distributional range extends more than five degrees to the South and three degrees to the East.

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